God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1254: Bloodthirsty statue



The island of forbidden land. .

Shiyan rubbed the blood pattern ring, frowned and went deep into the hinterland of the island. The island was covered with dark red clouds, and those clouds had the influence of the spirit of the mind and spirit, so that Shiyan’s inner heart would breed and kill.

He abandoned his inner mess and kept his mind clear, and his figure suddenly flashed to the inside of the bone island.

His expression suddenly shocked, and he stayed there and looked horrified.

Inside the bone island, there are eight altars in the vast world. The eight altars are several kilometers high and cover an area of ​​100 mu. They are made of a strange material, non-gold non-jade, dark red blood color. Give people a heavy and terrible breath.

The eight altars are distributed in all directions, all of which are towering deep into the dark clouds. The altar and the soul altar are 70% similar in shape, but they do not know the sea, the righteousness, and the virtual beginning.

The altar is condensed with strange materials, and it is full of wonderful and complicated patterns similar to the blood-grain or ring-face. For example, the deep expression of heaven and earth, the top of the eight altars are floating with five blood clouds, which are born in the blood cloud. The marvellous atmosphere, faintness and echoes inside the altar.

The eight altars correspond to the soul, death, corrosion, darkness, chaos, destruction, despair, and corpse. They have a strong sense of righteousness.

The five blood clouds above the altar are the core imprint of the bloodthirsty vein. I don't know what kind of wonderful effect.

No one has come over for ten years, but the eight altars are spotless, and the cleanliness is slightly translucent. It seems to be the source of inheritance. As long as you enter it and sit on the altar, you can pass on the corresponding meaning.

Only the desperate altar is slightly different. There is a special volatility leaking out there. It seems to circulate at the end of the world, and actively seeks the corresponding inheritors, instead of passively accepting the entry of the warriors, and inheriting the special meanings for the warriors. Ishu.

There was a wonderful wave of movement on the altar, and the atmosphere was very clear. It was the atmosphere of the eight islands before he came.

These eight altars are like the eight islands~~



- Update ~~ hub. It is very mysterious to influence the eight islands and determine the energy movements in them.

However, what surprised Shiyan most was not the eight altars.

At the center of the eight altars, there is also a huge demon statue, which is even taller than the eight altars, such as the sacred mountain. The tribe's people are compared to him. It’s just a small ant, not worth mentioning.

The demon statue is majestic and majestic, and is made of the same material as the altar. Under the light of the dark red sky, a **** red color gives a very horrible feeling.

The devil statue looks vague. On both sides of the head, there is a tail full of thorns, the back has wide wings, and the whole body is covered with fine **** nails, which are naturally formed and applied to the body.

In the long run, this demon **** is like the tyrannical horror, and it seems to be roaring to the heavens and the earth.

Ten thousand meters high devil statue. In the tail, shoulders, wings, and legs, a long chain is wrapped around it, and the chain is tied to the eight altars.

Shi Yan just glanced at it, and he looked like a giant earthquake, giving birth to a very wonderful feeling.

At that time, he entered the land of blasphemy and found the magical array of the Protoss. Use the sucking demon to absorb the flesh and blood essence of other races, and breed the Protoss to inflict the wounded and let them reborn.

The wonderful array of the land of God, the faintness is similar to what is seen today, with twelve chains connecting the stone tablets. Absorb strength through stone tablets.

He took a closer look and discovered the scale and level of the place. Obviously far more than the land of the Protoss, he has a feeling that the peculiar structure of the Protoss sacred land may be modeled after this place, but it is only in its own shape, and has never been explored to be truly subtle. Ishu.

Because the eight altars here give him the feeling that he is not bound to the demon statue, the power of the devil.

On the contrary, in his eyes, the eight altars seem to be only a kind of weapon of the demon statue, as if he can use a little power to wield a few kilometers of altars, skillfully use eight kinds of meanings, and exert the ultimate strength of the heavens and the earth. .

The eight chains that connect the altar seem to convey the magical power of the demon statue, inspiring the wonders of the altar.

In his eyes, the demon statue is the master, mastering the initiative, the eight altars are just the devil statues, is a kind of magic weapon.

He looked at the demon statue deeply, silently, for a long time, suddenly shouted: "The Lord of Bloodthirsty!"

He suddenly woke up.

He remembered many years ago, he tried to figure out the mystery of the **** imprint, the illusory scene that had been seen in his mind, in a vastness of nothingness, a giant roaring silently, the huge body was entangled in chains, and made an unyielding roar.

Now, looking at the scene, he suddenly understood.

"It is the statue of the master."

The next moment, a blood-thirsty finger from the inside of the ring spirit, a bone, instantly immersed in the center of the statue of the great demon.

At that time, the majestic and huge statue of the demon is like a living, and there are earth-shattering fluctuations inside. The kind of fluctuation seems to be able to smash the seven-level life star at once, making people feel trembled and fearful.

The inside of the demon statue fluctuated, and the blood of the entire dark abyss was boasting blood, as suddenly boiled!

The demon statue is still standing on the ground, the vague face roars into the sky, and there is no special move.

However, the chain of his shoulders, wings, tails, and legs was full of strange blood, and the blood lines on the chains, such as the **** snakes, squirmed and changed miraculously.

"What happened?" Shi Yan looked dignified.

The overbearing arrogance from the demon statue made him feel like he was being swayed by the hundreds of thousands of mountains.

Under that breath, he formed an immortal body, inspired by the power of the blood, still unable to withstand, at this time has been soft on the ground, sweating under the rain.

His bones came and screamed, as if they were to be crushed by the majesty of the demon, directly smashing the soul and the flesh.

That pressure is even more terrible than Tianwei, and his spiritual will cannot bear it.

"Scary!" He shuddered, continually calling for a **** ring, to know what was going on.

In his eyes, it can be seen that eight chains of blood lines creep and gradually spread to eight altars. The eight altars slowly floated in a strange way, if they want to fly away.

However, only a few meters floated, and the eight altars seemed to lose their successor and crashed.

The bone island violently trembled, and the **** seas stunned and the waves of the darkness seemed to sway.

Shi Yan is a mouth spit blood, and the eight altars are grounded, and the internal organs of the earthquake seem to have shifted. He bites his teeth with a sigh of relief, and his mouth is bleeding and supporting.

The eight altars landed, and the horrible deterrent power of the demon statue suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At this point, he heard the thought of **** ring, "There are only two bones, and it is not enough..."

Shi Yan’s face was fierce and roared in his heart: “What the **** is going on? What do you want to do?”

Blood lines are silent.

For a long time, it summoned: "From now on, you will collect the remains of the master. Every time you get some bones, you can get more of a kind of mystery. It comes from the mystery of gossip, the soul, death, corrosion, darkness. , chaos, destruction, despair, corpse eight kinds of ambitions, you only get the meaning of death, the rest of the soul, corrosion, darkness, destruction of the righteousness, you can practice, as long as you continue to collect the remains of the master, you can master the mastery of the master One by one, how?"

Stone rock stayed.

"The breakthrough of the realm of the gods requires the perfect understanding of each of the righteousness. If I am once again in this realm, I will never have a breakthrough." He did not understand.

"The owner of the lord is engulfed, the soul, death, corrosion, darkness, chaos, destruction, despair, corpse, and the eight kinds of ambitions are still invincible. What you worry about may be a barrier to the obstacles for the average person. But you don't have to care."

The spirits paused. "You have a master who devours the righteousness. For the eight new kinds of ignorance, you can integrate yourself by swallowing up the righteousness. As for the advanced breakthroughs, I have the means to help you, and you only need In the position of honoring the Lord, with the power of bloodthirsty, all the bones of the master will be gathered together, and the eight great meanings will be merged into one, truly inheriting the full power of the master."

"As long as it is swallowed up, is it my own?" Shiyan is amazed.

"The eight kinds of ambiguity about the sacred soul, death, corrosion, darkness, chaos, destruction, despair, and corpse are indeed the same. As long as the eight altars are inspired, the internal inheritance source is activated, and you engulf the ambiguity, which is equivalent to There is more of a kind of righteousness in the body."

Shi Yan was completely shocked.

When he and Haig battled, he took the gold planet that was born in the beginning of the black grid and swallowed it directly into his own beginnings and became part of his own beginning.

At the beginning, he had a feeling of faintness, and the subtleties of devouring the righteousness were definitely beyond the limits of his imagination!

Bloodthirsty can rely on the devouring of the righteousness of the world, and regard this righteousness as the master of the righteousness, indicating that this uprightness must be extremely strange and evil.

Now, he is finally sure, he guesses that it is right, devouring the righteousness is the most wonderful in the world.

It is the first mystery of the universe!

Ringing the two bloodthirsty bones into the demon statue, seems to stimulate the initiation of some kind of mysterious ancient array, but because the energy of the bones is not enough, it is not enough to activate the altar of the altar, the array is difficult to start successfully.

Obviously, the spirit of the spirit should gather bloodthirsty bones, the main purpose is to start the odd array.

The use of the law is not intended to tell him, but the spirit has thrown a temptation that he can hardly refuse.

- Integrate the eight heritages!

He knew that the spirit of the ring would pass him, reach a certain secret that he did not know, and could not stand the temptation of the integration of the eight great meanings.

For the sake of the soul, corrosion, darkness, chaos, destruction, despair, and corpse, he carefully studied for a while, and he should bear it. "I promise you."

"Then we will first take the position of the Lord!" The spirit of the ring seems to be secretly excited.


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