God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1239: a coffin

In the center of the temple, Shiyan sat in a stable position, and there was no intention to move the position.

He squinted and looked coldly at Xing Yu's noisy, sneer at the corner of his mouth, and did not give any speech attitude.

Xing Ming frowned, his face was slightly unpleasant, and the dark stone rock did not know the number of rituals. The performance of the people was so obvious. Did he really have the status of being equal to everyone and even higher?

Mu Wei, Bai Yefeng, Jiao Mu, Wu Lie, and Sanji were full of bitterness. They looked down and looked at the strange atmosphere in the temple.

Shiyan is the future successor of the bloodthirsty pulse. It is the source of the original source. In the future, it will inevitably be the master of the world.

They will rely on stone rock in many places in the future.

At this time, they suffered from a crisis in the star field. As a member of the Alliance, they also eager for the support of the Thousands of Magic, the Broken Temple, and the Tianshui Palace to help them lift the threat of the Protoss.

For them, Shi Yan and Gu Lian, Xing Ming, and Lena are all afraid of offending.

"Xing Yu was acquiesced by the predecessors. If the seniors were always dissatisfied, the guy... would have been arguing."

Guling sneered in a sneer, squinting Cecilia, and teasing: "Do you value the person, is the temper really so good? Faced with Xing Yu's ridicule, can you sit back and ignore?"

She was disappointed.

I thought that there was a good show to watch, but I didn't expect that Shiyan did not have a strong move. For the ancient spirits who feared that the world would not be chaotic, Shi Yan's performance was timid, which made her very disdainful.

"Secelia's sister, if the person you choose has only such a skill, then... he is not as good as Xing Yu." Gu Ling snorted.

Cecilia's gorgeous face was covered with frost, and she looked at Xing Yu with a cold eye.

"Xing Yu really does not know the sky is thick and thick." She snorted, her eyes flashed a trace of horror, doubts looked at Shiyan, secretly looking forward to.

With her understanding of Shiyan, Shiyan is not a weak and timid generation, but a must-see who is ruthless.

She is sure that Shi Yan must have other ideas. With his unique intentions, Cecilia looked at it.

"Shi Yan! You are not worthy of sitting on the lead! I hope that you can take the initiative to participate in this matter as a younger generation!" At this time, Xing Yu's arrogance and arrogance, the sound of high-spirited, loud and upright, righteous words.

In the chief position, a shivering flash of light in the grim face of the stone rock suddenly said: "Quiet."

A gloomy ice cold corpse. Suddenly spurted out from the gap in the temple. The corpse is like a sharp arrow, and instantly penetrates Xing Yu's chest and abdomen.


The blood is like a spring, and it suddenly emerges from the chest of Xing Yu. A **** stain will stain the hall.


The temple suddenly broke through a gap, and a sultry jade and stone coffin floated out in a strange way, slamming into the corner behind the stone rock.

That coffin is great. It is five meters long and about two meters high. It is covered with snow and white jade.

The thick and sinister corpse gas turned into a smog on the coffin, and the atmosphere of the temple suddenly became gloomy and horrible, such as the ghosts scattered in every dark corner.

Inside the coffin came a "squeaky" sound, such as nails to touch the jade, and heard the creeps.

The cold and sturdy atmosphere. Permeated in the temple, the strong in every hall, the soul trembled, and became a spirit.

The coffin fell in the corner behind the stone rock, motionless, and the inner strange sounds, such as the soul-sounding magic sound echoed in the minds of everyone. Let everyone be afraid.

Even half of the foot stepped into the immortal Lena, the look became dignified and awe-inspiring, taking a deep breath of air, eyes blindly looking at the coffin, no words.

Xing Yu chest blood flow. In just a few seconds, a cavity of blood runs out. Life is exhausted.

Xing Ming did not say a word, as if he could not see the tragic death of his nephew, but his face turned to look at the coffin, and his eyes sparkled with unclear luster.

The hall was completely quiet.

Gu Ling clung to his mouth in the back, for fear that he would not be able to scream and exclaim, and would break the atmosphere in the hall, thus attracting the coffin riot and killing.

Cecilia's alum has a splendid look, and she looks at the coffin deeply, and is surprised and happy.

In the chief position, Shiyan glanced at the coffin and showed a satisfactory sneer. He immediately coughed and said indifferently: "If you don't have the sincerity and talk about it, it is not too late to leave."

He looked at Xing Ming, his back was slightly stiff, and a fierce gas spurted out of his body, and his eyes were a little scarlet.

When the descendants of the temple came to Xing Ming, the heart was shocked, and a kind of vigilance was caught by the archaic beast. The face changed slightly, and the eyes showed an unspeakable color.

He silenced for a few seconds, suddenly chuckled and calmed himself: "The broken temple comes with sincerity, the junior does not know the sense of proportion, has been killed by your side, death is not enough, if you are still dissatisfied, the old generation will break the temple and apologize Yes."

Between the words, Xing Ming got up from the seat and raised his hand in the direction of Shiyan, far away.

Xing Ming was sincere and looked at Shiyan deeply. He kept his posture and said: "Don't blame the juniors for taking the liberty."

Lena, the thousands of illustrious ancient lotus and Tianshui Palace, as well as Mu Wei and Bai Yefeng, all of them suddenly stopped, and their expressions became strange.

The broken temple has a strong and inferior realm. It is strong in the Xinghai, second only to the four major races.

As a messenger of the temple, Xing Ming did not care about his children's life and death, and actively bowed his head and softened. He didn't hesitate. This guy... It is really a simple character.

His nephew Xing Yu, who was originally the key object of the broken temple, was still stunned by him. Now he is dead on the spot, but he has no reaction at all. This person is really a ruthless person.

Gu Ling bit his lower lip and looked at Xing Yu, who was exhausted with blood. His face was pale and his heart was full of fear. He did not dare to go to Shiyan.

She also stopped whispering with Cecilia, for fear of a word inadvertently, and also caused herself to kill herself.

She is really scared.

"This is a good thing, I hope there is no next time."

Shi Yan waved his hand and said coldly: "My bloodthirsty pulse is not as strong as it was ten thousand years ago, but it is not something that can be provocative. The reason why we have been hidden for many years is just that the time is not enough, because this is The transportation of the year is indeed attributed to the Protoss, but since I have won the origin, the world has changed, the Protoss has reached the end, I hope you can make the right choice!"

Xing Ming nodded again and again, and sat down again, and when he bowed his head, he was cold and sullen.

However, when he looked up again, it was a humble and sincere look, like a face change.

“Trying to take the liberty.” At this time, Lena spoke suddenly and frowned. “You have been to the bloodthirsty sacred place, but once... in the testimony of the eight parties, the position is honored?”

"I will travel to the next day." Shi Yan said indifferently.

Lena smiled and nodded. Suddenly she said, "I can represent the Tianshui Palace. If you can be in the bloodthirsty holy land, you can climb to the position under the testimony of the eight parties. I am immediately in Tianshui Palace. You will form an alliance and work with you for the next few years, and will follow your steps."

After a pause, Lena glanced at Cecilia behind her, frowning and continued: "If you can't sit in that position, then... everything is done, Tianshui Palace and you will be enemies and friends in the future, huh, really say indefinite."

"My ancient lotus can represent the Thousand Immortals. I mean this too. If you climb to the top, you will be an ally of the Thousand Fantasy. Otherwise, it is hard to say."

Gulian suddenly stated.

"Oh." Xing Ming smiled and nodded, and his consciousness was clear.

The heads of the other parties also expressed their views and supported the decisions of Lena and Gu Lian. They all linked the alliance with whether he could climb to the top.

Shi Yan twisted his brow, his face was cold and snorted, but he did not say much.

He looked at the coffin behind him, and there was a trace of eccentricity in his eyes. This coffin seemed to have been hidden inside the manor. He had not found anything in his original breath.

At the time of the martyr's soul communication, the violently violent soul left, and at that moment, he noticed a hidden corpse in the depths of the earth.

From then on, he knew that he had other arrangements, knowing that there must be strong and strong arrangements in the depths of the earth.

The same is true. From the moment he entered the hall, he was not at all polite, sitting directly at the high position.

He is the heir to bloodthirsty. As the bloodthirsty inheritor of the world, if he is timid, he is simply a bloodthirsty person, so that everyone can look down.

He has a feeling that his performance today will not only be seen by everyone in the hall, but also by some of the eight bloodthirsty inheritors.

Mu Wei and Bai Yefeng should be the soul slaves who cultivated the sacred soul. The man can see his performance today.

The corpse of the underground is arranged by the sect of the sect. He may also be able to observe him secretly. This time he is secretly obscured by every move, which may directly affect whether he can be in the bloodthirsty holy land. To the top.

He did not understand the so-called "topping up", but he said that the ancients and Lina also used "topping up" as a sign of whether or not they cooperated with bloodthirsty.

He already understands that the heirloom of the bloodthirsty is not so simple, and it must be related to many secrets that he does not know now.

"When the docks, the Mott, and the Heihe are in alliance with you, what do you think about the invasion of their stars by the Protoss."

A series of thoughts flashed through my mind, and Shi Yan’s heart snorted and reopened a topic.

"They are in alliance with us, and we will naturally be responsible. If we come over, we will show an attitude." Lena looked positive and said: "We will take this matter seriously, and we will never let the Protoss be crazy!"

"We will be responsible." Gu Lian also stated.

Jiao Mu, Wu Lie, and Sanji listened to them and immediately expressed their happiness. Knowing that they were so stating means that their star crisis should be lifted.

Shi Yan listened to them and nodded slightly, temporarily letting go of their hearts.


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