God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1079: shortage

The first thousand seventy-nine chapters

In the center of the ocean like the lake, the glare of the glare is sputtered, and the beams are intertwined like spider webs to form a strange pattern.

A strong wave of momentum immediately provoked.

The body of Shangchen and Shiyan is as dazzling as the spar, and disappears slowly under the glare of the glare. The **** and the soul are also pulled away, and the interior of the dead star disappears.


Inside the Death Star, there was an endless burst of sound, and the cracked hole gradually healed. The space array of Qio’s space gradually lost its energy fluctuations, and the pieces of the gods with the heavenly energy lost their power. Like the most unpretentious stone inlaid in the array.

The waves are not obvious.


In the vast smoke of the vastness, the Shangshi Shiyan seems to be two groups of luster, slowly swaying forward.

Those smog have wonderful effects, as if they can isolate the gods. Here, Shiyan souls can hardly touch the surrounding conditions, and there is a feeling of helplessness.

It was obviously not the first time that Shang Lu came over. In the thick smoke, he kept guiding the direction and led the stone rock to move forward.

"Are we leaving the Malang star field?" Shiyan was puzzled.

In the space array inside the Death Star, he was like a soul body, and his mind had a strong sense of dizziness. When he woke up, he found this place.

However, he did not see the same formation here, and his heart was very surprised.

Generally speaking, the space transmission array cannot be transmitted in one direction, and another array method must be opened in another area to enable the two parties to communicate and realize the transmission.

But now, when he wakes up, he is in a heavy fog. He doesn't see another transmission array at all, and his heart is very shocked.

"Yes, we are no longer in the Malang star field." Shangchen nodded and said: "We are at the edge of another star field, this star field is a foggy star field, respectively, and the fire rain star field, Ma The border between the stars and the stars is not far from our original distance..."

Shangchen looked at the front, and the wonderful fluctuations appeared. It seemed to be able to clear the fog in front of him. He stared at the front to identify it, and there was a ride with Shi Yan.

"Why are you bringing me here?" Shi Yan frowned.

"Accepted by others."

"Who is it?"

"You are an old immortal **** who is bloodthirsty! I owe him a favor, and I promised it very early, and now I am fulfilling my obligations."

"Which predecessor?"

“腓烈特!” Shangchen gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

Shiyan glanced, thinking for a while, shook his head and said: "I have never heard of it."

Shang Chen looked back at him and glared at the blood pattern ring on his hand. He said faintly: "Is it not for you?"

"It's incomplete memory." Shiyan replied honestly, and immediately turned a look and said: "Can you explain to me a little bit about the ring and the bloodthirsty inheritor, the mystery you know, can give me a detailed explanation Do not?"

The merchant hesitated a moment and shook his head. "I don't know, but after it's memorized, it's better to tell you. I'm not yours. It's not very clear to many of your mysteries. It’s also superficial, and it may affect the deployment of those guys... it’s not good.”

"Those guys...who are you referring to?" Shiyan’s eyes suddenly lit up and excited: “The bloodthirsty predecessors, and others are still alive? There are many?”

He always thought that the predecessors of the bloodthirsty pulse may have died. The only person who can be sure of survival, that is, the person who cultivated the death of the righteousness, is related to the name of the man. He is still unknown, and he is still unclear... Will it be his name?

"Which guys will be so easy to die." Shang Chen grinned, his face said strangely: "You are too small to see their tenacious vitality."

"What kind of esoteric is it to practice?" Shi Yan asked seriously.

Up to now, he knows that the bloodthirsty eight inheritance has five kinds of death, corrosion, darkness, chaos, and destruction. The remaining three kinds of esoteric inheritances have not yet been clarified. Now, when Shangchen takes the initiative to raise this matter, he naturally tries to understand.

"He is a corpse, and he naturally cultivates his corpse."

"The corpse... corpse?" Shi Yan's face became extremely weird. "Is the corpse one of the eight heritages?"

"Nature." The merchant was full of strange faces. "You didn't even understand the eight major inheritances?"

Shi Yanzhen was anomalous and smiled bitterly. "I have only known the five kinds of sacred inheritances of death, corrosion, darkness, chaos, and destruction. Now there is more than one kind of corpse inheritance, and there are two left."

"The desperate meaning of your grandfather's cultivation is also one of them. The inheritance of this desperate ambition must be based on its own chances and qualifications in the early stage. Without any inheritance, you can lead. Your grandfather character is paranoid, I realized that I’m desperate and true, and I’m desperate. Oh, yes, a peak power that has appeared in our Malang star field is the inheritor of your desperate ignorance, your grandfather’s perception. Desperate, the subtlety of the righteousness, went to the North to find, has already got the deep understanding of that person's despair." Shangchen explained.

Shi Yan’s face is shimmering, “Desperate is really one of the eight great heritages!”

"There is also a kind of inheritance as the sacred soul. This is the inheritance of the evil soul secret technique. It is many times more than the level of the half-hanger of the well field." Shang Chen’s face has a lingering heart and said: "Your ancestors who studied the sorcerer It is the most mysterious person in the universe. No one knows his true identity except for bloodthirsty gossip. It is said that he has no entity and presents a hidden ghost in the major stars. He does not know how much control is in the dark. Those strong souls became part of him, the equivalent of his jealousy, and he was driven to dispatch."

Taking a deep breath, the business eyes trembled. "The power that the guy holds is said to be extremely terrible and powerful. He is also the boss of bloodthirsty gossip. He is the most mysterious and horrible guy. He is recognized as the 12th family of the Protoss today. An enemy, the 12-nation family of the Protoss, who struggled with strength and spent a lot of energy and time, could not know the identity of the person and could not know where he was."

Shang Chen seems to be extremely jealous of the person who is proficient in the soul. When he mentioned this person, his face changed.

"Are you not proficient in destiny? Even you don't know his identity?" Shi Yan was amazed.

"Destiny is not as omniscient as you think. On the contrary, the more you are proficient in the deeper, the more you feel the fate is vague and difficult to understand." Shangchen sighed and muttered: "The deeper the experience, the more I feel I can't turn things around myself, the spider web of destiny is too disordered, and I can only see it a little..."

"In the bloodthirsty vein, who do you know who is still surviving?" After a sigh of relief, he continued to ask.

"The bloodthirsty gossip is still in at least three people, practicing the corpse of the corpse, practicing the Xuanhe River, which is the righteousness of life and death, and practicing the soul of the sacred soul. No one knows the real name of the person. In addition, there is Some people are scattered all over the vast universe..." The business is faint.

"Is the bloodthirsty pulse not just eight people?" Shiyan was amazed.

"You are really ridiculously ridiculous." Shangchen's eccentric explanation: "The bloodthirsty eight inheritance, each inheritance is blooming everywhere, naturally not just one person, the so-called bloodthirsty gossip, is the eight great leaders of the eight great myths. Although there are not many people who cultivate the eight great inheritors, there are not only eight people. It is said that because of that battle, the inheritance of the eight major inheritances has almost disappeared, and the gossip has suffered heavy losses and fallen several times..."

"What is the mysterious and strange thing about the so-called bloodthirsty master?" Shi Yan said again. "It looks like my inheritance comes from him..."

"He? I am not qualified to say more." Shangchen's face changed suddenly, suddenly snoring, his eyes stunned to look at the blood pattern ring on Shiyan's hand, silent for a long time, said: "When the spirit of the ring is restored, you Ask yourself, I can't say anything about him."

Afterwards, regardless of how Shiyan asked, Shangchen remained silent, no longer saying a word, and his face became extremely strange.

I don’t know how long the shuttle has been in the fog. On this day, Shiyan’s eyes suddenly turned bright and suddenly screamed: “There is a star of life!”

In the thick fog, a sky-blue giant star is unpredictable, releasing a strong halo like an arc, covering all directions, the star is not still, but it is dead in rapid action, carrying destruction The energy of the ground fluctuates.

Under its dazzling luster, Shiyan discovered that there are many mineral stars and dead stars around the blue stars that day. However, during the rapid rolling, it tends to smash and smash the dead stars and mines that are blocking the road. Off, let those dead stars and mines become many meteors flying away.

The blue star of that day was extremely large, far larger than any star he had ever seen. His knowledge could not detect everything on the star, and the blue arcs sealed the entire star.

The sky-blue stars are spinning fast, faster than the warships known for their speed, and the energy fluctuations are earth-shattering.

"Sure enough!" Shangchen screamed and said excitedly: "Finally found!"

Shi Yan is amazed. "What do you mean by this goal is the star of life?"

Shang Chen focused on the key and said: "I promised to send you into it. If you go to the Malang Star to find you, it is to arrange for you to enter."

“Entering it?” Shiyan said, “Why do you want to enter it?”

"To save your grandfather's things, there are in the stars, in addition to that, there are more wonderful things in the stars, and you are very good for you to pass, naturally for your good." I took out a navy blue fruit and slammed it. It had a similarity with the star. "In order to get this 'leading fruit', I spent a lot of thoughts. Forget it, I owe you bloodthirsty. The human condition of the pulse, this time should be able to pay off."

"Can you explain the white point?" Shi Yan was annoyed.

"This star of life is called '荒荒', for the ancient continent, in the vast universe, there are only five in the ancient continent. This 'wild' is one of them. It is not the same as other ancient continents. 'The wasteland' has no birth. It only breeds the rarest top-grade herbal medicines and all kinds of exotic materials. It opens once in 10,000 years, once in ten years. Well, you also know that the ancient continent has its origins, the source... there is a vague sense of autonomy, you can The wasteland is regarded as a conscious star of life. It can only be entered by virtue of the 'boundary fruit' that is nurtured inside the 'wildness'. This fruit...to you."

Shangchen explained that he handed the strange fruit to him.




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