God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1201: Morale is great!

The first two hundred and twenty-one chapters have a strong morale!

The inner hall of the demon temple. (the church)

Shiyan, Gorefiend, Cymbidium, Fuwei, Fenghan, Linxin, Gut, Bas and his party stand out. As for Zhazi, Zheze, Fengyan, etc., they are not eligible to enter, only outside the hall. Waiting.

Those who are eligible to settle in are the real giants of the Malang Star Field, and they are the hegemons of one party.

Of course, you still need to get the trust of Shiyan, which is more important than the forces.

Shang Chen and An Li Ya talked with a smile in the center.

Shangyu and Sussiah first returned to the foggy magical star field, and arranged those who were migrated to the Malang star field to solve the worries of those who died.

An Liya stayed in the blood star to wait for the merchants. At this time, her attitude has a very obvious change, and the business can clearly feel it.

Before, in the fog magic star cloud Mercury, An Liya did not agree to too deep contact with Shi Yan, that the convection fire is not good for them, it will only cause trouble, she also quite opposed the daughter and Shi Yan Emotional disputes.

On this point, Sosiya also has the same opinion.

It’s not the same now...

Since she is willing to take the initiative to stay in the blood star, the merchant knows that she has greatly changed her attitude towards Shiyan. If she does not appreciate it, will she help?

Shang Chen was secretly depressed.

Can't you, really want to be cheap, that kid? Isn't it going to be ridiculed by Xuan Lie and Xuan He?

"There is absolutely trustworthy left." Shi Yan suddenly spoke, and Chong Shangchen smiled slightly. "Business seniors, please also tell the truth, so that I can count."

Gorefiend, Bass, and Gut are all very grim, and they all look forward to seeing the merchants and waiting for the good news of the business.

Who really wants to die?

If you can survive, if you can give the Protoss a big hit, isn't it perfect?

The arrival of the merchants means the radiance of hope, and their hearts are secretly excited.

At the same time, each of them is very curious about Shi Yan's identity, and they all secretly doubt whether it is true that An Liya said. ""

The energy that makes the whole Galaxy dance for it is really driven by Shiyan?

They are only dubious.

Everything should be left to the merchant to confirm.

“It’s not intuitive enough to say it.” In the eyes of everyone, the merchants smiled lightly. “Look at it. As for the things, you ask yourself... companions, I can’t guess their thoughts.”

As soon as this statement came out, Gorefiend, Fu Wei, Feng Han, and Lin Xin were all stunned, and their faces were confused and they felt that things were embarrassing.

It’s impossible, An Liya’s words are really exaggerated, or why is the business saying so?

Obviously he is not sure.

This made everyone sink into the heart, and they all went up and down, and cast a shadow on the matter.

"Use it? It's so good, let me see it." Shi Yan nodded with a smile.

Shangchen raised his hand a little.

A transparent crystal like a mirror is tiled in the sky, like a bright mirror, revealing the mysterious luster, the brilliance of the brilliance, and quiet changes, such as a pair of eyes to reflect the scene...

The crystal hangs over the head of the people, under the palace, intuitive and clear, such as a huge mirror, the characters inside are gradually clear from the blur, and even gradually hear the noise, it is amazing.

Shi Yan looked at the crystal and suddenly smiled.

"Shiyan boss!"


"Ha! You are visible!"

"Are you OK?"


In the crystal, there were surprise screams from Jiaoshan, Shaying, Wufeng, and Mou. These partners who once fought side by side in the wilderness, the survivors did not fall, all in it.

There are a few people who are not even named.

They are the leaders of all the forces in the major stars. After returning, they all received family-level cultivation. Under the influence of certain forces, they carried many forces into the Malang star field to fight for Shiyan.

"I brought 3,000 sacred warships and 30,000 warriors, all of them are gods, gods, and gods. There are six people in the beginning. The temple is Satay."

"We have 2,000 warships, 15,000 warriors, and we have five first gods, two of which are the first gods." Jiaoshan Road.

"We have four thousand warships, 50,000 warriors, and seven gods!" Wu Fengdao.

"I have less strength here, a thousand warships, 10,000 warriors, four first gods, but... there are two three gods in the beginning of God, all of my elders." Mo Zhen said.

"I am here..."

"I have..."

"We have……"

In the crystal mirror, many familiar people laughed and presented the power.

Gorefiend, Bass, Fu Wei, Lin Xin, Feng Han only feel the cold of the spine, all the cold sweat came out, and his face became extremely weird.

They all looked at Shiyan with fear.

“How much?” Shi Yan looked at Woodlands and whispered.

The face of the orchid was pale and the voice shook: "There are nearly 20,000 warships, 170,000 warriors, two thousand gods, 30,000 gods, and the first gods. There are 19 gods in the beginning, and five people reach the three gods of the gods. God! This power can reach the ancient gods!"

Everyone was discolored, and all of them were stunned, and they couldn’t help but scream.

Is this going to be a decisive battle with the 12 Protoss?

Fu Wei, Feng Han, Lin Xin are completely speechless. I think that Shi Yan is a monster. It can gather such a force to come to the Ma Xing domain. The Ascot family, the Fernandez family, and the White House are united. Not this opponent.

"This is only a part of people." Shangchen thought for a moment, and felt that he should still seek truth from facts, so he said: "The Tian Yaozu must have come over, in addition to this... there is also a bloodthirsty vein, they are hidden in the dark, I don't know where I am, but I am sure."

After a pause, the merchant said again: "The powers that are invisible should be even more terrible. If these three families can escape from the Malang domain, I will screw them down to you."

Gorefiend, Fuwei, Fenghan, and Linxin have the same sweat.

"That, fight back, don't ruin the Martell star field!" The blood magic can't help but scream.

Bass and Gute also looked at Shiyan with pity. "We have a small territory for the demon. You should be careful. If we destroy our demon star casually, we will not even have a home. You guy. ...I am really convinced, how can you mobilize so much power?"

Fu Wei, Feng Han, Lin Xin except for a bitter smile or a bitter smile, they suddenly felt that the pressure is great, I don't know what to say.

"The three major families have already sent us a message, let us surrender, and the usual divergence is coming again." Shi Yan indulged, saying: "When I get started, once they start, you will come over and surround them, this 趟If you want to do it, you will definitely come."

"Haha, don't worry, we will wait for your message."

"No problem, the Malang star field will be our first battle against the Protoss. We must fight loudly, and the protoss will be hurt!"

"Wait for your news!"

Shaying, Wu Feng, and Mo Zhen laughed.

Among the crowds, Shangyingyue was beautiful and quietly listening. He looked at Shiyan silently and looked at Shangchen and An Liya.

At the end of the conversation, she whispered: "Be careful."

Shi Yan smiled.


The periphery of the blood star.

On the stand of that battleship, Fick, Lannott, and Bailu suddenly felt that the wine had become uninteresting and took the initiative to stop talking.

They waited silently, waiting for the abnormality of the blood star, waiting for the devotees to leave the magic star.

It’s been the fifth day.

The blood star is safe and sound, there is no trace of abnormality, and no one has taken the initiative.

They are gradually unable to sit still.

Numerous intensive enchantments, bans, fierceness are on the outer edge of the stars, gorgeous like a rainbow, beautiful and wonderful, blooming with intoxicating luster, but horrible.

Hundreds of shadows of the chariots around the ring, have already clarified the peripheral conditions of the demon star, every returning shadow of the ethnic group, all look dignified, said the magic star defense is extremely strict, such as the iron pass without a trace of security Gap.

They all told Belo that if they want to force the impact, they will pay a painful price.

Fick, Lannot, and Bailu listened to Bello's explanation. The relaxed attitude never returned, and finally faced the problem of the blood star.

"Unreasonable, the inside of the other party did not mess up, and our usual experience is not the same." Bello said.

"No one has taken the initiative to get out of the blood star." Sloan frowned deeply. "Either no one fled, or... the defector was killed in an instant, so that no one dared to escape. I prefer the latter. ""

"I also think it is the latter." Bai Hao nodded and said: "A star field has a variety of characters mixed with dragons and dragons. There are absolutely timid people. I believe that many people are afraid of us. They are afraid of us. I also want to escape, just being held down by..."

Fick and Lannot also said in unison that this is the most likely.

"The other side's reaction is very fast. It is obviously not easy to suppress those defectors. It seems that it is not desirable to use conventional methods." Belo whispered.

"So to say... can you just take it?" Fick frowned.

Bello nodded helplessly. "The other party is not chaotic, and they can't shrink. If we want to kill them, we must pay a price."

"You also said that the other side is defensive. If you want to cross those barriers, it will be dangerous. If you take it hard, the price should not be small?" Lannott said.

"I can try to open a channel." Belo smiled a little. "I cultivate the space. If you really want to attack, I can try it. As long as there is a road running through it, the blood star must be defeated. It is also a heavy blow to them. ""

Belo is the space of the two gods in the realm of heaven and earth. In the vast universe, they are extremely rare people.

This kind of person is best at crossing the barriers and clearing the passage.

The leaders of the Protoss heard the words are shocked.

"Well! If you can break a road, your shadow family will lose in the Malang star field, I will not be embarrassed, but also greatly rewarded!" Fick gave a long laugh, decisively issued an order, "You immediately shot!"

"I will follow the patriarch’s command." Belo took the lead and left.

He let the shadows of the tribes to retreat, not let anyone close to the blood star, and did not take the chariot, alone to a line that Shangchen once came, squinting carefully to see what, secretly running the space.

He wants to tear the space from the weak, forcing a path through the way to the hinterland of the blood star.

If he succeeds, the Protoss will drive in, and the Demon Star will be defensive.


Ps: third more ~~



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