God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1081: Ancient continent

The first thousand eighty-one chapter of the ancient continent

"Space is righteous!"

The mature woman screamed and watched as Shiyan emerged from the disappearance to the instant on the surface of the "wild". There was no way. ("")

She is annoyed.

With her realm, she can see the real situation of Shiyan at a glance. However, she can't see that the essence of Shiyan cultivation is that kind, so she did not expect Shiyan to know the most difficult space to capture.

Seeing that Shiyan was separated by space, she suddenly realized that Shiyan could always be calm.

"Mother!" The tall, charming woman looks pretty.

The young man was also a pity of regret, but he sighed and shook his head and said: "The father should know what kind of ambition he cultivated, and then he will relax and leave."

The three men wanted to start with Shiyan, and even made a posture. On the one hand, they were to grab the lead, and on the other hand, they also had the purpose of forcing the commercial appearance, and the one that was successfully produced in Shiyan. They suddenly woke up and knew that the merchant should have left.

"No daring bastard!" The mature woman's teeth clenched, and the hateful beauty wanted to spurt fire.

The young man quickly calmed down and said: "He has already entered the wild, and it is difficult for us to grab the lead. Well, things can't be done as expected. We just have to prepare separately."

"Hey, what good way do you have?" The woman had no choice but to sigh.

The young man shook his head. "There is no good way. After all, only when you take the lead, you can enter the wasteland. This rule has been for many years, no one can break it, and we naturally can't."

He suddenly smiled softly and said indifferently: "In fact, I have always been interested in entering the wasteland."

"Brother!" The woman screamed.

Putting his hand, the young man stopped her screaming, and casually took out a lead from the cuff and stuffed it into the palm of his hand. He said, "Small moon, you can go in, I am waiting for your good news outside."

"No!" The woman shook her head quickly, and the snow-white neck was astoundingly rosy. She said: "My father took my piece of the lead and walked away. This shows that he is more optimistic about you. You also know his father's vision. This is extremely extreme for you." Important, you must go in."

"He just took it casually, because you are easy to get over there, you think too much." The young man smiled and said easily: "I can break through the beginnings without resorting to the wasteland, and you need to integrate the righteousness, you have to Go in as early as possible."

The youth words, not waiting for the woman to speak a lot, suddenly fluttering a few rounds of body, such as floating light slowly, a few flashes in a row, there is no trace.

"Hey, I will give you something, you will be holding it." The woman's loving woman took care of the clothes corner and said softly: "Go, give my mother a big surprise ten years later, and also give your brother a look." With the materials he needs, I believe you can do it."

The woman’s beauty was complex and she nodded slightly. He said, “I know.”

Her slim waist was slightly bent and she said seriously: "Mother and my brother take care."

"Oh, we won't have anything to do. Your old ghost is countless. If we know that we have a curse, it will happen in time." The woman comforted.


When the woman nodded, she went to visit the woman. As a hurricane flew in the direction of the "wildness", the bracelets on the wrists were shining, and the delicate patterns appeared, which was extremely beautiful.


As Shang Chen said, the process of entering the "wild" does not require him to work, and the cause in his hand is the key.

Close to the edge of the "wild", feeling the energy fluctuations of the internal destruction of the earth, the huge roar of the stone rock soul, was deeply shocked, this is the masterpiece of heaven, this is the great energy of the law of nature The energy hidden in the "wild" is far more numerous than any other powerful person he knows, and it is as exciting as the source of homology.

At that time, he had an inaccessible sense of sorrow and his soul was horrified.

However, at that time, the circles of the world burst into flames, and a circle of blue halo covered his gods, sheltering his soul altar, and let him calm down. ("")

He didn't even move. He had an inexplicable suction that was born out of the "wildness". He slowly led him and brought him a little. The ancient continent's surface burned the arc of the soul, and turned a blind eye to him. Let him Easy entry.

When he was about to fall into the "wildness", he saw a corner in the far distance. There was a **** who tried to rush in and was blocked by an arc. The arc penetrated his soul. The man immediately smashed his soul and seemed to use some sort of soul secret. Only lucky to escape.

He also faintly glimpsed elsewhere in the "wildness". There are many vague shadows. It seems that like him, he is also dragged by the wilderness and slowly deepens into it.

When he went to the surface of the wilderness, he had the wonderful feeling of entering the water, his body floating and slowly sinking.

Immediately, he became a fallen meteor, and instantly crossed the layer of cloud cotton, crossed the flashing electro-optic channel, and shot at a surface. When he was about to break into the ground, he rushed to spur Power, the blood of the magical blood burst out, and this is stagnate.

Suddenly, he appeared in a vast swamp. There are countless Maosen plants growing around the wet marsh. The energy like an imaginary river floats on the top of his head. It seems that all the pores are dry, it is a kind of A wonderful experience.

Shi Yan’s mind was shocked, and his eyes showed a faint color. He stood there and stayed there.

The thick water-like heaven and earth energy is spread all over the corner, and he does not do any guidance. The energy will flow into his chest body, and he will mix with his veins and veins into his ancient trees, like the power of sucking the gods. Just like washing the body dirt in the hot springs, even the soul seems to be clean.

Ancient continent! It is worthy of the ancient continent!

He secretly surprised, and suddenly frowned, subconsciously touched his forehead, and soon his eyes gradually lit up.

His deputy soul has changed!

The deputy soul is derived from the origin of the gods and the fusion of ten kinds of natural fires and souls. At this time, the deputy soul is like a sacred spring, and the overflowing of a large amount of cosmic energy can be injected into his virtual world.

Here, the deputy soul seems to be able to quickly guide the disability of the universe, and the deputy soul has a very comfortable and comfortable feeling.

The deputy soul is the condensed thing of the origin of the gods, and the mainland of the gods is also one of the ancient continents. Here, the deputy soul seems to have great benefits, and is flooded with a lot of free energy.

He knows the internal examination and finds that his deputy soul is wrapped in the white mist. The mist is drawn from the surrounding energy and flows into his mind, encircling the deputy soul. In the center of those milky white fog, the deputy soul is like It is washed and purified, giving him a wonderful feeling of slowly clearing and clearing.

He suddenly realized that this place has an indescribable benefit to his deputy soul, and he should also have wonderful help for his virtual world.

Rich energy, many strange herbs and trees, he stayed quietly in the swamp, did not walk immediately.

With his eyes closed, he is perceiving the surrounding movements. Suddenly he is confused by the sea. It seems that he is affected by an invisible force. It is difficult to know the surrounding scenery with his knowledge. When he tries to fly, there will be a strong pulling force at his feet. He will give him a hard life and will not allow him to fly away from heaven.

"Rare" is conscious, it will only be opened for ten years after being closed for ten years, and it will take off ten years later...

Shangchen’s wonderful words about this place suddenly appeared in his heart. He stunned and tried to lift his footsteps. He couldn’t afford to fly. He suddenly found that the pull that had just been highlighted seemed to be absent.

He was stunned and affirmed that the Shangchen’s words were true. He was really wonderful here. He suddenly realized the land under his feet. It seems that...there is a sense of autonomy, the most peculiar existence of the world, representing the evolution of the universe. Some kind of mystery.

The book that was handed over to him by the merchant was taken out, and he stayed where he was, and carefully studied the picture interpretation in the book.

This thin book should be written by the merchants themselves, the fonts are elegant and the pictures are vivid, as if they would come out from the paper. This is about the various materials of the meta-level materials, and there are ways to distinguish them. With pictures and interpretations, people can easily have a clear and profound understanding of the world's top materials.

Shiyan calmed down and temporarily ignored the ancient Olympics. He did not immediately explore and put the first energy on the books.

Shang Chen is not just an activity and the Malang star field. He claims to be a traveler of the destiny. It seems that he has traveled in many novelty fields and his knowledge is very profound. The book is full of simple and easy to understand about all kinds of rare meta-level materials. Let Shiyan benefit a lot.

If you don't have this book, even if he sees the strange things that are rare in the world in this ancient continent, he is afraid that he will not have the ability to distinguish. He will miss it in vain and waste this good opportunity.

With this book, he is equivalent to a guide that can be explained to him at any time, which makes it easy for him to distinguish the value of the same thing. This book is of great importance to him.


When he studied the papers carefully, there was a loud noise in the distance, accompanied by an angry drink.

As soon as he frowned, he carefully collected the book and thought about it, quietly plunging in the direction of the sound.

He heard the voice of the person, the daughter of the merchant...

It’s the beautiful woman who is not good at him. It should be that there are some similarities between the two circles. So the two are close to each other. He is a bit worried about what happened to the woman. A place to help.

After all, the comer he came in came from the other side. Although he was handed over to him by the Shangchen, he was still a little embarrassed. Besides, the woman is the daughter of Shangchen, and she does not look at the face of the Buddha. For the face of Shangchen, he also You can't look at the other person's danger and ignore it.

However, things are obviously different from what he thinks.

After he quietly rushed to find out, the woman fell into a still small lake, and the wet curve was revealed. At this time, it was indecent to lick the beautiful buttocks and it seemed to be shackled.

Her clothes with beautiful buttocks are wet, and the beauty is more attractive than wearing no clothes. The beautiful buttocks arc is amazing, and she is lightly swayed by her soft hands, showing her elasticity. The shaking makes the rock and blood flow.

Far from a glance, he was trying to retract his eyes and quietly moved away. He suddenly found that the woman’s line of sight was like a skate, and he locked him.

"Shameless thief!"

The woman was angered, and despite the graceful curve, she rushed wildly and screamed at the sky.



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