God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1094: Starry fruit tree

The first thousand ninety-four chapters of the starry fruit tree

The white cockroach sticks out of the index finger, and the fingertips are green and lustrous. The light, such as the flexible cord, slowly falls to the deep pit. ""


A burst of light suddenly shattered, and the scattered light was scattered, such as glass **** falling in the center of the deep pit.

A turbulent and undulating wave of power suddenly emerged from the deep pit, as if there was an invisible energy pushing the earth, giving a little bit of ground to the ground.

The three Baijiawu people were squinting in their eyes, and the electric light flashed indefinitely, and they all secretly gathered power.

Mia's slender brow fluttered a little, and she came to the spirit, laughing and smiling. Ten long fingers slid gently against the hexagonal crystal, and the eyes shot the glaring light.

A piece of blue stone gradually emerged from the muddy mud. The stone is not particularly large. It is a tree with a strangely curved shape. A glimmer of green glory covers the stone circle, and the tree-shaped stone comes. The fluctuations are very savage.

The tree-shaped stones are covered with gaps, and the inner part of the gaps is more intense and intense, and it is fascinating to see what is hidden inside the gap.

Under the tree-shaped stones, a wave of energy exerted by the white scorpion slowly emerges, bringing the tree-shaped stone completely out of the mud.

Bai Yan frowned, staring at the substance and glanced at it. He asked strangely: "What is this?" He looked at Mia.

The other three Baijia warriors are also inexplicable, and do not know the origin of the tree-shaped stones.

Mia didn't answer, she was deeply gathered on the stone, and the shoulders shivered.


A hexagonal crystal in her hand was suddenly crushed by her pinch, and a dazzling light flew out and slammed into the tree-shaped stone.


A glamorous brilliance is released, such as the smashing of the stars, the green and the white light, such as thunder and lightning, but only in a blink of an eye, the white light is completely submerged, leaving only a radiant glow. ""

In the turbulent center of the explosion, the tree-shaped stones have already shattered and disappeared, and there is no residue left.

A clear spring floats on the dirty mud, like a cloud of cotton, cold, clear, pure breath passed from the spring, and everyone's soul is calm down.

The green springs, like a blue mirror, are on the dirty mud, and the scene is a bit weird.

The white eyes suddenly lit up and could not help but scream: "There is something inside!"

In the clear spring, a flower of green leaves and leaves is gradually emerging. The flowers and plants are carved like blue jade. There is no trace of beauty and exquisite beauty.

The rhizome of the flower is thick, one person is tall, and the branch of the fork is covered with a walnut-sized fruit. The fruit is like a walnut. The surface is covered with fine and obvious lines, such as stars, shining with a magnificent luster.

Inside the Qingquan, a strange flower and grass emerged, and it was full of strange fruits, which made everyone in the day stunned, showing an incredible expression.

There are only a total of nine fruits on the branches and leaves, all of which are like stars, with strange and intense energy fluctuations.

Mia eyes staring at the clear spring, looking at the fruit trees inside, breathing gradually and rushing, a charming face with a charming rosy, **** tremble, and the heart is obviously excited and excited to the extreme.

Even the white scorpion, the four Baijia imaginary gods, the strongest of the heavenly realm, looked at her as she swallowed her mouth at this time, and she was swayed by the glamorous heart she showed, but the four people were in the heart. Call secretly and let yourself force to calm down.

"What the **** is it?" Bai Yan took a deep breath and pretended to calmly ask.

He is not stupid. From the expression of Mia, he knows that the fruit trees in the Qingquan must be extremely precious. Although he was ordered to protect the safety of Mia, he also had the task of collecting all kinds of strange things for the white house, and he was precious to the treasures. Certainly it will not be indifferent.

"Starry Fruit Tree!"

Mia Fengze’s lips squirmed a bit, and the beauty was bright and the voice was soft. “Help me get the fruit trees. (“))”

The four whites face each other, and one has not heard of the starry fruit trees, and there is no immediate plan.

"...forgive me, I haven’t heard of the Starry Fruit Tree, I don’t know how to charge it, please?” Bai Yan frowned.

Mia smiled brightly, reaching out for a layer of aperture around the clear spring, calmly said: "First help me break the aperture, use power to be righteous?"

The four white family nodded and tried to crack the aperture next to the clear spring. However, the four were very cautious and they made each other look very close. They were very careful to approach, and they did not rush to display the power of the righteousness.


When the four white people want to start, the golden light in the distance is dazzling, and a golden sun's giant hammer is surging, carrying the power of thunder.

The white face changed, and decisively said: "First look at outsiders!"

The other three Baijiawu people looked at each other and gave up on the fruit tree. They suddenly separated and looked up at the giant hammer like the sun.

The giant hammer blooms hundreds of millions of golden light, and the light is as sharp as a sword. The turbulent energy fluctuations from the giant hammer are so earth-shattering.

White snoring, a little forehead, I saw a white giant python that suddenly flew out of his eyebrows. The giant python is obviously not a solid, purely made of energy. The white giant python is several tens of meters tall. As soon as the surrounding people emerged, they seemed extremely small.

The white giant screamed in the sky, and a fierce rush of anger rose into the sky, and the strength of the whole body gradually became arrogant.

It was like a mountain, and the palm of the hand was twisted into a fist. In a madness, it rushed to the golden sledgehammer. He gave it to the sledgehammer and suddenly splashed out countless golden light, which seemed to be impacted by the power of the sledgehammer.

Wu Bai's hammer has a grinding disc size, but it is very compact compared with the white giant python. However, the numerous golden light sputtered by the golden hammer is like a billion-dollar cutting, which breaks the white giant scorpion. Suddenly bursting in front of everyone.

The white face was pale and suddenly he snorted.

The bursting white giant python fragments suddenly re-fused in the splash. After the three breaths, the white giant python reappeared and screamed at the top of the white scorpion.

The other three white-handed warriors also exerted their strengths, and there were also horror monsters on their heads. They were a sly dragon, a eagle with electric light, and a giant python. .

The power of the white family seems to have its own unique features. The white giant python, the demon dragon, the war eagle, and the giant python are all made up of strength and morality. They are not the Yaozu, but they seem to carry the power of the four white people. The violent energy fluctuations in the body are not inferior to the four people.

"White home!"

An ice-cold voice suddenly came, and I saw Wu Feng, a ghostly man, shaking the fan.


A majestic figure descended from the sky, and the earth stepped on the vibrations. The man reached out and grabbed, and the golden hammer fell to his palm.

"Big Brother!" Wu Bai's face was excited and excited, and he said: "This time you can fight a bit!"

Mia frowned.

The four white people were suddenly silent, and their faces gradually became severe.

When the two sides confronted each other, there was a corner that also heard the sound of restlessness. In the mask of the hidden movement, the pretty cheeks of Shangyingyue were covered with frost and fiercely glaring at Shiyan.

Shi Yan turned a blind eye.

An afterglow of energy came in, and the mask was suddenly twisted like a bag that was blown by the wind.

The pushing force of the mask makes it inevitable that Shiyan will stick to the commercial shadow month. The two arms and legs will suddenly touch. Sometimes, because the energy aftermath is too strong, the rock will even twist, leg and squat. The department accidentally bumped into the beautiful buttocks of the shadow of the movie, and made the Shangying month scream like a wild cat.

The reticle is not spacious enough, and when the energy of the battle fluctuates, it will be twisted together. As a result, the two people who can still be clearly separated will inevitably have physical contact.

The power of Wu Bai and Bai Yu was shocked, and the aftermath was still there. It was still spreading in the distance.

For a while, the shadow of the snow-capped arms, the slender legs and the beautiful buttocks of the Fengqiu were hit by Shiyan.

Shangying Yueming knows that this is not controlled by Shiyan. It is still angered and burned. It is beautiful and cold, and he hates how to get Shiyan into the mask, and he is very cheap.

In her cold and indignant eyes, Shi Yan was safe and sound, and she did not understand what happened. She looked at the white house and the Wu family brothers who were confronted with each other, and took the books given by the merchants in their leisure time. It seems to be looking for something.

Shang Ying month hate the teeth itchy.

"found it!"

Shi Yan suddenly whispered, looked at the page in the book with a look of horror, and there is a detailed record in the interpretation of the bottom: the starry fruit tree...

Looking up, he took a deep breath and his eyes became hot. He said, "Do you know the starry fruit tree?"

"Your book was written by my father. I naturally know what the starry fruit tree is. This is the strange thing of the Yuan Dynasty, especially for the cultivation of the stars. It has an incalculable use." Said coldly.

"I cultivate the stars and the righteousness." Shiyan calmed down and smiled lightly.

Shangyingyue's face is unchanged, "I guessed it early."

"That's easy to talk about." He suddenly turned back and grinned: "I want to starry fruit trees, um, it's one of the conditions I promised to help you deal with the White House."

In the eyes of Shangyingyue, there is an undisguised ridicule. "I naturally have no opinions, but you think that in the hands of Baijia and Wujia brothers, you can put the star tree in your hands? Innocent!"

"This doesn't require you to worry about it, as long as you promise it."

He looked at the two sides of the confrontation, his face was firm and his eyes showed a sinful color that did not stop. "The starry fruit tree must be mine. Whether it is a white house or a Wu family brother, I would like to block my capture."

The sneer of Shangyingyue disdain, "The realm is not high, and the tone is not small."



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