God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1080: Renjie

The first thousand eighty chapters

“Boundary fruit” is like a walnut. It is a strange blue color. The surface is covered with mysterious lines. There are obvious energy surges inside. The faint and ancient land called “The Wasteland” should be combined. It will be found that the lines on the "leading fruit" release blue and blue light like an electric arc. ("7*"

Shangchen threw the "Boundary Leading Fruit" to Shiyan, and there was also a sense of disappointment in the look. "The result of the opening of the world was the opening of the last year, when it was opened, it was extremely rare and rare. There is the name of the key to 'wildness', you can enter the 'wildness', and I can realize the promise of 腓right."

"Boundary lead" started, slightly chilly, Shiyan brow did not stretch, but wrinkled deeper, a foggy road: "I don't understand."

"Let's say it." Shangchen looked ahead and looked at the ancient continent named "The Wasteland". His eyes were full of magical luster: "There are many mysteries in the 'wild', and there are rare herbs and stones in the world. Many at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, able to temper the gods and the gods, in the vast sea of ​​stars, you can think of 'the wasteland' as a treasure house that has not been reclaimed."

"Is it related to my grandfather's rot?" Shiyan looked at the hard fruit and said: "Why did you let me enter?"

"The rot of your grandfather's mind, there is something that can be removed. It is only hidden in the ancient continent, and it is extremely rare to find."

The merchant pointed to the "wildness" and said: "The thing is called a colorful ghost demon flower. It looks like a fascinating woman's face. It will cry and laugh, have a fuzzy consciousness, and can confuse people. It is a herb of the Yuan Dynasty. It is a refining of many spiritual secrets. Excellent tonic, very precious."

After a pause, Shangchen continued: "As for why he wants you to go in, I don't really know, but I think people who have a good lead will want to fight hard."

"Because those rare treasures of heaven and earth?" Shiyan Road.

"It's just one. The Holy Hall" Shangxiao smiled and said immediately: "The wasteland is the ancient continent, the conscious ancient continent! It is always self-enclosed, circling on the edge of the major stars, and will be opened once every 10,000 years. In addition to the heavens and earth treasures, there are more mysterious places in the middle of the wilderness, because the ancient continent was derived from the beginning of the heavens and the earth, and the rest of the ancient continents were born out of life, and all the energy of the heavens and the earth was exhausted. It was mined to the extreme and gradually became the same as the ordinary life star."

"Only the difference is different! It has never come out of the birth of the soul, in which the energy of the heavens and the earth has always maintained the strongest position. In the interior of the wasteland, there are some wonderful things when the heavens and the earth are first opened, those wonderful things... only those who are deep can understand, according to As far as I know, some of the great stars in the past, if they can return safely, they often get unimaginable breakthroughs in the realm."

Shiyan stunned and said: "There are other strong stars in the region? What do you mean by realm breakthrough?"

"Of course there are other strong stars." Shang Chen looked calm. "As far as I know, there are at least dozens of people entering it. They are the most outstanding people in the big stars. Every one has amazing power. The extreme, like you, even the power of leapfrog challenges."

After a pause, Shangchen seriously said: "The so-called breakthrough, naturally refers to the righteousness. It is said that many people can integrate different meanings in the wild. I want to let you enter, it is the intention of this, your strength. Aoyi is too complicated, and now it is not easy to break through. It is very suitable for you."

Shi Yan was silent for a while and said: "Is it possible to enter the wilderness no matter who gets the lead?"

“No.” Shangchen shook his head and said: “The realm of the gods will be resisted by the ridiculous, because the power of the gods is too strong, and the structure of the wasteland may be destroyed, so it is difficult for the gods to enter. Only those of you, the gods The realm of the realm is the mainstream, you will encounter the virtual masters of the major stars in the interior, not only the foggy star field, but also more comers from the stars, and... the protagonist's strongman is coming."

“Will there be a fight?” Shi Yan said gravely.

"It’s not that fighting will happen, but every moment of the battle will be staged in a very **** and **** way. All kinds of materials, the essence of heaven and earth, are enough to make anyone crazy! From the beginning, anyone will face the most in the universe. A strong virtual sacred person, you have a heavenly level of vain, huh, huh, be steady. (""7*"

After the words of Shangchen, the cuffs flew away from a book, and the scrolls moved with the wind. Each page was marked with patterns, flowers, stones, and wood, all of which were lifelike and had a flying head boy. Interpretation.

"This book is for you. It is the appearance of the material of the Yuan Shi class that I know. You can use it in the wasteland."

Shi Yan was also welcome, reached out and grabbed the book, bowed and thanked.

"There is almost the same thing that said." The merchant touched the squat without a beard, and waved a chic hand: "You go, as long as you hold the lead, it will naturally cause changes when you are close to the wasteland. I don't need much. What to say. I have already recorded the soul fluctuations in your body. After ten years, I will come to find you and help you all the best."

After the words of Shangchen were finished, they turned away without any reluctance, and seemed to be afraid of seeing someone.

Just blink of an eye, he disappeared from the sight of Shiyan, and the breath was completely hidden. No matter how Shiyan looked for it, he could not find the slightest trace.

The ancient continent named "The Wasteland" is still rampaging, crushing the stars that have blocked the road, sputtering the dazzling fireworks, and still swirling toward the rich smoke in front.

Shiyan looked at it and found that the speed of the "wild" seemed to be gradually slowing, as if it were conscious.

The speed of "wildness" is still very fast, but he cultivates space and righteousness. With the wonder of space teleportation, it is obviously not difficult to catch up with the "wildness", so he is not very anxious.

Suddenly, his soul came to an incitement, and he noticed that the three breaths quickly approached.

The three masters of life are very volatile, and they are full of enthusiasm. One of them gives him the feeling that he should be the level of the two gods.

He can't see the level of the realm of the merchants, because the ambitions of the merchants are wonderful, but he can faintly conclude that the merchants should be in the realm of the three gods of the first god, and they are the real top figures in the world.

Three strands, such as the rainbow, traversed from a distance, such as three thunders, one blink of an eye, three people emerged in the place where the merchants disappeared.

A woman with a face full of frost, a woman in her forties, a navy blue jewellery, a jade belt around her waist, a full body, a charm, her face is full of anger, when she comes over, she will come over. Shouted: "The old things are coming out!"

There is a man and a woman around the woman, and the appearance of the Shangchen is somewhat similar. The man is extremely handsome and handsome, dressed in a silver gown, and handsome, but his face is very cold.

The woman was tall, with a long blue dress, wearing a blue vest on the lake, revealing two white jade-like arms, a moon-like arm covered with colorful jade bracelets, towering chest hanging With a crescent-shaped sapphire necklace, she is charming and charming.

The woman's waist is tied with a sea blue belt, and the small waist is only a full-bodied, slender as a snake.

A woman, with a man and a woman, came with anger, gathered all over where the merchant left, and the "biting" of the teeth biting.

"Damn old things! The old lady is desperate to fight for the child's 'boundary', even if you secretly took one, do you do this?" The mature woman looked around and gnashed her teeth. : "Get me out!"

The young men and women were also cold-faced, and the eyes were cold and cold, and they looked around with anger.

Unfortunately, the merchant left early in the morning.

The three people let go of the literary search for a long time, and the woman also sipped for a long time, never seeing the commercial movement, so loud, the three obviously gave up.

The woman's eyes swept away and finally fixed her sight on Shiyan. She struggled for a while and suddenly said: "The old things will give you things. I know that the atmosphere of the lead is easy to perceive because of the two. The fruit is all found by me."

She turned back and looked lovingly at the man and woman, taking a deep breath, and said: "Please return the things to us. This is what I prepared for my son and daughter. I was secretly taken by the old ghost of Shangchen."

After a pause, she hated: "I don't care what he promises to others, no matter what owe him to the other person, but the result of the world belongs to me, he was stolen by him, please return it to me!"

The young men and women all gaze at Shiyan’s body. "Friends, you only have a virtual **** and a heavenly realm. You have gotten the boundaries and entered the 'wildness'. You don't have to live for ten years. You still recognize Clear the reality, return the fruit to us, we will not treat you badly, owe you the human condition, we will find another opportunity to compensate, how?" The youth is gentle, courteous, and quite a bit of a person The demeanor of the business.

But the tall woman in blue is obviously leaning towards her mother. The beautiful face of the goose egg is cold and the voice is cold. "Please return our things to the original owner. Otherwise, we don't mind asking for it!" ”

"Don't make trouble!" The young man yelled, saying: "After all, there is a relationship with the shackles. I am afraid that we will give the fruits to them by the three of us. We must have our unclear difficulties. We can't make you too embarrassed. ""

"Don't care about the ruthless and unrighteous guy, even the future of his own children, he will die of this old thing!" The woman angered, seemingly did not want to continue to waste her saliva, said: "Young man, please give us things, We really don't want to trouble you."

"Sorry, this lead is very important to me. It is about the life and death of my loved ones, so... I can't give it to you."

Shi Yan was slightly covered, and immediately sighed.

A glare cracked from his back and arched his hand toward the three people. He then stepped back and disappeared into the gap of the space. When it reappeared, it was already on the surface of the "wild".



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