God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1236: God's soul

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-six chapters of the gods

Ancient temple

The embarrassment and the elders of the protoss sat under the sturdy statue, and they looked sullen and silent. .

They seem to be waiting for something secretly.

Suddenly, a starlight descends and directly penetrates into the ancient temple, which is a spark.

The star fire was pale, and the sneer sneered, and he left Blackge aside.

Haugon crouched down and squatted in front of the statue and the elders.

In this battle, he lost again, he said nothing, only silently waiting for the trial of the elders.

Xinghuo also looked at the seal, and there was a murder in the shackles. "We have already given the opportunity. He himself has not been able to grasp it accurately. He is no longer qualified to lead my family in the future."

"What is your opinion?" Closed to the rest of the elders.

The elders nodded and looked at Haig’s eyes indifferently. The blackheads in this moment seemed to be an outsider in their eyes, and they were no longer placed in their hearts.

Haig suddenly looked up and looked pale. It seemed that he was not aware of it. He was cold in his heart. He got up and stunned and escaped from the outside.

Suddenly, he sighed and sighed. He raised his hand and grabbed it. A void appeared in the void, and he immediately pulled back the black plaque. He looked up and looked at the statue next to him. His face appeared in a fabulous way, saying: "Let him... prepare the soul. Pro."

When he mentioned "he", the seal showed a rare respectful color. It seems that "he" has unparalleled prestige and strength in the Protoss. Even the elders of the Presbyterian Church have to show that "he" has to show Some respects.

The black face is like a gray, can't help but scream: "No!"

"Shut up!" The star fire slammed coldly, and a chilly symbol flashed suddenly, directly on the black box, so that he could not even speak.

A famous protoss elders released the soul altars one after another. Their altars were so strange that there were countless mysteries. Each of the soul altars floated, gradually forming a mysterious array of images, and there was a terrible energy fluctuation in the array.

I saw a statue that stood in the temple for many years. It seems to be alive in an instant. There is a glimpse of the soul inside the statue, such as the memory that has been scattered for many years, and it is bred in the middle of the altars.

A glimpse of the soul, slowly condensed together, a soul that has disappeared for many years, a little bit of formation, a vast expanse of ancient souls, suddenly released from it.

Every elder, at this time, looks awe-inspiring, and the soul of the soul in the altar is showing a tribute.

The ancient soul was condensed for a long time, turned into a dark cloud, in the eyes of Hai Ge’s fear, directly rushed into his mind and poured into his soul altar.

The beginning of the Hege began to change dramatically, and his realm grew at an alarming rate. The beginning of God, the heavens, the gods, the gods, the three gods, the step forward, the realm and the power barrier, if directly shattered In a short time, it reached an unimaginable height.

Haig always closed his eyes, seemingly digesting something, slowly quieting, and silently solidifying the realm.

All the protoss of the Protoss are deeply looking at the new "Hague". After they have taken the soul altar to the gods, the elders have crouched down and feared: "Respectfully return!"

"Hague" is unmoved, still in the recovery of the new body, and does not care for the elders.

The Protoss elders were not impatient, and they kept waiting in a respectful manner, waiting for the man to slowly recover.

They know very well that before the person wakes up, their presbyterians are the absolute rights of the Protoss, but once he wakes up, the Presbyterian will always be the person's foil, and must maintain the most sincere respect, this need to be humbled They have not appeared in their hearts for a long time, so they are quite uncomfortable.

Because, before the person wakes up, their Presbyterian Church is the largest organization of rights in the universe, but it is no longer.

For a long time, the man opened his eyes, his eyes were ordinary, and he was far worse than the original wise savvy. Just like the most ordinary mortal, without any strange luster, he looked at the seal, the stars, and the sights were swept away. The elders said, "In my name, summon the four kings to return."


The members of the Presbyterian Church, who were sealed and starved, respectfully nodded and did not dare to violate it.


Broken manor, many pavilions smashed and collapsed, stone pits and potholes, rockery pavilions were a mess.

A battle with Haig, although it was flattened to the ground, but it did destroy a quiet courtyard completely, but thousands of illusions, broken temples, Tianshui Palace and other forces came to people, it does not seem to mind, in a room In the temple full of cracks, everyone gathered together.

There are no slaves here, only Muwei, Jiaomu, Baiyefeng people, no one came out to greet the fruit snacks.

Gu Lian, Xing Ming, and Lena, respectively, represent the Millennium Fantasy, the Broken Temple, and the Tianshui Palace. These three parties are the most powerful forces except the four major races in the Xinghe River. They have a place in the stars, even the Protoss. Will easily provoke.

They waited in the hall, waiting for Shiyan to recover, and they were not in a hurry.

Mu Wei, Bai Yefeng, Jiao Mu, and Sanji were asking for help. They talked about their respective star fields with a smile and said that they are under great pressure to deal with the Protoss.

Gu Lian, Xing Ming, and Lena were just listening and laughing. They did not make any promises, so Muwe and others were secretly anxious.

Audrey and Gila are also in this manor, but they have not come to the palace to discuss. Regarding the bloodthirsty and the protoss, the royal family is qualified to stay outside. If they do not want to participate, the protoss and bloodthirsty After the event, it will not be settled after the fall.

Thousands of illusions, broken temples, and Tianshui Palace are not eligible for neutrality. Although they have a place in Xinghai, they are not the four major races. They do not have the same level of power as the Protoss and bloodthirsty.

They need a choice.

Cecilia was next to her master Lena, and her aunt was full of feminine luster, and her mouth was faintly smiling, and her mood seemed to be good.

"Secelia's sister, you and... that person knows?" A girl next to the thousand illusion Gulian, with a brow, asked.

This woman is like a pair of ten-year-old, a water-green skirt, white skin, bright teeth, a small dimple in the corner of her mouth, very cute and playful, she is the ancient lotus girl, and Cecilia has Old, see Cecilia, a spring-hearted look, secretly funny, curious to ask.

Guling witnessed the battle between Shiyan and Haig. The heart was very shocking. As a thousand-magic sect, the ancient spirit knew that the protoss were strong. For thousands of years, the protoss constantly proved that they were the cosmic hegemon.

Regarding bloodthirsty, Guling only heard about it through his predecessors. She has never experienced her in that era. She is skeptical of her predecessors. For this terrible existence that once forced the Protoss and allowed the Protoss to unite forces to win, There is no sense of identity in the spirit.

She even thought that her predecessors had overstated it.

It was not until the end of World War I at Shiyan and Haig that the ancient spirits came to understand, and the forces that made her elders frightened seemed so terrible.

Guling is very curious about the inheritance of bloodthirsty. I want to know why this person is so special and can defeat the future leader of the Protoss.

"Nature understanding." Cecilia smiled. "You didn't go to the ancient continent to practice. Naturally, he was not familiar with him. If you had the opportunity to travel to the ancient continent, you know that he is better than Haig."

Gu Ling smiled and suddenly lowered his voice: "Secile sister, between you and him, is it..."

Cecilia's face was a little rosy, and she grinned.

The two were behind the elders, and they kept their voices low when they spoke. They said that the girl’s whispered, paying attention to the volume.

However, next to the two women, the broken temples and the rest of the juniors always pay attention to listening. When they heard about Shiyan, Cecilia showed a shy and happy appearance, those young and self-conscious, One by one, the eyes are cold and cold, and I can’t help but secretly chill.

When the juniors were communicating, the elders in front of them were also whispering, Gu Lian was asking at this time: "Lena, you and his brothers have been honed together with the ancient continent, he ... have seen bloodthirsty The first leader of a pulse?"

"I don't know about this." Lena shook her head.

Next to Xing Ming, he showed disappointment. He looked at Mu Wei and Bai Yefeng and said: "Mu brother, Bai Xiong, that Shi Yan... Have you been taken to the bloodthirsty holy land, officially staged?"

"I don't know." Muwei and Baiyefeng shook their heads at the same time.

Xing Ming slightly frowned.

"The bloodthirsty has eight major myths, and it has formed eight forces. There are eight leaders. Each of the capitals is the strongest person in the sky. Everyone is unruly and overbearing. Those guys are not convinced, and they have blood pressure. System, in order to cooperate with each other, now bloodthirsty is not, who can make the eight parties inherit true unity?" Half-sound, Xing Ming Shen Sheng.

"Yes, when the bloodthirsty died, the eight parties passed down immediately, and they fought each other. They didn't cooperate with each other. If it wasn't, it would be bloodthirsty, and this pulse would not easily retreat. They were the only ones in the first place. Once, they directly entered the ancient gods of the Protoss. If they could always do this, there would be no bloodthirsty in the first place, and the Protoss might not be able to win." Gu Lian also looked strange.

"Now, Shiyan, can really bring together the eight parties to unite them?" Lena is also a bitter face.

Xing Ming, Gu Lian, and Lena ignored one another and they all sighed each other's hesitation, and could not help but sigh.

They know that the eight major heritages of bloodthirsty are strong forces, and each dissatisfied with each other. Only when bloodthirsty exists, the eight parties will unite. When the bloodthirsty died, the eight parties competed for the dominant power, and their own troubles were unspeakable. Give one by one to defeat.

Even so, in the end, they jointly attacked and let the Protoss pay a painful price and directly entered the Protoss' ancestral star.

If the eight great inheritances can unite and fight against the Protoss, they naturally tend to be bloodthirsty. If they are the same, they will still be dissatisfied with each other. They will fight each other and even fight. Then they are more optimistic about the Protoss victory.

This is why they are still hesitating.

They have no doubt about the power of bloodthirsty. They know that the inheritance of the eight parties is so powerful that the eight parties are too powerful. Once they are not in harmony, the situation is serious.

"Just wait for the boy named Shi Yan, give us an explanation." Gu Lian said lightly.


Ps: Hey, today, I sent my wife and son back to my hometown. The road has been blocked, blocked, blocked, and I have never seen so many people. Today, I am completely blocked on the road. I am exhausted and exhausted, and I am forced to make a chapter out. Today Chapter, it will start to break out tomorrow! ! Damn, this big holiday is really difficult to return home. Every time at the beginning of the key month, there will be things on my body, such as the curse, oh, weak, weak, weak, and ask for your monthly guarantee ticket~~


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