God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1253: fanaticism

Inside the dark abyss.

A narrow blood hangs from the dark red emptiness, such as a blood knife piercing the blood sea, at the end is the only bone island that is closed!

In the meantime, the eight islands, which were sacred by the soul, death, corrosion, darkness, chaos, destruction, despair, and corpse energy fluctuations, were shocked. Many ethnic warriors on the top were shocked to look up at the sky. The face is amazed.

The Central Bone Island is the secretive place for bloodthirsty in the past. Ordinary people will never be allowed to get involved. Even the top eight chiefs will only get the bloodthirsty approval before they can enter.

The bone island, which has swallowed up the fluctuations of the righteousness, is the center of the blood sea and is the restricted area of ​​the holy land. It is the core of bloodthirsty.

Since the bloodthirsty soul has been annihilated, the flesh has shattered and dissipated, and the island has been closed. The Eight Great Quebec has tried many times in the dark, and no one can open it and enter the place of bloodthirsty.

To this day, many bloodthirsty inheritors have come up with the idea that the island may never be opened.

This kind of thought is in the depths of their souls, such as branding, so that they subconsciously become real.

However, today, at this moment, the forbidden land that has been closed for 10,000 years has been penetrated by a **** light!

Every one has eight great myths, and every one who knows clearly the forbidden land is eclipsed by surprise, giving birth to a great horror to change.

The island of the Royal Soul, the tribe of the Emperor, the dark eyes of the dark-eyed shot, the cold and cold color, he stood up from the original place, looking coldly at the front, and sullenly said: "There was actually taken over, hey, I really thought that I had the Lord. Inheritance, can become the new lord, above our head?"

Beside him, there are many people who practice the soul and the righteousness. They are the dark spirits, the shadows, and the people of the Ming. These people are all looking forward to him.

Those who are proficient in the sacred souls have a subtle understanding of the soul. They are good at manipulating the soul and playing with the soul. They all have a kind of ghostly atmosphere. For example, the body binds countless evil spirits, and the eyes are faint and strange, such as being able to penetrate the hearts of the people.

They looked at the emperor, and they talked coldly, and no one took the initiative to answer.

"The leader has an arrangement. This person does not deserve to be the new lord." The person's eyes swept away. Looking around, he whispered: "You go to other islands and convey the meaning of the leader."

Several also reached the realm of the gods. The warrior who cultivated the soul of the sacred soul, nodded slightly.

Their bodies are still left in the island of the Soul, and their souls are turned into a glory. The twists and turns fly out and disappear instantly.



Yan Lie, Xuanhe is going to Ferran and Liana to inquire about the whereabouts of Shiyan. Ask in detail about the possible corners of Shiyan, and find Shiyan as soon as possible.

Every time **** blood is turned on, it takes a lot of blood and blood. Every time **** blood is written, the bloodthirsty blood will be a big thing. This **** start, they mainly want to stone rock, Shiyan is late to find To. The Xuanhe River and the eagerness of the people are eager to kill.

"I don't know, we can't find the owner's whereabouts."

"I have been in the fire and rain, I have not seen the master for a long time."

"Is the master not going to the giant comet? He didn't come back."

"I do not know either."

Cato, Benny, Ferran, and Yang Qingdi all shook their heads and said they were unclear.

Xuanhe and Yan Liete were annoyed with their stomachs. They worked hard for many years, just for the smooth holding of this bloody, and they were able to put Shiyan on the stage.

At the crucial moment, Shi Yan did not know the two of them. Suddenly broke into the gap outside the domain, completely disrupted their plans, so that they are eager to vomit blood.

In their view, although everything they did was a continuation of bloodthirsty, it was clearly completed. They think that Shi Yan will obey them and accept the arrangements honestly. With their help, they will take the position of the Lord, and will condense the bloodthirsty forces and fight against the Protoss.

The sudden rebellion of Shiyan made them extremely dissatisfied and secretly angry.

Suddenly, a blood light penetrated the clouds, and it fell like this, stabbing the island of forbidden land.

The Xuanhe and 腓 特 特 因 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 玄 玄 石 玄 玄 玄 石 玄 玄 玄 石 玄Laughing, I rolled up Yang Qingdi and went all the way to the island.


Stone rock is like a **** rainbow, piercing the center of the island inside the blood sea, falling on the bones.

The island is made up of white bones. At first glance, there are countless bone wrecks, no flowers and trees, no worms and birds, and no conventional heaven and earth energy.

This place is very strange and strange.

A thick, **** cloud of smoke surrounds the island, covering the sky, faintly cloaking the island.

When he landed, the blood lines smashed out the **** rainbow, piercing the blood mask, and he could land smoothly.

Today, he is fascinated by the spirit, releasing the power of penetration, and his face is stern.

His divine power of heaven and earth is much more pure than ordinary people. With his magical puncture with space, he can't cut the blood mask. This shows that the barrier around the island is extremely tough.

Perhaps, only the peerless powers who reach the immortal realm have enough power to break through the barriers and rush into them.

He thought subconsciously.

Unfortunately, he did not know that he was behind the bloodthirsty, and the Eight Great Heads had tried many times. He had never succeeded in order to enter this place.

Now he has settled down, and for thousands of years, no one has ever stepped in.

Even at this moment, Xuanhe and Yan Lie Te were also blocked outside the blood-colored reticle barrier. The two were excited and excited. I thought I could finally step into it and be blocked again by the barrier. They tried to let go. Soul consciousness, we must take the initiative to contact Shiyan.

At the level of their realm, God knows the soul and cannot penetrate the barrier.

This layer is made up of barriers created by bloodthirsty in the past, such as the eternal boundary between heaven and earth, which can stop any infiltration, whether it is power or God's thoughts, and can be rejected.

Xuanhe and Qianlie are all immortal, but they are also powerless. They are blocked from entering and can't enter. They can only watch the blood of Shiyan's incarnation, and completely integrate into the bloodthirsty.


Xuanhe looked at him, and there was a cloud of blood around him. In the clouds, Yang Qingdi and Lianna everyone. "We can't enter, we can't contact the kid. What should I do?"

"When you hold a blood pattern or a memory, you can't enter it. It means that you must have all the fusion of the spiritual memory before you can settle in. The blood pattern is the key to unlocking the forbidden land. He has blood lines and can enter it freely." He is also helpless. "We couldn't go in before. It's the same now. There is no way. I can only wait for him to come out."

"But the competition of other leaders is already imperative. How can he not know what to do, will he be more rebellious? This kid can't be treated with common sense, headache." Xuanhe smiled.

"Take this matter to me, I will talk with him. Let him be willing to climb to the top." Suddenly, Yang Qingdi interjected, calmly said: "He will take the initiative to explain that he has recognized the reality, he came, It’s just for the sake of the Lord, you don’t have to worry about it.”

As soon as this statement came out, Xuanhe and Yan Lie could not help but look at Yang Qingdi at the same time. If you want to see Yang Qingdi's bones and veins, see through.

Half a ring, Xuanhe, 腓 眸 眸 显 显 显 显 显 显 显 显 显 显 显 显 显 显 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄

At this time, Yang Qingdi’s realm is not superb. According to the truth, it’s not a good idea to enter the Xuanhe River.

However, Xuanhe and Yan Lie are all aware of the desperate people who are desperate. The true power cannot be measured by the level of the realm. In Yang Qingdi's body, they perceive a kind of fierceness, a kind of edge that can break the world! This kind of edge power is endless!

Only those who are at the level of their realm can see through and see the essence of power.

"Then I will arrange for the first thing to compete for the first time. While waiting for him to take the initiative." He is a strong character, he sinks for a few seconds. Suddenly, I looked at Yang Qingdi and said: "On the island of despair, there are dozens of people who are desperate and desperate. In the vast sea of ​​stars, they can happen to get the owner’s desperate thoughts and successfully understand the desperate people. Only a few dozen people Those people, there will be a new desperate leader. You...do you want to try?"

The Xuanhe eyes were shocked, and suddenly they stared at Yang Qingdi, and they were shocked.

He and Juliet arranged for many years, Bangteng and Torre were their main two tricks, let them compete for the first two sides of corrosion and darkness.

However, even if Bangteng and Torre are successful, plus him and Juliet, they only have half of the eight inheritances, and at least one more support will be able to truly complete their plans.

Yang Qingdi, let them see some hope...

Desperate and righteousness has always been extremely special in the eight major inheritances. This kind of ambition does not depend on the inheritance of the predecessors, but only depends on its own comprehension. The same is true. At this time, the realm of the desperate island is not too superb.

The most powerful one, only the first **** is a heavy heaven. Although Yang Qingdi is a **** of the gods, he can fellowly cultivate a kind of power. The most important thing is the profound understanding of the righteousness. This is especially true of desperateness. The warrior is never lacking the leapfrog challenger.

In fact, this kind of ambiguity was linked to the leapfrog challenge at the beginning. Many real peerless powers, from the beginning, constantly challenged those who are deeper than their own realm.

The imaginary **** is the beginning of the gods, and may be in the other seven series, but for the desperate system... it is really possible to succeed.

"Beat the warrior who has reached the beginning of the gods, and win the desperate leader?" Yang Qingdi’s eyes suddenly became fanatical, and the kind of excitement that only extreme paranoia was mad, the excitement of the warfare, his thin body shivered slightly, a haze The meaning of warfare surged from the deepest point of his spiritual altar.

Xuanhe and Yan Lie are all bright eyes.

The madness of the battle is extremely mad, and they have only seen it in one person in this life--the desperate leader.

Yang Qingdi’s momentum at this time is sharp, and the enchanting desire is even worse than that of Senro!

This kind of person is clearly born for desperation. Even if he can't win the first prize this time, he will inevitably be the true soul of desperateness!

Xuanhe and Yan Lie looked at Yang Qingdi, but they gave birth to a kind of enlightenment and sudden homage.

At this moment, they seem to have seen Yang Qingdi become the desperate leader in the future, even surpassing the glory of Sen Luo. When they look at Yang Qingdi, they have faintly treated him as a peer.

This is a kind of hero's affirmation of the hero.


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