God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1102: damage

In the northern part of the ancient continent, the glaciers that stand on the towers are undulating, like a sturdy ice sword with a handle inserted into the sky, revealing the cold and cold atmosphere.

A group of more than 20 Protoss, led by the headed youth, slowly traveled between the glaciers and marched towards the swamp territory.

At present, the young man has a short hair root like a steel needle, his face is handsome, dressed in a beautiful black armor, and the red armor pattern is engraved on the armor, such as a burning fire.

More than 20 Protoss people behind him, calm and steady, like the mountains and rivers with explosive power, give a strong sense of oppression.

The continuous glacier ice peaks have buried many warriors under their sweeping. They are all so-called geniuses from all major stars. After five years, they unplug the seeds of the so-called major stars in their own territory. It is.

"Young master, there are probably three sunlights, we can cross the glaciers and enter the swamp map where Mia is." An old-fashioned old man, dressed in a beautiful robes, respectfully said.

Haig nodded, his eyes shining like lightning at the front, and said indifferently: "Mia they are really useless, they count the slowest speed, and have not been cleaned up until now."

"The young master has passed, and this matter can be ended immediately." Payton smiled slightly and complimented in a timely manner. He looked at Haig’s eyes with awe.

The Bradley family has been the strongest in the 12-year-old family of the Protoss, and has always had the most right to speak in the Changchun Old League.

The Haige is the most dazzling star of the Bradley family. It is only a step away from the beginning of the gods. It is the source of the ancestral star, the four years of conquest, and the individual combat experience. It can lead the army to train troops and lead troops, and their minds are tough as iron, and they are hot and brutal...

Almost in the eyes of all Protoss predecessors, Haig has no obvious weakness, and is also the future leader of the Bradley family.

The patriarch of the Bradley family can almost look at the future direction of the Protoss as a cosmic hegemon, and the Bradley family has always cultivated Hagrid in this respect.

He has never been disappointed.

This time, the action of the ancient continent called "The Wasteland" was also proposed by Haig and led by him...

Disperse the deductions in the star fields that threaten the Protoss, revealing the mysterious mystery of the ancient continent, attracting many powerful forces to send their successor seed geniuses into the ancient continent, and then he will take the protoss family. The elite has launched a massacre of the geniuses of the various parties in the star field, killing the hopes of the future of the stars in one fell swoop.

This sinister and cruel strategy made the protoss of the Protoss utterly moved, and the praise of Haig was not lost.

Many of the famous protagonists on the list of the Protoss gods have regarded Haig as the leader of the future of the Protoss. This time, letting him lead the major families of the Protoss into the ancient continent is the last time he observed his observations. If he successfully implemented his own Plan to clean up the future genius races of the major stars, and he will be crowned the future protoss of the Protoss without any objections.

Before he came in, he also set up a military order to ensure that he would succeed in achieving his goal.

He is full of confidence.

Because before he entered the ancient continent, he could already break through the beginning of the gods. He was stuck in a hard life, and he maintained a virtual reality so that he could come in smoothly. Because he got the origin of the ancestral star, he could ignore the shackles of the ancient continent. Search for creatures hidden in any corner.

With the elite of the Bradley family, the realm of illusory gods, ignoring the unique advantages of restraint, he is bound to win.

Peyton looked at him with a smile, as if to see the future of the Bradley family, as if to see the Protoss command the beautiful picture of the major stars, he sincerely proud of the family, proud of Hagrid.

“Remember, our primary goal is to clean up the seed genius from all walks of life.” Haiger’s eyebrows provoked and said indifferently: “This time the seniors’ expectations of me, we must first achieve this, and then consider how to get from the big family. To get the most benefit, you must distinguish between the primary and the secondary, and you can't fight before the main task is not realized."

"Old slaves understand." Payton smiled.

"Well, keep going and get into the swamp as soon as possible." Haig nodded. "Besides this one, the other three parties have a little trouble. We should be a firefighter, not for others, for ourselves."

"The young master can take care of the overall situation, the old slave is very pleased." Payton praised.

A group of Bradley family protoss strong continue to shuttle through the glaciers, gradually approaching the swamps of Mia and Phelp.

In a cluster of wet and slippery muddy areas, one of the Protoss is quietly dispersed, slowly moving in one direction.

Mia's toes point to the wetlands in the swamp, and it floats slowly like nothing. She doesn't talk, just keep making gestures, let everyone try to spread, try to expand the encirclement.

Yoman was graceful and calm, and he rushed forward in the first place, pointing out the direction from time to time.

Suddenly, a slight break in the sound of the sound - far passed, Mia pretty face slightly changed, let everyone temporarily stop.

After a short time, the four white people came over lightly and gathered at the side of Mia. The white shook his head slightly, but he could not help but explain: "The other party left first."

Mia frowned, and said: "Forget it, first solve the main goal, and that little fish has time to clean up."

I am sorry for the ceremony.

Waving his hand, Mia Chong Phelp gave a look and signaled them to continue.

Twenty-seven Protoss people are slowly scattered in a semi-circle, close to the target.

If someone can float the sky and overlook the bottom, they will find that the Protoss headed by Mia and Phelp are like fishing in the net. The net slowly spreads away from Mo Zhen, Shang Yingyue, Wu Feng. They are getting closer and closer.

Mo Zhen and others who were treated as fish were still unaware of the speed, and the speed obviously did not reach the limit.

- They are still not aware of the threat.

In the middle of the two teams, there is a filthy stream, which is narrow and long, like a long snake in progress.

In one of the streams, suddenly a figure appeared, and the clothes were clean and tidy. They were not contaminated by sewage. He smiled softly and looked at the Mia and Phil, who were approaching, and looked back and did not notice. The dangerous Mo Zhen, Shang Yingyue everyone, his eyes slowly picked up, staring at the sand shovel pulled behind.

The Huanren Xinghai changed, and the starlight overflowed. Suddenly, he condensed into an unfolding star bow and arrow in front of his eyes. A meteor like Changhong, carrying a violent violent force that rips the sky, burst out.

The starlight in the sky is dazzling like electricity. It contains the trajectory of the stars. It even spurs the energy of the heavens and the earth to give the arrows. The arrow of the starlight is more and more horrible, and suddenly slams into the heart of the sand, screams and screams. Howling.

Shaying's face was cold and cold, and he couldn't help but spit out a **** fog. The **** fog was squirming in the scorpion, and the sharp and sharp screaming was made into a monster. It took a lot of effort to block the star arrow.

A violent energy shock suddenly spread, and countless stars spurred on the spotlight. Many of the stars were also splashed behind the prominent area of ​​the Protoss. Many cautious Protoss had to take action or release the energy.

"Despicable shameless thief!" Sasha screamed.

Mo Zhen and Cecilia, who had been advancing, couldn’t help but look back at Satay, but suddenly saw the movements farther away and saw the Protoss who showed signs of inadvertently.

"They are coming!"

Cecilia couldn't help but scream.

For a time, the eleven fish, which were targeted as sand shoals, condensed their power to the extreme, like eleven light arrows. Suddenly, the speed increased several times, and the speed was shot toward the front.

The rear side of the Protoss gathered.

Mia's flattering cheeks were covered with frost, and she snorted coldly: "Catch up immediately!"

Her gaze is like an ice rim, gathering in a stream in front of her, the bite of her teeth in her heart, the glimpse of the stars and arrows, she has already recognized who is destroying her major event - the robbing her starry fruit tree !

In the past five years, they have wandered around in the swamps, and they have also hunted many warriors and harvested many materials. However, until now she has not received more precious things than the Xingyao fruit trees.

The robbing of the Xingyao fruit tree has always kept her in her arms, so she could not forgive herself.

A small child in the realm of a sacred god, he deceived himself by himself, and in his own face, easily took away the starry fruit trees, leaving a few cynicism...

Every time I think about it, Mia hates her teeth. This is the only time she has lost her way since she entered the ancient continent. She can't help it!

This time, they have been planning for a long time, preparing to kill the remaining nets before they have come over, and then at the crucial time, the stars are scattered, and their people are clicked out. It disturbed her steps, making it difficult for them to form encirclement, and the whole calculations were destroyed.

The second time!

Mia took a deep breath, and the beauty was chilly and sinister, and Shiyan hated the bone marrow.

The Protoss who were destroyed by the plan, chasing after all the way, the team gradually lengthened, until the wise diversion of Cecilia, Mo Zhen and others, the Protoss team gradually turned into a cluster, several people A small team continues to pursue.

Mo Zhen, Cecilia, and the scattered people of Shangying, if they are caught up by the Protoss team, some people may be killed, but this kind of scattered escape can make them not be exhausted.

While chasing, while fleeing at a very high speed, the central warriors in this swamp are divided into many shares, such as a line is extended and diverted, and for the initiator, the opportunity he needs is slowly emerging.

......(To be continued


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