God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1095: Exposure to cockroaches

Exposure of the 1950th chapter

Shi Yan’s heart and mind, only the introduction of Shangchen’s star-shaped fruit trees in his mind, I can’t hear anything about Shangyingyue. Church

It is difficult to say clearly what the star tree is. Even the Shangchen is not sure whether it is a plant or a heritage?

The conditions for the formation of Xingyao fruit trees are extremely demanding...

A strong man who cultivates the stars and reaches the realm of the gods, the soul altar smashes Nirvana, the beginning of the world and a star of life merge into one, the fragments of the soul altar are filled in every corner of the Star of Life, let life The star is transformed into a meteor.

The meteor drifts in the vast sea of ​​stars, constantly gathering the power of the stars. After countless years of change, the starry fruit trees are slowly formed.

The Xingyao fruit tree can be regarded as a sacred ritual of the soul of the sacred star of the sacred star. It can also be regarded as a kind of condensed crystal of the star power, but it can be a fruit tree form.

The fruit of the star-light fruit tree is the star-light fruit. The power contained in a star-light fruit is equal to the sum of the heaven and earth energy of the three-level life star. The roots and stems of the fruit tree also contain the essence of the stars.

It is the condensation of the stars and the righteousness. It is the soul of the soul of the strong gods. After the nirvana of the soul, it has undergone a variety of strange tempering to absorb the energy of the stars. It has evolved a little bit, and it is accompanied by the stars of the strong realm of the gods.

It can also be regarded as a heritage of the stars.

If a mortal person gets a star-light fruit tree, he can gain insight into the stars and the energy of the star-shaped fruit. If you get the stars, you will slowly progress, and step by step to the realm of Nirvana.

There are almost no bottlenecks!

That is, or a warrior who does not practice the righteousness, once he gets the starry fruit tree, as long as he is not killed in the middle, he will one day enter the realm of the soul nirvana.

A star-shaped fruit tree means that it can create a **** that cultivates the stars.

If you get the power of the singularity of the sorcerer, if you get the starry fruit tree, you can absorb the energy in the star radiant fruit, let the strength of the ancient tree in the body fill, let the power of the spirit flourish, help the divine power to reach the boundary of breakthrough. The latest chapter of the church

If the warrior who cultivated the stars of the righteousness got the starry fruit tree...

Then, not only can you gain the power, but you can also comprehend the stars and the meaning of the stars, so that the stars can quickly reach an amazing state.

If you can get the starry fruit trees, Shiyan doesn't have to work **** the stars to understand the true meaning of the stars, and let the stars and powers change. This is just the same as the original element of the Yuan Dynasty. Not blushing?

It is no wonder that when I saw a glimpse of blue light, strange fluctuations occurred in the virtual world, and the feeling of ecstasy of the stars was a little resonating.

Shiyan's eyes are sharp like a sword, passing through the invisible mask, and dying in the starry fruit tree.

It is necessary!


"Wu's brother?" Bai Yan frowned deeply.

The three white-handed warriors secretly spread out, faintly encircling the star-light fruit trees in the center. As long as Wu Feng and Wu Bai have any changes, they will immediately shoot.

Demon dragons, war hawks, giant pythons, such as three vain mountains, are suspended above their heads. Three kinds of foreign objects that are condensed with energy are vivid, bearing the spiritual soul and strength of the three people, and have a special deterrent.

The white giant cockroach snarled in the chest, and the fierceness of the sky rose to the sky, just like the essence.

"White family, this starry fruit tree we are also interested, what do you say?" Wu Feng smiled and walked over, gently rocking the fan, his eyes cold and cold: "Things let us take away, we will not give you embarrassment, I hope you Know each other."

There are only two people in Wufeng and Wubo. When they come over, they will show overbearing arrogance, and they will have to let them give up.

The white face of the four people suddenly became extremely difficult to look.

In the vast sea of ​​stars, the martial arts of the Mott Star are well-known in the Quartet. The overall power is indeed stronger than the White House. The powerful horror of the Wufeng and Wubo brothers is also known to all the stars. Although the age of Bailu is not small, the realm is consistent with them. But knowing that he really wants to fight, he may not be able to take advantage of it. The latest chapter of the church

However, they have four people and one Mia...

"Wu brothers are right." Bai Yu laughed at the haze, "I know that your brother is powerful, but also know the strength of your Wu family, but on this ancient continent, hehe."

He looks to Mia.

Mia frowned slightly, her face was impatient, and said: "Don't waste my time."

Bai Hao looked shocked and suddenly shouted: "Kill!"

The white giant scorpion is like a thunder, and the screaming screams out like a mountain and river.

At the same time, the horrible creatures of the demon dragon, the war eagle, and the giant scorpion condensed out, and they slammed out. Three kinds of huge fierce objects fluttered through the rolling room, and the earth and the earth changed color. The energy fluctuations that rushed out were simply earth-shattering.

The golden giant python fell on both feet, and the deep cave appeared in the earth. The deepness of the dragon did not bottom. The dragon was tumbling, and there was a gully in the swamp. The mud splashed. In the meantime, the surrounding magnetic field was like a volcano. The outbreak was general, and the vicinity of the twist was turned upside down.

Wu Bai mentions the giant hammer, and the golden armor bursts into the golden light. Like a golden armor god, he rushes to a white family without fear.

Wu Feng’s eyes were cold, and his handsome face showed a mocking smile. The fan in his hand opened up, and the Tianhe River flew directly out. The rivers were like four kinds of fierce objects that were entangled in the ropes.

In an instant, the Bai family and the Wu family brothers fought fiercely, playing the darkness of the sky, tearing the earth, if this is the ancient continent, fearing that the four virtual gods will hit the collision, the energy aftermath must not penetrate the earth. .

Mia is like a bright flower, standing on the sidelines, with a smile on her face, and no meaning of participating in the battle.

As if her family was her slave in her heart, she should give her troubles. When fighting this person, it should be the duty of the white family.

Mia was not in a hurry to collect the starry fruit trees. She watched the battle in the battle between the Bai family and the Wu family brothers, slender eyes, no one knows what she thought.


The invisible reticle is swaying, and the singularity of the singer is stunned, and the face becomes very ugly.

The battle between the Wujia brothers and the Baijia people, the waves of the turbulent earthshaking, the rushing energy of the rushing waves, such as the violent hurricane, caused many trees around to burst directly into pieces, causing the earth to tear open.

If they are relatively far away, if the mask has a strong defense, perhaps both of them should release their strength to resist.

In the mask, Shangyingyue and Shiyan are pushed together in a mischievous manner, drunk and half shaken, sometimes the chest collides, sometimes the hips and waists impact, such as sitting in a boat that is always swaying forever, can not be stabilized for a moment. Physical strength.

Shiyan still looks calm, but the heart is very comfortable.

After a while, his hands and feet in the Shangyingyue have doubled the peaks and the beautiful hips have been touched for ten times. Every time there is a kind of electric shock like the feeling of anger. This way is vented.

The close-fitting blue plaque is soft and soft, with a graceful curve, straight under the legs, silver boots, beautiful and beautiful, such as snowy skin, bare arms, slender waist, slender legs, Shangyingyue The figure is simply a golden ratio, which makes people unable to pick up a little problem.

At this point, her cold, frosty face gradually emerged with a hint of irritability, and shouted: "You **** bastard!"

She lowered her head and looked down at Shiyan's legs. From this point of view, she fully understood that the calm of Shiyan was only an armor, and her inner anger suddenly came out.

Between the legs of Shiyan, a high-spirited horn of a dragon, such as a magic dragon, propped up the trousers, so it seems so obvious, it seems to show its arrogance.

"Normal reaction, don't make a fuss, you are a woman, I am a man, we are so close... Inevitable." Shi Yan shook his body, still did not look at her, but a burst of strong energy rushed, Shangying month instead The wolverine twisted the graceful figure, and the back fell directly to him.

In the mask in front of Shangyingyue, there was a surge of power that pushed her, like a strong arm, and slammed her into the rock.

The same hot and hard things, such as a soldering iron to resist her round and beautiful buttocks, at that time, the shadow of the movie was shocked, shyness, anger, hate all kinds of emotions suddenly burst out, "Get out!"

A force of turbulent thunder and lightning, shot from the shadow of the Shangying Yuexiang, directly into the stone rock without defense.


Shi Yan suddenly came out of the mask, and his lower body was still as high as an iron pillar.

Mei Mei whirls in the light, and Mia, who is thinking about what is secretly calculating, suddenly stunned and stared at a hard ground on the swamp on the left. There, a young man’s face was ugly, his lower body was like a spear, and the pants were The top of the bulging bulging, the posture can not tell the sinister debauchery.

Mia was sluggish and she didn't understand what happened. She just looked at the man.

Under her eccentric gaze, the young man slammed his backhand and punched it out. A light curtain emerged from behind, and a beautiful woman with a shy face and a blushing neck suddenly appeared.

Mia stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly there was a strong sense of strangeness. She said with a loud voice: "You two are very special. I like to be happy when others are fighting fiercely. Is it just that you have just been too aggressive? Even the things that hide their identity are accidentally broken?"

Her face is ridiculous, the yin and yang are extremely ridiculous, and I feel that this is very interesting.

Shangying month can't wait to sneak into the ground, watching Mia's weird gaze, almost fainting, her life, afraid that it has never been so embarrassing.

Shi Yan was calm and self-confident, and smiled lightly, and shouted at Mia. "You continue, we won't bother, and we will leave."

"Don't." Mia pouted, her eyes bright and bright. "You continue to play, I didn't see it, oh, if you don't mind, I want to watch you play, I heard that some people still I like to be watched, your hobbies are so special... I am very interested."

Shangying's monthly blood rushed, and the ketone body trembled fiercely. It seems that it is a bit unstable.



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