God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1283: Slaughter

Chen Lei said...

Chen Jiazu lived in this piece and had tens of thousands of years of history to pursue. In the very early days of rumors, there were no mineral stars near the Scorpio, only a dead star, and many huge meteorites, making Xinghai The routes are blocked. ""

In the past, Chen Jiaru was closed, and he practiced in Tianzhuxing. He rarely went out. When he needed to exchange materials for cultivation, he would go to the market of Thunder Star. .

According to the records of Chen’s ancestors, one day a million years ago, there was a huge change in the barriers of nearby stars, and lightning and thunder, like the end of the day, Chen’s ancestors were extremely frightened. After watching it, they found a void barrier. The explosion broke out, and there were glaring electric lights bursting out. Many of the past Chen family ancestors died.

Fortunately, those who survived survived at the fastest speed and never dared to look at it.

Afterwards, Chen’s starry sky near the Xinghai, the blocked star of the meteorite, has been rumored to ruin the earth, and the lightning is thundering.

But no one in Chen’s family dared to watch it.

Until those horror fluctuations disappeared, after a few years, Chen’s ancestors dared to explore them. Then they discovered that many meteorites that had blocked their navigation had split into numerous pieces, and the stars and seas were filled with violent lightning storms and some dead stars. The complete explosion disappeared, and some of them changed their position, as if they had experienced a great change.

After hundreds of years, there was always a strong current in that area, and after a long time, those lightning sizzles slowly disappeared.

Then Chen’s family used to find that many death stars have changed, filled with electric awns. The interiors of those stars are gradually condensed with wind and thunder. The wind and thunder contain lightning energy. For the military who cultivates the power of lightning, it can be regarded as a god. It is precious to take power from the crystal.

The Death Star became a mine star, and a large number of wind and thunderstones were mined and gradually became rich. Chen also relies on those wind and stone veins, and gradually strengthens.

So far, the reason why the Protoss sent a small team in the sky, is also to see the rich wind and stone, enslaved by the Chen family to mine, transported by the Protoss warship.

"Wind and stone..."

Shi Yan’s heart moved, and he nodded secretly, and he had already grasped the veins.

Through the story of Chen Lei. He can be sure of the formation of those wind and thunder. Ten are related to the remains of Taikoo Leilong. Perhaps inside the mines, the demon of Taikoo Leilong will be silenced. The Taikoo Leilong is immortal, and the bones contain terror and thunder and lightning. It has been in the underground for a long time. Nature can make mountains and rivers change, and then form wind and thunder.

"Take me to the mining area." He told Chen Lei.

Chen Lei is exposed to a difficult color.

"Well?" Shi Yan frowned.

"It's not impossible, just... those people with protoss in the mine area are nursing, and once your identity looks exposed, it's afraid... it will be very troublesome." Chen Lei explained.

"Which are those who care for the mines, what is the realm? The highest one?" asked Shi Yan.

"It's similar to us, but the same realm, the Protoss is definitely much better than us. The highest realm is a virtual god. It is stronger than me..." Chen Lei replied.

"It's too weak, it's not enough for me to restore my strength..." Shi Yan sighed, and immediately said: "Take us in the past, you don't have to worry about the Protoss, we will deal with it."

Chen Lei’s eyes lit up and she nodded happily. “That’s best.”

She saw that Ouyang Luoshuang began to repair the realm of the gods. I had an idea in the dark, and I wanted to use the power of the two people to change the current embarrassment of Chen’s family. Seeing Shiyan’s initiative to start with the Protoss is naturally what she wants.

Chen Lei told me. I personally took Shiyan and Ouyang Luoshuang on a chariot and went to the star of their Chen family.

Shiyan stood on the chariot. Looking at the void barrier that has the remnants of the Taikoo Leilong, secretly left a **** as a mark.

Not long after they left, Di Carlo flashed out of the gap in the barrier of the star field. He looked sad and looked at the remnant of the ancient Thunder Dragon. He sighed: "Old friend, who has wronged you for so many years, It’s not my wish. Your resurrection must pass through the source of your birth. I can’t do anything more urgently, but if everything goes well, you will not only be able to resurrect, but also have a good life. Because, that The lucky ones of your ancestral origins have now got the origins, which is your luck."

Di Carlo looked at the thunder and lightning and smiled. "When you are resurrected, you and I will rejoice, I am waiting for you."

He snarled in the direction of the disappearance of Shiyan, whispering, and immediately contracted into a light spot, suddenly disappeared.


The speed of the gold beetle chariot suddenly slowed down.

Chen Lei pointed to the front and dignified: "In front, it is the mine star that our Chen family is stationed. There are more than a dozen places. If you look closely, those mine stars are connected to each other. If something is stuck in the general, is it very strange? This is not the case, after the change happened, it only appeared..."

Shiyan looked at the situation and was surprised.

There are a few mineral stars in front of them. There are no plants and trees on the mines, no flowers, only mountains and rivers with high and low rises. Chen Lei said that those mine stars were transformed from dead stars. Now, at first glance, it really looks like that. One thing.

Several mine stars are oddly shaped, elliptical, pointed, and like iron balls. Those mines should have been alone. The matter is forced to stick, and the stars are huddled together. Ugly strange.

Around the huge tumor star like a tumor, there are many pieces of meteorites. There are houses on the rock, and some are slightly more expensive. There are creatures coming in and out.

He swept his eyes closed and immediately found that there were many low-ranking warriors on the huge mine. It should be the Chen family. The ore mining of the extraterrestrial star could only be a warrior. The mortal could not do without breathing. Power is not competent.

Therefore, the warriors of the Chen family, under the pressure of the Protoss, naturally became mineral slaves.

The people of the Chen family lived in the darkness of the inside of the mine, and opened the ore for the Protoss and made it out.

The Bradley family's Protoss are scattered on the meteorites outside the mine. Those simple houses are theirs. They don't need to work hard. They only need to practice and drink alcohol every day. They can watch the Chen family.

Chen Lei looked at the house outside the mine star and looked at the slightly blurred Protoss, the scarred face, the bitter hatred, and the burning anger.

"Do you hate them?" Ouyang Luoshuang faintly said.

As soon as this was said, the Chen family members on the three Golden Armored Vehicles all gnashed their teeth and nodded at the same time.

"The highest of them, but only the virtual gods, like you, why not dare to do it?" Ouyang Luoshuang asked.

Chen Lei’s face showed a bit of pain. He said: “Try it, it’s a fiasco, and it’s been closed for three years. If they need someone to open the ore, they will clean us up and destroy my family. The meaning of our existence. It is to open mines for them, to get out the wind and thunder, and they are transported to the outside world in exchange for wealth, for the tribes in the ancient gods to enjoy the meticulous cultivation and care, compared with them, we are just humble slaves..."

Chen Lei bit her teeth, and her eyes are full of sadness and helplessness.

"We can kill them, and even kill those of you on the stars of the sky, but you are not afraid of them to retaliate afterwards?" Ouyang Luoshuang asked again.

"I heard that they are now self-satisfied, because there were a lot of their battleships in the past, leaving us from the Thunder star field, as if there was a fight outside. We want to take advantage of this opportunity, get rid of their **** and look for opportunities to leave. Here... I really don’t want to stay any longer, because now we have no more basic guarantees for cultivation, and the realm has begun to fall back.” Chen Lei is bitter.

"If you can help me wholeheartedly, I promise you, you can give Chen a living path and send you to another star field." Shiyan suddenly said.

When this statement came out, Chen Lei and those of the Chen family were all bright-eyed and excited to look at him. They said, "Is this statement true?"

"This matter is easy for me." Shi Yan laughed.

Chen family is very excited, Chen Lei is more statement, "we will definitely cooperate with you!"

Shi Yan grinned and nodded, and immediately turned into a starlight, suddenly rushing to the front.



"Hey! That's the man! The person who was found by the dead Letterka!"

On the meteorite next to the huge mine star, many Protoss people suddenly stunned and screamed and angered.

But the next moment, a storm of blood drowned them...

Shiyan is like a huge blood blade, and he stabbed into the flesh and blood. In the blood, he saw a famous Protoss bursting into the body and died in an instant.

Even if the power loss is huge, but dealing with these highest realms is only the martial arts of the two gods, it is still very easy for him. He secretly devours the devotion of the righteousness. Once he walks by one person, he will see the power of the body. The flesh and blood of the one of the Protoss suddenly lost, and in a very short time they became the head of the cognac.

The Protoss who reached the double **** of the virtual **** were approached by him and reached out to the top of his head.

Under the watchful eyes of Chen Lei and Chen’s family, the protoss of the Protoss were taken away, and the vitality of God’s body was quickly lost. It was only a few dozen seconds. The man turned out to be a fly ash, and even the bone residue was gone.

Shiyan's brows, black holes suddenly emerged, swaying in the rocks, swallowed one by one.

In just a few minutes, thirty-five Protoss were killed.

The Chen family was horrified.

Even Ouyang Luoshuang’s face changed slightly and began to doubt whether it was a wise move with Shi Yan.

Everything happened too fast. When the Chen family and Ouyang Luoshuang reacted, the Protoss people have all died, and they have all been extracted from life, and the appearance is extremely miserable.



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