God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1272: overbearing

As soon as this statement came out, Xing Ying and Hao Feng suddenly woke up and their eyes were strange. ""

The class snorted and sneered in the heart: continue to install, see how long you can hold! .

Ouyang Luoshuang is a sigh, secretly smiles, and Ming Hao has a hint of helplessness. I thought that you really thought that you could hold everyone down. Xing Shang and Wei Yun have been fooled, will they not succeed in succession?

Followed by the broken temple, thousands of magical martial arts, his face suddenly chilly and cold, cold and cold to see him, murderous.

"Where is the key to the Yuanshen lock?" Shi Yan walked out and looked at Xing Shang. He said: "She has a very close relationship with me. I will take the key and I will talk to Nishizawa personally."

Xing Shang's look is extremely embarrassing, and finally can't help it, Li Xiaodao: "Shut up!"

"Don't do it in my merchant ship." Ban Yi interjected, frowning deeply. "The merchants of the Chamber of Commerce have been damaged. You have to pay for it. You have to fight, please change places."

"I was invited by the Millennium Fantasy, the Broken Temple, and the Tianshui Palace. Is this your hospitality?" Shi Yan snorted and said coldly: "Well, it seems that you want to go to your magic star to find the person in charge." Talk about it."

He reached out and pulled Ouyang Luo's frosty horns to avoid direct contact with the limbs. He was afraid of causing the change of the Yuanshen lock. So he screwed the Ouyang Luo frost cloak. He walked straight out from the Banyan merchant ship, as if he couldn’t see the thousands of illusions around him. If you break the temple, you have to lift your foot and rush to the magic star.

Xing Shang and Wei Yun were in a move, blocking the road ahead of him. At the same time, the martial arts of the broken temple and the thousand illusionists, under the nod of Xing Ying and Hao Feng, also took the magic butterfly and intercepted him. .

"Adult?" The martial arts merchants on the merchant ship could not help but ask.

Banyan shook his head and gestured to them not to take care of themselves. "We are only responsible for transporting the materials for the cultivation of the Millennium Opera. If the rest of the matter is inconvenient, let's watch it."

Those warriors are not talking.

Thousands of Zhuangzong obviously want to take the stone rock and imprison it, and then transport the materials on the merchant's ship. So the class can't leave, they can only wait for things to come out.

Ban Yi and those chambers of martial arts are all watching the stone rock surrounded by the group, and they are paying attention to the development of the situation.

Shiyan is indifferent, as if he is not afraid of thousands of illusions, breaking the temple, if you don't know the life of the girl.

Xing Shangyin was sneer, and Zhang mouth spit out a secluded blue thunder ball. The thunder ball was formed by the convergence of hundreds of millions of lightning. He smashed the electric awn. With Xing Shang's pure soul consciousness, the thunder ball is like a big fist, full of arrogance and arrogance. Crashing toward the chest of Shiyan.

"I want to live!" Xing Ying suddenly chuckled, her eyes widened out, and her mouth contained an unknown spring.

Xing Shang's face is a stiff. The dark screaming of a screaming man had to change the ambiguity in the middle, and the huge thunderball suddenly became beautiful and transformed into a tightly-knited lightning spider web, which was covered with stone rock and bound.

He knows that his niece and his brother Xing Ming are a virtue, especially passionate about men and women. He is wrong in this time and does not dare to offend Xing Ying. Can only follow Xing Ying's mind, to give her a rock-stricken play.

Xing Shangyi had a bitter stomach and was very depressed. He first went to Xing Ming to go to Ouyang Luoshuang. Now he has to serve Xing Ying and go to take Shiyan. This makes him a double god. In the broken temple, he is also the number one person, and he wants to vomit blood.

But he still has to.

"This is why you broke the temple and took the initiative. After a while, Nishizawa came, and I wondered if I shot it." Shiyan suddenly sneered.

Banyan looked far away and shook his head with a calm face. The heart is dead, and the mouth is arrogant. I really thought that if I casually fooled two sentences and pulled a relationship with Nishizawa, I would be afraid of Xing Shang of the broken temple?

act recklessly!

If there is the same idea, there is Ouyang Luoshuang. She has seen that Shiyan is clearly the beginning of the world. It is inferior to Xingshang. She also knows that Xing is not weak. Otherwise, she will not increase her mana. The lost hand was taken by this person, so she saw that Shi Yan was still pretending to be a model, and she felt more and more hopeless.

Just as everyone stared at them, when Shiyan was ugly, Shi Yan moved.

He stretched out an empty hand and went to grab the neck of Xing Shang, and turned a blind eye to the tangled thunderbolt.

The strange scenes suddenly appear!

His hand, obviously a long and long distance from Xing Shang, however, when he reached out, the space between him and Xing Shang, such as suddenly shrinking, the eyes of the people did not blink, but found that Xing Shangru is stupid, take the initiative to put the neck up and let him catch it!

Extremely weird!

The ripples in the layer space, when his arm is extended, appear in front of his finger. His hand is like a worn space. Even before Xing Shanglei’s electric spider web is not present, he directly intimately buckles Xing Shang’s neck. !


Xing Shang’s face was red and his eyes were sharp and his face was extremely scared and painful.

The lightning spider web that was about to fall to Shiyan was taken away by Xing Shang when Shi Yan’s eyes quietly looked at Xing Shangzhi.

At that time, the imposing Xing Shang, the strongest of the two gods in the beginning of the heavens, was actually held by Shi Yan, who was held by the people, and the grievances were destroyed.

Ban Yi, Xing Ying, Hao Feng, Ouyang Luoshuang, all face a mistake, giving birth to a ghost of unreality.

Many of the martial artists of the mega-commercial chambers blinked their eyes subconsciously, and they had just dazzled themselves. However, when they looked at it, they found that the scene remained unchanged.

Xing Shang was still held by Shi Yan, and his eyes were full of fear and anxiety. Xing Shang’s hands were constantly pulling and struggling. He wanted to loosen the hand that Shi Yan buckled on his neck, but he could not succeed.

His two feet swayed, such as a hog to be slaughtered, and there were many wolverines, and his face was lost early.

However, Xing Shang did not have the time to manage the face problem. At this time, his heart filled with fear and anxiety.

Because his body is full of strength, flesh and blood, and the soul is fine, the shackles that hold his neck in Shiyan, even a little bit of passing, a little bit peeled from his body!

That is an unrecoverable drain!

His heart is clear, his heart is full of fear, this gradually being pulled away from the power, will feel a little weak, let him collapse!

He knows how much suffering he has paid for the power of today's realm. In order to obtain the help of the precious cultivation materials in Xing Ming's hands, he is willing to practice himself, to take beautiful women for Xing Ming, and to be loyal to the prostitute Xing Ying, for the power of strength. He has already paid too much.

He fears that there is no power. He knows that once his realm is defeated, he will have no place in the broken temple. Even if Xing Ming takes care of him, it is useless. He is afraid and extremely afraid of this happening.

Because he relied on strength to walk step by step to this day, he knows better than anyone that once he loses the powerful power to survive, he will be nothing.

"The key to the Yuanshen lock is in your hands?" Shi Yan stared at Xing Shang and asked casually. He did not seem to know the fear of Xing Shang, and he could not see the fears of everyone around him.

Xing Shang’s painful sobs, his face was red and he had to drop blood, struggling to shake his head again and again.

He is already trying to fly away from the soul altar. However, when his soul moves, he discovers that consciousness is stunned, and it is invaded by countless fierce and desperate souls. The soul suddenly stuns and gives birth to the fear of annihilation, and quickly stops.

"On you?" Shi Yan stunned, looking back at Wei Yun.

Wei Yun also shook his head and was full of fear and fear. "Not on me, really not on me."

"Friends, you dare to be thick in my thousands of illusions, if you really don't give us thousands of magical faces, then we will blame us thousands of illusions are welcome!" Hao Feng speech, quietly retreat, constantly to a thousand magic Zong Shishen is eye-catching.

The man looked dignified and said: "The very strange space is righteous, the small friend should be the secret master of the giant chamber of commerce, and only the powerful people like the giant chamber of commerce can create a space-conscious space for the small friends. Please also give a thousand face to the Thousand Fantasy, and let Xing Shang be released. We will take this matter seriously."

"Adult, he is our person?" Wen Yan, the military of the Giant Chamber of Commerce could not help but look at the class.

Ban Yi frowned, his face was wrong, and he was a bit unpredictable.

The vast expanse of the sea, repaired into a superb space of the righteousness of the strong, most of the recruitment by the Chamber of Commerce, although Shi Yan did not admit that he is a Chamber of Commerce, but Ban Yi now thinks, the owner of the Cold Iron City personally ordered him to take the stone rock Into the magic star, and Shiyan is young but the space is superb, and there are indications that Shiyan may be a real person of the Chamber of Commerce.

Ban Yi thought hard, trying to break the identity of Shi Yan, half a ring, he was shocked, remembered a person, his face changed slightly.

"You are the child of Di Carlo?" Ban Hao suddenly drank, and immediately he nodded first, and surely said: "This is the case! Di Carlo is a large consecration of the Chamber of Commerce, and has arranged a lot of space for the Chamber of Commerce. In these years, I said that I have to train my grandchildren to leave the Chamber of Commerce. It must be because I have to cultivate you all right?"

When he talked about Di Carlo, he looked respectful and more sure that the truth was like this.

Di Carlo is detached in the status of the Giant Chamber of Commerce. Even the president is extremely polite to him. He is very famous in the Xinghai. He is honored as the first person in the space, and the cumbersome space of the giant comets is from the array. Di Carlo's hand.

In Banyan’s point of view, if Shiyan is the son and grandson of Di Carlo, it’s really not afraid of the Thousand Immortals, the Broken Temple, and the Tianshui Palace, because it is said that Di Carlo and the mysterious “thirsty blood” have a relationship, the Emperor, the day. Many of the space of the Yaozu are also out of the hands of Di Carlo. This is a sage with great energy in the Xinghai.

The class 煜 煜 煜 煜 , , , , , , , 煜 煜 煜 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩 浩

When they looked at Shiyan again, their looks were obviously different. It seemed that they were extremely scrupulous about Di Carlo, and suddenly they all had a bunch of hands.

"Dikaro is a big tribute to our Chamber of Commerce. Although he does not recognize it as a member of our Chamber of Commerce, in the Chamber of Commerce, Dicaro is a man of his own! The family of the grown-up is naturally the person of our Chamber of Commerce. Everyone knows How to do it!" Ban Hao suddenly drank.

The warriors of the Chamber of Commerce sang in a row and took a chariot and surrounded them, ready to participate in this battle.

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