God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1249: The perfect plan of the Tian Yaozu

The first plan of the first thousand two hundred and forty-nine chapters

In the eastern part of the vast sea area, dark magnetic fog is deep, and a dry island floats in the Kylie magnetic field. (-<书海阁>- outlet shuhaige point com)

There is a straw house on the island. The ghosts in front of the house are transformed into the form of the body, twisted to the ground, and the demon body trembles fiercely, seemingly enduring great pain.

Every time he shakes a giant earthquake, the demon body will flow out of blood, and the demon bone will be tempered once.

Qinglong was transformed into a majestic middle-aged man, sitting in a reclining chair in front of the grass house, squinting at the sneaky eyes, adding a force from time to time to refine the devil's dregs.

In his unique way, he helped the ghosts to reborn and refine the body, so that the demon bones are as tough as he is.

In this wonderful magnetic field, the energy disturbances in the heavens and the earth breed a strange wave. The fluctuations and the source of the mystery have some similarities. The military is practicing here, which can more insight into the mystery of the heavens and the earth and enhance the realm.

This change, from the beginning of the source of stone rock fusion, occurs slowly in the dark magnetic fog.

Those who are aware of the wonders of this place, apart from Shiyan, are the holy beasts.

He was unceremonious to take the dark magnetic fog as his own, and became his unique territory of the demon. At this time, it was not completely formed. He just got the ghosts.

He has a plan in his mind, and he is prepared to stay here for a while to stabilize, and to pull the back of the potential Tianhou, such as Zuo Shi and Cangwu, to this one.

On the periphery of the dark magnetic smog, he set up a barrier with ** force. In addition to the tribes who have the blood of his demon family, other racial martial artists can't go deeper and enjoy the benefits.

At this moment, he slowly helped the ghosts refine their bones while thinking about something.

Suddenly, his face showed a horrible color. He looked at the direction of the Tianhui Mountain. He lost his color for the first time. When he moved, he disappeared from the dark magnetic fog.

His figure was distorted and changed. He gradually formed above the Tianhui Mountain. He looked at the white tiger and the Suzaku demon illusion that appeared beside Shiyan. His eyes were extremely complicated.

It was the creature born with him in the Taikoo era. He was also known as the four ancestors of the Yaozu. In the long years, they disappeared one by one. So far, only he is still alive.

Now seeing the two people's illusory demon body, if he is rushed into the torrent of time, he can't help but remember the past.

The scenes of the past, such as a mysterious and magnificent picture, flashed rapidly in his mind.

The ignorance of the unknown at the beginning of life, the joy of mutual exchange, just grasped the subtle surprise of the heavens and the earth, because of the anxiety and helplessness of the dedication of the mainland's energy, the first fear of leaving the homeland...

That kind of thing, he and Bai Hu, Suzaku experience one by one, in the long years of tens of thousands of years, they walked side by side.

Today, he is known as the ancestor of the Tian Yaozu, working hard for the race, and the partners of the year have long been annihilated. For the sake of their ideals and beliefs, they have paid all that they can pay, including the last mark of the soul.

After many years, seeing the illusion of his partner, he picked it up.

Even for a moment, I forgot the purpose of coming over.

"Holy ancestors!"

"Qinglong Shengzu!"

In every corner of the Tianhui Mountain Range, the people of the Tian Yaozu are excited to call, and the demon eyes respect and worship.

He woke up from the shackles and looked at the illusion beside the young man. He took a deep breath and said: "It seems that the fusion of your original flames has taken another step, and you can wake up their marks. Sigh, you Not our Tian Yao ethnic group, otherwise you will be the best choice..."

He suddenly remembered the sneaky, remembered the sky, and sighed secretly.

If the sneaky get the origin of the grace of the mainland, if the origin of the sky is replaced by the origin of the rock, then how good...

Shi Yan frowned and looked at him deeply. He said: "You will start the gathering of the ancient spirits, so that the energy of the heavens and the earth will flow into the demon mountains, causing other regions to be thin, and you will selfishly capture everything from heaven and earth. For your demon, don't you feel excessive?"

During the speech, the white tiger and the Zhuque illusion gradually disappeared, such as a light smoke blown away by the wind.

“Self-private? Excessive?” The Holy Beast Qinglong is stunned and said: “Our family is born here. For us, it is the mother of our Tian Yaozu. We take things from our mothers and claim to be selfish. Since ancient times Here are the homes of our Tian Yao people. Everything here belongs to us. Why is it private?"

When he paused, he snorted. "The Terran, the Mozu, the Haizu, and the rest of the races all migrated later. They are outsiders! After they left our homes, they shamefully occupied our hometown. We It is extremely kind to let them live here!"

In the ancient times, the gods and the mainland gave birth to the Tian Yaozu. At the beginning, the mainland was full of energy, and the aura was like the sea, covering every corner of the world.

The original Tianxuan tribes were extremely powerful. They knew how to use the power of the heavens and the earth to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth and to strengthen the body.

The Tianxuan tribes of that era were also rapidly consuming the energy of the ancient continent while constantly urging themselves.

Until one day, they found that the ancient continent went to a cycle of depletion, and the energy was not enough to support them to continue to cultivate and grow. At that time, they had the ability to soar in the Xinghai. At that time, Qinglong and others, like Shiyan, went to Xinghai as they were, and saved a loved one. The obsession of a friend is to find a new world for the tribe in the Xinghai.

They soon discovered that there were many life stars suitable for their cultivation among the vast sea of ​​stars, and the Tian Yaozu gradually migrated and settled in the stars of the Xinghai.

In a cycle of ten thousand years, after ten thousand years, the energy of the heavens and the earth of the gods gradually added, and began to absorb the residual energy of the universe. The stars abandoned by the heavenly demon were gradually discovered by other weak races.

They began to live here and become the masters of the mainland, the Protoss, the Terran, the Mozu, and the Haizu. This is the era that came in different ways.

After tens of thousands of years, those races passed through the ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times, and they became the masters here.

The people of the Tianxuan nationality wandered in the stars of the Xinghai during the period, and some of the tribes returned to their homeland. When the energy cycle of the homeland was at its peak, they came to the homeland to repair, and the holy beast Suzaku merged the ancient continent, but it was in the Xinghai. Between death.

The energy of the gods will alternately flourish and dry up. The Tian Yao people are scattered in various regions of the universe, constantly using the six or seven life stars as a cultivation ground. Once the stars are exhausted, they will find a new star of life.

In this way, new life stars are continually consumed, and they do not have to go through the cycle of depletion of the mainland.

They are used to wandering outside the domain. They have gradually abandoned their hometowns and become the only one of the four races, not the homeland, but the wandering race.

It was not until they clash with the Pluto, and they lost the battle, and they realized the subtle connection between the ancestral land and them.

In the era when the Emperor won, the outstanding power of the Emperor, won the original source, and the entire group benefited.

That is the era dominated by the Emperor, all the tribes rely on the changes of the ancestral stars, and the speed of cultivation is enhanced, making the entire race quickly and powerful.

The Tian Yao people ate the bitter fruit, re-hidden them, hid in all corners, and quietly moved the ancestral gods to the mainland and brought them to the end of the Xinghai.

They finally realized the wonders between the ancestral star and the origin of the fruit. In the recent era, they decided to participate in the struggle for the origin of the wilderness, relying on the ancestral land and the origin of the fruit to turn over and make the Tian Yao family reborn.

However, when they sent strong men to the land of God, ready to collect the flames of the source, ready to integrate all the sources, they found that the source of the grace of the mainland has gradually been integrated by the stone.

When Shiyan didn't know, in fact, the Tian Yaozu wanted to kill Shiyan, to destroy it and seize the source.

At that time, the Xuanhe and 腓 特 特 嗜 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Even if the bloodthirsty pulse and the Protoss defeated the battle, their fighting power is still terrible. The Tian Yaozu is the loser of the battle between the former era and the Pluto. They are extremely jealous of bloodthirsty.

Because the emperors who once defeated them, the era of the original source, should have been strong for many years, dominate the Xinghai.

Because of the appearance of bloodthirsty, it directly tampers with the rules of the heavens and the earth, and the momentum of the royal family is hardened, and the bloodthirsty blood is born, directly replacing the world of the royal family.

This is also why after the rise of the Protoss, the Emperor did not hesitate to unite with the Protoss, but also to remove the bloodthirsty.

It should have belonged to the era of the royal family, and it was endangered by the inexplicable bloodthirsty.

The emergence of bloodthirsty, for the first time, changed the rules of the ancient continent, and the emperor who merged with the original source failed to dominate an era.

For tens of thousands of years, bloodthirsty is the only special case. His appearance will kill a race that should have been soaring. Without the original source of fruit, it has replaced the position of the other star.

The Tian Yaozu knows that those who have taken the source of their ancestors are actually bloodthirsty successors. They can only admit that they are unlucky, thinking that they are hopeless.

However, as the Holy Beast Qinglong gradually wakes up, Qinglong gives a new direction with his unique insights.

He asked the people of the Tian Yaozu to help Shiyan to capture the origin of the fruit. Shiyan represented their ancestral land. As long as Shiyan won the original source, when the Shiyan was strong, their Tian Yaozu would also benefit.

Immediately, the Tian Yaozu arranged for the Cang to go to the ancient magic continent, after thousands of times to obtain the origin of the ancient magic continent, and then arrange the sky to go to the wasteland, but to realize the plan of the Tian Yaozu.

They have succeeded.

Shiyan pressed Hasen and Haig to get the approval of the wilderness and integrate it into the source.

In their view, the great era of the Tian Yaozu is finally coming, they think that this plan is simply wonderful.

In a few eras, every continent that combines the origins of the fruit, the races born from it will have an era. With one exception, the emergence of bloodthirsty led to an accident and the only accident.

In the eyes of all people, only the rules of bloodthirsty can tamper with tens of thousands of years, and now, the only bloodthirsty inheritor who can change everything, just blends into the origin of their celestial family, and combines the original source.

On that day, the prosperity of the Yaozu, what power can be blocked in the world?

This is a perfect plan!



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