God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1240: Guilty?

The first thousand two hundred and forty chapters?

Thousands of illusionaries, broken temples, and Tianshui Palace showed their attitudes, and they did not continue to stay. They left the manor. (-<>-net.)

When Jiao Mu, Wu Lie, and Sanji knew that the Thousand Immortals would exercise their alliance responsibilities, they would bear the responsibility of dealing with the Protoss. They could not help but be overjoyed and eager to go back to the subpoena.

"Xing Da Ge is really good-tempered."

On the way to leave, Gu Lian smiled like a flower, glanced at Xing Ming, and sighed.

Xing Mingyi walked out of the manor, his face suddenly gloomy, and when he heard the ridicule of the ancient lotus, Xing Ming's face was even more embarrassing, and he snorted. "If this son can climb to the top, I will swallow this breath, if it can't... …Humph!"

“Xing’s brother thinks that he has a few summits?” Gulian’s eye wave turned and smiled lightly.

"He has a few chances to climb to the top. It depends on how the bloodthirsty eight-headed leader is going to be treated. As far as I know... the mysterious leader of the Royal Soul Department has always had its own ideas." Xing Ming Shen Sheng Road.

When talking about the leader of the Royal Soul, both Xing Ming and Gu Lian were dignified and had unsuspecting fear on their faces.

This person's name is spread in every star field. It is called the bloodthirsty gossip. From the strongest and most mysterious person, no one knows his true identity. He knows that this person is incarnate and secretly holds many powerful forces, even inside the Protoss. Some people converted to him and secretly worked for him.

The bloodthirsty pulse still makes the forces of all parties dare not underestimate. This person has great merits and is extremely heavy...

"Lena's children have a very close relationship with the stone rock. I don't know if this will affect Lena's judgment on the boy. The Tianshui Palace has disappeared in the past few years. I don't know what to do. We must pay attention to it." Frowning, looking at the direction of Lena leaving, reminded.

"She will make a correct judgment." Xing Ming looked sullen.


"Master, you are back in the palace, why do you have to drag me together?"

In the other direction, Cecilia was crying and sullen, and reluctantly followed Lena, clarifying the flow of water and flowing slowly in the sky. (-<>-net.)

"Before Shiyan didn't reach the summit, you shouldn't be too close to him. It's not good for you." Lena frowned deeply. "The relationship between the eight bloodthirsty traditions is very complicated. He may be at any time before he reaches the summit. It is possible to be killed if there is a change."

"What is the summit?" Cecilia was amazed.

"Getting the success of the eight parties nowadays, the head of the unanimously agrees, sitting on the ... position, it is called the summit. The summit means that you can really have your own voice in the eight major departments, which means that he truly convinces the bloodthirsty and has the future. Ability." Lena explained.

"He is a bloodthirsty inheritor, and cultivating and engulfing the righteousness, shouldn't it be logical to board that position? In the meantime, what's the problem?"

"Not so simple."

Lena shook her head and glanced back and said: "There is no such thing as the squad, and there is no problem in the corpse. It can be bloodthirsty. He really gathered a few squares. It is really unclear. If even Half of the people are not convinced that he is afraid that he can't do it."

"What will happen?" Cecilia said.

"If he can't prove that he has infinite potential and can replace the bloodthirsty thousands of years ago, then he will be asked to hand over the inheritance and be directly recovered from all the righteousness." Lena said solemnly: "That means death." ”


In the manor.

Shiyan took the lead, and there was only a jade coffin in the corner of the temple. The coffin came with a chilly atmosphere.

The walker in the manor walked away. The hall was empty. He looked at the coffin and looked at his face and thought silently.

Daddy, his pupils shrank, his eyes burst into sorrow, and he looked coldly outside the hall.

Two figures walked step by step, and there were vague shadows in the depths of the eyes. The expressions of the two people were sluggish, such as the loss of the soul.

It is the Muwei and Baiyefeng who should have left.

At this time, Mu Wei and Bai Yefeng looked stunned and walked heavily. They stepped on the stone floor of the temple, which brought strange rhythm sounds to the temple. For example, the drums bombarded the hearts of the people, causing a huge earthquake in the chest.

Shiyan looked at them coldly and looked at their eyes and suddenly sneered.

Mu Wei, Bai Yefeng's eyes were stunned, and there were shadows flashing in the depths of the eyes. They suddenly looked at the rocky ring in Shiyan's hand, and the unconscious low roar came from the mouth, rushing toward him like a fierce beast.

Muwei's flesh squirmed, and the strangeness changed. In a moment, he became a fat giant. The worm was like a meat, smelly and disgusting. The corner of his mouth was full of jagged roots, white, and Extremely sharp.

The giant body is fat and has no feet. For example, the ball is rolling, and a strong smell is heard. Its fat body suddenly splashes out of thick yellow water, and the yellow water is like a water curtain to the top of Shiyan.

Shi Yan's face was cold, and the whole body was like a rain. It suddenly spread out, and the stars and beams of the stars condensed and lingered on his side.

He made a mysterious imprint on both hands, and the sky stared suddenly, turned into a star account, and suddenly flew to the giant worm.

At the glimpse of the giant worm, Shi Yan would understand it. This Muwei is not Muvi, but is made up of Muwei's life-threatening locust.

Muwei's life-threatening locust and his soul consciousness are merged, and the breath and life fluctuations are completely consistent. They are tempered by the secret method, and the life locusts are taken out and lived into another Muwei.

Muwei, refining the worm, is like Muwei's body incarnation, has the same memory consciousness, and even the soul is very similar.

It can be said that this Muwei and the real Muwei are not much different, even the Mu Wei realm can be used, but the power will be slightly weaker.

However, before the real life form of the locust was changed, there was a blur in the depths of the eyes. At that moment, Shi Yan would understand.

This person refining by Muwei's life-killing locusts has long been occupied by the soul of the sacred soul. Like Bello, he can be sensible at any moment, let him serve him and become his soul slave. Its order.

Similarly, Baiye Feng is also the same, even if he is the real Baiye Maple, then the soul of reason should also be seized.

The thunder of the road is intertwined, and it turns into a dazzling eye in the void. The eye is purely condensed by thunder and slams into the rock.

The soul of Shiyan slammed into a huge earthquake, and the soul of the soul was broken. The altar was shaken violently, and consciousness became uncontrolled.

Baiyefeng still looks confused, but he can't stop the action on his hand. The ten fingers are interlaced, and the thunder and lightning are flying, such as the lightning whips to the stone rock, and the violent lightning lasing, instantly bursting the burst of the temple.

The eyes that were only condensed by the thunder gods still firmly locked the rock, and in the eyes of the thunder and lightning, his soul was quickly dispersed.

Baiyefeng moved forward and his body fell directly into the front of Shiyan. He did not want to take the meaning of Shiyan’s life. When he was exhausted by Shiyan’s soul consciousness, he would go to the rocky ring of Shiyan.

In the eyes of Shi Yan, he was smashed, but he stared at the ring on his finger. At this moment, he suddenly understood.

Bai Yefeng and Mu Wei came, for the jade scorpion, the finger of the jade scorpion, for the blood ring!

This jade scorpion was sent by the Giant Chamber of Commerce. Through the hands of Bai Yefeng and Mu Wei, Wu Lie and he both opened. Mu Wei and Bai Yefeng naturally knew what was hidden in them. They did not move before, but instead sent the jade scorpion. Blood pattern ring, for blood lines or directly above the finger!

A current flashed, Shi Yan suddenly understood, he knows that Baiyefeng and Muwei are just awkward, really want to take that finger and blood pattern or ring, is the head of the Royal Soul.

Under the gaze of the Thunder's condensed eyes, his soul consciousness gradually collapsed, losing his control over the gods, such as being fixed there.

That person is not going to take his life. The goal is just a bloodthirsty finger and a **** ring above it. This is the case. He was fixed at this time, and Muwei became a giant insect and intertwined lightning. Come, Baiye Feng just reached out and grabbed the magical ring.


Suddenly, the jade box cover at the corner of the temple was suddenly opened, and the corpse of the corpse was turned into a strange tongue, and the tongue suddenly added to Baiyefeng.

Bai Yefeng's eyes are confused, as if I don't know the danger is coming, I still have to accept the magical ring.

The pale tongue was directly added to the body of Baiyefeng. Baiyefeng, like a fly stuck by the tip of a frog, suddenly flew to the jade, and instantly fell into the center of the jade. Immediately, the bones suddenly burst into the jade. The sound is faintly visible. The blood at the mouth of the jade is splashed with minced meat.

Another pale tongue flew out, and the giant worm was also glued, and instantly pulled to the jade.


The giant worm bursts fiercely, and the sticky yellow water smashes out of the jade, and falls on the stone ground. The stone is eroded by a cave.

The sound of the chilly back of the jade, still continues to come, Baiyefeng seems to be eaten, Muwei’s life-killing locust is also bitten, and the lid of the jade is re-closed, only next to the coffin There is a blood in the ground.

The eyelids condensed by lightning condensed in the void, and there was a vague shadow in the faintness. The shadow seemed to look at the jade, silently drinking a few sounds in the eyelids, and immediately the eyes suddenly disappeared, as if the carrier Being crushed, unable to continue to cast a ring to capture the ring, and the unwilling shouts.

The jade is in a pool of blood, and when the eyes disappear, the jade sinks directly into the ground, and wanders in the ground, and walks away from the Black Iron City. I don’t know where to go.

The wonderful power of the soul consciousness of Shiyan, after the eyelids dissipated, suddenly disappeared.

Shi Yan was sweating like a rain, sitting in the chief seat, violently breathing, his face became extremely pale.

The head of the sacred soul system is not the body itself. It is only the two tens of thousands of souls who are fighting the souls. They borrow the power of the soul servant. Even so, he is stared by the thunder eyes. The power to fight back is not as difficult as it is when facing the Haig.

That mouthful of jade, obviously a fierce arrangement, seems to be the dark defense of the soul of the head of the soul to seize the ring, what is the life inside the jade, he did not see.

However, the horrible fluctuations that came from the jade, but his scalp numb, this level of fighting, he only has a sideline, can not stand.

This made him look pale, and his eyes were full of violent anger, such as the depressing volcano on the edge of the explosion.



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