God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1097: Refined fruit tree

The first thousand ninety-seven chapter refining fruit trees

In the dark and wet swamp, a blue lightning flashed through and disappeared in an instant. ""

Shangyingyue took the lead to get away from it, and did not dare to stay in the same place. I also knew that there was no need to continue to stay, because she was proud of herself and understood that it was not the opponent of the four strong men of Baijia, let alone the other party’s identity mystery. Mia.

Wu Feng and Wu Bai’s strengths came out, such as the ignited gunpowder barrel, and the fire in the eyes, also evacuated from this block.

Mia stood at the place where she should have parked the starry fruit trees. She looked at a deep pit. The flatter cheeks were beaten by the frost, cold and cold, and waved. She said directly: "Center for this, you Decentralized pursuit, the kid is only a virtual god, and any one of you can meet him easily."

The three warriors of the White House were indifferent to Mia’s instructions, but only looked at the day.

Bai Hao nodded and gave a look to the three, whispered: "Catch it."

The four figures, like the four rainbow lights, rushed in four directions and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

When everyone left, Mia showed a bit of confusion, a man whispered, seemingly confused by something.


As soon as he left the Bai family's warrior, Shangyingyue lost its trace again, using special means to hide the figure and the undulations, hiding in the invisible mask, and she alone sneaked in one direction.

Suddenly, she found that this invisible mask became extremely spacious, and the mind couldn’t help but emerge from the sinister scene that had just happened in the mask...

There was a slight difference in her eyes, but she quickly calmed down, and the corners of her mouth escaped from the cold angle. The two straight legs swayed and quickly faded away.

After she found out that the White Brothers should be far away from her, she hesitated a little, suddenly put the invisible mask away, and the graceful figure was suddenly exposed. Tingting stood under a dense old tree and was silent. Waiting for something. ("")

After half an hour.

A male shadow slowly walked in, his face was indifferent, and he came straight to her, but he was silent.

"Do you dare to come?" Shangying month bit his lip and hate.

She knows that Shiyan can sense the fluctuation of life within a certain range. Here, it is also the place they originally agreed to. She took the initiative to come together and removed the invisible mask. The heart is to ask Shiyan for a statement.

But she is not sure that Shi Yan dares to come.

"Why don't I dare to come?"

Shiyan’s left hand slammed the starry fruit tree, and the strange fruit tree splashed a little silver starlight. If the fireflies fell on his arms, he suddenly looked at his arm as if it had been smeared by the star sand. Make it clear that if you don't blast me out, we won't be exposed. As long as we don't expose it, when the Bai family and the Wu family brothers fight to win, I can help you, and join hands with you to start the white family, but unfortunately... You got rid of things."

"I got it?"

In the first month of the singer's forehead, a slender blue rib was beating and I couldn't help but scream: "If it wasn't for you to deliberately lighten me, would I blast you out? If I don't blast you out, who knows what disgusting things you will do? Come?!"

When she screamed, she couldn’t help but think of the scene that looked down and remembered the sturdy high-spirited body of Shiyan’s lower body, thinking of the ugly appearance of Shiyan’s indulgence.

"That was just an accident."

There is no trace of embarrassment, and there is no embarrassment. Shi Yan said coldly: "Who knows that your mask will be so unbearable with the aftermath of power? OK! This is the end of the matter!"

After a sentence, he turned around and left, coldly said: "You can't cooperate with you, the previous agreement was cancelled."

"You are shameless!" Shangying’s moon was ruined and hateful: "You have a starry fruit tree, and you have taken advantage of it. Now you turn your face. What kind of man are you?"

"I will do my best to kill the White House, but I will not continue to cooperate with you. ("") As for the colorful ghost demon flower... I will also take it with my own strength, without your troubles." Gradually and far away, the head did not return and left, and as the sound disappeared, he also lost track.

Shangying’s face stood cold for a while, and suddenly he couldn’t rely on the old tree, and his heart was wronged.


Under a thick mud swamp, deep into the area of ​​several kilometers, a flame is baked out of a dry cave.

Around the cave, there is a space enchantment that separates the gods and sounds. Shiyan sits so peacefully, puts the starry fruit trees on the ground and gaze at them.

The roots and branches of the Xingyao fruit tree are like blue jade, which is cool, and the nine walnut-like fruits are like stars. They release very strong energy fluctuations. A circle of blue waves sway out and have a strong defense against ordinary people. If you take it away, it will lead to a counterattack of energy.

However, for him, those blue apertures are not threatened, because he himself cultivates the stars.

This star-light fruit tree is the beginning of a spiritual cultivation of the stars. After the soul sacrifices the Nirvana, it merges with a star of life. After all kinds of strange changes, it finally evolves. It has no soul consciousness, but it contains the stars. The true meaning.

The texture of the branches, roots, leaves and fruits of the fruit trees, if you look carefully, you will find lines like a star curve, which coincides with some inexplicable subtlety of the Xinghai...

A finger is placed on the root of the fruit tree. He squints his eyes and runs the soul altar. The mind and mind are all in the heart of the mysterious layer.

Gradually, his fingers were faintly shining, overflowing with countless stars, and the stars were like some tiny shiny bacteria that suddenly merged into the roots of fruit trees.

In the meantime, his soul knows the sea as if he has reached a connection with the fruit tree. A glimpse of the creek like a small river flows into the sea, and it trembles in a sea of ​​stars filled with shining stars.

Numerous light and twinkling star light strips are intertwined to form a cumbersome and mysterious Xinghai pattern. Some patterns are like curved bows, some are like roaring beasts, some are like spoons, some are like flying Pegasus...

It is a picture of the combination of stars in the Milky Way. It contains some kind of heaven and earth and seems to be able to communicate directly with the people who practice the stars.

Shi Yan’s knowledge floats in it, feeling silently...

Suddenly, his eyes slammed brightly, and what was caught in the vagueness.

Is the star pattern like that, according to the Big Dipper? If you look at the appearance of the Big Dipper, it is exactly the picture of the spoon.

His mind was shocked, like what he realized at once, the whole person indulged in it, and the gods wandered in the starry fruit trees, searching in the roots and leaves...

When he was subtly aware of his soul consciousness, he indulged himself without knowing his own situation, but a star of the starry fruit tree was like a nutrient that was taken from it, a little bit smaller, lost the starlight, and slowly dried up. .

He did not know that the insight into the subtlety of the starry fruit tree would have cost the enormous stars in the starry fruit.

As the depletion of a star-lighting fruit shrank, he turned around with hundreds of millions of stars, and suddenly he saw that there were countless fireflies fluttering around him, flying around him, and eventually disappearing into his body. , turned into a pure energy in his body.

Time is in a hurry.

A star radiant fruit is exhausted, and a new star radiant fruit blooms again, and it gradually loses its luster and slowly absorbs energy...

A star of the glory, in his insight into the stars, in his soul consciousness wandering in the seemingly narrowing of the universe, he did not feel, but the starry fruit disappeared one after another, because the energy is exhausted, and the world between.

He did not know that it was subtle. Under the swamp, he held the starry fruit tree and carried out the most important sense of meaning in life.

The stars are righteous, this is the strange meaning that even the source of the mystery is extremely difficult to find. It is also the most difficult to advance in these years, but now, this kind of ambition is growing at an astonishing speed with incredible understanding. With.

The space in which he is located is not large, but now it is full of hundreds of millions of stars. If anyone can come in and look at it, they will find that the stars are simply the universe, which is a starry river that has been reduced by countless times. !

In the hands of the star-light fruit tree, the stars shine, the leaves disappear, the branches and leaves slowly wither, and the rhizome is also cracked. In the end, whether it is dried fruit, withered leaves or dried roots, it seems to be integrated into the narrow Xinghai pattern. , slowly disappearing.

He seems to be in the middle of the cosmic galaxy, bathed in the sky, like a fossil.

Time continues to pass.

On this day, the stars are like raindrops. Huo Ran is not in his body. He walks in his veins, bones and flesh and blood, and rushes into his knowledge of the sea. He has not entered his virtual world...

He is still sitting, but his body is slowly shaking. If he is sculpted with flesh and blood, the muddy water in the pores, the tiny dirt on the hair roots, his hair becomes shiny, and the muscles are covered with stars and yarns. The bones are like hard jade...

This is a new kind of transformation.

The tempering of flesh and blood and soul by the power of the Milky Way is a great benefit brought to him by the Starry Fruit Tree, which benefits him from every corner of his body.

But he still didn't wake up, and his mind consciousness seemed to wander in the vast river. If he couldn't find the way back, he would be in the depths of the mud, and it would be a few years to sit, not knowing the outside world.

The starry fruit tree is a meta-level treasure, which is not easy to form. It is a priceless treasure for the cultivation of the stars. It only exists in the legend.

A star-light fruit tree was completely refining and refining by him. He took the energy of it and learned the subtlety of it. It is equivalent to a high level of spirit, consciousness, soul, flesh and blood. It also includes... his realm, a virtual **** The threshold of the day to the double heaven was directly broken.

When he woke up, it was a vain god.



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