God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1209: Who is your teacher?

Remind the book friends to pay attention to rest eyes, good-looking novels: new biography in Gaochun!

The blood shield shield scarlet blood line squirming, intertwined into a cumbersome and sinister world, emerging endless evil horror, twisting the heart and soul, to fall into the abyss and purgatory.

Shi Yan holds a shield, his heart is shaking, and his eyes are red and red.

His soul altar is floating, and the soul of the forehead is marked with scarlet as a blood star, red dazzling, and the blood shield imprint echoes, like a big heart tremble.

He has a wonderful feeling...

He seems to have the magical power to dominate the souls of the seven emotions. He holds the blood shield, as if he holds the sentiment of sentient beings, can infinitely enlarge the evil desires in the soul of the heart, and turn a good man into a wicked person.

Very strange feeling.

He looked at Bello, and if he saw the hidden sin of Bello's heart, he was unwilling to be controlled by the Protoss and wanted to get rid of the struggle to bind himself.

He seems to have seen all the secrets of Bello's soul, and sees it completely, and Bello's inner secret is completely exposed.

Blood Shield... Like the Belo demons, the soul's magical obstacles, cover it with invisible prisoners, evoke his soul, and torture himself by himself. The more his inner guilt, the more secret, the demons will More and more powerful, he will hold his soul and let him never get out.

Shi Yan suddenly smiled.

He holds a blood shield in one hand, and a blood sword in one hand. The blood shield and blood sword are perfectly integrated with him, just like part of his flesh and blood, regardless of each other.

Through the blood shield, he can clearly perceive Belo's spiritual changes, gain insight into his inner sin, and even see his many years of life experience...

The course of Bello's life, such as a scene through the blood shield reaction, quickly swept through his mind, his youthful spirits, middle-aged high-ranking, old age attached to the Protoss, and Sloan brothers and brothers dream of self-cultivation. For the future choice of the shadow family...

Shi Yan saw through the life of Bello.

"It's sad." He walked toward Bello step by step, shaking his head and sighing. "You are both sad and pitiful. You are always thinking about the family, for the continuation and hard work of the race. For the survival of the shadow family, you leave your self-esteem and let go of your face. Deliberately make a connection with the Protoss Sloan, attach the shadow family to the Protoss, and let the whole tribe become a Protoss dog. You have been living for the family for the race. Have you ever lived for yourself? Have you ever had a happy life? ”

Belo looked like a sorrowful sorrow. Roared: "When are you willing?!"


The body of Belo is cracked like a porcelain, and blood is splashed. The tendons are broken, causing the space to collapse and revealing a fine gap.


The cracks in the space cracks have made the giant wood, stones, and dust in the area whistling, and they are pulled into those cracks.

The violent adsorption force is getting stronger and stronger, and even the stone rock body is swaying. As if it was caught by countless ropes, it was pulled into the gaps in those spaces.

He knew that the gaps connected to the beginning of the Belo, once fell into it, this life is afraid that it is difficult to break free, will be arbitrarily pinched by Belo, even a handful of effort is useless.

"My shadow family has always been weak. If we want to survive, we can only rely on powerful people. The Protoss is the cosmic hegemon. What is wrong with me as a patriarch to choose a big backing? My choice is correct. Forever, I will give the shadow family. Come to the new life, let the shadow family have many stars of life, I am right!"

Belo roared in the gaps of a space, and vented his unwillingness to fate. "We are not one of the four great creatures! I can only do this! But now it is different. If you kill you, I will get it." Origins! I can bring a new world to the shadow family!"

Hey, other book friends are watching: Xuan Fachang!

Belo smirked and tore the chest, a root of blue ribs, such as the broken strings!

when! when!

He seems to have moved the space to the mystery, causing a large block of space to collapse and smash, the dragon star suddenly shakes the mountain, the mountains and rivers collapse, and the ocean block disappears.


"What is Belo doing!"

"The area is falling apart. It must have been made by Belo. He is fighting Shiyan!"

"He didn't hear the signal!"

"Is there any surprise?"

In all corners of the demon dragon star, the Protoss people are all face-stricken and look frowning in one direction.

Sloan’s eyes were cold and chilly. He was silent for a while, and suddenly he looked at him up. “You know what Bello wants to do?”

I can get a tight heart, and bow down and say: "He should be killing the undead young man. The young man... also cultivates space and righteousness. He closes the space or causes space to break. That kind of situation Anyone who enters will be sinister and dangerous. We don’t cultivate this kind of ambiguity. He may think that it will only make us suffer, so... we have not notified us."

His face was full of horror, and he knew that Sloan was suspicious. If Sloan had a bad opinion about the Shadows, it would be a disaster for their entire race.

Speaking of the head, their shadow family is a vassal of the Protoss, to see the face of the Protoss to survive.

"If you don't feel relieved, I personally have a glimpse of the past, how?" Up to the face, sincere face, gentle and peaceful eyes.

Sloan stared at him with a deep look. He nodded with satisfaction, smiled and waved: "No, I believe Bello, I know he won't let me down. Half of the angels are the latest chapter of the devil."

He said this, the Protoss who had been dissident, all had nothing to say, and they stopped Dobero’s doubts.

Can reach a secret sigh of relief.



The void is bursting like a bamboo knot, and Belo is at the intersection of the voids.

Shi Yan looked at Belo, as if watching a group of air, no trace can be found.

This is because the void node is shattered because Bello's location is too special, which has great benefits: he can't lock Belo to attack.

Even with it, the blood shield imprisoned Bello's demons and was instantly disintegrated.

Bello restores reason, his eyes look at the blood shield, showing his heart with a sly expression, dignified: "Sure enough, it is the bloodthirsty blood, the magic is unpredictable, the rumors are really true, bloodthirsty The essence of the pulse is a self-contained world, with many wonderful things. Today, I am really convinced."

He suddenly got excited and laughed. "Thinking that bloodthirsty blood will fall into my hands, I really look forward to it, kid, can you be prepared to die?"

"Ready." Shi Yan grinned.

He held the blood sword with one hand, and suddenly slammed the blood shield with the hilt. The blood shield suddenly heard the "铿锵" gold and iron odd sounds, and the sound waves were like the Wanjun battle, such as the river boiling, shaking the heart.

"Hey! Hey!"

A sound of gold and iron crossfire came, and there was an unspeakable magic, like a beat in the heart.

The **** shield and the Belo re-established the latest chapter of the best evil emperor.

In the meantime, Shi Yan saw the experience of Belo, and he saw a secret hidden by Belo in the deepest part of his heart...

A shadow of darkness, in a sealed cave, floating in front of Bello, explaining what Bello is, the dark shadow can be allowed to shuttle through the void world, swimming in a gap of space, such as a trip fish.

This turned out to be the secret of Belo’s deepest hidden heart.

That dark shadow, like the interpretation of the subtle meaning of space for Bello, in an extremely magical way...

He is the enlightenment teacher of Bello, and he introduces Belo into the mysterious hall of space, and imprints the meaning of the mystery in the depths of Belo's mind, affecting Bello for many years, and making him the patriarch of the shadow family.

The vagueness of this secret memory seems to be extremely long, as if even Belo itself is about to be forgotten.

Shiyan passed through the blood shield and reflected it from the depths of Belo's mind. The shadow of the darkness was ambiguous, but his eyebrows were carefully stunned, and there was a mark of **** clouds. The man... It turned out to be a certain inheritor of bloodthirsty!


The magic sound disappeared, and Shiyan slammed into a shock. Looking at Bailo with a strange look, he suddenly said, "Who is your teacher?"

"Teacher?" Belo clearly stunned and immediately shook his head. "I don't have a teacher. I understand the mystery. Everything I do is my own efforts."

He screamed and screamed. "How? I know that I have to die in my hands and start to shift the topic to delay the time?"

Shi Yan frowned deeply and suddenly said: "Have you ever been in a coma once, or have ever had a real dream? After waking up, you will find that you gradually have a sense of space, and then a little superb ,Do you have?"

He remembered Hasen's experience, and other book friends are watching: I am not a male slave.

Hasen was weak and timid, but because of a coma into the spirit of Xuanshan obsession, he was reborn and became the genius of the Protoss after Hassan.

Afterwards, Hasen himself did not know what happened.

"Is your kid still proficient in destiny?" Bello’s impatient coldness, "Yes, when I was practicing in the secret of the shadow family, I was comatose because I was enchanted by practice. I dreamed of being a god." I taught me to understand the space and righteousness. When I woke up, I realized that my righteousness would be integrated. It was also that bitterness. I really defined the direction of cultivation and eventually got the status and achievements of today."

After the words were finished, Bello no longer talked nonsense, and swayed in a gap in the space. His soul swayed the stone rock and pushed the layers of space to block the rock.

Shiyan stayed in place and his expression became extremely weird. He looked at Belo and did nothing.

He finally believes that the Shangchen said: no one can compare the bloodthirsty veins!

The head of the singer who is good at the soul of the soul is innumerable. I don’t know how many backhands are left for the bloodthirsty. Obviously, the patriarch of the shadow family, Bello, is one of the man's back hands.

If the blood shield reflects Bello's life experience, reveals the secret in the deepest part of his heart, killing him and thinking that Belo would be the apprentice of that person.

Even Belo himself is a dream, and even the secret of being bullied by himself, it is no wonder that the Protoss will not have any disagreement.

Horrible guy!

As soon as he thought of the means of the man, he had a kind of chilling fear. This kind of scheming and savage strategy made him admire the five bodies.


Ps: Today is even more, tomorrow to make up ~~ (to be continued (


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