God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1273: My woman!

~ Date: ~ October 20~

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-three chapters of my woman!

The participation of the martial arts chambers of the martial arts chambers made the thousands of illusions and broken temples more passive. They looked at Shiyan, who would live in Xing Shang, and they all felt awkward.

Banyan affirmed that Shiyan was a younger generation of Di Carlo, adding a very heavy identity to Shiyan. DiCarol and the mysterious "small bloodthirsty", the imperial family, and the Tian Yaozuo have a very close relationship, which means the thousand fantasy The broken temple is afraid of being offended.

Xing Shang is still being held up, how can this be dealt with?

Xing Ying and Hao Feng both have headaches.

Shi Yan is in a state of sorrow.

He did not hear this person from Di Carlo. When he saw that the class decided that he was a descendant of Di Carlo, he was still stunned, but he did not explain anything. He still clasped Xing Shang, and coldly said: "Take the gods lock." The key is for him."

Ouyangluo’s rug is tied by the soft light of the stars, standing side by side with him. Although he can’t move, he can’t make a sound, but her holy and beautiful temperament is extremely attractive. Enthusiastic, she has a clear wave of light, and her heart is also secretly surprised.

Over the years, she has been wandering alone in the Xinghai, but she has also seen the extraordinary. She has heard the name of Di Carlo, the first of the giant chambers of commerce, and knows that this person is a master of space and a sense of space power. First person.

Is Shiyan the descendant of Di Carlo?

Ouyang Luoshuang was amazed and secretly suspected that she knew that Shiyan was from the Shen's mainland, but she did not hear the name of Di Carlo when she was in her hometown.

She quietly pay attention to Shiyan, see Shiyan also showed a trace of mistakes, Ouyang Luoshuang immediately understood: Ban Yi is afraid of making a mistake, Shi Yan is pretending!

She can't smile.

But her heart has also gone a long way!

Because she guessed the real situation, but thousands of illusions, broken temples do not know, Ban Yi is even more unclear the truth, with the help of Di Carlo's prestige, and the reserved Xing Shang, maybe... she really has a trace The possibility of relief.

"The key to the Yuanshen lock is not in our hands. There is no way to give it to you." Xing Yingfang's heart was micro-shock, secretly discretion, soft and gentle: "Do you want this? We first enter the magic star. I am looking for my father to take the key, Are you waiting for me some time?"

Shiyan shrugged and said casually: "Yes."

Then, he pulled Ouyang Luoshuang with the power of the stars. With one hand clasping Xing Shang, he would like to step into the fantasy star.

That Xing Shang, at this time his face is like pig liver, how ugly it is to be ugly, he constantly blinks at Xing Ying. Xiao Xingying tried to find a way to get him out as soon as possible.

Xing Ying turned a blind eye.

Hao Feng and Qian Zong's warrior, because Ban Yi affirmed that Shi Yan was a descendant of Di Carlo, and did not dare to act rashly. At this time, they were silent and watched. {/Bookmate upload update}

"He is the descendant of our great offerings. We shouldn't have been logged into the magic star, but this time. We can't just make an exception. We will leave when things get results." Banyan’s attitude is tough, and he With a wink, those people are riding in chariots, following behind Shiyan, and going to the magic star.

"Wait a minute. This matter is very important, let me report it!" The one who came with Hao Feng came to the Thousand Immortals. At this moment, I realized that the situation is not good.

He is no longer prepared to let Hao Feng do whatever he wants. Finally, take this matter seriously and do the real responsibility of the outer guards of the Thousands of Magic.

"Yes." The class nodded.

Everyone looked at Shiyan.

Shi Yan grinned, revealing an extremely weird smile, Yang said: "You better report this to Ling Xiang directly, otherwise it is still difficult to solve."

The man’s face was amazed, and the more he felt that things were very embarrassing, the faint instinct was faint...

Shi Yan is too calm, from the beginning to the end, when surrounded by thousands of illusions and broken temples, there is no trace of fear and anxiety, calm and a bit evil.

There are only two possibilities for this performance, either that this person is stupid and poor, or that there is no fear!

From his dark observation of Shiyan, he knows that Shiyan is not stupid at all, and there is only one possibility behind it. - Shiyan is not afraid of any one of the thousands of illusions and broken temples!

This conclusion made the man extremely shocked. He was also prepared to contact the elders of Hao Feng. He indulged and changed his mind. He decided to directly ask the thousands of sects!

"Please wait!"

Suddenly his face was respectful and slightly squatted, then he pulled back a distance away from Shiyan and hooked Lingxiang with the secret method.

Hao Feng, Xing Ying, and Ban Yi are all surprised and unrecognizable, especially Hao Feng, which is even more amazing, because he knows that this person is not low in the thousand illusion, unless he faces the level of Lena and Xing Ming. The ally, otherwise this person's attitude will not be so cautious, this person treats Shiyan so much, only one point: he thinks that Shiyan's status and status are equal to Lena and Xing Ming!

Hao Feng was secretly shocked and gave birth to a feeling that he was afraid of stepping on the iron plate and secretly regretted it.

Xing Ying also has a sullen face, and her eyes are cold and stunned by Wei Yun. "You have done a good thing!"

Ban Yu is the most comfortable, waiting for ease, and when he looks at Shiyan, he smiles again.

Hao Feng, Xing Ying, and Ban Yi three people think that Shi Yan is the descendant of Di Carlo. In their view, this is the only way. Shi Yan is not afraid of the Thousand Immortals, the Broken Temple, and the Tianshui Palace. been punished.

Just when they were thinking about each other, the words that contacted Ling Xiang’s original **** made them completely ruined!

The man turned back and said with a look of horror: "The Sovereign has orders, let us wait here, he will come with the Lord of the West, Lord Lorraine!"

When these words fell, he himself was shocked and looked at Shiyan with incredible thoughts.

Ban Yi, Hao Feng, Xing Ying, and Wei Yun are all dumbfounded. I don't know what it is.

In the status of Lingxiang, Nishizawa, and Lorraine, let alone Shi Yan is only the descendant of Di Carlo, that is, Di Carlo came in person, and the three of them do not need to personally welcome each other?

What's more, the three are coming together!

In the vast sea of ​​stars, who is qualified to let the three meet at the same time?

Protoss patriarch?

Emperor of the Emperor?

Xing Ying, Wei Yun people face white, a strong uneasiness, Hao Feng is also a bitter, regret to the extreme.

Ouyang Luoshuang gave birth to a dream-like feeling. She quietly looked at Shiyan and whipped up her violent waves. She found that she once again underestimated Shiyan and underestimated the mystery of this guy...

That class, it was also stupid, and the chin was strangely touched, and I couldn’t guess why.

He knows that even if the president of their giant chamber of commerce came over personally, it would not be possible to let Lingxiang, Nishizawa and Lorraine personally meet.

At the time when everyone was horrified, Lingxiang, Nishi, and Lorraine came together. In addition, there were Gu Lian, Xing Ming, Lena, Thousand Immortals, Broken Temple, and Tianshui Palace. They even gathered together.

"Ha ha ha!"

When Ling Xiang flashed out, he smiled louder and laughed. The laughter was filled with joy and joy. "The Lord will give me face, and when I climb to the top, I will come to my magic star personally. It really makes my magic star shine. Just Before the Lord came, I did not inform you of the specific time. We are not sure. It is really uneasy to slow down the Lord."

Ling Xiang had already discussed it earlier, so he had to give him a face, so he could dispel his defense and get things done.

Therefore, the three people will come at the same time, that is, to win the good feelings of Shiyan, and to finalize the things that have been discussed before, in their eyes, Shiyan is too young, as long as they take it seriously, give him a face, will stone The rock cage is entangled.

Ban Yi, Hao Feng, Xing Ying, Wei Yun, Ouyang Luoshuang people, naturally do not know Ling Xiang three plans, do not know that they personally came out to meet, in fact, another deep meaning.

Therefore, Lingxiang’s words fell, and the magical spirits of the outer stars of the Magic Star, the Broken Temple, and the Giant Chamber of Commerce were all silent. All eyes gathered together and they stared at Shiyan.

All are stunned.

Everyone’s heart has raised a huge question mark, and the question mark fills their minds and occupies all their subjective consciousness.

Who is this person?

"Hey!" Xing Shang was in pain. At this time, he was also bound by the realm. He rushed to make a sound and attracted everyone's attention.

"Is this?" Nize frowned, Shen Sheng said: "I am in this temple, how can I sin the Lord?"

Shi Yan glanced at the class and said: "You come to explain this."

When the class was staying, at this time, Shen was in a huge confusion. He squatted for a while under the eyes of Nishizawa and Shiyan. He bent slightly and explained the situation in 1510.

Nishizawa snorted and glanced at Xing Ming behind him.

Xing Ming was squatting down, his forehead faintly oozing sweat, and even the rebuttal did not dare.

Although Nishizawa does not care about all kinds of affairs in the temple, Xing Ming knows the horror of Nishizawa. With the cultivation of the immortal realm and the identity of the lord, Nishizawa really wants to kill him. He is no use for foxes and tigers.

Because, he relies on Tiger Wei, is Nishizawa himself!

"I take one or two people in the temple, don't need to be honored by the Lord. If this person is a deep friend of the Lord, then this matter is wrong for us, but listen to what the class said, between you..." Nishizawa frown .

He didn't finish the sentence in one sentence, and suddenly looked at him with a sigh of relief.

Many onlookers in the surrounding area also looked surprised and had a strange expression.

Because at this time, Shi Yan suddenly let go of Xing Shang, and actually pulled Ouyang Luoshuang over and grabbed it, holding her perfect proportion of ketone body, and putting it in her Fengze lips is a kiss, the kiss is extremely violent, Let everyone be clear and clear.

Kissing, he did not look at the shameful resentment of Ouyang Luoshuang, but rushed to Nishizawa and said: "She is my woman!"

This is the arrogance of arrogance.

However, a lot of women in the surrounding area have been stunned. Many of the girls in the Spring Festival are all fascinated. For this moment, the stone rock is fascinated. Xing Ying is hot and hot, and feels that both legs are wet...

Even Lena and Lorraine’s face were reddish and their eyes were not the same.

"This matter, I am not the right temple, I am sorry for this temple owner. It is my ignorance of my Majesty's discipline, so that the Lord is in trouble." Nishizawa is also a hero, decisive, and immediately look at Xing Ming, cold Hearing: "Would you like me to teach you how to do it?"

... (to be continued.


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