God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1208: Two big hits!

The first two hundred and eighty-eight chapters of the second hit!

In the dim star river, dozens of Protoss people look cold, such as a road to lightning, approaching one person. (the church)

The lowest of these people's realm is the virtual **** two heavens!

Mia and Phelp are among the followers, as well as Sloan, reach, and the elite of the shadow family. The three families of the first family, the first and second heavens, they want to kill Shiyan. It’s really brilliant.

Shiyan discerned a direction, and the gods moved and suddenly went toward the demon dragon star.

The tyrannosaurus and the scorpion dragons are all in the demon star, because the war only gathered in the blood star, at this time the demon star is not strong, and only the vast forest, the most suitable for him and the Protoss slowly settled.

He is not worried about the situation of the blood star.

There are merchants, Yan Yan, and Gorefiend. The strong people exist, and everyone is united in the city. The blood star will not be defeated in an instant, there may be losses, but it will never be destroyed in a short time.

The people of Satay are all going to come over. Maybe they will be cleaning up the people outside the Protoss at this time. Just grab a little time and wait for the battleships of Shaying and Wufeng to come. The time to be a headache is the Protoss, and he wants What you do is try your best to get time.


An electric light passes through a meteor and falls directly on the demon dragon star. The demon star is erected and the trees are towering.

Converging the breath, he lost his breath as soon as he fell into the demon dragon star, and was covered by dense trees.


A group of Protoss descended into the demon dragon star, releasing soul consciousness, forming a dense network, and slowly spreading the search.

"East!" One person drinks high.

Many Protoss people flew away, and for a moment, they rushed toward the east side of the demon dragon.

However, when they rushed into the east, they found that the rocky atmosphere disappeared again.

"This time in the south!"

Some people roared, and immediately the chickens and dogs jumped, and many Protoss continued to chase. (the church)

However, Shiyan is like a muddy dragon in the demon dragon star, obviously in one direction, until they rushed, they found that the rock suddenly disappeared.

"He cultivates space, and the conventional method is useless, hateful!" Mia bit her silver teeth.

"You must first confine the space, otherwise it is difficult to target him!" Phelp is also sipping.

At this time, they found out how powerless they are to deal with the space. Because they can shuttle through the gaps in space, they can teleport, they can't capture the entities at all, and the strong powers can't exert their power, and they are terrible.

"If Belo is not injured, it will be fine."

"Yes, if Belo is here, his boy will die!"

"Oh, unfortunately, we only have a high-level space for the righteous."

The Protoss people shouted.

"I heard someone calling me." Suddenly, a cold murmur sounded, in the direction of Phelp and Sloan, a strange light flashed, and Belo suddenly appeared.

"The patriarch! You, your face is not right?"

"Nothing." Belo waved his hand.

His face is green and black, his eyes are gray and his skin is also strangely dark green, like a strange snake pattern, giving a very evil feeling.

"Bello, can he keep his kid from continuing to teleport?" Sloan frowned and shouted.

He and Belo have been in love for many years, and they don’t have to avoid suspicion, they said directly: "If you can, hurry up!"

"Give it to me." Bello took it all.

Immediately, his figure was a little blurry and faded, disappearing under the watchful eyes of everyone.


Suddenly a strange sound came from the surrounding space, as if someone was holding a sharp weapon, the space was cut and broken, and the space was no longer flat.

A corner of the demon dragon.

Shi Yan teleported, smiled coldly, and relaxed. Church

He didn't worry at all, because Sloan, although he was strong, had no threat to him at all, and he couldn't lock him. It meant that it was a threat to him. He took the initiative from the beginning.

At this point, he was thinking about whether he should slap a few orders, first open the shackles, and let Na Mia and Phil sneak sneak into the dishes...

Just as he was preparing to teleport again, suddenly the soul moved and there was a strong sense of crisis.

He didn't want to, he was ready to continue to teleport, he knew that a strong man locked him, that breath... He also felt a bit familiar.

He was convinced that his face suddenly changed and he was shocked for the first time.

Can't even teleport!

The space nodes around him all smashed and burst, and the space became extremely unstable. A bad one could cause the space to collapse and cause his soul to tear. He suddenly looked up at the sky and his eyes became dignified.


Just before his eyes, a group of green and faint air swayed, slowly becoming clear, and turned into the shadow of the shadow family of the Belo.

His green eyes are squinting and looking straight at Shiyan. Yin said: "You can't go."

Shi Yan looked shocked. "You can recover in a short time. What evil method did you use?"

Belohaha laughed wildly. "What method do I use? Don't worry about it. You still think about yourself. The last time you fight with you at the intersection of space, it is indeed my misstep. Your soul is in harmony with the skyfire, and You are at a disadvantage when you are in the first place, I will not make this mistake again, so today you will die."

"Yes? Look at your posture... Are you ready to deal with me alone?" Shi Yan smiled.

After the arrival of Bello, this space was shrouded in his power. Belo did not have a thought of the soul, and did not scream loudly. Obviously, he did not want the Protoss to participate.

Shi Yan knows what he wants.

When he first fought, he knew that Belo was greedy with the origin of the fruit, and wanted to deprive him of his deputy soul and the original source. He wanted to bring a new world to the shadow family, and Bello became a shadow. The patriarch, although he attached to the Protoss, was not a true surrender. He also wanted that the Shadows would one day be as powerful as the Protoss and dominate the world.

For him, the deputy soul and the origin of Shiyan's fusion are the hard-won opportunity, a chance to completely change the blood of the shadow family!

Therefore, he excluded the Protoss people of Sloan, Phelp, and Mia, and wanted to kill Shiyan himself, taking the opportunity to seize everything for the shadow family.

"Or that sentence, give the deputy soul and the origin of the fruit to me, I can spare you not to die." Belo yin smiled and said: "The same cultivation of space, you should know the horror of space power, you and me realm It’s too far apart, you’re not my opponent, or you’ll be jealous.”

"If you want my soul, let's take it." Shi Yan shook his head and took a deep breath, and the body gradually became illusory.

The roots and thorns are prominent, the **** armor covers the whole body, and the **** and violent rolling, he forms a perfect battle form, undead body.


Shiyan suddenly violently drunk.

A **** burst of blood, blood and light carrying endless fierce anger, blood in the breeding of infinite illusion, directly flocked to Belo.

The earth-shattering negative energy violent attack, Bello's eyes are instantly confused, as if they are being negatively influenced by negative emotions, and they lose their sense of soul, and they must be penetrated by blood.


The blood flashed away, and the body of Belo passed through. The body of Belo was half-two and gradually disappeared.

Shi Yan’s face suddenly dignified.

Sure enough, in another direction, the Belo trace reappears, intact, still cold in the face, said: "Space amnesians are never afraid of sudden attacks, because no one is faster than us, we can shuttle in space in an instant, unless In a very special place, otherwise it is almost invincible."

Shi Yan is silent.

He knows that Bello's words are true, and the space sinisters are indeed not afraid of sneak attacks. They can crack the space gap defense, or they can sneak into the space gap in an instant.

The demon dragon star is in a mess at this time, he can't make a teleport, but Bello can.

Because all of this is caused by Belo, because... Belo has reached the beginning of the two heavens, he has a higher realm and a deeper understanding of the space.

"Change me now." Belo sneered.


A huge space gap, such as the sickle's sickle, in which the streamer flickers, do not know to the end of the universe, a deadly stream, the gap is like the Belo soul silk, such as the open shell, clipped to the stone rock, To bring him into the world of Belo.

Bello is the beginning of the god, he has been refined into the beginning, the beginning and the real world are not the same, once he is engulfed by the beginning of the Belo, he will have no chance to break free.

The beginning of the space of the righteousness of the strong, can be described as the most solid cage in the world, has a reputation for breaking.

Belo is now using his beginnings to engulf the stone rock. As long as Shi Yan is wrapped up by his beginnings, he can do everything he wants to do with Shiyan, stripping the soul, extracting the essence, and splitting consciousness is easy.

Shi Yan is amazed.

His eyes gradually became blood red, and he moved the blood pattern ring, suddenly unscrewed a simple and small **** shield.

When the blood shield came out, he was vomited with a blood of his blood. The blood shield suddenly became very large and became bloody. He instantly wrapped his whole body, and countless fine and cumbersome mysterious blood lines. The shield squirmed like a living thing.

The **** cloud mark suddenly smashed like thick blood, and there was a wave of horror, so that Shi Yan’s arm with a blood shield felt extremely heavy.


Even he couldn't hold the blood shield, and the blood shield fell to the ground, as if he was with the earth and the demon dragon.

The raging energy of the demon dragon star, if attracted by the invisible vortex, all poured into the blood shield. On the shield of the blood shield, a vague world gradually formed, breeding endless evil.


A space gap released by Beloo is still not close to the stone rock, and it is torn and crushed by a force, and the bombing is broken.


Belo spurted a spurt of blood, his eyes were messy, and his soul was once again inflicted.

He looked blank, and he looked at the vague world of the blood shield shield, gradually becoming like a demon, green eyes with a violent expression of killing, such as being swallowed up by the mind.




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