God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1106: Broken barrier

Even with Phelp, there are eight people in this Ascot family. These eight people have a slightly lower realm than Phil, and the rest are in the virtual world of the three gods. They are all Ascot families. Elite!

Phil is the second son of the Ascott family patriarch Fick, who has won the Ficker's love. This is the ancient continent. For his safety, Fick really used the seed warrior of the family's many false gods. []

The seven people who protect Phelp's security are all in the realm of the three gods, and two of them will be able to enter the realm of the gods in the future.

Fick has three sons, but unfortunately the qualifications of the eldest son are general. Now it is just a virtual world. The younger son is still young and embarrassed. He has not been carefully trained by Fick for the time being.

Only the second son, Phelp, is a talented person, and he has entered the virtual world of divine gods at a young age. He is superior to his eldest brother and is extremely intelligent. Now he has helped the Ascot family to capture many territories, so many The family elders are very happy.

Fick is cultivating him as a family of the future, so this trip to the ancient continent will allow Phelp to lead the family to come over and to compete with other families.

Watt is an Ascot family member. It is also the focus of this care for Phelp's imaginary gods. He cultivates the power of the earth and is recognized as the strongest person who can break through the beginning of God in the shortest time.

Six Ascot family members joined forces to fight against Cecilia, Shangyingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiaohai. Kawat did not take the shot. He always stood behind Phelp and quietly continued to enhance. The energy of the enchantment protects Phelp from being attacked.

An ice blue electric light was shot from his palm, and he was completely enchanted when he was not in the body. When a tremor came into his heart, Watt finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The enchantment is completely condensed, unless there is the power of the original **** or special means, otherwise I will pass through the enchantment in an instant, and there will be no problem for the prisoners of Cecilia, Shangyingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiaohai.

Watt knows that the Shadowmoon and Cecilia powers are strong, and the real power may not be weaker than the ordinary beginning, but he is confident that they are difficult to use in the encirclement of the crowd and can use all their energy to break through, so he is very rest assured.

Watt's narrow, cold eyes squinted at Cecilia and Shangyingyue, and the corners of his mouth pulled out a ** angle and smiled low.

The shape of Shangyingyue is long and moving, the curve is perfect, the appearance is beautiful, and the blue arc lightning is wrapped around the slender waist, which makes her add a hot charm. Cecilia has a mature charm and ketone body sexy. Plump, such as ripe peaches, pink skin seems to be able to pour out water and...

The two women of different charms are beautiful and moving, and they can evoke the man’s arrogance.

Watt glanced at Fürth, who swallowed his mouth, and frowned at the undetectable, his heart was helpless.

He knows that Phelp's is good...

The young master of the Ascot family had no mother since he was a child. He was tempered by Fick from childhood, and he was murdered when he was a little older. He was dozens of people killed and considered him in a cruel way.

Perhaps for this reason, perhaps the childhood is too dark, Phelp's character is extremely extreme, with many missing guns...

Like to ravage beauty, is a metamorphosis hobby of Phelp, so many women who have died in the hands of Fürth for so many years, are all beautiful women of all major stars, from girls to mature women.

Watt served as a shelter for Fürth for many years, and was responsible for cleaning up the mess every time, knowing that the women who died in the hands of Fürth, the final end is simply terrible.

But he can often get a little more from it...Before Fürth didn't have a big killing madness, he was the most faithful running dog of Phelp, and he could enjoy the delicate and moving body of those women.

Looking at the temperament, but also the heart-warming Cecilia, Shangyingyue, Watt eyes become hot and red...

From his point of view, Cecilia and Shangyingyue are the best women, and they are much better than the women they have experienced in the past years. The most important thing is that these two people are the three gods of virtual gods. Like his power realm, this makes Watt even more exciting.

He couldn't help but think of the wonderful taste of the past, the body gradually became hot, and the eyes of Cecilia and Shangyingyue became more sinister and strange.

There is still Philipp that is more chilling than his eyes.

Phelp's eyes braved the green light, which was formed by the cultivation of a certain mystery. Under his sight, Cecilia and Shangyingyue were stunned by the two, and the two greens were faint and small. The horrible feeling of the snake in the upper reaches, 1s inside the panic.

The same is true, the two people who were originally encircled, the power can not be played out in ten.

The eyes of both Phelp and Watt gave the pressure of the two people no less inferior to the indiscriminate bombing of the imaginary gods, so that the two women with some kind of cleanliness only felt uncomfortable.

Cecilia, Shangyingyue, Jiaoshan, and Jiaohai were besieged in six acres of land, and the main firepower was concentrated on Jiaoshan and Jiaohai. The fire spirit condensed by the fierce flame, the impact of the ice peaks confined by the extreme cold force, the tremors of the tremors of the tremors from the bottom of the earth, the tyrannical hurricanes that were provoked by special means...

Jiaoshan and Jiaohai were bombarded with various forces, and their strength was quickly lost. The two tried to rush out of the bondage, but they were once bounced back by the enchantment. Instead, they were beaten by the opportunity, and the wolf vomited blood.

Cecilia is like a beautiful blue-colored water snake. It’s a clear stream of water when it’s raised, and it’s changing under her heart, or forming a python, or becoming a flying giant eagle, or like a dragon. Demon, a stream of water is ever-changing, breeding all kinds of wonderful.

The shadow of the ketone body came from thunder, and a blue arc lightning like a dragon snake swam away, filled in a closed space, and the lightning lash in the hand was even moving.

As soon as the whip was on the scene, there was an electric dragon whistling out, and the swamp of the foot swept out of the sky, but it could not tear the enchantment built by various forces. Shangying Month tried many times, she felt unless Slowly accumulating strength for a while, with all the strength to force the gods to bombard, can only tear the enchantment.

Unfortunately, the other party will not give her room to show.

Seeing Jiaoshan and Jiaohai gradually disappeared, and seeing Cecilia gradually getting anxious, revealing a desperate posture, Shangyingyue was also confused, and his eyes became more and more cold and cold.

Phelp and Watt's eyes always linger on her and Cecilia, and Watt's undisguised ** eyes made her want to smash the bones. The eyes of Phelp's snakes made her whole body. Discomfort, it seems that the strength of the body has been affected.

"Maybe I can't get away." Cecilia is still calm, but her eyes are a bit of sadness. "If you can't leave anyway, it's better to fight for it, try to pull a few more backs."

She looked at Jiaoshan, Jiaohai, and the charming and feminine posture came with three wonderful waves. The ketone body seemed to have a sound of rapid water flow. Even if her **** and plump body was slightly dry, it was like the water inside the body. I got rid of a part.

This is also the case.

Cecilia had a water line of five or six meters in her hand. The energy of the horror was heard in the five-color waterline. The dryness of her body was taken from her heart and slowly pulled out. The name of the gods is a change of face, it seems that the water line is so powerful.

Jiaoshan and Jiaohai saw her waterline pulling away from her body, and her face suddenly became dignified and violent. Like the murderous beast that was dying to make the most insane attack before death, the two brothers' pores burst out of blood.

The cold cheeks of Shangyingyue were stern, and I watched Cecilia, Jiaoshan, and Jiaohai desperately. She was also prepared to use hidden means in desperation.

Although she did not want to, she had no choice but to know that even if she used the last resort, she would not be able to retreat, but she also knew that if she did nothing, Cecilia, Jiaoshan and Jiaohai would be very If she is not killed, she will not be able to cause heavy damage to the Ascot family.

She has no feelings for Cecilia, Jiaoshan, Jiaohai. Everyone just because of the threat of the Protoss, they just want to live together, just because the goal is to do...

If you change a scene, if there is no threat of the Protoss, she may be with the Cecilia, Jiaoshan, Jiaohai or the enemy, and will also fight for all kinds of interests.

However, now, here, under the siege of the people of Phelp, they are the most solid comrades-in-arms and must go back together.

Because they have been forced to the road by the other side.

"The good show is going to be staged!"

Phelp's body whispered in a regular manner, and his face was intoxicated and squinted: "To die, I like to watch people die, I like it when I was very young, from my first murder. I fell in love with that feeling..."

He seems to be indulging in his memories. When he enjoys his face, there is a hint of fear in his eyes...

On his adult day, Fick gave him a separate rite of rites: a **** banquet that made him unforgettable forever, let him personally kill ten people of different races..."

It was a nightmare in his life, which made his future remnant, powerful and cold, but also distorted his heart.

Phelp was trembling, sinking into the **** memories, as if he had seen countless enemies killed by him, and he was tortured to death, and he was getting excited.

Watt is also inexplicably excited, his eyes are hot and hot, his lower body is high, straight toward the direction of Cecilia and Shangyingyue, squinting at the corner of a fantasy ah...


A scarlet **** light, like a streamer slashing through the sky, the shining sky is as dark as the smeared blood.

Watt, which is in harmony with the energy of the enchantment, is completely unprepared, and one body is planted on the ground, the lower part of the body is tied to the ground, and the sting is broken, and the screaming of the mouth is suddenly screaming.

Philp woke up and suddenly found that the enchantment behind him was instantly torn. At the same time, a sense of crisis that made his scalp numb, such as the shadow of horror, forced him to be overwhelmed. It is.

He seems to have returned to the rite of rites in his childhood, filled with great fear, and gave birth to a sense of defeat and defeat.

... (to be continued.)


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