God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1207: Power reduction

~ "" ~ The first thousand two hundred and seventy-seven chapters of power reduction

The Protoss battleship quietly opened the distance from the blood star.

Fick and Lannott ordered that it is strictly forbidden to approach the demon star. Sloan and Reach are all called back by them. They are not allowed to continue to stay in the secret area of ​​the demon star enchantment.

The Protoss are waiting for something secretly.

Many warships floating above the magic star also received orders, and they returned to the land one by one. All the powerful warriors drilled into the mountains and into the dark refuge.

They don't know why Fu Wei, Feng Han, Lin Xin people will give this order, but everyone knows the situation crisis, they all commanded it.

Above the Devil's Blood, 90% of the martial artists lurked into the refuge, and only the most powerful martial artists remained in the surface, looking up at the gray sky and looking dignified.

The demon temple is on the round table.

Shangchen, Shiyan, An Liya, Fenghan, and Gorefiend are all waiting for each other. Their eyes are full of surprises, and there is a kind of repressive atmosphere in which the mountains and rains are coming from the wind.

The Protoss will lower the punishment!

Shangchen has already explained the situation. Fenghan, Gorefiend, and many powerful Mazhao stars do not know what the punishment is, but listen to the meaning of Shangchen... God punishment has the horror energy that will instantly destroy any star of life.

No one dares to look down!

Everyone calmly waited, and after half an hour, the face of the merchant changed, and suddenly said: "Come on!"

The people looked up at the sky.

The gray sky, beyond the sky, suddenly appeared a huge whirlpool, the whirlpool suddenly came, among which the lightning and thunder, there are all kinds of power in the world, accumulating some kind of terror fluctuations.

The whirlpool is like a giant mouth, suspended above the magic star, as if to swallow the blood star.

The inexplicable pressure is lingering in the hearts of all people. Everyone has a feeling that the soul is sacrificed and the power is difficult to condense quickly.

People with a slightly lower level may even feel upset, and they will develop violent and uneasy thoughts and want to vent their murder.



In the whirlpool, the horror of the end of the day, the violent thunder and lightning, the hail rolling, giving people a feeling of earth-shattering.

Daddy, a flaming meteorite descends from the whirlpool. The meteorites are even bigger than the mountains and rivers. They are burning with blazing flames and are entangled by lightning. Under the hurricane, they carry the atmosphere of destroying the creatures, such as the rain. One by one, the impact to the blood star.

Lightning is intertwined, heavy rain is like a note, hail is shocking, and the wind is raging.

A scene of destruction that came to an end.

A meteorite was the first to shoot on the enchantment, and instantly burst into a smashed light curtain. In an instant, dozens of layers of enchantments were blown and shattered.

There are tens of thousands of flame meteorites, which are densely sloping down. They are in every corner of the blood star, and the enchantments, barriers, arrays, and strange objects built by the major forces of the Malang Star are in the flames. Under the impact, it is fragmented and explodes.

Gorefiend, Feng Han, Fu Wei, Lin Xin people face ugly.

Their hearts are bright, and if there is no seal of the enchantment, they are struck by the flames of the meteorites, and the blood star has been smeared with charcoal, which may fall directly to the endless abyss.

They are upset.

At this time, the merchants breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It seems that the Protoss really want to be declining. This is not even half of the power of the gods. I don’t know what the elders of the Presbyterians are doing..."

Shi Yan and the Gorefiend are all unknown to him.

"This kind of earth-shattering and shocking, not enough scary?" Fu Wei was amazed and looked bitter.

An Liya shook her head and said seriously: "The movement is too big. It is really terrible not to be seen. The difference between the punishment of God... is exactly the opposite of the size of the movement."

Everyone stared at her.

An Liya reveals the expression of fear, recalls it, and has an explanation for the rest of her heart: "I have seen images from Shangchen, a seven-level life star, hundreds of millions of souls, and ten gods, a master of a star field. Then, God's punishment was lowered, there was no sound, no sign, and the star of life suddenly disappeared, and all the life marks on it were erased. Afterwards... I saw a flash of light."

An Liya was a frightened look. After a long period of time, she remembered the strange and terrible scene of the picture, and she still had a cold heart.

Everyone told her that the back of the ridge was cold, and each one showed a feeling of creepy hair. At this moment, they realized that the gods who had fallen on the blood star were greatly reduced.

Shiyan eyes cold, looked up at the sky, waiting quietly.

Soon, many of the enchantment seals above the Devil's Blood Star were broken, and a piece of flame meteorite landed. The Gorefiends all got up and exerted their power to smash the obstacles.


The meteorite burns and bursts, and the gravel splashes like a spark, falling to every corner of the blood star, bringing a raging flame.

Many of the warriors who were hiding in the shelter immediately took the initiative to cope with the fragments of the meteorites, so as to prevent the blood stars from being burned by large blocks.

"Be careful! Don't come out!" The merchant suddenly screamed.

A drop of water drops from the sky, pattering, and those drops of water fall into the surface, no matter what happens, they will burst, forming an extremely powerful explosion.

When mountains, rivers, and trees are touched by water droplets, all of them explode. The warriors who are taking the head, the gods are touched by the water droplets, and the flesh and blood of the bombs are blurred.

The sparsely drawn drops of water fell, and thousands of warriors were killed and flesh and blood flew. Their soul altars drifted out and were blown away by the hurricane that landed from the sky.

The Gorefiend and the Fuwei people screamed at the sight of the situation, and let everyone re-enter the refuge.

Obviously, although the power of the Protoss is greatly reduced, the magic blood star is not erased, but it is not easy to disappear.

God's punishment is still going on.

Water drops, meteorites, thunder and lightning hurricanes, hurricanes raging, hail landings, all kinds of disasters, the tsunami landslides, the earth roaring and tearing, and the martial arts of many refuge also suffered.

Gorefiend, Bass, and Gut have many wandering around to suppress those changes in the world, so as not to cause incalculable losses.

"Even half of the power is not there, but it also makes the blood star become like this. If the power is a little stronger, it is estimated that the star will not be erased, and it will also be charred."

Shi Yan’s face was gloomy and secretly vigilant.

The Protoss is a race that dominates the universe for a long time. They have a lot of hidden means. They are just a godly punishment. I am afraid that many ethnic groups will be fearful.

The Protoss killer is not just a punishment.

"Be prepared to fight, I have heard the roar of the Protoss battleship, they have to enter the magic blood star." Shangchen frowned, and finally confirmed: "You really don't matter?"

"I said that after Bello's heavy injury, no one can stop me." Shi Yan is full of confidence.

Shangchen nodded and said: "Then you will be holding the Protoss, it is best to bring a human Protoss away from the blood star, I have informed Shaying them, they will arrive as soon as possible. As long as you are not killed, Protoss It won’t fall back so quickly, once they arrive, they have to go so easily.”

"Good." Shiyan nodded.

Raised his hand and teared it, and a stream of sparkling cracks shattered. He calmly fell in and immediately disappeared from the blood star.

"Try hard to kill!"



On the Protoss battleship, Fick, Lannott, and Bai Yu calmly issued orders, and a ship of the Protoss screamed and rushed toward the blood star.

A corner of the magic blood star, a glimmer of light flashed, Shi Yan suddenly appeared.


"It's him!"

Mia and Phelp suddenly screamed and pointed at Shiyan.


A famous Protoss, such as the Goshawk Eagle, have been attacking Shiyan in the past, and Sloan and Reach are among them.

"The source of the origin has been merged by me, the protoss will surely go down, you will accept it." Shi Yan grinned and turned into a meteor, flying toward the outside of the blood star.

"Kill this child!"

"The Presbyterian gave the order, the main task is to kill him!"

Fick and Lannott made a statement.

More protoss strong screaming out of the chariot, the shadow family's tribes bear the brunt, one of the chariots inside, but also sitting on the pale pale Belo.

His face was pale, his eyes were terrible, and he stared at Shiyan, seemingly secretly calculating something.

In the corner of the chariot, sitting in the shadow of a person, the person is dark, such as the shadow of the one, the body is not breathable, no soul fluctuations.

"He cultivates space and righteousness. If he wants to kill him, he must first destroy the space node, otherwise he can teleport." Belo suddenly chilled.

The man in the shadow nodded and said, "What good way do you have?"

Belo looked at him, his eyes were faint and cool, and said: "You owe me, this time you can pay me back, I want to lend your strength, and only I can imprison his space."

"You promised me a condition." The man was silent for a long time and suddenly looked up: "Help me regain the position of the Pharmacy."

This person is a great elder left-handed who disappeared from the medicine cabinet.

"I promise you." Belo nodded immediately.


Zuo Yu took a head from the shadows, and his flesh was suddenly cracked. He threw nine green snakes with thick thumb from his body. The nine green snake tails were connected to his muscles and flesh, connected with his ancient tree, connected to his chest and mouth. But open, revealing the sharp teeth of Sensen.

The fangs were all bitten in the belly of Bello, biting in the direction of the Dantian gas sea, and Belo slammed and suddenly screamed.

Nine snakes connected Belo and Zuo, and the snake snake suddenly shook like a whip. A glimmer of green light swayed in them and was injected into Belo.

Belo's pale face was darkened and his eyes became green and green. For example, a poisonous snake that had been hiding in the damp and dark for many years, his skin became green, and the body quickly filled with a terrible evil wave. The power seemed to re-emerge in him.

After a while, Zuo Yuru is a few decades old, his hair is white, his face is wrinkled, his spirit is not obvious.

On the contrary, Belo is revived, and there are amazing power fluctuations in his body. His injuries seem to have all recovered.

"Ha ha ha! Hahaha!"

Belo laughed wildly. In the laughter, the nine snakes in his lower abdomen burst, and he took a shot. The left head suddenly exploded like a watermelon, and the plasma was sputtered.

"You have failed. You are not qualified to talk to me about conditions. Let's die."

Belo didn't look at the left corpse, and stood up and flew out of the chariot. The body flashed in the gap in the space and disappeared instantly.




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