God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1241: Break free!

The first thousand two hundred and forty-one chapters break free!

In the center of the ruined hall, there are piles of gravel, and there are deep gullies in the stone, reaching the depths of the ground.

Shiyan face is fierce, soft in the seat, the body is covered with red blood beads.

His face was pale and his eyes were wilting.

The battle with Haig has exhausted him. His power is huge, but he has not recovered. He has been stared at by Muwei and Baiyefeng. He has tried his best to break free from the help of the jade, and his soul is weak. It costs a lot.

After a few seconds of sinking, his eyes flashed with blood, and he saw a crystal-clear bloodstone appearing in front of his eyes.

He opened his mouth and sucked, and a **** light wrapped around the blood stone. The blood stone suddenly swayed wildly, and the flesh and blood essence escaped from it, turning into a blood line into his pores.

The pale color of his face quickly disappeared, and the demon red light emerged from the cortex, and the vitality machine re-emerged in the body.

“It’s the best medicine to add blood.”

As the blood stone smashed into powder, Shiyan spit out a sullen gas, and looked at the empty manor, his brow was deep.

Hesitated for a long time, he took out the jade scorpion, and the blood in his eyes flowed, staring at the jade scorpion carefully.

There is a bloodthirsty finger in the jade scorpion. At this time, there is still a blood pattern ring on the finger. The blood pattern is found on the finger and immediately disengages from his control. The initiative is placed on the finger. Many years ago, the blood The ring should always be worn on that finger.

That is the residual limb of its original owner.

Inductive to the master's breath, blood pattern ring breaks away from the stone rock, and even unilaterally cut off the connection with the stone rock, only to be consistent with the owner's flesh and blood, if you want to continue to fight the world.

Shi Yan calmed his face and looked at the jade scorpion, but did not dare to open it.

Regarding this jade scorpion, he has a lot of confusion about the blood pattern ring. Before the confusion is solved, he dare not act rashly.

This 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 御 御 御 御 御The name of the soul of the soul, Oyi Kui did not put him in the eye.

When he talked with Gu Lian and Lena, he suddenly woke up.

The eight major esoteric heritages left by bloodthirsty, each of them is a political one. Originally, there were eight chiefs. Because of the violent bloodthirsty, the Eight Great Heads of the Eight Great Heads have been killed by the first squad, but they still have the head of survival. There is a death leader, Xuanhe, the corpse of the corpse, and the leader of the cult of the sacred soul.

Obviously, the heads of the eight major esoteric inheritances have not been unified, and the leader who cultivated the sacred souls has indicated that he is not to be seen.

After the bloodthirsty annihilation, all the eight great esoteric inheritances are smothered and no one is convinced.

His new bloodthirsty heirloom, it is obviously not easy to let the parties recognize it.

This is also because the people of Gu Lian and Lena did not immediately express their opinions. Those people were very cautious. Those who did not prove that they had sufficient qualifications would never give a clear answer first.

In the same year, the bloodthirsty was annihilated, and the blood lines were memorized in three parts. One of them was taken with a branding, and Xuanhe held one, Xuanshan held one, and the bloodthirsty gossip from the strongest The head of the department, but did not hold a blood ring, in the meantime ... there must be some kind of secret.

According to the status and strength of the man in the gossip, the head of the gossip, did not get a memory, which is obviously a bit unreasonable.

He suddenly affirmed that there was a struggle between the gossips. The eight heads of the past should not be a group of spirits. Before the bloodthirsty and annihilation, the contradictions between the eight chiefs will not break out, but the bloodthirsty will die, and the world will no longer be able to suppress this contradictory person. Gossip is definitely a problem.

“It’s very easy for those guys who are looking for me to find him, and they can always find me easily wherever I am.”

Shi Yan looked at the sky above the sky and looked cloudy. "The Shangchen has already said that he will not continue to help the sects of the sects. Afterwards, he will find another person. I just want to arrange another person to come over. I just don’t know if this person can be like the merchant. I found it easily, those guys... secretly planned everything for me, and made me move in the direction they set, like a rope on my neck..."

His face appeared a trace of sorrow, a cold cry, and made a decision in his heart.

In the eyelids, a fine line of fine lines was formed, and the force of the space around the body was motivated. In the meantime, there were gaps in the sky above the manor, which turned out to be bright and bright, and the hurricane blew, making people feel shocked. fear.

He looked up at the depths of the sky, sneered, and plunged into one of the gaps, disappearing in an instant.

The crevices of the void, such as the dragon snake, wandered around the manor for a while. The manor was cut by a huge weapon and exploded continuously. Even the thirteen stone buildings next to it were affected by this. Smash into ashes.

In one of the stone buildings, two figures screamed out and snorted and quickly opened.

"The kid is crazy." Gila's eyes of the royal family are dark, frowning at the crevices that are gradually disappearing, touching the chin, saying: "There are many empty passages in the sea next to the giant comet, and those void passages are mature and stable. He will leave and pass there and it will be safe and there will be no trouble. But now..."

"A mature and stable void channel has an accurate direction and leads to a specific direction. It also means that he can accurately know his position, know where he will appear, and the gaps that he tears in his own space, but all Unstable, always in turmoil, even if the immortal strong can not lock his direction, I do not know where he is going."

Audrey Beauty singularly singularly smashed, looking at the sky, sighing: "He wants to break free of restraint."

Gilard sneered, disdainfully ridiculed: "From the day he inherited the bloodthirsty inheritance, he has been involuntarily. Very early, very early, he determined that the few chiefs he exists are arranging his life. Today he Suddenly realizing that my future path has been planned, I have a feeling of embarrassment, and suddenly I want to break away from everything. Unfortunately, everything has long been doomed. The universe is so big that I can really avoid many eyeliners, but not many..."

"There are not many, but it is not really." Audrey nodded gently.

Her cold scorpion glowed a strange light and said: "If he can disappear temporarily, so that everyone can't find it, maybe... the leader of bloodthirsty, will be alarmed, and may realize this bloodthirsty. The successors are not able to let them plan their lives, but understand that he is called Shi Yan, not another bloodthirsty, not their former master. They want to build stone rock step by step, let him become bloodthirsty, There may be a change..."

"So best."

Gila laughed. "Everyone is afraid of a bloodthirsty again, not a real rock. If he can't take the bloodthirsty path, it's really interesting."

"How do you know that he is really better than bloodthirsty?" Audrey was surprised.

Gilard looked disdainful and shook her head, giving no indication.

He has experienced the era and has seen the person far away. In this life, he has never seen anyone who is stronger than him. In his heart, bloodthirsty is unparalleled.

"I was not born in that era, I have never seen that person. I have only heard people talk about his power many times." Audrey looked strange and whispered: "I only know this person named Shi Yan, I Fighting with him, I saw him defeating Hasen, defeating Haig, and defeating all the so-called talents of heaven and earth at his level. On him, perhaps there is no incomparable eight violent bloodthirsty, but there is infinite potential, perhaps, true He, the real rock, in the future, not necessarily weaker than that person."

"It's ridiculous!" Gilard shook her head and sneered.

Audrey grinned.


A scorpion swims in the bottom of the giant comet. If the electric light flies, no one can capture the direction.

At the headquarters of the Jubilee Chamber of Commerce, there is a magnificent palace in the depths of the earth. It is called the underground palace. The interior is very large, even more than a few black iron cities. The roads are interlaced, such as the huge spider web spreads, there are countless Room with secret room and storage.

Many palaces in the palace have a ban, and some palaces have even a ban on thousands of them, which are densely covered with magical marks.

The underground palace is the core secret place of the Jubilee Chamber of Commerce. It stores the precious materials accumulated by the Jubilee Chamber of Commerce for tens of thousands of years, and there are strong people stationed in it all the year round.

The mysterious president of the Giant Chamber of Commerce, without any accidents, is still in the palace, secretly dominates the in-house affairs of the Xinghai, and the voices of the gods and the magical shadows can make the mega-commercial affairs of many star fields well organized. .

In the depths of the underground palace, a central part of the palace branded with numerous injunctions, there is a clear water pool. The water pool is interlaced and divided into many different images. The images are endless and seem to correspond to all corners of the giant comet.

The walls of the palace are covered with many mysterious map symbols, which contain some kind of wonders in the world, extremely cumbersome and mysterious.

One of the walls suddenly came to the rumbling of the rumbling stone. The array there suddenly squirmed and formed a flashing green light. The light door was formed, and a corn scorpion penetrated and banged. Falling next to the pool.

The scene of the jade plume, the scene in the pool suddenly changed, and countless pieces of images combined to form a strange mouth with jagged white teeth.

An extremely handsome man walked out of the strange mouth, and he did not know where the other people were and where they were.

He holds a jade scorpion in his hand, and the jade scorpion and the giant scorpion chamber are exactly the same as those given to Shiyan. They are all made of Tianxiang Anshenyu, and the jade scorpion in the hands of Shiyan is clearly made by the same person, even carved. The traces are all identical.

He looked at the jade, and his eyes were filled with thoughts. After a long time, he sighed and the five fingers stretched out and buckled the jade.

The jade was brought up by him and thrown directly into the waterhole. He was swallowed by the strange mouth and instantly lost his trace.

In the midst of his flash of light, the palace walls instantly showed countless traces of movement, and countless shadows flowed, seemingly corresponding to the domain of the major stars, a scene, a figure, a ship appeared, and Flashed past.

He looked at it for a long time, his brow wrinkled, and the pictures disappeared instantly, turning into countless banned odd arrays.

"Not in the Malang star field, not in the blood star, nor in the gods of the mainland, where did he go?" He muttered and his eyes widened.



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