God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1238: Seat fight

Shiyan walked out of the secret room.

Outdoors, Shaying, Wufeng, Mo Zhen, Jiao Shan, Jiao Hai and others are pale, and there is a hint of fear in his eyes.

Before going outdoors, the Shaying people were like a life-and-death struggle. Because they were closer to the secret room, when the madness swallowed up in the room, the souls of these people suddenly swayed, and a set of postures to be rushed out from the altar .

Even the strength of his flesh and blood is rolling like a tide, and the power of the gods is like a stream, going into the sea.

Satay and others have been struggling to support, and they have spent all their efforts to calm down the main soul and the fluctuations in the body.

They naturally know who made it all.

"You guys?" Shi Yan was amazed. He looked at the sand scorpions with pale faces and cold sweat on his forehead. He said: "Is it not because of me?"

Shaying everyone smiled and nodded.

"Shi Yan, just... is that bloodthirsty devouring the righteousness? It is terrible!" Wu Feng bogey.

"My soul and divine power have become uncontrolled, and I almost have to integrate into the secret room. It is a nightmare horror." Mo Zhenxin has a martyr.

"Thousands of illusionaries, broken temples, and Tianshui Palace are waiting for you." Shaying’s face was positive and hesitated, reminding him: "Thousands of illusions, broken temples, and Tianshui Palace are all powerful forces in the universe. We and They are inferior to them. In fact, for many years we have not been attacked by the Protoss because they are allied with them. And they are the backbone of this alliance, because among them, there are... The immortal strong exists."

"It is truly immortal, not the one that only takes half a step in the Spark." Mo Zhen added.

Shi Yan looked like a move and nodded secretly.

"My grandfather also has an immortal mood, just like the star fire is just pseudo-immortal, otherwise we are afraid that the Heihe Stars are afraid of being too much." Mo Zhen said another.

Grandpa Mo Yan is a black wind monster, and he is the real hegemon in the Heihe Star Field. The disciples are thousands of, and the forces of all sides respect him. It is such a character. It’s just that half of the feet are immortal. Instead of being truly immortal, before the pseudo-immortality and true immortality, there is also a huge gap, not just a "pseudo" word.

until now. Shiyan sees the real immortal strong, and only the ancestral dragon of the Tian Yaozu.

That's all.

Thousands of illusions, broken temples, and Tianshui Palace have immortal power. This can be called the real top power, and these three parties can be related to the power of the Xinghai, if you can get it. It has great utility for his big plan.

"I will go here." Shi Yan nodded. The sands are crowded with people: "Reassure, I will naturally help you to lift the star crisis. You can help me in the miles of the Marathon, and I will naturally return and contribute."

The Shaying people reluctantly smiled and nodded lightly.


An electric light flashed.

Shi Yan suddenly appeared in the hall, and his sight was swept away from those people. Slightly smile, directly chose a position to sit down.

There is a chair in the center of the hall. There are a total of twelve people sitting on the chairs. They are representatives of the various parties. They look at him and Haige, and they are qualified to sit down. They are all representatives of the forces, and they are the leaders. It is not qualified.

Guling and Cecilia, who are only standing on the back side of the temple, are not qualified to sit down.

Muwei, Jiaomu, Baiyefeng are also represented by one of the stars, and the same is also qualified for the seat.

Only, this seat... obviously has the distinction of honor.

The ancient lotus of Thousands of Fantasia, Xing Ming of the broken temple, and Lena of Tianshui Palace are sitting on the table, second only to the position of the chairman, and the rest of the forces of Muwei are sitting down.

The position of the chairman was vacant. When Shi Yan came over, the chosen position was the position of the chairman. It was still above Gu Lian, Xing Ming and Lena.

Gu Lian, Xing Ming, Lena and those who came to see him, he saw the chief position of the Da Ma Jin knife, all eyes, a look of a strange color, it seems ... I think he is not qualified.

Everyone left the chief position, and he also had the idea of ​​studying him. If he had already boarded the bloodthirsty chairman, he would naturally be qualified to sit in the chief. If not, they would accept it when they came to see Shiyan. The bloodthirsty inheritance is only a junior, and it is not worth sitting on the platform for the time being.

Gu Lian and others are squinting, and their looks are intriguing. No one speaks first.

After the arrival of Shi Yan, the halls of the original hustle and bustle were suddenly silenced. The heroes of the various parties were silent, but they looked at him strangely.

"It’s really arrogant."

A low-pitched voice came from the corner of the broken temple Xing Ming. It was the church that Xing Ming brought, Xing Yu, and the virtual **** double heaven.

Xing Yu is very talented and won the favor of the broken temple. This Xing Yu is very young, and the cultivation time is not long, but it has reached the virtual god.

If Xing Yu is a year older and breaks through to the virtual **** triple heaven, then the last time the ancient mainland line would have a quota for Xing Yu.

Thousands of illusions, broken temples, and Tianshui Palace have frequent exchanges. The juniors often have interactions. These three parties often hold trials of juniors to discuss the righteousness. Therefore, these three juniors are quite familiar.

At the Trial Trial Trial Meeting, Xing Yu was first shocked by Cecilia, and she was very charming for Cecilia. There was a time when Xing Yu stalked and pursued Cecilia, but was Cecilia explicitly refused.

However, Xing Yu is not discouraged. Every time he encounters Cecilia, he will always try his best to approach it. He is very dedicated and hopes to win the favor of the beautiful woman.

His pursuit of Cecilia, the Thousand Immortals, the Broken Temple, and the Tianshui Palace are all clear in the heart. On the other side of the temple, even acquiescing to this matter, I feel that if he can catch Cecilia together, there is Helping to pull Lena, is not a good thing for the broken temple.

The same is true. In recent years, Xing Yu has become more enthusiastic and has been entangled in Cecilia, making Cecilia annoying.

Many people say that Cecilia knows that the ancient continent is dangerous, and that it is necessary to enter one of the main reasons, that is, to avoid the entanglement of Xing Yu.

Xing Yu is not ashamed, but he is proud of it. He often brags about people. When he says that he is since the heart of the stone, Cecilia also has a good impression on him. It’s just that her daughter’s face is thin, and she is embarrassed to admit it. Set the position of Cecilia.

But when Cecilia returned from the ancient continent, she made it clear that she said that Xing Yu was a stinky fly, saying that it would only be disgusting, and that it was clear that she had no good feelings for Xing Yu.

Xing Yu’s words in the past have become a joke of the three parties. Whenever someone sees him, he will make a fuss, let Xing Yu’s face disappear, and only Cecilia is a curse, even filthy Cecily. The extremes of the Asian wave, there are countless kinds of face.

Xing Yu has always been ignorant of why Cecilia is determined to reconcile his relationship with him, so that everyone can be discredited in a way that makes him shameful.

Until he saw Cecilia looking at Shiyan’s gaze, the deep affection, the obsession, Xing Yu finally found the reason, knowing what happened between the ancient continent and the line, Cecilia and Shiyan, he Naturally, I hate it and transfer all hatred to Shiyan.

Therefore, he saw Shi Yan arrogantly sitting in the chief position, seeing that the old people did not speak, but looked strange, and the meaning of blessing to the soul came out something, just right to come: "It is really arrogant."

This sentence tells a lot of people's voices, telling a lot of old people's unspeakable words, let Xing Ming feel a happy heart, praise the kid's cleverness, knowing when to say what is appropriate.

Xing Ming’s eyes stunned and smiled and shouted: “Shiyan is the honorable owner of the bloodthirsty future. He has enough status and has the qualification to sit. You don’t talk nonsense.”

Xing Yu has been around Xing Ming for many years, and he will not see his thoughts. He snorted and pretended to be a young man. "Uncle also said that he is only the future lord. Isn't this a word?" Before the bloodthirsty position, he was just a junior, what qualification is he to be the chief?"

When Xing Yu’s words were later, the voice was raised, and it was far away from Shiyan. The smugness contained a hint of smugness, and quietly glanced at Cecilia.

Cecilia's gorgeous face was full of anger, a cold scream, and whispered: "This **** deliberately finds! It's not something, it's annoying."

The ancient spirit is beautiful and smart, and he laughs softly. He said: "Xing Yu is not a thing, but he did not say anything wrong with it. That stone... It’s clearly like a junior, even if he is bloodthirsty. A person with a pulse also has a place at the top. Why do you sit on the chief?"

"He, he will be the bloodthirsty master in the future, naturally qualified." Cecilia argued that the reason seems to be insufficient.

"I think this time Xing Yu said it is right."

Gu Ling pouted, whispered: "You see that the old guys don't talk, obviously they all think that Shi Yan is too junior. Their guys are very important in their status. The reason why they are embarrassed to sit in the chief position is just because I feel that my status is not higher than everyone else, so the position will be empty. That Shiyan is not arrogant, it is the unclear situation of the girl, even Da Ma Jindao is sitting on the chief, he is really dare what!"

Inside the hall, all the strangers are strangely silent, acquiescing Xing Yu is noisy there, accusing Shi Yan of being arrogant.

In addition to the initial swearing of a sentence, Xing Ming did not have the following expression. It is obvious that Xing Yu’s protagonist coincides with his mind. The older generation’s people are extremely important to the position of identity, unless the realm, identity, and status are far beyond their own, otherwise Sitting on the lead they will be extremely full.

If you come here today, it is the bloodthirsty Xuanhe, 腓 特 特 特, and there will be no one.

Ke Shiyan, in their eyes is indeed not qualified.

Therefore, they allowed Xing Yu to continue to sip, one by one, frowning and silent, and the eyes drifting and sweeping on Shiyan, seemingly waiting for Shiyan to take the initiative to move from the main position.


Ps: Hey, there are only two chapters today, I am depressed. I was prepared to break out in the morning. Then, a phone call came: "Brother, my buddy, I came to Yangzhou, you know." Then I forced myself away from home. , all kinds of arrangements for the hotel, please eat lunch and drink, talk about the sky, it is really a tree to be quiet and the wind is not enough, I can’t help myself~~

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