God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1078: The rot

The first thousand seventy-eight chapters of the rot

The business came very awkwardly, and it was very hasty to go. It only took about half an hour from appearance to departure. ("")

However, during this half-time period, many of the powerful stars of the Malang and the fire and rain stars seem to have been spotted, and they have all started to stop the battle that may be stimulated.

Soon, everyone spread out, Gu He took the Holy Scriptures to drive the battleship, and the medicines, the sects, the cels, the ice, and the ice people left, the glory of the gods, the Sana, the glory of the dark After some time, I also decided to return to Shenguang headquarters for the time being, and prepare to deal with the fierce battle that may happen in the future.

Gorefiend and Yu Shan, Shaun and other fire and rain stars exchanged a lot, but also set the guidelines, arranged by Liana on both sides to help the demon, the demon, the fire rain star field training.

Among them, Yu Shan and Shaun greatly appreciated Benny, and also asked Benny to continue to help the people in the Fire and Rain Stars to train in order to cope with future wars.

The words of Shangchen said that the drifting is far away. However, no one dares to doubt, and all of his words are regarded as truth, and they are prepared according to the plan.

Destiny traveler Shangchen, this name represents the mysterious prophet. He has been in the Malang Star for many years, and there is almost no difference in the future of Taoism in every word.

It is said that when the business is very small, it can blur the past experience of mortal experience. For a long time, the merchants used the gods and sticks to make a living. Until one day, he suddenly predicted the future and became famous in the Majixing domain. Gradually realize the mysterious destiny and gain strength.

For thousands of years, the reputation of Shangchen has always been circulated among the top forces. As long as he knows his wonderful power, he will treat him as a guide to fate.

The Shangchen also lived up to expectations, and repeated several times to resolve the huge changes that may have swept the entire Malang star field, allowing the Malang Star to consistently survive many dangerous times.

Due to the arrival of the merchants, a **** battle that might have erupted could not be done. Gu He took the powerful medicinal cabinet to leave, and Shenguang and the War Alliance also evacuated one after another. Then the Gorefiend and Bass, Gut and others also felt. Heavy return through the subarray. The latest chapter of the church

Liana stayed behind the cloud starfish, and temporarily cooperated with Benny to help the fire and rain stars to train people. The cloud starfish is to restore peace and calm.


In the dark and deep Xinghai, the two figures are like meteors passing by and flashing away.

They are away from the shadow ghost prison, and they are constantly shuttled in the Star River of the Malang Star. From time to time, there are dramatic changes in the surrounding space. The two figures are like the distance across the space, and the space disappears, and it will be another. A region suddenly took off.

On this day, the two came to the edge of the Malang star field and came to a region where the stars were floating.

They landed on a dead star that was covered with potholes and caves. There was no trace of heaven and earth energy on the dead star. There was no trace of life fluctuations, cold and cold, and a bleak.

"Call!" Shi Yan landed on his feet and said: "Have you finished? I have been urging me to use space to express the mystery of space nodes, and to move across small areas, but I have never explained the situation to you. Can you know how much power will be spent on continuous teleportation?"

He is obviously not in a good state at this time.

After the departure of Shangchen from Yunhaixing, Shangchen constantly urged him to name him and let him display space for the teleportation.

He has not stopped the energy of the teleportation, repeated many times, tired of being exhausted, and now a force has gone to seven or eight.

Once a space teleport, it is possible to cross several stars of life and cross the distance of hundreds of millions of miles. If he does not reach the realm of false gods, he is afraid that he is already exhausted.

In the process, the Shangchen did not say a word, and he thought about what was heavy. His questioning was also unreasonable, and Shi Yan was full of doubts, and finally broke out.

The look of Shangchen was still grim, but his eyes were a little more relaxed. He suddenly smiled and looked back at Shiyan. He said: "I really didn't find the wrong person, and I was able to teleport eleven with the repair of the virtual god. Times, each time spanning hundreds of millions of miles, the power contained in your body is extraordinary!"

"I put everything down with you, but I didn't listen to you to praise me." "Shi Yan looked eager and unbearable. "What happened to my grandfather?"

The merchants sank for a while and said: "Give it to you first."

In his palm, the light blue halo was released, and the halo was like a wave of sea water, which gradually evolved into a real scene...

A huge blue ice crystal slowly appeared, the ice crystal blue and blue, crystal clear, cold and ruthless, the internal thin body was closed, a function and soul consciousness seemed to be imprisoned, completely frozen.

"I am too grandfather!" Shi Yan screamed in a cold voice.

"You look carefully." The merchant sighed slightly, and the blue glow of the palm gradually became illusory, and the blue crystal seemed to be pulled a little closer.

The appearance of Yang Qingdi in the ice crystal has become unrecognizable. Even if he sees his body flesh and blood, the skeleton is cracked, and if he is torn through the whole body, he is too far away from his body, and his body is frozen by the crystal. It was extremely difficult to detect at the moment.

At this time, the body of Yang Qingdi was magnified several times, and he could see the scars that were covered with staggered gullies. The scars were extremely deep and deep, and they were in direct contact with the bones.

There are hundreds of scars in the streaks, and at first glance, it looks extremely scary.

Shi Yan’s face seems to be frosty, cool and cold, but the sound is extremely calm: “Who did it?”

The Shangchen kept the palm movements unchanged, and looked at him indifferently. He also answered very calmly: "He caught himself."

Suddenly, the body suddenly shook, and Shiyan’s eyes suffocated like a dragon, and he “rolled himself? You said that he was arresting himself?”

Heavy helium!

When the business was moved, the brow was deeply wrinkled, and he sighed: "I really don't care about the successor of that pulse."

"It is indeed his own grasp, you continue to look at it." Shang Chen mouth spit out a silver electric light, the electric light penetrated the scene in front of the scene, the appearance of the Yang Qingdi again dozens of times, suddenly look, Yang Qingdi as if It became a towering giant in the darkness of the sky, like a mountain.

In his deep eyelids, there was a faint sin, and there seemed to be strong fluctuations inside his skull.

Shi Yan suddenly closed his eyes, and a glimpse of consciousness fluttered out, silently capturing what he felt.

After a long while, he slammed into the air and opened his eyes. All of them were horrified. "What is the fine microbe in his mind and the soul altar?"

He perceives that in the mind of Yang Qingdi, within the soul altar and the sea of ​​knowledge, there are hundreds of thousands of subtle creatures. Those creatures are so small that they can only be captured by the soul. The consciousness is very strange and cold. It seems that Yang will be Yang. The soul consciousness of the Qing Emperor was filled.

The merchants shook hands and shook hands, and all the scenes that emerged disappeared. "Yang Qingdi has been active in the northern part of the Maru Star field for many years. He has been deeply inherited by desperate and righteousness, constantly challenging the local strong, and the realm and strength are stable. And the quick breakthrough. Every time he challenges the strong, the realm and the power are stronger than him, but he can always challenge the success, and then let his realm grow fast, this is the essence and wonder of despair. He won the exquisiteness..."

"The one who finally challenged him in the Northern Territory has an evil secret. The secret treasure is filled with a large number of creatures. This person released the creature before he died, and it eroded Yang Qingdi's body and mind. He Immediately caught in a fire, the soul consciousness is uncontrollable, and the body of the body is madly torn, and the self-defense of the self-defense is annihilated."

"That kind of creature is the 'roof of the soul', is a tiny magic insect, which can swallow the brain, and then continue to split and multiply, can encroach on people's thoughts, can twist the sea and the soul altar It’s crazy, and then you’re out of the fire and don’t know yourself.”

Shangchen paused and said: "Yang Qingdi is invaded by the rotted soul, and is instantly occupied by the soul. If you can't take it, you can destroy the body in a self-harmful way. I am extremely cold in the north. Blue Ice Crystal sealed him, and temporarily sealed the cracked soul in his mind, leaving him in such a state, to keep him intact."

"I can use the skyfire to refine the magic insects." Shi Yandao.

Shangchen shook his head and said indifferently: "This method is not feasible. Skyfire may be able to smelt the rot of the rot, and will also smash the soul of Yang Qingdi, and the magic worm and his brain consciousness will merge together. When they were no longer separated from each other, the rotted soul was smelted to death, and Yang Qingdi also scattered the soul."

When the words came out, Shi Yan immediately frowned. "What good way do you have?"

"I naturally have a way." Shangchen nodded and said: "This is exactly what you need to do. Come with me first. When we get to the destination, I will tell you in detail."

Shangchen reached out and touched a foot, and there was a strange vibration inside the dead star of the dead star, as a certain prohibition was triggered.

He nodded to Shiyan and took the initiative to go deep into a cracked dark cave and rushed directly into the interior of the dead star.

Slightly hesitated, Shiyan also flew into the cave and rushed into the interior of the Death Star.

After a quarter of an hour.

Shiyan sees Shangchen standing on a triangular round table. The round table is made of hollow crystal, and there are countless cumbersome and wonderful light interlacings. It is a wonderful space transmission array.

Underneath this transmission, it is covered with the best of the gods. There are earth-shattering energy fluctuations in the crystal. The water-like energy even rises above the transmission array. It is like a dreamy lake, and people have to admire the wonders of this place.

Just looking at it, he knew that the complexity of the transmission array was far more than the sub-array he had previously tempered.

"Where to go?" A brief sigh of relief, he immediately asked.

"Leave the Martell Stars first and say." Shangchen smiled.

"This, this transmission array can cross the star field?" Stone rock eclipsed.

Shangchen nodded. "On our Malang star field, this is the only space array that can cross the border. I have been responsible for this place for many years."



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