God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1237: Boarding into the room

Shiyan sat quietly in a broken stone room.

There are a group of juniors guarded by the sand, the Jiaoshan, and the Jiaohai, so that he is not disturbed.

He squats in his body, and his body is sometimes twitching, sometimes relaxing and serene. On the top of his head, he is suspended in the beginning. The stars of the sun shine, the stars and stars flash, and the meteor flies, like a galaxy, containing some mysterious reason.

The mysterious fluctuations burst from his beginnings, such as a water pattern, spreading in the stone room.

"Still not..."

He frowned and whispered, opened his eyes and confused, thinking hard.

He won a battle with Haig. The reason for winning is that the key moments are to devour the ignorance of the mystery. The black hole is the root of the beginning, and the negative energy of the body is absorbed in an instant, so that the black hole can be swallowed up from the beginning and separated from him. Space, swallowing the meteor that turned into a gold planet.

The meteor is now a star in his beginnings, full of his breath, the star into the black hole, the brand of all the black goods are removed.

Devouring the righteousness is the main meaning of bloodthirsty, and it is the core meaning of the above eight inheritance.

As a bloodthirsty inheritor, if he can't understand deeply in the devouring of the righteousness, why did he inherit the bloodthirsty clothes, why should he let the gossip really support him?

In this battle, he eventually won the magic of engulfing the mystery. It was also the battle. He realized for the first time that he had swallowed up the profoundness of the mystery. He realized that this kind of mystery is the rarest magic in the world, and finally understands why he is swallowed up as the bloodthirsty master. The secret of the biography.

If you don't have the experience of this war, he might not even dream of it.

The same is true, he suddenly realized that he was sitting on Baoshan without knowing it. He did not have a deeper understanding of this devouring ambition. In this uprightness, he did not pay much attention to it, so that the subtlety of this ignorance is many A confused.

For example, he now wants to reproduce the exquisiteness of the previous esoteric, and transfer the black hole from the esoteric layer to the beginning. Let the beginning and the body be connected...

Repeatedly tried many times, he was hard to succeed. Before that, his arrogance was like a flash in the pan, and now he is searching hard, and he is so devoid of powerlessness.

All of this is because he has too little time to immerse himself in the devouring of the righteousness. He has cultivated space, life and death, and the three powers of the stars, and the breakthrough of the next realm. They all rely on a deep understanding of these three kinds of meanings. The devouring of the righteousness does not affect his breakthrough.

This is also why he has always been very strange, has not really put this ambition on the heart.

Space, life and death, and stars are three kinds of meanings. As long as a kind of ambiguity is stagnant, his realm cannot be improved smoothly.

It is different to devour the esoteric, he does not spend the experience of ignoring the ignorance. This kind of ambition does not require any breakthroughs in understanding, and his realm should be improved or upgraded. This ambition does not bind the realm and will not stagnate the realm.

Therefore, he has gradually neglected to devour the mystery, thinking that this esoteric is only used to devour the soul altar, and does not know that this esoteric is more subtle.

until today……

Today, he suddenly understood that the wonderful things that swallowed up the righteousness were not as simple as engulfing the altar. This esoteric can be used as the secret of bloodthirsty, which has absolutely the most amazing changes in the world.

He is determined to delve into this.

One thought flashed through my mind. He constantly simulated and repeated the previous changes, but found that the beginning boundary could not be connected with the body.

"It should be unclear in some respects..."

Shi Yan frowned and thought hard.

He fell into memory...

At the beginning, he descended on the cave of the dark forest. Immersed in the blood of the blood pool, forming blood stasis on the body and accepting bloodthirsty inheritance.

At that time, he was reborn, the body's dregs were cleaned up, and there was a trace of strength to wander in the body. Immediately, through that battle. Through the death of those who are invaders, he automatically absorbs the essence of death and refines and purifies them in the caves, forming a new force to strengthen the power.

It can be said that he can use everything today, and today's realm and strength, thanks to the changes in the acupoints.

He originally thought that the cave can absorb the essence of death. This is a kind of inheritance of death, and it is the mystery of the death of Xuanhe.

But now, seeing the more subtleties of devouring the mystery, he has a new faint view: the way to absorb the essence of death is not a category of death, but a branch of devouring the righteousness, a special way of expression!

In other words, when he accepted the blood of the body, he accepted the inheritance of devouring the righteousness!

His body is formed by the devouring of the righteousness, which is the devouring of the righteousness, not the death of the righteousness!

Devouring the righteousness can swallow the essence of death, can swallow the soul of the altar, and even devour the other side of the origin of the birth, what is the devour of the righteousness can not be swallowed?

He was shocked, a current flashed in his mind, all kinds of fog seemed to be blown away in an instant, and his Lingtai was instantly clean and clear, and his mind was swept away.

It turned out that from that stone cave, he passed down the devouring of the righteousness.

Ridiculous himself does not know that only the death of the scorpion's death is a manifestation of the power of death, ignoring the essence of engulfing the righteousness.

He can have everything today, because of the wonders of the acupoints, so that when he is practicing in the early stage, he can not need the tempering power of the sun and the moon to be fierce and fierce, but only rely on the acupoints to absorb the death essence, and quickly break through, magical The continuous new world.

The devouring of the righteousness is the root cause of this miracle. It is ridiculous that he formed in the black hole of his mind, and after devouring the deeper manifestation of the mystery, he failed to break through the truth, and did not have a deeper pursuit in this upholding.

It was really a treasure that he ignored.

Breaking through this layer of mystery, knowing that the change of the hole is the situation that swallowed up the righteousness, and the mist on his mind cleared the fog.

He smiled lightly, this time re-scientific rock.

The beginning of the boundary emerged on the top of the head. He changed his mind and made the black hole appear in the beginning of the circle. Immediately, a flash of light flashed, such as the thunder of the thunder, causing a change in the acupoints!


Seven or eighty-two burrows, each vortex swirled inside, and instantly reached a connection with the beginning of the boundary, and formed a wonderful echo with the black hole.

The black hole directly floated out of his beginnings, and the endless wonders and mysteries emerged, forming a strong sucking force. If you want to extract all the spiritual and spiritual consciousness of the heavens and the earth, at the same time, he smashed his body. , also came the power of adsorption.

Around the life magnetic field, vitality, heaven and earth aura, Shenjing strength, and even the energy hidden in the gods and the array of methods, there is a loose swaying turbulence, such as to follow the spurt into the hole.

The black hole devours the soul of the soul, and the hole is the absorption of the material with energy. This is all about devouring the meaning, but different ways of expression.

Shi Yan smirked.

He violently ran the power of the gods, and the soreness in the body was sore, and the adsorption force suddenly soared.

The manor of the thousands of illusions, broken temples, Tianshui Palace, Muwei, Jiaozuo people, only the life magnetic field came to stun, the main soul seems to be out of the altar, to float out of his mind, even his flesh and blood, also There was a burst of incitement that made them feel terrified.

"This, this feeling..." Gu Lian stunned and looked shocked.

Xing Ming is also a white face, looking at a region in the distance, the expression suddenly dignified to the extreme, took a deep breath, and said: "This is the true meaning of bloodthirsty?"

He is uncertain about Lena.

Lena looked bitter and shook her head. "When I was qualified to start the man, I either died or disappeared for many years. I don't have that qualification anyway. Naturally, I don't know what the real devouring is. What is the situation? ""

Gu Lian, Xing Ming, Lena and other leaders of the powers were not high enough in the realm of 10,000 years ago and were not qualified to participate in the battle against bloodthirsty.

Regarding the strong bloodthirsty, they only talked through the seniors and the masters. They did not have a deep understanding of themselves. Therefore, they did not know what the true devouring of the righteousness was. They only knew that this is very powerful and is known as the Xinghai. One is overbearing evil.

Recognized as the first, there is no objection to all ethnic forces!

The corner of the manor.

The Gila, the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, was shocked and his face changed dramatically. He looked at the direction of Shiyan and shouted: "Do you feel it?"

Audrey has already stood up, and her face is full of sorrow. "The breath seems to be to engulf all the spirits and all the substances with energy, and thus turn into his power. Is this true? Devouring the righteousness?"

Gila squatted and took a deep breath, saying: "The kid... gradually touched the threshold of devouring the righteousness. He is a little bit refined and able to make this momentum. This shows that he is devouring himself, from now on. It’s just to enter the room.”

"What a terrible thing to devour the mystery?" Audrey screamed.

"You only need to know that the most powerful peaks of all years ago were besieging bloodthirsty, but in the end they almost died of 10% of the people. They know why this is the first time in the world." Gila smiled.

There is a deep fear in his eyes, saying: "In the holy places of the family, the tombstones you see, most of them... are bloodthirsty."

Audrey listened to him and said that his face was pale and pale.

In the holy land of the royal family, the tombstones of the ancestors of the ancestors are erected. Only the most powerful people in the family, and the major contributors to the royal family, can be qualified to be worshipped in the holy places, accept the worship of future generations, and the tombstones within the family. The strong, almost all of them are strong, and each is extremely powerful.

Those people, who were mostly half dead and bloodthirsty hands, were swallowed up and killed, which made Audrey shocked.

"It is no wonder that in that era, my royal family could not rise, and the strong ones were killed by him. Naturally, they could not take the lead." Audrey sighed deeply, and the beautiful eyes flashed and thought about the luster.


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