God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1202: Burning soul

Chapter 1,200, Burning Soul

Around the Temple of the Devil. ""

Thousands of warships are scattered and berthed. There are many warriors above each warship that are waiting for the battle.

The heads of all parties were sitting on their own battleships, and Fu Wei distributed the soundstones, waiting for the latest information from the Demon Temple, and their new decisions, waiting for them.

Central of the Demon Temple.

Shangchen smiled and said: "The other side will hardly rush over, the loss will be extremely heavy. The enchantments, bans, and odd arrays that you have set up are all terrible weapons. Even when I come over, I feel that it is difficult, and only the warships are banging, continuous. The impact can gradually crush those lines of defense."

"But that takes quite a long time." Fu Wei smiled lightly.

The battleship's crystal cannon impact force, relying on the crystal energy, can not continue to shoot.

The outermost defensive enchantment around the demon star is also tempered by the crystal energy of the crystal. The tens of layers of enchantments can withstand the volley of the battleships of thousands of warships, and then continue to fill the crystal, and Restore strength and regain strong defense.

If the Protoss is prepared to attack with a battleship crystal cannon, both sides will enter a tug-of-war battle to compete for the amount of crystals, which is not a short time to end.

Only the protagonist's most powerful peak, starting from the weak, destroying the enchantment, can truly pose a threat to the blood star.

Of course, they have long been calculating, in those areas where the enchantment is weak, often filled with the miraculous things of all ethnic groups, even if the beginning of God is careless, it will be broken.

This is why the Shangchen did not dare to rush in.

"So, the Protoss will have to pay a heavy price for the capture of the blood star." Shangchen was dumb and gladly said: "It is estimated that they are also a headache."

Fu Wei Ming is shining, laughing and not speaking.

The various strange arrays are designed by the medicine cabinet. She is the soul figure. She knows the terrible and sturdy strength of those defenses. She also knows that the various ethnic groups contribute to the Protoss and contribute to the artifacts of the family. I don't plan to ask for it, and naturally I have no reservations. Church

This is also the main reason for the defense of the line.

"The other side has Bello, Bello is the first **** of the two heavens, he cultivates the space of the righteousness, this guy... is a variable." Feng Han suddenly said.

The War League and the Shadow Clan have been fighting in the Shadow Ghost for many years. Feng Han knows the mysterious magic of Bello. For the identity of the Belo space philosophers, Feng Han is the most taboo. He seems to have suffered losses, while everyone is still relaxed. Frowning, unreasonable and different views.

"...the space of the righteous." The business eyebrows moved, could not help but look at Shiyan, "What do you think?"

Among all of you, only Shi Yan is a person who cultivates space, and is not qualified to come in.

"The beginning of the gods and double heavens, I also guessed that the mystery is subtle, perhaps... there is a real ability to rupture the void." After a sigh of relief, he rushed to Fu Wei: "Call out and ask."

His time to enter the virtual **** triple heaven is very short. Although he has some understanding of the mystery of many spaces, it is not wide enough. It is longer to immerse himself in this realm, and may have unique insights.

Zhazi entered quickly and gave everyone a tribute, directly explaining their views: "If Bello does not hesitate to hurt himself, starting from the weakest point, there is indeed the possibility of success."

"The weakest place..." Shi Yan looked awkward, "Where is the specific location?"

"Southwest corner, where the space nodes are mixed, when the layout was originally considered to be awesome, not dare to over-destroy, for fear of ushered in space collapse."

"I used to look at it." Shi Yan got up, put down this sentence, the five fingers and one stroke, directly split a gap through, suddenly disappeared.

"Zha, take us to see." Fu Wei told.

Zha nodded, running the soul altar, secretly urging the righteousness, condensing the power, spending nearly five seconds, can open a light path, compared with Shi Yan's calm and quick, his speed and hardship really make people Shocked.

The same as the virtual **** triple heaven, the gap... seems a bit big.

Everyone's eyes are weird.

Zhazi is also indifferent to his face, explaining: "My power is not as good and honest as he is, and the righteousness can't be so arbitrary. This... Five seconds is my limit. ("))"

Everyone was amazed, thinking about the abnormality of Shiyan, not human, and no longer felt guilty, and nodded with a smile.

Immediately everyone entered.

The teleportation of the same life star is not a difficult matter. Everyone steps in and directly appears under the gray sky in the southwest corner of the blood star.

They took a look and only looked at the stone rock, and their faces changed.

Zhaga is even more screaming: "There are unusual fluctuations in space!"

He is also a space righteous person. As soon as he came to this piece, he immediately discovered that several space nodes were moving like a living thing. This is a sign that some people intervene with space power. If you want to tear the void passage, run through two areas. All need to rely on the changes of the space nodes.

Zhazi could not help but look at Shiyan.

Shi Yan's face was cold, and there was an amazing power fluctuation. The voice of the gods came and changed, and the strangeness changed.

In a short time, Shiyan turned into an undead body shape, a thorny thorn, a natural **** armor covering the whole body, perfect fighting appearance, suffocating.

Shangchen, Gorefiend, Bass, Gute, and Fuwei all know that Shiyan’s identity is not dead, but Linxin and Fenghan are discolored and obviously shocked.

At this moment, they realized that although Shiyan had a human appearance, it was the most precious blood of the Mozu, and it was the most magical blood in the vast sea of ​​stars.

Zhaqi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He closed his eyes and felt it. His face was pale: "He is fighting with the other side!"

His space knowledge entered the intersection of the space nodes, and immediately found that two surging souls entangled together, such as two dragons biting and pulling at the space node, his soul consciousness immediately shocked, almost no Can be recovered.

It is eclipsed.

The Gorefiend and the Shangchen are also full of color.

Bello is the first **** of the two heavens. He is proficient in the space and has a good reputation in the Protoss. He is famous in the vast stars. This kind of person... is not a name.

In the same cultivation of space, the stone rock has just reached the triple heaven of the virtual god, and the advanced time is quite short, and the front is fighting with the soul. Is it necessary to suffer big losses?

Everyone is anxious.

They can't intervene.

The battle around the virtual nodes is in the gap between the strips of space. The soul consciousness may cross the countless stars in the flash. It does not understand the subtlety of the space. When the soul comes into it, it will get lost and wander in the gap of the void. Can no longer be recovered.

The battle of the soul consciousness of the space righteous, if there is a weak void node, only those who practice the same kind can interfere.

Among the people, only Zhaga may be able to help, so everyone looks at him.

It is a pity that Zhazi is as dead as he is, and he shakes his head again and again. "I can't help, Bello is in the first day of God. My **** knows the soul and he is not at a level. I just strangled my soul." I... I don’t have Shiyan’s metamorphosis, I’m just a normal virtual realm, I really can’t help.”

Everyone frowned, and looked deeply at the eyes, and could not help but sigh.

They know that Zhazi is telling the truth. A normal virtual realm of the gods and the soul consciousness of the two gods of the first gods are simply looking for death.

They no longer count on Zha, and they all look at Shiyan and secretly shelter.

At the intersection of the void nodes, within a gap of the void, the beam flies, such as a colorful meteor.

There is no trace of heaven and earth energy. In the gap between real worlds, between the stars, the void node is the intersection of the world, containing the most amazing changes in the world.

Two soul consciousness flickering in the cross of each other, like two meteors, sometimes colliding with sparks, sometimes entangled like two snakes, pulling and biting, hitting with the soul energy, trying to crush the other gods And divide and eat.

When Shi Yan came over, he found that there was a **** in the void node. When his soul invaded, the other party immediately attacked.

The battle of the soul is instantly ignited.

"I know who you are, you are Shiyan, you have won the origin of the ancient continent! Hahaha! You dare to fight with me in the space node, I want to destroy your soul, and rob the original source. Then my shadow family will become the fifth largest creature in the universe, and since then, it is proud!" Belo's soul consciousness is screaming, excited and crazy.

He really didn't expect to have such an unexpected surprise.

Shi Yan got the news of the origin of the fruit, spread out inside the Protoss, and Belo knew the details from the mouth of Phil.

He is envious.

The origin of the fruit is an artifact of racial excitement. There is no treasure that can be replaced. This is why the Protoss did not hesitate to send Hagrid, Hasen, Mia and Phelp all over the place. Bello never thought that one day, he can now Close to the original source.

In his view, in the void node, the stone rock souls will be divided and burned, and the stone and stone souls will be forcibly occupied, and then the original source will be seized to benefit the entire shadow family.

Bello suddenly felt that if this matter was reached, he would be able to bring the ups and downs to the shadow family, so that the shadow family can stand in the heavens and the earth and completely get rid of the shackles of the Protoss.

"The idea is good, but unfortunately...just your own thoughts." Shiyan consciousness passed out, that soul is like a fire dragon, suddenly emerges clusters of hot flames, this is the origin of the flame from the gods of the mainland, contains nine souls The burning atmosphere.

Nine secluded soul flames break the soul consciousness!

The soul consciousness of Belo suddenly burned up, and turned into ashes under the bright silver flame, and the consciousness of Belo’s presence suddenly became nothing.

The periphery of the blood star.

The Belo body trembled fiercely, and the blood beads fell like a rain, and his face paled to the extreme.

His whole person fell toward nothingness, his soul was hit hard, and even the control of the gods was lost.

The shadow family reached the limit of horror, rushed out to take back Bello, filled with great fear in his heart, he looked at the blood star, turned around and did not dare to stay.


Ps: The fourth is finished, ask for the next month's ticket~~~



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