God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1056: Shenjing vein

<ahref=\"http://www.ptwxz.com\"> Floating Astronomy</a> Chapter 156

Shi Yan was slightly stunned for a while, his eyes brightened. (""网7*

God light! The power that Zi Yao went to is not exactly the light of God?

At the beginning of the broken land in the west, Zi Yao was taken away by an old man. The old man said that he came from the gods and invited Zi Yao to the master of the gods.

After a few decades, he suddenly heard the power of the gods, and he couldn’t help but say: "That **** is not the power of Shadow Ghosts?"

"No." Xia Xinyi frowned, his face was heavy and heavy, "the light is extremely powerful!"

Shiyan eyebrows pick one.

"The power of the gods is not in the forefront of the forces in the Martian domain. The power of the gods is at the forefront. It is not inferior to our war alliance. Even... it is also faintly superior." Xia Xinyi objectively said.

In the Malang star field, there are various kinds of cumbersome forces. Some forces are divided into races, such as the powerful demon, demon, mu, ghost, and other races. These are the forces that condense with race, often They are extremely powerful.

There are also some forces that condense multi-ethnic people, and there will be no ethnic distinctions. Some of these powerful forces do not weaken those powerful races.

For example, the War Alliance of Shadow Ghosts is the representative force of this kind. As long as the realm is strong, no matter which race can be joined, the outstanding contributors to the War Alliance can be at a high position and gain unimaginable benefits.

Shenguang is another force similar to the War Alliance. It is formed by a multi-ethnic mixture and its power is equally strong.

"The master of Shenguang and the elders of the Pharmacy Court have a very close relationship with the patriarch of the Yan people. It is a woman who is very good at aggressing fierce forces." Xia Xinyu's expression is solemn. "The sphere of influence of Shenguang is not in our shadow." Ghost prison, the nearest one is also in the border area, bordering the ghost line family, often with some little friction. They are not in the shadow ghost prison activity, this time do not know what is crazy..."

When she explained to Shi Yan, the warrior of the War League was anxious. At this time, she couldn’t help herself. “The adults, the people of Shenguang are all under the mine, are we going to shoot?”

Shi Yan looked at her. 《》网.com

"Here is the shadow ghost prison, is the sphere of influence of our war alliance!" Xia Xinyi's pretty face is cold, and decisively said: "Speaking to each other, they said that I am here, let them leave quickly, or they will kill!"

"Adult is wise!" The man smiled low and turned back and re-drilled into the mine hole, and the breath gradually disappeared.

"The Shadow Ghosts have a lot of power. In the past, we and the Shadowsmen fought. The rest of the small forces were fighting for each other. They didn't stop. It was thought that the Shadows were expelled, and they could calm down for some days. Suddenly coming over and squatting, it really doesn't make people worry." Xia Xinyu was helpless and his eyes were a little tired.

She came to the shadow ghost prison for a hundred years, but also for a hundred years, not to use the medicinal herbs to improve the cultivation of the realm, that is, to mobilize the team to fight for the war.

I finally met Shi Yan. She really wanted to rest and rest, but she suddenly came over and made her naturally very dissatisfied.

The name of Xia Xinyu is quite famous in the shadow ghost prison. When the war martial martial art commanded it, it was not half an hour. A famous **** Guangwu came out of the mine and looked at her gloomyly. A driveless warship left without a word.

There is only one warship in Shenguang, less than one hundred gods and light warriors, the highest in the realm, even the only gods.

The warship of Shenguang is like a straight light arrow. There is a stream of luster on the hull, which is like a bright cloth, which is extremely conspicuous.

Shiyan looked away from the warship and quietly let go of the perception of the gods, and was able to gain insight into the life of the magnetic field.

Half-sounding, he smiled and shook his head.

How can it be so smart...

Xia Xinyu looked suspiciously at him. "Do you bother to feel what the gods and martial artists do? The highest realm is nothing but a sacred god. It is clear at a glance, is it necessary to peep into the soul's magnetic field mark with the soul?"

"Curious. St. Church.com" Shiyan is indifferent.

Xia Xinyi did not ask, and ordered several Majestys to let them enter the inside of the mine. After a while, those squats returned, and they shook their heads and said helplessly: "Blue Star Sand has been swept away by Shenguang."

"But, leave a team of ten people stationed, wait for me to return to the League and then arrange the miners." Simple instructions, Xia Xinyu left the battleship.

For dozens of days, the flying warships of the blast warfare are not in a hurry, and are in the upper reaches of many mineral stars that belong to the shadow family.

To their surprise, almost all of the former star of the shadow family, even the military of the gods are stationed, the warriors seem to rush to the shadow ghost prison, a limited number, often a mine can only leave a few Ten people, the realm is not too deep.

Until Xia Xinyu ordered the expulsion, those warlords of the gods were also wise not to resist, silently retired.

All the way, the War League rushed away the warriors of the ten-wave gods, Xia Xinyi gradually felt intolerance, but also felt some bad.

She saw that the gods and light warriors should only take the first step to occupy a name, and declare that they are involved, all aimed at the shadow family.

Obviously, the Protoss should know that the Shadow Family has retired from the Shadow Ghost, which is a flagrant occupation.

The relationship between the masters of Shenguang and the elders of the Pharmacy Court is not shallow. From this point of view, Fu Wei, Zha Wei, and Feng Yan should have arrived at the Pharmacy Court, and the elders in the Pharmacy Court may have received news.

On this day, the blast warfare came to a star of life. This star of life is six levels. Before the shadow family did not leave, this place is a place where the shadow family often lives. There are many shadows on the surface of the star. The house, but now there is no ghost shadow.

The real base of the shadow family, no one knows, they are like ghosts in the gap between the space, and occasionally will be parked in the Star of Life.

The star of life here is the place where the shadow family often berths, and there are Shenjing veins inside the stars, which are highly valued by the shadow family.

The War Alliance coveted this star of life for many years. In order to get this place and the shadow family to fight many times, often just succeeded, it was attacked by the ghost ship of the shadow movie, and the loss was heavy.

Looking at the lush ancient wood, the lush forest of the sea, Xia Xinxiao smiled brightly, cheerfully said: "The lord stared at this place for a long time, it is said that the inner crystal of the stars in the stars, really been mined out, worth hundreds of millions of crystals!"

Shi Yan was shocked. "Several gods?!"

"Well, the warrior of our war alliance has been practicing for centuries." She is full of beauty. "For this star of life, the War League and the Shadow Family do not know how many battles have taken place, nor how many people have died on both sides." Now that the shadow family has retired, we can finally have this life star."

Many war martial artists, standing on the flying bird battleship, overlooking the body one by one, are all very interested.

Hundreds of millions of Shenjing, this is a wealth enough to make anyone greedy, Shenjing is the cornerstone of daily practice of the military, as long as the various ethnic groups can not be separated from Shenjing, Shenjing is also the currency of the military.

A vein containing hundreds of millions of crystals can be described as the most prosperous fortune of all parties, and it is no wonder that the shadow family and the war league have been fighting for many years.

This star of life is spread all over the mountains and rivers, towering into the clouds, many mountains and rivers are extremely magnificent, stretching hundreds of miles, there are many spirits and grasses filled with them, the six-level life star, energy, normal gravity, but also suitable for cultivation.

The warrior of the War Alliance breathed a fresh aura with energy, and the smile was fierce, and he laughed.

Shiyan looked far away, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he said: "Someone."

Xia Xinyu looked at him in the direction he was squatting.

Ten miles away, a sturdy mountain, a young man wearing a gray coat and a yellow face, sat on his knees. The young man’s eyes were cold, his hair was long and his shoulders were calm, and his body was calm and firm. He gave a thick and hard oppression. .

The young man is not handsome, his face is yellow, and he looks like only about 30. I don’t know why he is sitting in the mountains.

"The mountains he sits on are the source of the Shenjing vein!" Xia Xinzhen screamed and frowned. "I don't know if it is a coincidence or deliberate, it's not quite right..."

"Cultivating the earth's righteousness, the virtual **** triple heaven, the life magnetic field is extremely strong, this person... very terrible!" With his eyes open and his heart and soul realized, Shiyan quickly got a precise message and his face changed quietly.

The cultivation of the youthful virtual **** triple heavenly realm, but the blood and life fluctuations on the body, is comparable to the shadow family that he encountered at the beginning!

This shows that the real power of the young man, fearing that he can fight with the first realm of the realm of heaven, he has the ability to overcome the challenge!

This discovery made Shi Yan's face dignified and took a deep breath and said: "Maybe it is also for the crystal of the gods."

Xia Xinyi nodded slightly, thought about it, waved and said: "Look at the past."

The battleship of the blast warfare quietly floated, and the light and agile fell to the foothills of the vast mountain, suspended in the vicinity of the foothills. The war martial artists watched the youth quietly. The young man calmed down and calmly looked back at everyone. Gazing at Xia Xinyu, "War League Summer Heart?"

"It's me, who are you? This life star belongs to our war alliance now, please leave quickly, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Xia Xinjiao shouted.

The young man frowned slightly, still not moving like a mountain, Shen Sheng said: "This place belongs to the shadow family, after the disappearance of the shadow family, it is nothing."

"The shadow family has disappeared, and it belongs to my war league." Xia Xinzhen seriously said.

The youth face sinks into the water and said faintly: "No, it belongs to us in the future."

The young man immediately got up and his voice was cold and cold: "Not only does it belong to our gods, but the mines that we have been driven away by us have also been attributed to us."

"Who are you?" Xia Xinzhen was amazed.


The young man missed her and looked at the stars in the distance. Suddenly, a shrill and screaming sound was heard. The whistling sound was like a devil's weeping, low and cold, and it was spinning back and drifting away.

Immediately, a warship was suspended from the darkness of the forest far away, as if it were a crouching demon, slowly floating over, and surrounded the dozens of warships in the blast department without revealing a gap.


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