God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1098: Five editions

The vast expanse of the Xing Xinghai, countless stars are distributed in every corner, and there are countless stars in each star field. The stars of life, dead stars, ore stars, sun stars, moon stars, such as sand in the desert, Countless. ("")

In the endless sea of ​​stars, some of the stars are powerful and famous throughout the universe.

It is rumored that at the beginning of the universe, the first continent to be born is the ancient continent. There are only five ancient continents. These five ancient continents can be described as the origin of all creatures. All the powerful races from now come from the five ancient continents.

However, with the circumstance of hundreds of millions of years, with the rise of a year of strong life, with the extraction of the energy of heaven and earth by countless ethnic creatures, four of the five ancient continents gradually depleted and slowly returned to heaven and earth.

Only one of the ancient continents seems to be in the first place of the heavens and the earth, and it is incomparably wise. It does not unselfishly release its own power, does not breed any living beings, and maintains its own integrity.

It follows the rules of the game that it has established, and nourishes all kinds of heaven and earth in the interior, and opens it to the universe every 10,000 years.

It seems to use it as a kind of game, but it has made countless ethnic creatures rushing to the fore.

Once open for ten years, for ten years, the entrants can take advantage of the spiritual materials, and they can fight each other and use them as their playground.

Ten years later, less than one-third of the people who are able to live out of it, but every person who returns alive will receive the most ardent treatment from the family and the forces. They will gradually take over the family power and become a hero. The star field is coming out.

Today, although the ancient continent is in a closed period, there is no peace in the interior.

Time has passed five years.

This ancient continent has drifted from the edge of the foggy magical field to the Mot star field, galloping in the chaotic land outside the star field, crushing many of the ore stars and dead stars along the road, such as the invincible weapon.

If someone can cross the ancient continent with heavy energy fog barriers and be able to float above the ancient continent, you will find that the huge ancient continent is actually divided into five sections, which are in the five directions of the southeast and northwest of the mainland, four of which are from nine days. You can see the situation on the spot. ""

One of the maps is the endless marshes, one is the glaciers of Senhan, one is a dense forest, one is a sea of ​​oceans, and the ocean is dotted with sporadic islands.

These layouts are in the southeast and southwest of the mainland, and in the center of the four maps, it is like a world closed by thick energy. From the sky, the ice blue mask is like a giant bowl covering the earth. The center of the ancient continent is closed.

In the rest of the endless marshes, rolling glaciers, sky-covered forests, and oceanous areas, there are strong people in the universe.

However, if someone is staring at the sky, they will find that within the four maps, there are four forces that clearly prevail, and gradually eroded the scattered warriors, and there is a possibility that the different forces will be wiped out.

Endless marshes.

The group was slow and pacing. The first person was Mia. There were four white family members behind Mia. Now the four white family members are extremely cautious when they treat Mia, and their eyes are from the heart.

In the past five years, they have seen Mia's many ways of remnant drugs, knowing how this woman can kill opponents step by step, and stir up this piece of the map.

Twenty-something martial arts in the realm of the divine gods and the three heavens, there are old and young, there are men and women, bright and beautiful clothes, beautiful and beautiful, all with Mia Ma’s first look, white misunderstood those who are men and women Young and old are very beautiful people, and they are more respectful.

"In the past five years, we have killed more than 30 strong stars in this marsh area, but there are still some fish that are missing the net." Mia looked calm and looked into the distance, faintly said: "From the center The regional unblocking is getting closer, we have to hurry up, and we can no longer give those who miss the net."

"Mia sister, our two families have joined forces, and we can certainly kill all the fish that have slipped through the net before the central area is unsealed." "A young man who seems to be only 10 years old, the virtual **** and the heavenly realm, Junyi is very, very lightly said with a smile.

"Heige came the signal. He had cleaned up the fish in the north side of the glacier. If we couldn't solve it in a short time, he said that he would come over in person, we have lost to him, but It’s too ugly to lose.” Mia frowned.

"The guy in Haig is a pervert, we must be better than him. I have explained it above. Haig is the commander of this action. It is said that... the guy ignores the barriers of this ancient continent and can sense the fluctuations of life with God." The teenager's face was scared.

Mia sighed and nodded. She said: "Hague is indeed a genius. Without an accident, if this action is over, he will be able to determine the position of the future Bradley family patriarch."

"Everyone said that Haig got the origin of our family of ancestors, is it true?" The boy whispered.

As soon as this was said, Mia, the handsome men and women behind her, all showed a look of fear and fear, and she was obviously afraid of the man named Haig.

"I heard that is the case." Mia nodded. "If there is no accident, he may be the leader of our family in the future. The Bradley family has always been the strongest of the twelve people. Haig has got the origin of the ancestral star. Who can compete with him in the future? ”

"But Haig is pursuing you. If you can get him to obey, will you not be the one that our family controls the big picture in the future?" The teenager said with a smile, his eyes fixed on Mia, it seems To see her reaction.

"No woman can dilute Haige's ambitions, no one can." Mia's face changed.

After a pause, she was impatient: "Don't talk about him, we will clean up the fish that leaked the net as soon as possible, lest I wait for him to come over and say that we have no ability.

"Okay." The young boy smiled. "Our Ascot family teamed up with your Fernandez family. At this time, we are attacking the Fire and Rain Stars, the Malang Star Field, plus the help of the White House." When we walk out of the ancient continent, we can knock down the fire and rain stars and the Malang star field. At that time, our two forces will definitely rise, and maybe there is a possibility of fighting with the Bradley family. ""

Mia’s eyes lit up slightly and nodded slightly. “If we can successfully win the fire and rain stars and the Malang star field, our two positions in the family will rise and I hope everything will go.”

"It will be smooth." Juvenile.

White mistakenly listened to Mia and the boy's speech, secretly hanged his head, and his heart was so shocked that he was lucky to come with them.

From Mia's mouth, he learned an amazing news: most of the origins of the ancient continent were scattered by the Protoss in various major fields. Last time they almost controlled the result of entering the ancient continent. !

A circle of results, representing a top imaginary virtual realm in the major stars, representing the future family, the master of the power, is the genius that has been cultivated through the focus.

For example, Shaying, Wujia Brothers, Shangyingyue and his white mistakes are all figures of their respective stars, and they are likely to be masters of the future.

The Protoss distracted the circles and used them to throw them in the major stars, let those powerful forces get, and then send the most talented characters into the ancient continent to capture the coveted fruit...

This is simply a conspiracy!

Because this time the Protoss has more entrants! Also strengthen it! The major families of the Protoss join forces to bring the future of the cosmic enemy star field to the net in this ancient continent!

They want to eradicate the future leaders of the enemy, let them fall into turmoil in the next millennium, and even stagnate, laying a solid foundation for the Protoss to step down the Xinghai.

They have already done this.

The ancient continent now has a map of the Protoss, and there is a team of Protoss who will carry out the slaughtering of the rest of the territory. Before the central area is unsealed, the enemy of the Protoss and the Protoss will be killed one by one. Fine light.

Mia and the Aspte's Phelp, with their white family, have been cleaning up for the past five years.

In the swamp.

A row of clothes and messy, wolf-like warriors scattered everywhere, surrounded by dense old trees, but inside is a dozen of the military from the stars.

Among them are Wufeng, Wubai, and Shangyingyue, as well as clay figurines that have appeared before, even sandlifting...

They are all the large-scale warriors in the swamp, and now they are still alive. Each of them has been chased by Mia, Phelp, and Bai, and everyone has suffered from each other.

After the initial terrorism and persecution, most of them have been tragically killed, and they have been buried in the swamp forever. The receipts for several years have been accepted by Mia, Phelp and others, including their lives.

Suddenly survived, and gradually realized that there was only one dead end in the process of dispersal. Slowly, those who might have had mutual enemies also put down the barriers and joined together to gather together.

The conspiracy of the Protoss, everyone knows well, because Mia did not conceal this matter, she said very early, she just wants to tell everyone what they want to do, that is, let you know that you have to be finally one by one. Killing.

She enjoys this feeling.

"This one, only us are left. Before the central area is unsealed, we may all be killed." The injury that Shahao was hit by Shiyan recovered very early. He used to spend a long time chasing the stone. The fall of the rock, unfortunately, has never been seen.

He was only disappointed by Shiyan and most people, who were killed by the Protoss led by Mia and Phelp.

"We are being surrounded by them. They seem to know our general direction. We have many people. If we don't disperse, it is easy to be discovered. If we are scattered, it is easier to be killed." Wu Feng's face is chilly and it is extremely tricky.

Ten people are ugly, you are a sentence, I was talking about the most intense time, from the depths of their bodies, there was a loud explosion.

Everyone is as dirty as a ash, thinking that Mia and Phelp's Protoss are lurking underneath, and they are going to kill them most deadly.


To be continued


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