God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1206: Protoss killer!

The first thousand two hundred and six six chapters of the Protoss!

The ancient **** continent, this is the ancestral star of the Protoss, the most abundant and rich place in the vast universe. The latest chapter of the church

The vast ancient continent is shaded by trees, the peaks stand on the sky, the lakes are crystal clear, and many of the protoss giants are magnificent. This is the cosmic occupation of the Protoss, and the Protoss was born.

In the central part of the mainland, a temple stands on the top of the mountain, in the mountains of the mountains and rivers, the white clouds are blooming, and the fog is beautiful.

There are thirteen giant mountains, and twelve peaks surround a main peak. The twelve main peaks represent a family of the Protoss. The main peak surrounded by the Protoss is the holy land of the Protoss. The Protoss Presbyterian Church is stationed here for many years.

The Protoss Presbyterian Church is the Protoss soul. Every member of the Presbyterian Church is a peerless powerhouse of the gods. Some of them have disappeared for many years, some have wandered around the stars and rivers, and some people have been stationed at the main peak, Tianshen Peak, to protect the interests of the Protoss. Take over the power of the Protoss.

The Presbyterian Church has the right to dispatch all the forces of the Protoss. As long as the Presbyterians make a decision, the Protoss of the 12th family must strictly obey orders.

In fact, the members of the Protoss Presbyterian Church are often the homeowners and elders of the above 12 generations, the oldest and most outstanding of the Protoss.

The Protoss Presbyterian Church has supreme rights in the Protoss.

The main temple of the Tenjin Peak, which is made of the finest crystals, reveals amazing energy fluctuations like black jade. The main hall is enshrined with the gods and ancestors, and the gods are filled with wonderful and upright atmosphere. Every statue is high and powerful. For example, the giant gods in the heavens and the earth overlook the heavens and the earth, lifelike.

The walls of the sacred hall are engraved with numerous cumbersome mysterious patterns, branded with the glorious history of the Protoss. The process of the Protoss step by step is in the mysterious patterns. If someone stares at them, they will find a picture in their minds. The pictures, those pictures detail the rise of the Protoss.

Of course, only the blood of the protoss can see the wonders.

Those who are eligible to enter this hall are not only members of the Protoss Presbyterian Church, but also the 12 family members of the Protoss, or the talents of the family.

Hagrid once had the privilege of sitting here for five years, and here he realized that the core of the Protoss is bright and clear, and he became the future leader appointed by the Presbyterian Church.

Hasen, Mia, and Phelp are also geniuses of various families, but unfortunately... they are not qualified to come in. The latest chapter of the church

Now, the soul of Lannott is heard in this mysterious hall, and his consciousness is shouting.

The statues of the Baizhang ancestors stood in the temple, and suddenly there was a terrifying horror, as deep as a star, like a river.

There is no one in the hall.

After the soul of Lannott came, the dark eyes of the protoss of the protoss flashed a strange light, and a wave of souls emerged.

The Protoss elders who did not know where they were hiding, through the statues of the ancestors, moved the soul one by one.

I saw the statue of the ancestors of the Protoss at the top of the head, and gradually emerged a soul altar. The elders of the Protoss came from the soul and were in every corner of the temple.

A soul voice suddenly came: "Describe the reason."

Lannott moved by secret law, just a glimpse of the soul, not the altar, his soul shadow sloshing, rushing to release the consciousness, and what he and Fick experienced in the Malang star field Explain in detail, and turn it into a memorable memory, and be accepted by the altars of elders who are far away in the billions.

Soon, when Lannott finished, the soul shouted: "We need help within the family. This war is about the prestige of our family. Once we lose all the stars, we will think that my family will decline and will have different hearts." There must be no loss in the war, and the inheritor of bloodthirsty must also kill!"

Each of the soul festivals, either inky or in the dark, or mysterious and deep, are quietly listening, without interjecting in the middle.

When Lannot finally stopped, a soul voice gave a response: "Only half of the elders in the meeting can connect the gods to the penalty station, and the power of the gods will be greatly weakened. It is impossible to instantly destroy the blood star and all the creatures on it. Only those seal enchantments can be broken."

The ghost of Lannot twitched and said: "The major satellites are gradually approaching, we..."

"The main purpose of this war is to kill the bloodthirsty inheritor. Once this annihilation is determined, the Presbyterian will open the 'Tianzhiqiao' for you alone. The Malang star field is too far apart, and it is too late to send a large army. You will leave temporarily with the 'Tianzhi Bridge', and the severe punishment for the major stars will be after you leave." The voice continued.

Lannot agreed, saying: "Thank you!"

"Must kill the young man!" The voice was cold. (the church)

The soul ceremonies are suspended above the idols, overlooking the ghost form of Lannot, such as the indifferent gods, such as those who have been born for many years, the breath gradually dissipated, and the altar gradually blurred.



Lannot spit out a blood, pale face, but his eyes are shining.

He was dyed red with blood, and he was still unknowing. He just sneered and shouted: "Contact."

Fick, Mia, and Phil are all excited.

"How?" Fick shouted.

"It will lower God's punishment." Lannott wiped the blood from his mouth with his back and said: "Unfortunately, half of the elders are too far away, or they are retreating or self-sealing. The power of God's punishment will be greatly weakened. Thoroughly erased, it can only destroy all seals and enchantments."

"Enough!" Fick's eyes are shining.

"The Presbyterians give clear instructions, so that we must kill the young people of the Undead. As long as he is sure of death, the Presbyterian will immediately open the 'Big Bridge of Heaven' for us. Once we return safely, our family will expand on the major stars. The outbreak broke out and the twelve were dispatched together!” Lannott said.

Fick everyone looked happy.

The white pelicans of the dead bones are complex.

He knows what is a punishment,

God's punishment for the Protoss is driven by the members of the Protoss Presbyterian Church. It is a treasure of the Protoss. I don't know how the Protoss is tempered, and the power is strong enough to destroy the earth.

Once, the Protoss invaded many stars, and if they encountered a hard-to-shoulder like the Blood Star, they would apply to the Presbyterian Church for a penalty.

Once God's punishment comes, unless the ancient continent, the famous star of life will vanish.

Even with all the creatures that are huddled on the star of life, they will be crushed in the air, and they will be erased in the mark of the soul of the world.

The gods of the gods are famous in the world, and all the stars are talking about color change. Because so far, no star of life can escape the punishment and can be safe after the attack.

This is one of the Protoss killers.


The blood star is in the clouds.

A warship of all kinds of ships was moored, and the heads of various parties were waiting for it. Everyone was staring at the layer of enchantment, watching the crystal cannon of the Protoss battleship spurting the energy beam.

Suddenly, all the Protoss battleships stopped the fire, and all of them suddenly turned off.

At a battleship, Shi Yan frowned and looked at Fu Wei. He said: "Can the Protoss crystal cannon not last for a long time?"

Fu Wei was amazed and said: "It shouldn't be. Even the crystal cannons refining our medicine cabinets can be continuously bombarded as long as there is a full complement of Shenjing."

"It is impossible." An Liya frowned and said: "The Protoss warships and crystal cannons are top in the world, and there will be no such problems. They will definitely have another reason for the ceasefire."

The merchant nodded, "it should be out of other plans."

His words fell, and the merchants clung to the chest and a piece of sapphire suddenly came to the bones. He was a stunned, and his face became extremely strange.

"What's wrong?" An Liya and his close, immediately found that the bones from his body were cold, could not help but ask.

The merchant did not answer, one hand pressed on the chest, the eyebrows frosted, listening to the fluctuations in the sapphire, the sapphire... for the bloodthirsty, a pulse, and handed it to him, can pass the cross-border Soul commemoration.

He listened abruptly, his face gradually ugly, and his eyes were full of horror.

Everyone is unclear, so they all look at him, not knowing why he is so weird at this time.

Only An Liya looked solemnly, she faintly knew the sapphire of the merchant's chest, but it was a strange thing, a treasure of the soul.

There is very little secret between Shang Chen and her. The piece of sapphire is one of the few secrets. Shang Shang never mentions the origin and use of sapphire to her.

She knew the situation was unusual.


After half a ring, Shang Chen took a deep breath and appeased his heart and suddenly shocked. "I want to talk to Shi Yan alone!"

What he said in his remarks is not to be rejected by anyone. He has always been free and easy, and he has rarely revealed such a serious moment, so that everyone is a glimpse.

"it is good!"

The Gorefiend is very decisive, and immediately withdraws to take the initiative to avoid.

He took the initiative to take the lead, Feng Han, Fu Wei, Lin Xin, Bass, Gut everyone also avoided, An Liya hesitated a bit, see Shangchen did not retain, sighed, the last one to leave this place.

Shangchen always looked at Shiyan. When everyone dispersed, he suddenly shouted: "You leave the blood star first!"

Shi Yan knew that there was something wrong with him, and he said: "Give me a reason."

"The Protoss will lower God's punishment!"

Shiyan is discolored.

He struggled for many years in the "wildness" and fought side by side with Shangyingyue, Cecilia, Mo Zhen and Wu Feng. Through his deliberate exploration and inquiry, he had a deep understanding of the hidden ways of the Protoss. He knew God. What does punishment mean?

Lowering the punishment of God often means that a star of life is completely erased, and the stars that will take millions of years to form will gradually turn into nothingness, and all the souls on it will fly.

This is the big killer of the Protoss!

"Go together." Shi Yan was hesitant and said: "I can open the channel to the mainland of God!"

"No, no, this time, the power of God's punishment is limited. It can only break through the seal of the outer enchantment. It will not really destroy the blood star. I will stay, I will teach the Protoss." Shang Chen said.

"Then you let me go?" Shi Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"God's punishment is due to you! The Presbyterian will give orders, let the two families kill you at all costs! Things have changed, they don't necessarily catch up, you must leave, their main goal is you!" Shangchen shouted.

"I don't have to go."

Shi Yan suddenly smiled. "Bello's soul is heavy. They may have many people who can beat me, but they don't have enough power to kill me. If I want to go, no one can stop them."




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