God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1250: My world!

The perfect plan, in the glimpse of Qinglong once again stepping into the ancestral land, he realized that there was a slight deviation.

On that day, he saw the five seas of the endless sea, and many of the islands had the survival of the armed warriors. The most common and extraordinary race in the universe became the new master of the endless sea.

At that time, he realized that it was not good and understood a great drawback of this perfect plan.

- Shi Yan is not their Tian Yao ethnic group.

He will not regard the interests of the Tian Yaozu as the first place, and will not use the ancient continent for all powerful Tian Yao people, and will not protect the interests of their Tian Yao people.

If Shiyan is a Tianxuan tribe and becomes a bloodthirth successor, then the plan is truly perfect.

At that time, he realized that the plan was flawed, and immediately searched for Shiyan. Then he went to the undead island to take Shiyan away. He took the rainless stone to the endless sea and the dark magnetic smog, trying to take advantage of the rock is not strong enough. The ancient understanding of the ancient continent is not deep enough, forcing Shiyan to agree.

As long as Shi Yan promised, the defects of the plan can be made up, and the Tian Yaozu can still occupy the most abundant land in the mainland.

It is a pity that Shi Yan did not follow suit. He did not dare to kill Shi Yan, and the matter would be put on hold.

Afterwards, he thought hard and thought about it, and he started a new idea. He opened the ancient array of the spirits of the heavenly demon sacred land, absorbed the energy near the endless sea, and created the most suitable place for cultivation between the heavens and the earth.

Shi Yan refused to give him the endless sea and dark magnetic fog, and he used his way to benefit the Heavenly Demon.

Everything he did was for the Tian Yaozu, for the sake of the race, for the future of the tribe. For this reason, he knew that Shiyan was dissatisfied and insisted on it.

In fact, from the time he was determined to do so. I thought that Shiyan would resist.

Because this means that he is drawing on the energy that does not belong to the Tianhui Mountain Range, stealing the power of the endless sea that should belong to all the islands, in order to benefit the Tian Yaozu people.

He was not afraid of Shiyan’s resistance, because at the last time, he discovered that Shiyan’s integration of the ancient continent was not thorough enough. He was confident that he could contain the resistance of Shiyan. When Shiyan was not strong enough, he would finalize the matter.

This is his original plan.

But now. Looking at the white tiger and the Zhuque illusion that Shiyan had just emerged, after a while, he was bitter and sighed.

He knows what it means.

That is the high-order fusion of the source flame, which can draw the energy of the mainland and be able to use it well. At this time, Shiyan has gradually explored the mystery of tying this piece of heaven and earth. He is now imprisoning Shiyan, fearing that it is extremely difficult.

On this continent, Shiyan is a god. At this time, it may be just a false god. It is not a real god, but even a false **** is difficult to deal with.

If you leave this continent, you will be cultivated in his immortal realm. To imprison rock stone as if you are playing.

But here, in the world of Shiyan... He suddenly got a headache.

Therefore, he did not immediately move rough, he moved out of the relationship between the ancestral land and the Tian Yaozu, to let Shi Yan feel that the loss, I feel that this continent is their Tian Yaozu, let Shi Yan heart and mind, and then take the initiative to concede.

"We are born from here, this is our hometown. Only my family is the master here. My family has the right to use everything here. Only my family has this qualification!"

He is full of anger. The sound is like a thunder, the endless sea of ​​the earthquake is thundering, and the sky is going to collapse and collapse. "Besides my family, the rest of the people can survive here, it is the tolerance of my family!"

He is righteous and righteous, and his voice is awkward and his voice is awkward.

Shiyan Township is watching his vivid performances, his heart is dark, and he responds plainly: "A traitor who has long abandoned his home, what is the qualification to say this? Among the four races, only you Tian Yao are wandering in the Xinghai Between, constantly consuming the star of life, maintaining the continuation and strength of your race, you, although born from here, are not worthy of being called masters here."

He looked into the distance and said: "Every race here is living longer than you in this land. They have experienced cycles of energy exhaustion and never really abandoned this place. They are more suitable than you. Here, if I don’t take the source of the origin, where are you...and where are you now?”

As soon as this statement came out, all the people of the Tian Yaozu were furious and violent, and the demon eyes showed extreme arrogance.

The holy animal Qinglong was also furious, and the Qingyue Dragonfly ignited the nine-day **** thunder. Only the thunder and the thunder descended from the sky. The horror of the destruction of the heavens and the earth was lost in the deep horizon of the mainland, and the souls in every corner of the mainland were frightened. Many mortals even bowed to the sky immediately, thinking that the gods were furious and prayed for the gods to anger.

Qinglong is angry, the world is discolored, and the mainland is almost completely smashed and blasted.

The cultivation of the immortal realm, in the long years, the number of stars destroyed by the Qinglong is countless, and it is not too much effort to completely erase the seven-level star of life with his power.

When he was born, he knew how to use the power of Thunder, such as the **** of thunder and lightning. At this time, in the sound of his dragon, the volatility of the heavens of the gods, such as the protoss descending the gods, the terrible to the extreme, let all the continents The warriors are all in vain, and there is a great horror to destroy the heavens and the earth.

"You have to dare to destroy the ancestral star, I will admire the five bodies to cast the ground." In the raging fire of Qinglong, Tian Shi sneer, "You continue to anger, continue to provoke the power of thunder and lightning in the depths of the field, I have to look, After the collapse of this sky, how can you live in the world?"

As soon as this statement came out, the old demon of the Tian Yaozu was horrified, and even screamed and screamed, "The Holy Father is angry, the Holy Father is angry!"

They are afraid of stone rock.

"Through my immortal realm, hundreds of millions of powers are condensed into one point, which is easy."

Qinglong squinted, and countless Taikoo demon in the eyelids lived up. The thunder lightning drawn from the depths of the universe suddenly became a condensate, turning into an electric light containing vast energy and shooting at the body of Shiyan.

The interior of the electric light is like a strange world. There are hundreds of millions of thunder and lightning, such as the dragon snake. The thunder and lightning are even different, young, young, adult, and old. They contain the opportunity of Qinglong’s life, including him. Every stage of life.

When the electric light came out, it reached the pseudo-immortal scorpio, scorpion and other sacred demon, all of them were frightened and gave birth to a horror that would be destroyed.

Shi Yan did not move, looked up and looked at the lightning bolt, saying: "I can't stand, you can kill me!"

He is the **** of the mainland, is the inheritor of bloodthirsty, if he dies, the Tian Yaozu hope to be cut off immediately! The bloodthirsty pulse will never let go of the demon!

I don’t even think about it, he knows that Qinglong definitely can’t dare to kill him!

"I really don't dare to kill you, but I can lie you!" Qinglong sneered.

"Is it really banned me?" Shi Yan was dumbfounded. "Nine days of God's sorrow and ban, right? The power of the magical power that you first realized, this ban can ban everything, can ban immortality, and even ban the heavens and the earth, right? ”

Qinglong’s face changed slightly. “Nine Heavens and Gods are dying and banned” is indeed the first day of his insight into the ban of the heavens. This ban can ban everything in the world, and it is a source of magical power. It is only the power of the thunder that needs to constantly ignite the source of the heavens and the earth. The speed is slightly slower, so it can make Shiyan calm and comfortable.

Shi Yan knew this ban, indicating that after he merged with the source flame, he had a deep understanding of the many magical mysteries of the White Tiger, Suzaku and Tian Yaozu, and his heart felt a bad feeling.

"Your nine-day **** is absolutely banned from the world, but here is my world!"

Shi Yan suddenly sneered.

In the laughter, the endless sea of ​​vast innocent heaven and earth energy, instantly received as a strand, a long stream of energy is held in his palm, such as a whip.

When his wrist moved, the whip was smashed and smashed, and the void was torn apart. At this moment, the void was covered by a cloth that was cut by a sharp blade.

He is holding the whip of endless sea power, and there is more than a sneak in the gaps in the void. "In my world, you have to fight with me. Even if you are immortal, you can only watch me swim around, you can help me." what?"

The electro-optical light that was formed by the "Nine Heavens and Gods and the stagnation of the ban" was swam between the gaps of the void, but it was never able to lock the stone rock trail.

Qinglong's face is ugly.

He is a sense of helplessness.

With his cultivation of immortality, in his long and long years, this kind of helplessness is rarely rare...

The source of integration is the Lord of the mainland, which dominates one world, and in its own world, can use everything as it pleases, withdrawing the energy of heaven and earth, for the heaven and earth itself...

He remembered the words of Suzaku that year, and at this moment, he had a deep understanding of these words.

"Today I am a realm of the gods, the degree of integration of the skyfire has not reached the limit, there are still a few steps to go. But now, here you can not threaten me, wait for my realm to go further, wait for my source integration To the extreme, you, what to fight with me!?"

In the gap of the void, the rocky figure of Shiyan is looming. If he is in a mirror, he looks at the holy beast and looks at the Tian Yaozu. He smiles and says: "If you really want to do it with me, It is also time to choose individual places. Here, you want to let the Tian Yaozu destroy the family!?"

As the words fell, there were wonderful vibrations from all corners of the mainland. The inside of the Tianhui Mountain range was violently shocked. For example, a horrible beast must rush out from the abyss of the earth to crush the Tianhui Mountain.

All the Tianxuan tribes in the Tianhui Mountain range, this moment, they are discolored. The movement from the bottom of the earth is Tianwei, the heaven and the earth, the wrath of nature!

That is the roar of the Lord of the World!

"Holy ancestors!"

"Holy ancestors!"

Many old demons are now fearful, and the desperation of the heart and the disaster, can not help but scream, and look at the holy animal Qinglong.

Shi Yan smiled and looked at the holy beast Qinglong in the gap of the void.

The ancestor of the Tian Yaozu, who reached the immortal realm, suddenly became a lot of old people. He looked at the fearful and restless people around him, and sighed sighfully, and revoked the ninth day of the gods, and he turned his head and said: "The Tian Yaozu will follow The rules you set out survive here, and my family will not be chaotic again. This time, we know what is wrong."



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