God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1198: Grab the money!

Because Shiyan is one person, the vast river is shaking, and countless warships are driving to the Malang star field. Is this true?

Feng Han and Fu Wei were shocked and inexplicable.

In their eyes, Shiyan suddenly covered a mysterious veil, becoming more and more elusive.

"That, do you still need to move people to the foggy magic field?" An Liya said.

There are many powerful people coming. The Ascot family, the Fernandez family, and the White House are destined to be more fierce. Shiyan can explain the details completely, so that everyone can stay here and wait for the reinforcements to arrive. There is no need to continue the migration.

Fu Wei and others also re-examined the matter.

"The greedy and fearful of the dead, not qualified to continue to sit in this world, it is still necessary to migrate!" Shi Yan lightly drink, Shen Sheng: "You can have a more remote place in the foggy magic field? I am afraid ... too many escapers Will affect your foggy stars."

"Yes, Shangchen has set a coordinate direction, in the ridiculous place in the southwestern part of the foggy magical field. There is no sound, all the abandoned star of the dead star, the mortal is difficult to survive, and the military has no problem." An Liya said: "I Can give directions, there is a small transmission array, only our family knows, this is the layout of the Shangchen."

"Just choose there." Shiyan's eyes lit up, and immediately said to Fu Wei and Lin Xin: "You will pass on immediately, and you will not want to keep the blood-stained stars. Come over immediately, we can send them away. But tell them a little. Go away... don't think about coming back."

Fu Weilin’s look was shocked, and she nodded her head and immediately whispered to the following people.

"Please give me the exact direction." Shi Yan was slightly covered and asked for An Liya.

An Liya does not owe him anything, he naturally wants to lower his posture, not to mention... the other party is still the mother of Shangyingyue.

"No problem." An Liya quickly gave the direction coordinates.

Shiyan re-adjusted the space transmission array, and a new void corridor gradually formed. He passed through in an instant.

He settled on a deserted ore star, and the surface of the star was full of signs of excessive reclamation. Devastated. It is full of potholes, and it has no deep bottom and no life fluctuations.

In the dark outside, a few stars are also dead stars and mineral stars. Or the huge meteorites that are still at rest are not suitable for the cultivation of the military. It can only be regarded as a temporary place to settle down, and the environment is very bad.

But he was quite satisfied, and sneer focused on returning to the blood star. Darkly counted.

"Or, please send them away first?" He asked An Liya's opinion.

"It's rare to come to the foreign domain and rest for a few days. Anyway, don't worry." An Liya smiled softly and looked at his eyes a little differently. If the mother-in-law saw the son-in-law, he should have a deep understanding of him.

Shiyan naturally has no opinion.

Everyone waited around the space to wait.


An energy-filled mountain range. There are scattered forces from all sides, and there are many warship berths.

One of the flame crystals was tempered on a battleship. Yan Yan, Haicang, Jing Yuxi and several elites in the league stood together. They just received the news: Shi Yan brought an extraterrestrial transmission array!

The news made them all alarmed.

The hail, the crystal jade and the ghost pattern are now excited and inexplicable, and they are enthusiastically discussing and issuing orders.

Only Yan Yan is silent, his face is ugly, like suppressing anger.

"Leave in the dead star of the blood star, we are not the enemy of the Protoss, I thought it was really to be annihilated, I did not expect that kid to have some means." Hail can not help but forgotten the humiliation of Shi Yan, decisively "Our ice family chooses to leave, I don't want the genocide to be extinct."

"Our ghosts are naturally going to withdraw, who wants to die in vain?" Stark also expressed his position.

"Our Mu people have also withdrawn."

"Our dark spirits will also leave!"

Everyone has expressed their attitude.

Yan Yan's face became more and more fierce. For a long time, he saw Jing Yuxi did not speak, and could not help but scream: "What about you? What are you going to do?"

The Yan and the Crystal are the oldest races in the Malang Star. They were born in the Malang Star, and they have a great dependence on it. Naturally, they also have deep emotions.

The same is true, Jing Yuxi seems a bit hesitant, and has not made up his mind.

"You are also ready to withdraw all?"

"I will let the children leave, I will stay with the old guys, I am not ashamed of you." Jing Yu sighed.

Yan Yan looked a little slow, nodded, and immediately waved: "In addition to the crystal jade, the rest immediately rolled away from our Yan battleship, I don't welcome you!"

A violent violent volatility suddenly emerged from Yan Yan, and many people around the ancestors were also poorly looking and despised to look at the hail and others.

Hail and Stark changed their faces, and they didn’t say anything. They left the chariot and left. After waiting for a distance from the battleship, they heard the cry of the hail: "It’s really a dead head, you have to die. Also blame others, to lose all the tribes, simply neurotic!"

Yan Yan’s face was so bad that he looked at a famous Yan people and suddenly shouted: “What do you say?”

"Swear to die to defend the homeland!" All the strong people of the Yan family landed on one knee, and screamed in the sky, and the sound was soaring.


Next to the blood pool.

All the forces of the armed forces rushed over like ants, and surrounded the blood pool for thousands of laps, and more people continued to come.

Suspended the void, Shi Yan frowned and looked around, could not help but sigh.

There are so many people who are afraid of the dead.

The forces of the various parties who came to the Blood Star, now at least half of them gathered, they obviously have to leave.

Falling from the void, he calmed his face, and his heart flashed a bit of sorrow. It turned out that when the disaster came, humanity was so despicable...

Fu Wei, Feng Han, Lin Xin, and the Gorefiend were all ugly, and they did not expect that so many people came over, which was greatly unexpected.

“Can you open up?” Hail led many ice-racial people, and they came to the mighty face.

There are many wooden and ghost-like people behind her.

Shi Yan glanced at her coldly.

The hail was cold in the heart, and immediately shut up, she was somewhat afraid, for fear that the stone rock would not prevent the shot.

"According to the order, every time you send thousands of people, the spar you need is provided by you. Once... millions of top grades!" Shiyan Gao drink.

"One million gods!"

"Too exaggeration?"

"Take money, you!"

"How do you need so many crystals?"

"too expensive!"


Everyone jumped up and cursed Shiyan. It is clear that death is money.

"You can only leave people. The chariots and warships cannot pass. In addition to paying millions of gods, the left-offers must also declare the methods of opening the warships and tell the details of the warships inside." Shiyan's eyes are cold. They simply ignored their screaming and yelling, saying: "The first thing to do after the formalities. If you pay Shenjing to pay for the warships, you can leave as soon as possible."

"One million gods, but also to leave the battleship materials that can not leave. This guy ... scorpion poison!" Shang Hao is amazing.

"The material he won this time is the astronomical battleship. I am afraid that it will be an astronomical number, and the good boy will simply peel off those human skins." An Liya was also amazed.

"I like it! It's a competent businessman!" Sosiya's old eyes radiated a staggering glow.

The warships and materials are explained in detail, and a thousand people have to pay a million dollars to pay for it. This is also a huge pressure for the hail and Stark people. There are tens of thousands of their respective ethnic groups. This is equivalent to paying tens of millions of crystals, and it will spit out hundreds of years of accumulation.

Many people seem unacceptable.

Shiyan once again said: "This space transmission array is not a never-ending transmission. Every transmission has a loss, maybe... can only support transmission a hundred times, first pay the fee first, if it is late, then it is afraid to go. Lost."

When this statement comes out, everyone is boiling.

Some heads of small forces could no longer hold back, and rushed over and raised their hands and sipped: "I have a million gods! I will go through the formalities and explain the situation of the warships, and I will not take them anyway..."

"And me! I am willing!"

"By borrowing, I have to pay the fee! Please let it!"

"Let your mother! I have to pay the bill!"

The crowds were boiling, and many leaders of the powers had this problem as soon as they heard the transmission. All of them changed their faces and rushed over desperately.

They all raised their hands and held the magical emptiness ring. They were all heads of power. They tried their best to go through the formalities and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"This guy, this time earned money, worthy of our medicine cabinet for hundreds of years." The three elders of the medicine cabinet, Bettina, looked amazed and said: "He is better than us to do business, this business is done... I have to admire even."

"The key people know that they are suffering from losses, but they have to break their heads and insert them into them. Gao Ming." Fu Wei Ming Ming is shining, really convinced.

Hail and Stark only hesitated a little, and they were crossed by the crowd. Both of them turned awkward and suddenly indulged for a while, knowing that they had no choice but to stop the family from extinction... only on the scalp.

How can it be?

"Children, take care! Remember to take good care of your sister!"

"Wife, be sure to live well!"

"Let's go! Promise me, live anyway! Give me a good life!"

On the periphery of the transmission array, suddenly there was a buzzing sound. The first small force leader who had broken his head, suddenly turned around and swooped back.

They were not prepared to go. They paid high fees. They only gave their children and women a way to make a living for the warrior's family, but they chose to stay and fight.

"Mom, isn't it the same as the Protoss? I don't believe that they have three heads and six arms! Use our blood, our lives let them know the price! Maybe we can use our death to exchange for the new birth of the Martian domain! Perhaps, The children will be back in the future and return to this homeland!"

"Yes, fight with us! Even if you die, you have to pull a few backs!"

"I will not be prepared to stay when I am staying!"


Shi Yan looked at him silently, suddenly felt a little sour nose, he quietly adjusted the direction coordinates, locked in the cloud Mercury.

Those people will not appear in the ridiculous place of death, but will appear in the sea of ​​the prosperous and safe foggy stars. Their fate is destined to be different from Hail and Stark.


Ps: I took my son to check it today. It’s a little more. I’ve been owing it recently. I’m going to make it tomorrow~~



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