God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1203: Smart

~ "" ~ The first thousand two hundred and three chapters of the smart

Zha Yu looked at Shiyan, his eyes did not dare to move, and the most subtle changes in Shiyan's eyebrows were printed on the bottom of his heart.

He wants to know that the stone masonry altar is still spinning, to be sure that the defense line is not broken, because once the defense line is broken, the blood star will be completely exposed.

- Zhaga does not know that there are reinforcements.

Suddenly, Zhayan’s eyes showed a hint of sorrow, and the coldness did not prevent the body from trembled. He exclaimed: “You, are you awake?”

The **** devils and the Fu Wei people who were waiting for each other were all shocked. Looking at Shi Yan’s eyes, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's Shiyan, in their eyes, has a completely different status, and the guy who can shake the whole Xinghai, if there is an accident in the blood star... they are afraid to meet the anger of the entire Galaxy.

"How? No injury?" Gorefiend is low.

"It's okay, it's not me, but Bello." Shi Yan licked his neck and spit out a sigh of gas. "You can rest assured now. In a short time, Bello has no energy to continue to swear. We just have to wait." The Protoss can be hard."

Everyone was shocked.

"You mean... you injured Belo seriously?" Lin Xin looked incredulous.

Shi Yan smiled lightly, and did not elaborate on the details. It floated from the clouds and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone looked at each other and showed extremely strange expressions, and did not know what he said was true or false.

"He certainly hasn't said anything wrong. It's bound to be Bello, it won't be fake." Zha suddenly explained, "The soul confrontation between the space and the righteous, once started, there is absolutely no possibility of a peaceful end, necessarily a party. The painful price is over. He is safe and sound, then...Bello is naturally hit hard."

When this statement came out, everyone was eclipsed and could not help but scream.

"How can it be?"

"Bello is in the beginning of God? Or is it... soul fighting?"

"He can even challenge the soul war?"

"This is the world."

Everyone is shaking their heads and laughing, there is a kind of defeat that is deeply attacked. Most of them are in the first and second heavens of Shishen, and Shiyan can instantly eat hail, and now they can beat Belo with their souls. Can he beat the vast majority of people present?


Protoss battleships.

Up to the support of the weak and pale Belo to the eyes of Fick, Lannot, and the white scorpion, up to one knee to the ground, not to say a word, look pale.

Fick’s eyes burst into the cold, saying: “Do not worry, we will definitely revenge for Bello, and dare to start with Bello, I will let him taste the greatest pain in the world.”

Reaching the key points, Shen Sheng: "Thanks to the patriarch."

"Who is the starter?" Lannot frowned.

"The undead young man who merged with the origin of the fruit." Belo's lips were pale and bloodless, squirming a few times, and the voice weakened and shivered: "He is incredibly powerful, the soul is subtle, and he uses a flame to bring my soul. Consciousness is burning..."

"A terrible youth." Lannot looked sullen and said: "I didn't expect him to return to the Malang star field. It seems... we are lucky."

Lannot's slender eyes showed a chilly, cold light, and opened his mouth and laughed: "He hasn't broken through the beginning of God. Once he is annihilated, even with it... the ancient continent will gradually lose that magical effect. We have to make a big contribution."

Many of the Protoss people are excited and excited, because of the high morale of Lannot.

"I was going to start slowly with the blood star, and now I have to change my attitude." Fick suddenly stood up and said: "As long as you can kill the kid, it is worth paying any price for us! Sharp weapon, the commander of the various parties, will adjust the firepower of the largest crystal cannon, and send people to the enchantment mouth, destroying the enchantment, it is bound to forcibly break the external blockade and directly enter the inside of the blood star."

"This son can't live!" Lannott stated.

The two family patriarchs unified their opinions and immediately took countermeasures for the Protoss.


A city with a stone building, the city is called Shenzhou City, but it is a joint establishment of many warriors from the mainland.

Shiyan fell on a building in Shenzhou City, overlooking the crowd on the street underneath, and his face was calm and calm.

In the city of Shenzhou, there are various ethnic groups, such as the Terran, the Devil, the Demon, the Ghost, and the Dark Spirit. There are abundance of light and gods. There are violent demons and thorns, and there are also people. They are all from the mainland of God.

The blood of the demon star is full of energy. For his sake, Fu Wei of the medicine cabinet has transported many cultivation materials to benefit the forces of Shenzhou City.

Those who have migrated from the land of God's grace, after years of rest and rejuvenation, the power of the realm has broken through a great deal, and many people cannot describe it with a flying sky.

Those who can reach the true realm of the gods in the depletion of energy in the past, the talents of the state of mind are not inferior to those of the original gods who have the power of the heavens and the earth, and with sufficient material cultivation, their realm is all leaps and bounds. .

The real master of Shenzhou City is Yang Jia. The younger son of Yang Family is a distinguished and honorable person in the city of Shenzhou. It is the master of the name.

Because they contain the blood of the undead Mozu, and the Gorefiend are the same ethnic group, the blood pool that the Gorefiend has created over the years is only for the Yang family who have the undead blood, and the rest do not have this honor.

On the floor, Shiyan deliberately concealed the trail and let go of the gods to detect the surroundings.

One by one acquaintance emerged in his knowledge, Longzhu, Yang Zhuo, Yang Lan, Cao Qiudao, Cao Yu, He Qingman, Yi, Tang Yuannan, etc. The acquaintances are all practicing in peace, and the promotion of the realm makes him The horror, Longzhu actually reached the source of the realm of the gods, and also in the king of God, Cao Yu, He Qingman is the true God, every time in the short period of time is progressing.

His grandfather, Shi Jian, also broke through to the realm of the gods and kings.

His knowledge continues to wander.

In a short time, he locked in a breath of life, and when he was moved, he appeared in a wide house in the southwest of Shenzhou City.

It belongs to the left home.

As a ghost, he appeared straight in the cultivation room of Zuo Shi, and left the poem of the left poem, could not help but stunned: "Who!"

Immediately, the left poem will be stunned, and the apple-like face will spread, and he will scream: "Shi Yan brother."

Shi Yan smiled and squinted at her and nodded secretly.

The left poem has broken into the virtual state!

From the body of Zuo Shi's body, he perceives a very unusual vitality fluctuation, as if there is a sacred creature in her **** bones, providing her with an endless stream of vitality, so that she can continue to be powerful. The flesh, the condensed power to break through.

His heart is bright, he knows that it is the sacred blood of the sacred beast, and the left poem has a pure blood of the holy beast.

Gut and Bass are descendants of the Tian Yaozuo. The blood is not pure, but they can all benefit from the change of the gods. The left poem is filled with the pure blood of the sacred beast. Biggut and Bass have more advantages.

When he came over, he was going to make sure that now that he saw the realm of left poetry and his temperament, he immediately had a good heart.

Just fighting with Belo, he used the energy of the deputy soul, and when he returned the energy to the deputy soul, he was keenly aware of a peculiar phenomenon: he could easily see that the blood star contains the blood of the demon family, those People... as if a little starlight reflected in his mind.

He didn't know the meaning of the stars at first, so he followed the brightest star in the recent past and found that it was a left poem.

He understood it completely.

He is the only **** in the mainland, and the only **** in the mainland. As the birthplace of the Heavenly Demon, the Heavenly Demon and the Divine Continent...that is, he has a subtle connection.

Everyone who contains the blood of the Tian Yao family can easily lock in the fluctuations of life within a certain range. It is much more sensitive and quicker than the exploration of the gods. Those people are manifested in his mind by star points. A star point represents A person with the blood of the Tian Yao family, the brighter the star point, the more purely the blood.

"How come you suddenly came back?" When he meditated, the left poem had been stunned like a bird for a while. Finally, when he saw the words in his left poem, he stopped and asked the key.

"The Protoss invaded, I naturally want to come back." Shi Yan smiled. He didn't have to ask whether Zuo Shi recently practiced very fast. When he saw the first sight of Zuo Shi, he had the answer. "I am on the way." Come and see you, you must practice seriously, don't let the blood of the body be subtle."

Left poem sweet dessert head.

"I still have something to talk about next time." Shi Yan patted her shoulder and her body gradually became blurred until it disappeared.


When he appeared again, Shiyan was in the valley where the Tyrannosaurus was stationed.

Because he found that on the magic star, there is another star in his mind... It is even brighter than the left poem, he is very curious.

The left poem is the pure blood of the sacred sacred sacred martial arts. Even if it is compared with the celestial scorpion, it is not inferior. The four sacred beasts are the oldest generation of the celestial beings. He can’t think of any celestial people who can have More blood than their descendants.

He came to the Tyrannosaurus Valley and followed the star points in his mind to find a cave.

The cave entrance was full of bans, and the atmosphere was completely concealed. He could only confirm one of them from his mind. At the mouth of the cave, he could not pass the forbidden seal to determine whether there was a living machine and whether there was any activity.

He frowned slightly.

Here is the place where the tyrannosaurus is stationed. Many of the tyrannosaur tribes are scattered among the various mountains. Many large warships are glamorous and bright, such as the scorpion.

He is prepared to break the seal, to determine who the concealer is, to be able to isolate all the fluctuations by forbidding the enchantment, so that he can not sense the breath, making him more curious.

Just as he was ready to start, there was a bang in the cave, and the blocked stone cave suddenly burst and burst.

There was a fierce roar from it, and a dim stone hole slowly appeared out of one person—it was a ghost.




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