God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1107: Hold on!

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A scarlet spurred blood light tears the sky, the Ascot family's virtual god, the three heavenly realm, Watt suddenly slammed, licking his teeth and screaming, trembled. (, watch the latest update of this book)

Watt is able to condense all kinds of wonderful and enchanting barriers. He has an unpredictable perception of many intricate and difficult images. However, it is well known that every powerful enchantment needs to be cast. The spirit and soul are given to them. The more terrible the enchantment, the stronger the soul power that needs to be applied.

More enchantment can be connected to the soul of the caster, so that once there is any wind and grass in the enchantment, the caster will capture it instantly.

Watt’s accomplishment in enchantment is extremely high. The enchanted barrier that he condenses directly connects with his soul. At the moment when the enchantment is torn, his soul has a sting that is cut by a sharp blade. Was injured in the soul.

The enchantment was shattered, and Cecilia and Shangyingyue, who were in battle, all looked shocked. Several Ascot family members also realized that it was not good at the same time.

Everyone has their own plans in a short moment. Cecilia, Shangyingyue, Jiaoshan, and Jiaohai tried to get out of the battle circle immediately. As for the Ascot family, they want to know the enchantment first. What troubles.

When they saw Watt struggling in the ground, they all changed their faces, and the subconscious mind had to protect the safety of Phelp.

Before coming to the ancient continent, Ascot’s owner, Fick, had a clear explanation. At any time, it was necessary to ensure that Phelp would not have an accident. Now Watt is temporarily innocent to take care of Phelp, and they immediately regard Phelp’s life safety as The primary task.

In particular, they found that Phelp's expression was extremely wrong...

At the rupture of the enchantment, Philp was suddenly poured into all kinds of negative emotions, directly evoking the weakness of his heart, letting him return to the day of the adult ritual, and his heart was full of fear and anxiety.

In this state, Phelp's reason has been temporarily disturbed, and the keen perception is greatly weakened, and the power cannot exert its true power.


Three strange white bones and thorns emerged, such as the electric light emerging from nothingness, straight to the chest of Phelp.

"Young master is careful!"

Watt, who was twisting his body, suddenly violently drunk at this time, regardless of his own safety, even blocked the three bone spurs in the chest.

At the same time, all the Ascot family members are mad and generally pounce on Phelp, want to block all the power with flesh and blood, and then slowly pick up the hand. \\\\. Com starting \\\\

The crisis of Cecilia, Shangyingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiaohai was immediately lifted. Now the enchantment is torn apart. The attention of the Ascot family’s warriors is not on them. It is their best. The opportunity to leave.

The four people looked at each other and looked at each other's eyes and hesitated, hesitating whether or not to attack.

"A rare opportunity!"

Shangyingyue was decisively cold and low-drinking, and the thunder and lightning suddenly burst into arrogance. Like dozens of lightning snakes, they rushed toward the Ascot family.

The four people who were still hesitant, Cecilia, Jiaoshan, and Jiaohai, had already started to see Shangyingyue, and they also rushed to express their strengths. The attention was all concentrated on the Ascot family. The warrior wants to cooperate with the starter to bring damage to the Ascot family.

At this point, the secret shots still did not appear, and even Shangyingyue did not know who was playing the Ascot family's idea.

But the four know that if there is no secret shot, the enchantment will be torn apart, and the Ascot family will be attracted. The four of them will never escape and will be cruelly tortured by the Ascot family.

The Ascot family is the twelfth of the Protoss, and the prestige is in the major stars. Among them, Phelp's terrible quirks are even more horrifying things for all women.

... From knowing the identity of Phelp, Cecilia and Shangying month secretly made up their minds: they would rather burn jade and not let themselves fall into the hands of Phelp.

They are very clear about what kind of end will happen to a woman who falls into the hands of Phelp.

call out!

A Mori white bone spurt disappeared, and the remaining two bone spurs, like long eyes, passed through the gap of the Ascot family of warriors, and turned a corner, and then appeared again in the heart of Phelp.

At the same time, behind Pfeipu, the space highlights a narrow gap, a figure is like a rag from the cracked rug, two hands holding two snow spurs, calmly tied to the back of Phelp .

A rainbow-like aperture undulates from Phelp. The layers of apertures are filled with powerful power fluctuations. It is implied that the five elements are subtle and magical.

The two bone thorns are tied to the multicolored apertures, as if they were tied in a sponge group. There is a feeling of imaginary power that does not provoke a strong power flare.


An enchanting energy that closes the flesh, like a shackle, suddenly comes to the whole body. Shiyan’s flesh and blood is like being shackled by a rope, and the action becomes difficult.

"The boy is looking for death!"

Watt’s eyes were gloomy and sneering, and both hands formed an imprint like a lotus flower, and the imprint was faintly facing Shiyan’s head.

A seal of energy that poured into the soul altar was born in his knowledge of the sea. In the rocky sea, there was a huge demon lotus, which was so large that he occupied every corner of the sea and directly let He lost all his miraculous thoughts.


The violent electric light, the icy blade, and the yellow sand condensed giant punches came from three directions, and immediately bombarded him on the body of the god. The stone rock suddenly slammed into the earthquake, and the internal organs were displaced. A burst of blood spewed out in an instant.

In the blood splatter, Shi Yan has a squat, his face has not changed, but his eyes have a faint color.


A blunt instrument into the flesh of the meat, suddenly came out of time, the next moment I saw Phil Pu screaming in the stomach.

The snowy bone spur that disappeared, stabbed in the belly of Phelp, half of it from his lower back, the bone spurs pierced the vascular artery, blood splattered from his abdomen and back waist, and two of Phelp The hand tightened the bone spur, and the face was distorted and mourned, as if it was painful.

The spur is still creeping in his abdomen!

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!" Phelp screamed with Watt.

The six Ascot family members, suddenly mad, generally urged the power to the extreme, to bring stone rock into the dead **** in an instant, to strangle him in an instant.

Whirring whirring!

Suddenly, the ancient world's thick and dense water and earth's energy surged like a tidal wave, forming a solid and hard barrier, and even the space around the stone rock was blocked.

In the screams of everyone, Shi Yan glanced at Phillips and suddenly gave a low drink.

The barrier formed by the rich energy of the heavens and the earth, such as the sea water spurting out, suddenly burst out, pushing all the people around him to the west, if swept by the hurricane, flew one by one.

Including the horror of Cecilia, Shangyingyue, etc., including Watt and Ascot family members, including Phelp...

At the time of the people's spins, Shiyan figure crossed a strange curve. The ghosts usually appeared behind Phelp's body. In the corner of the crowd, there was a **** light behind Phelp's body. The rainbow on Phelp's body. The aperture is immediately fragmented.


Shi Yan suddenly clasped Phelp's neck, letting Phelp's bones come to the crisp, and the other hand carried a spur, the spurs pointed at the heart of Phelp, the sharp spurs It has disappeared into the flesh and the blood immediately flowed out.

"Every quiet." Shiyan is cold and indifferent.

The warriors who fell on the ground suddenly stopped, and the Watts and other people of the Ascot family witnessed the sorrows of the rock, but they did not dare to act rashly.

Cecilia, Shangyingyue, Jiaoshan, and Jiaohai were full of surprises, and they frowned and looked at him, secretly fearing.

The well-protected Phelp, who was born and sneaked by Shiyan, was shocked by a series of dazzling offensives from Shiyan, giving them a new understanding of Shiyan, even before Shi Yan's ridiculous Cecilia, have to admit that the stone rock means rude, crisp, and extreme to the extreme!

"What do you want to do?"

Unexpectedly, at this time, Phelp was calmer than anyone else. He had both hands licking the bleeding wounds of the lower abdomen, biting his teeth and not screaming again, his eyes gloomy looking forward.

"You have to dare to come to the young Master Phelp. The Ascot family will definitely not let you go. No matter where you are, you will be chased to death by the strong in the family, no matter where you flee. You will die in any star field!"

Watt is like a seriously wounded wolf, his eyes are like a cold knife on the stone rock, as calm and slow as possible.

"If I remember correctly, Porter is also a member of your Ascot family. I think you should know that he is dead." Shi Yan grinned and looked stern. "He died in my hand." Above! He also said before he died that he is a core member of your Ascot family. He also said that your Ascot family will swear by revenge, but I still kill him."

As soon as this was said, the warriors of Watt, Phillips and the Ascot family were all like ice caves, and they were cold and cold.

Cecilia and Shangyingyue, Jiaoshan, and Jiaohai are horrified and look at him like a monster.

Spot is the son of Sloan, and Watt is a cousin. He is also a very dazzling young master of the Ascot family. He is a core member of the family. His death is known only to the insiders of the Ascot family, even the Protoss. Family members are not clear.

Shi Yan made it clear that Watt and Phelp had almost no doubts, and immediately confirmed that he was the murderer, because no one outside the murderer knew anything about it.

The people of Watt, Phelp, and the Ascot family suddenly fell silent and seemed to be thinking about how to deal with it.



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