God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1101: Small fish that are not valued...

The little fish that is not valued in Chapter 117...

A piece of green water, floating on the surface of the water, willow-like seaweed, clusters of clusters, smog green smoke rising, forming a green hood in the water surface, a touch of acidity. The latest chapter of the church

A cluster of seaweed gathered convex, stone rock waist immersed in green water, revealing a half body, looked up at the green cloth smog smog, can not help but sigh.

The green smoke cloud, the stream did not enter his mouth and nose, the sour toxin suddenly spread, and instantly spread in his body, the toxins were everywhere, his flesh and blood felt a hemp, the bones were a bit hard, and the blood running speed gradually slowed down. .

Toxins can paralyze the body's functions, and people can lose their ability to control the body unconsciously. Over time, they will find that they are sore and weak, and even the body's divine power will slowly pass away.

This is a poisonous suffocating gas that gradually penetrates and gradually corrodes the human body.

The eyes are shining, the quenching cold beads hidden in the soul altar are quietly contained in the tip of the tongue. A suction field is released from the black ice and cold beads. Even if you see a silk thread that is hard to see in his body, All poured into the quenching cold beads.

The green water of the water, the poisonous suffocating suffocating, all contain chronic toxins. In the swamp, there are many similar areas.

It is not too far from Mo Zhen, Wu Bai, and Cecilia. It is not a hundred miles away. Although the ancient continent cannot fly in the air, it is a region of the virtual realm such as Shi Yan. It is still very fast to come, especially the cultivation of space for the righteous, even more so.

A group of hot flames swayed overhead, such as a small round of sun, constantly releasing the light of the fire.

The fluctuations of life in the radius of hundreds of miles, in the sense of the operation of the deputy soul, slowly feedback back, reflected in his mind.

Mo Yan, Wu Feng, Wu Bai, Cecilia and his eleven people have not changed their position. They should still discuss how to deal with the threat of the Protoss. The knowledge is extended. After several breathing intervals, his face has changed quietly. The spirit of the gathering is concentrated, and the mental power is gradually concentrated.

He determined the precise position of Mia, Phelp, Baijia and others. The latest chapter of the church

There are a total of twenty-seven people, of which there are seventeen people who have reached the virtual heaven and three heavens. The remaining ten are virtual gods and two heavens. The twenty-seven people in this line have strong qi and blood, and the life magnetic field is very strong. Power is a little higher than the realm of display.

Especially the head of Mia, the strong fluctuations in the magnetic field of life, comparable to the realm of the realm of the gods, the ketone body is not inferior to the cypress.

Except for the four strong men of Baijia, the rest are all Protoss, and each Protoss is extremely powerful, far beyond the same realm.

He silently snooped for a while, and he quietly took back his knowledge, his face became more and more serious.

Things are a lot trickier than he thought...

His main purpose is not to help Shangyingyue deal with the white family. He wants to get the colorful ghost demon flowers in Mia's hands. This is his first task in entering the ancient continent. Yang Qingdi’s mind was invaded by the rot, and must be Regain waking with the help of this demon flower.

For the colorful ghosts, he is bound to win!

The reason why there is no decisiveness and Mo Zhen, Sha Yu, Wu Feng, those people come together because he has his own plans, with his deputy soul and the origin of the ancient continent, he can see any abnormalities around, equivalent to a pair It can overlook the eyes of the earth.

With this guarantee, they can't cope with any sinister dangers with Mo Zhen and Shang Yingyue. They can avoid them in advance and can guarantee that they will not meet with the Protoss team.

He also refined the space of the righteousness. It can be said that in the swamp, he was in an invincible position from the beginning, and unless he rushed into the encirclement of the enemy, there was basically no danger.

With Mo Zhen, those people are really walking together, but they will be able to share their strengths with them. They can't take advantage of anything cheap. How can they be disadvantaged? He will not be so stupid.

He was prepared to act alone, find a chance to shoot Mia, take the opportunity to forcibly capture the colorful ghosts, but now he does not think so...

After carefully scrutinizing the fluctuations of the Miyake body and the magnetic field of life, he knew how powerful Mia was. In the absence of Mia’s injury, even if it was a single-on-one, he did not use his power. Must be able to take the upper hand. ("")

Mia is now always with the Protoss team, and he has no chance to start. It’s really a miserable life.

His face was calm, he thought calmly, and sought a way to achieve his goal. Half a ring, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he could not help but sneer.

If Mo Zhen, Sha Yu, Wu Feng, Wu Bai, Cecilia, if they can make good use of it, he has no chance to reach his wish. As for those people will not be killed by him, will it be all? The army did not care, he did not care.

A thought breeds, he gradually has a direction, thinking about how to perfect it, his whole body dive a little bit, immersed in the water of the toxin, calm and disappear.


"Miss, please stay for a while."

The elegant and handsome Joman suddenly stopped in front of the team. He squatted down. A palm print was like a mysterious and cumbersome pattern. He casually pressed a piece of mud under his feet. The dirty mud did not stain his slender white hands. The faint glow is blocked out.

Mia Snow raised her arms and made a peculiar gesture. All the people behind Phelp and Bai Jia stopped behind.

Everyone looked at Joman.

A silver electric light, such as the silver fish that can swim in the ground, splashed from the fingertips of Johan, and quickly fell into the swamp and quickly went away.

Johan closed his eyes, sketched various curves in his mind, and showed the surrounding scene a little bit. The environment map centered on him, such as the same lifelike painting, was reflected in his mind...

"There is a small fish that is very close to us." Yoman smiled and stood up calmly, pointing to the direction of Shiyan's hidden space. "Only the virtual gods and heavens should be inadvertently separated from the big forces. Oh, this guy is really Careless, just in the scope of my insights, I can not observe the clues."

He looked to Mia and waited for the order of his house lady.

"...just if you are a **** of heaven, you don't have to work hard, so you don't waste too much time." Mia told me lightly: "You have helped me clean up in the past."

The four Baijiawu people in the dry bones field heard the words slightly and responded cautiously. Then, under the guidance of Bai Yu, they suddenly left.

"When the fish of the net is cleaned up, are these four white families, do you want it?"

The Philippe of the Ascot family, the young and handsome face with a sinister smile, made a gesture of wiping the neck, and the people of the Ascot family behind him, all sneer, obviously from beginning to end. Did not regard the White Brothers as true companions.

"These four dogs are still useful." Mia smiled mildly, but the words were sinister and feminine. "When you enter the central area, you may have to compete with other families. Even if you don't, use them as cannon fodder." Can make the best use of it."

"It’s still Mia’s sister thinking about it.” Philp reacted and really admired.

"You don't care." Mia smiled and said, the eyes waved, the flattering stretched out, and the waist showed an amazing arc. "Hurry up, let the guy from Haig send a message. He said that he came over quickly and said that we are too slow."

"That's going to be faster." Phelp snorted. "I don't want to see the face of Haig."

"Nobody wants to see him." Mia could not help but sigh.

The crowd immediately continued without rushing.


"Everyone should continue to act. The other party may be close to us. We can't stay in one place for a long time."

Like Cecilia, a beautiful snake, the ketone body suddenly trembled and woke up from a short period of retreat. The pretty face showed a bit of annoyance. "I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy. I am afraid that we are again." It has to pay a heavy price."

Mo Zhen, Wu Feng, Sha Fei, Shang Yingyue all heard the words immediately, and their faces were not very good-looking. It was very strange to look at Cecilia.

Recently, Cecilia has always been able to tell the disaster in advance of the crow's mouth. Her good deeds are inaccurate, and the bad things are in the middle, so that when she hears that she is not right, everyone is slightly changed, and all are gods. I don’t think so.

"It really can't stay for a long time." Mo Yan nodded. "Someone is good at tracking. Although it's far less than the subtle sense of God, time is a lot of money... but they can really lock our direction."

Everyone's face became more and more heavy, and they all knew that Mo Zhen said that there is a factual basis, because in the past six months, no matter how hidden they are, they will be found by the other party after a period of time.

"Well, we continue to wander and wander until the central area is unsealed." Wu Feng smiled coldly. "I don't believe that they can clean up all the people who entered the territory of the ancient continent, as long as the central area is unsealed. We can enter, I don't believe they can still chase us."

Everyone looked shocked.


Green water, a cluster of floating algae turbulent, suddenly appeared in the shape of stone rock, flashing a faint starlight, such as a silver mask to cover the body.

He frowned and glanced in one direction and felt it silently.

Suddenly left from the algae, he quietly changed the trace, such as a twist of lightning constantly moving, and soon disappeared.

After half a quarter of an hour, the white pheasant appeared next to the algae. The white scorpion sniffed a sigh of relief. The yin said: "There are still people, now there is no breath, it should have left." At very close distance They can still perceive the breath of life.

"Can you know that we are here?" One person.

"Impossible, it should be just a coincidence." Bai Hao shook his head, sinking for a few seconds, and decisively gave up: "We are not Joman, it is not necessary to pursue the search, or go there to help."

The other three nodded, according to Bai Yu’s words, went to the target.


Ps: There are two chapters today. There will be three chapters tomorrow. I can't guarantee that there will be more every day, but I will try my best every day. Everyone will slowly look at my performance. Don't give me any tickets. I didn't pay back the owed chapters. No face wants anything~~


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