God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1199: respect

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-nine chapters respect

The space transmission array is changing, and the star map of the Canru Star River is magnificent and mysterious. There are two star points always lingering. ""

Few people have noticed the shackles of two stars, and I don’t know the mystery, because most people know the lack of space and know what the two stars represent.

Only a few people understand, the same cultivation of space, and An Liya and others from the foggy magical domain. They have a deep understanding of the many subtleties of the space transmission array, from that subtle Details, their hearts are already bright.

An Liya and Sosiya exchanged a look and nodded secretly.

There is a spectrum in Zhazi’s heart, but it’s hard to say that a pair of slightly cold eyes are also amazed.

Gradually, the many powerful warriors gathered in the blood pool quickly decreased. The hail and Stark all left after paying expensive fees, leaving those warships and their materials, the area they went to... at least let They can't turn over in a hundred years.

Standing next to the transmission array, Shi Yan's face was indifferent, and the thought connected the two left sides of the void, changing hundreds of times.

With the last flickering of the transmission array, Shiyan was silent a little as the last person disappeared. He said: "Can you still leave the Martian domain?!"

Everyone is silent.

Those gathered from all sides of the Blood Star are all military forces of all parties, and there are millions of people who are purely military, not mortal.

The number of people in the Malang star field is tens of billions, some of which are killed in disasters. Most of them are in the area where mortals live. Those areas are not too rich in heaven and earth energy, there are no mines that can be exploited, and they are not here. The military attaches importance.

The Protoss are also not interested in the weak mortals. When the battle is opened, the forces of all parties send the mortals in the territory to that special area.

For the Protoss, there is no difference between the mortal and the ants there. The position is not the star of life that they put into their eyes. Without the mine star, the Protoss will not waste energy on it.

Many ore mining requires slaves, but it is also a slave to the cultivation of the righteousness. The mortal can't do it. If you go deep into the ground, you will suffocate and die. For the Protoss, the mortal use is useless. The latest chapter of the church

The Martial Stars truly cultivated the righteous warriors, and there were thousands of people. Some of them died in battle. Only a few million people gathered in the blood star, and at least 90% of them could not participate in the battle because the nine adults were low. To the king of God.

Only 10% of the warriors, 70,000 people, are in the realm of the king of God and the king of God, they are the main force of participation in the war.

Looking at those who have come to silence, Shi Yan looks a little different.

He took a cursory look and found that although the number of people who were sent away by him was many, they were all in the battle. They were all below the realm of the gods, and they were the descendants of the warriors...

The people who have stayed are all kings of God, and those who are beyond the kingdom of God, they will be the main force of the battle, and they all choose to stay dead!

For example, the migrants such as Hail and Stark are only a minority, and the proportion of those who are afraid of the dead is much less than expected.

It turned out that when disasters came, when the homeland was to be robbed, there were so many people who dared to swear to death!

Shi Yan and Gorefiend, Bath people are all excited.

"Sister Big Lan, those who left me, are only the forces that will move the children from the juniors... Count them out." Shiyan suddenly drank.

Known as Shijie by Shiyan, Yu Lan was honored to be delighted, and smiled and said: "Good."

The heads of the forces who wanted to leave, listened to Shi Yan’s saying, and left all doubts.

"Statistics are good, a total of ... 653 million gods!" Lan Lan smiled and blossomed.

She is the big steward of the demon star, and the number of crystals that the demon star has accumulated for thousands of years is far from this number. The orchids have the ecstasy of falling in the wind.

Fu Wei, Zha Yi, and An Li Ya are also shocked by their feelings, and they are all showing their hustle and bustle. Church

The 653 million gods, this figure is too big, equivalent to the total income of the drug cabinet for more than 100 years, and Shiyan got it all... it only took one day.

"An Liya predecessor, can you help me a favor?" Shi Yan suddenly said.

"You talk about it." An Liya was amazed.

"After a while, you will return to the ancestors and return those gods to their respective family members. I mean the family members of the family that are left behind." Shi Yan stretched his fingers to the surroundings.

Many of the small forces who wanted to leave, the shock of the news, all revealing an incredible expression.

They absolutely can't think of Shiyan actually having this decision.

Fu Wei, Feng Han, Lin Xin, and the Gorefiend are also stunned. I don’t know why Shi Yan did this. The more than 650 million Shen Jing, it’s an astronomical number, so they are all heart-wrenching and greedy. However, Shi Yan chose to let go.

If you want to let go, why did you desperately exploit it at the beginning?

They are puzzled.

For the heads of small forces, Shi Yan’s decision was simply a big surprise, and they screamed and shouted.

The accumulation of many people in a decade is only a million gods. This **** vomiting is only to keep the blood flowing. They have cursed the 18th generation of Shiyan ancestors in their hearts. The rock is a vampire. He was poisoned to the extreme.

They did not expect that when their heart was bleeding, Shi Yan actually had this decision.

They believe that their sons and juniors, if they hold a million gods, can find an ideal place to settle in any star field. Life is much better, and the practice sites are sure to be guaranteed. This makes them excited.

An Liya looked at Shiyan deeply, and Mingyu was full of horror, half-sounding, and focused on the head. "You can rest assured that I will do the right thing for you!"

"Thank you!" Shi Yan was a tribute.


"Why are you doing this?"

"Shi Yan, please give us an answer." Jing Yu Jiao Jiao.

Not far away, Yan Yan stood alone on a bald mountain, and stared at this piece.

Shi Yan raised his hand.

Everyone is quiet.

"I thought that under the pressure of desperation of the Protoss, there would be most people who were afraid of escaping from death. For these people... I don't intend to give them too much convenience, so I have a big lion and don't want them to be better." Suddenly, said: "I found out that I was wrong. It turns out that more people choose to stay and keep knowing that they must choose to stay. You, you have won my respect! If you dare to give up your life, your family will be sheltered. More than 600 million will be handed over to Shen Zijing in the hands of your descendants, which you won with your life!"

The crowds were shocked and the eyes of Shiyan were red. Some people clenched their fists and bit their teeth.

The flaming patriarch in the distance also had a shock, and the firm face shook a little, and the heart nodded secretly.

"Even if you are relieved, my family will arrange it properly to ensure that they are safe and sound, and that they will be treated with enthusiasm, so that you have no worries!" Shi Yan suddenly fell down and said: "Ready to fight!"

Everyone screamed and screamed.

Fu Wei, Feng Han, and An Li Ya are all deeply looking at Shi Yan. This moment, the rock shows the style, such as the imprint left in their hearts, lingering for life.

At this moment, he not only received the recognition of those relatives and friends, but also made all the heads of the forces who remained in the blood star to be respected. This magical youth suddenly shocked everyone and was inspired by him. The fighting spirit has given off an amazing momentum.

After that, a series of statements by Shiyan were carried out, and the forces of the various parties jointly constructed the formation method and arranged various star defense lines with the magic blood star.

No one is passively absent, no one is lazy and sloppy, everyone's passion is radiant, and the most insulting inspiration of the rest of his life is released. He has applied countless amazing strange barriers to the blood star, making it impossible to create a magical bloodline. There are many light curtains like a rainbow in a circle.

The demon star is enveloped by numerous light barriers and enchantments. There are many chariots, such as fish, scattered in all corners, waiting for the Protoss battleship to arrive.

They have no worries, no fear of death, just want to give the Protoss the greatest trauma, amazing unity.

In their ranks, no one is greedy and afraid of death. No one is lucky. The determination of these "dead sergeants" will inevitably give the Protoss a surprise, and will let the Protoss know that the Blood Star will be a meatball. The Protoss paid the price of blood.


In the dark star river.

"I went to see the magic star alone, first contact the kid, otherwise it is not easy to do." Shang Chen in a car like a jade chariot, rushed to the daughter and said: "This place is close to the blood star Now, I found a lot of sentinels from the shadow family. After a while, you and Satay will talk to them and let them be safe."

“Would you be dangerous if you go alone?” Shangyingyue worried.

"I am not a danger to a talent." The merchant is relaxed. "I have been in the stars of the universe for hundreds of years. What scenes have not been seen? Rest assured, I naturally have my own method, um, wait until the devil Blood Star, I will contact you."

"I will let Shaying temporarily stop and disperse and wait for the Protoss to take the initiative." Shangying nodded.

"So very good." Shangchen smiled and looked strange. "If I didn't guess wrong, your mother is already in the blood, and the kid... should have a transmission."

"Ah?" Shangyingyue screamed.

"There is a little thing in your mother. I personally refine it. In the same star field, I can sense her existence. She should be in the blood star, and she doesn't know... What is her opinion about that kid?" "Shangchen shouted.

Shangyingyue suddenly became nervous.

"Okay, you calm down the guys in Satay, I will go first, and I will contact you soon." Shangchen haha ​​smiled, like a ghost of the sky flashing into the Xinghai, and a few changes, there is no trace of breath.


Ps: first more~


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