God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1210: Don't want to be a dog again

The first thousand two hundred and ten chapters do not want to be a dog again

Bello’s eyes were firm, and no matter what Shiyan said, he ignored them. ""

A bright space gap, such as a snake-like mysterious cockroach, gradually evolved into a dense spider web, making the surrounding space completely affected, forming the power to bind the rock.

Shi Yan held a shield with a blood sword, his face calm and indifferent, looking up at Belo close.

A pair of people who don’t feel the dilemma.

"Your annihilation will bring new life to the shadow family, I will open a new page for the shadow family, you rest in peace." Belo sneered.


A stripe line squirmed, gradually closing the void and slowly shrinking.

Under the traction of the air machine, the body of Shiyan was imprisoned. If it was in a cage, it could not move. Even the gods were slow to run, and the soul was like a dark alien. There was a kind of helplessness that could not extend the insight.

But he still doesn't move, and the strange luster appears in the depths of his eyes. The luster is dark and dark, with a mocking sigh. It seems that Bello's efforts will be burned, saying that Bello is just a waste of effort.

The strange light in the eye gave Belo a sense of crisis that was not right.


Suddenly, the blood sword hits the blood shield, and the golden and iron crossfire is uploaded from the shield surface.

The fuzzy world outlined by the shield blood line is vivid and vivid, and a scarlet eyelid appears invisibly, and the eyelids quietly look at Belo.

Bello’s mind suddenly trembled like a thunder, and a memory in the depths of his heart was pulled out, forming a wonderful picture in his knowledge of the sea...

The dark shadow of the shadow family secret cave, the young look of the Belo complexion, the godless look at the black rock wall, a glimpse of the light like a firefly, the gradual enlargement of the light, slowly elongated, and finally form a secluded shadow, shadow Gray can not see the truth, came a subtle soul turmoil, such as gently littering on the side of Belo.

In the youth, Bello looked up, like a dream, silently listening to the shadow of the explanation, the body emits a bright yellow luster.

Gloss covered his whole body, causing nothing to distort, his soul mimics the luster of the volatility, and the eyes begin to emerge with a clear-minded look. The latest chapter of the church

The shadows are swaying like candlelights, and the wonderful soul waves are whispered and whispered to explain the mysterious wonders.

Immediately after the picture flashed, the shadow gradually faded away, but disappeared, leaving a **** cloud mark, which really disappeared.

Belo is still in the gap of the strip space, but he is confused, as young as he first glimpsed the space, as if he was taught the righteousness...

Shi Yan looked at him quietly.

For a long time, Belo woke up from the confusion, his expression returned to clear and rational, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"Understood?" Shi Yan smiled lightly.

"Understood." Belo nodded calmly.

"Continue as your shadow patriarch, I will contact you when there is a need. If the Protoss has a big move, you have to find a way to know me." Shi Yan looked positive and promised: "The Protoss can give you, I can give you in the future, and even give more. The source of the origin is derived from me, the Protoss is destined to decline, and you can do your chess with peace of mind, I will not treat you badly."

If he stops, he will go straight to the outside and want to get out as soon as possible.


Daddy, the void came out, and the gap in the space that was condensed by Bello, instantly condensed into a sharp blade.

The sharp blade bursts like a firecracker, and the violent energy fluctuates, slamming into the stone rock body.

Belo’s eyes are sharp and bladed, and he said: “How do you understand? I have struggled for many years in the world, I have survived in the strong, I have been sleepless every day, and I have never had a moment to live! I don’t want to live any more!”

The swaying edge of the blade is like a knife, and it is extremely fierce. The emptiness of the emptiness of the 嗤嗤 炸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 无 无 无 无

"Then you know, you will die?" Shi Yan turned back and suddenly sighed and sighed.

"I have been a dog for a lifetime, I don't want to continue to be a dog, or take the source of the original source, or I will die!" Bello's face has never been so firm.

"Since I don't want to be a dog... then you can only die. The church" Shiyan shook his head and sighed.

The only eyes that emerged from the blood shield suddenly turned into a **** cloud mark, and the imprint flew out. A flash of light penetrated into Belo's forehead, ignoring the spatial distance.

The soul in the Beloit altar had a corresponding wave of volatility. A glimpse of the ghost emerged, and Bello’s soul was directly bound. The ghost seemed to ask a question. Unfortunately, Belo’s soul was firm and smirked. Shake his head.

The ghost did not say much, and he took the **** mark that floated over and stuffed it into the soul of Belo.

As soon as the imprint entered, Belo's soul quickly melted away, just a few breath intervals, and Bello's soul imprint was returned to the market and completely dissipated.

His soul altar appeared cracked, a little cracked, and gradually collapsed.

As for the ghost, it was a flash, and there was no communication with Shiyan.

Shi Yan’s eyes showed strange colors. He was silent and suddenly his eyebrows were light.

His mysterious and peculiar soul altar rose from the celestial cover, and the black hole formed by the devouring of the righteousness was facing the direction of Bello's head. The altar of Beloa's gradual collapse was sucked out and turned into a white light and plunged into the black hole.

The body of Bello quickly dried up, such as the lush ancient trees and tens of thousands of years, dried up like a bone, a trace of energy was pulled away.


His body fell, such as glass smashing, bursting a place of fly ash, dissipated by the wind blowing.

The soul and the ** are annihilated, and Bello’s imprint in the world is erased, and there is no possibility of rebirth.

The fly ash dissipated in the wind, and the slightest thoughts were not like the wind, like crying, until it really became a whistle...

Shi Yan looked complicated and sighed and shook his head and whispered: "Why..."

The bloodthirsty pulse is good at the head of the Imperial Soul. For the moment when Bello led the space to the hall of the mystery, he left a ban on the soul of Bello and made his hands and feet in his mind.

The number of people in the millennium has a premeditated plan for everything. Perhaps Bello can become a patriarch of the shadow family step by step, and finally attached to the series of processes of the Protoss Ascot family, all of whom are behind the scenes, only for the critical moment. To use.

For example today.

If today is not Belo, but another person to deal with Shi Yan, he will pay a painful price even if he is not dead.

The man was planning everything, secretly plotting a big deal, and Belo was just a pawn.

It is a pity that Bello knew everything before he died.

He survived his life, and continued to rely on the strong for the shadow family. Suddenly he understood that his rise and all kinds of experiences were secretly manipulated. He understood that he could become a shadow patriarch or perhaps not his own talent, but artificial creation...

Bello couldn't stand this blow, and he eventually refused to continue to be enslaved to control, to die to break free from the fate of mercy.

Stone rock is endless.

"Maybe you are right." He whispered, he looked at the space that gradually returned to the law, his face deep.


Suddenly, his soul came to tremble, and the mythical layer was injected with some subtle comprehension, which made him suddenly shocked.

He is fascinated.

Devouring the righteousness engulfed the Bello altar, and Bello was the strongest of the two gods. At this time, Belo’s life’s understanding of the space’s mystery turned into a trace of memory current, directly into his esoteric The layer, and the space of his own understanding, quickly merged.

Shiyan was stunned.

All along, he has been devouring the righteousness just to condense the energy of the soul, and to warm up the soul of the altar. In fact, the previous devour of the altar, it is only so effective.

Today is different...

It turns out that the devouring of the righteousness can also wash the meaning of the mystery, and form the memory current into the meaning of the righteousness, and become a sense of direct integration into the realm of its own meaning.

The reason why I couldn't do it before is because the ignorance of the alchemy that he swallowed does not fit with his own righteousness, and Bello, just like him, cultivates space and righteousness. After the altar is swallowed up, it naturally forms a magical realization of the current. Floor.

Good evil and terrible!

Shi Yan was surprised and happy. When he merged with Bello, he also had a fear of jumping.

At this moment, he realized that the bloodthirsty Lord's devouring esoteric, how terrible and terrible, and finally know why the bloodthirsty Lord can stand proudly in the world for so many years, so that the four great races are willing to surrender.


A corner of the demon dragon.

Sloan, reach, Phelp, Mia and several protoss in the realm of the gods, all staring in one direction, the expression gradually relaxed.

I can gradually relax my face and look at the direction. "The voids tend to be calm, the battle should be over, and my patriarch should come over immediately."

Sloan smiled and nodded, comforting everyone: "I have been with Bellow for many years, I believe he will not let us down, everyone just waits."

This place is not just the Ascot family, Fernandez and Baijia Shishen are also involved. In order to kill Shiyan, the three forces have given enough strength, just to get rid of the troubles, let the Presbyterians start the day as soon as possible. Bridge."

Fernandez and the beginning of the White House saw Sloan so confident, but did not say anything, they were indifferently waiting.

Time passed by, Bello never showed up, and Sloan’s face became chilly.

I can get up and get up, saying: "I used to look at it." He took a disc-shaped chariot that was unique to the shadow family and walked away.

"Uncle, Bello will not have an accident?" Philp drank.

Everyone has a brow.

"You think more." Sloan showed a loving smile and rushed to say: "Bello is the first **** of the second heaven, and he cultivates the space, and don't say him, even you can only beat it. Bello, if you say that he will be annihilated... I am afraid it is not realistic."

The Fernandez family and the white family, who nodded secretly, thought that Sloan said it was good.

The space sinisters, the most difficult to kill in the world, are unanimously recognized by the major stars.

After half an hour, the disc-shaped chariot went back and returned. He was full of horror. When he came over, he screamed: "My patriarch is fallen!"




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