God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1284: Fight!

~ Date: ~ October 25~

Shi Yan feels hearty.

Over the years, when he confronted people, he did not dare to devote himself, nor dare to engulf the souls of the soul directly.

Because he knows that the evil of this righteousness is terrible, and it has been smashed by Xuanhe and others. There is no breakthrough in the beginning of God. Before you determine the bloodthirsty status, don't expose it, lest it be stared at by the Protoss.

So he has been holding hands.

But now, he can no longer hide his head and tail, he can release his inner evil, and truly show up the devouring!

Today’s killing is the most unbounded battle. Although it is only a unilateral slaughter, he still makes him very satisfied.

He squinted slightly and felt the state of the gods. He found that the death of these 35 Protoss only supplemented him with a small amount of power, not to mention breaking through the two gods, and his original strength was enormous. gap.

He knows that this is definitely not the case. With his current body condition, even if the bones of the Taikoo Leilong are inside the mine, it is difficult to detect it clearly, and move it out, not to mention the resurrection of the Taikoo Leilong. He was raised to life.

He needs more strength, and he needs to recover as soon as possible. It is best to take a layer of realm and reach the beginning of God.

In this way, we can be more complete.

"Take me to Scorpio and help you to clean up the Protoss." Shi Yan slammed to Chen Lei.

Chen Lei was shocked and nervous, and he nodded subconsciously. "Good, good, good..."

Her heart was terrified.

She originally thought that Ouyang Luoshuang was the strongest of the two. Because of the loss of Shiyan's power, she did not notice the horrible fluctuations from Shiyan. But now, Shiyan is like a hungry wolf like a flock. The murderous means, the perpetrated Protoss who had been persecuted for many years, killed in a very short time, which deeply shocked her.

She had no eyes at all, and she could see that Shiyan was a very evil sin. Engulf the power of the Protoss and absorb the soul altar.

She has never seen such evil sin.

She was a little panicked and began to wonder if her decision was correct, because Shi Yan’s performance was too much beyond her expectations, too fierce...

"Go to the sky star!" Shi Yan gave another sigh.

Chen Lei was shocked and changed, and immediately did not dare to say anything, even screaming: "Go to the sky star!"

Three gold beetle chariots roared. Bring Shiyan and Ouyang Luoshuang together. At this time, on the mine star, there are many Chen family members. One by one, the skinny bones came out of the mine, Nirvana, and looked blankly at this side. I don't know what happened outside.


"They are dead! They are all dead!"

"God, what is this about?"

Those people quickly discovered the bodies of the Protoss, and they screamed. They looked at Chen Lei far away, showing ecstasy, thinking that it was Chen Lei’s hand.

Chen Lei smiled and said: "You stay here, don't go anywhere, just stay."

Those people nodded again and again.

Before the gold beetle chariot flew away, the rock in the direction of the star also left a mark. After a while, the day of the comet is over, you can come over at any time.

His space is synonymous, although he can't tear the space of different stars at any time, but the teleport in the same star field is a breeze.

Wait until he and Chen Lei and others left. Nadi Carlo reappeared in the dark, and he touched his head with white hair and shouted: "If you don't do anything, you will be swaying..."

He looked at the huge mine star and said: "Old friends don't worry. It's fast, we will see you soon."


Scorpio star.

This is a four-level life star n Chen is not too big, because the location is remote, naturally can not be said to be prosperous, very few outsiders appear.

There is only one military force on the star, that is, the Chen family. They have tens of thousands of people, but most of them are low-level. There are only a hundred robberies and people. This level has reached the realm of the gods and kings. On the majestic mountain peaks, a beautiful palace was built. This palace was originally the holy land of the Chen family. At this time, it was occupied by the Protoss.

Chen Rong, the current owner of the family, and the warriors of Chen’s family, instead lived at the foot of the mountain, could only look up at his ancestral home.

"Homeowner, that Afan is just a virtual world of heaven and earth. Like you, if we do our best to unite and join forces, can we kill him?" At the foot of the mountain, a Chen’s parents are old and look up at Chen’s holy land. The eyes are full of bones and hatred.

His little daughter, who was named by Afan in the past three years ago, gave him a mountain peak. He had not seen it for three years.

Just a few days ago, a Chen Jiaer Lang was in the valley next to him and saw his daughter's body. The body was ragged and covered with whip marks, which made people unable to bear witness.

After he picked up his daughter's body, a person was locked in the room, and his voice was hoarse. When he came out today, he found Chen Rong, biting his teeth, and there was a trace of blood in his mouth. He proposed to fight back in desperation.

Chen Rong looked at him, his eyes sorrowful and said: "Yan Ge, we are fully committed, and only half of the success is possible, but even if it is a victory, the Protoss will send a stronger person to come, with the poison of Crutka, we What consequences did Chen Jiahui suffer, have you ever thought about it?"

"Is that all the way?!" Chen Yan's eyes are covered with blood stars, his teeth biting straight and his voice is like a wild beast.

"Yan brother, I hate it too. I have had your feelings. How did our fathers die? I remember very clearly." Chen Rong looked at him and sighed: "I reminded you very early, let you be small." Laner’s face is slightly damaged, you don’t listen...”

"Be cruel, can you ruin your daughter's beautiful face? I am afraid she hates me for a lifetime, I can't do it!" Chen Yan said.

When this statement came out, Chen Rong glared at his chest and his face was uncomfortable.

Chen Yanyi, suddenly reacted, and bowed: "I am sorry for my family, I did not mean it."

Chen Rong panted and waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter to you, it doesn't matter to you..."

"You are right, if I can be like you, Xiao Laner will not..."

"Don't say it!" Chen Rong violently drunk.

Chen Yan immediately hangs his head and sighs.


"Hey! Save me!"

Suddenly, a girl screamed in the mountains.

Chen Rong and Chen Yan changed their faces and quickly flew and rushed toward the direction of the sound.

They quickly rushed to the target. It was a lake cultivated by Chen Jiaerlang. At this time, a young girl of ten years old was imprisoned by two Protoss youths and was towed to the mountain peak.

The girl Nie can only be a delicate show, and her figure is very thin. Only a hundred robbers have been cultivated. She came to this lake just to collect the fruit. She was seen by the two protoss youths who passed by. Suddenly there was an idea, laughing. He said that he would give her a fortune, take her to the mountain of Chenjiazu and practice the secret technique of the Protoss.

From the mouths of many family and friends, the girl already knows that the women who have been taught the righteousness by those of the Protoss have come to an end. Naturally, they are not screaming and saving lives.

Chen Rong and Chen Yan also heard the news.

When Chen Yan saw the two Protoss youths, doing the same things as Afan, they immediately witnessed the anger and burst into anger.

In spite of Chen Rong’s blockade, he suddenly screamed and angered his hand. He repaired the realm of the virtual **** and the heavens, directly urging the power of the wood, and saw that the branches of an old tree in the forest suddenly lived. The two Protoss youths who are only in the realm of the king of God are trapped, and then the branches are as tight as the giants, and the two protoss youths are shattered.

The two protoss youths who were stirred up were **** and bloody, and the girl who was scared was pale.

Chen Yan’s hateful shot made Chen Rong suddenly stunned, and he was full of panic.

Finished, finished...

Chen Rong sighed and knew that Chen Yan’s anger was shot. He was afraid that it would cause a great disaster. He did not know how many Chen’s family would suffer and died in the hands of Afan.

"Homeowner, me, me..." The girl was sobbing and dumbfounded.

Chen Rong waved his hand weakly and indulged, saying: "Without you, you will leave immediately."

He thought about how to deal with the next thing. When they were indulging, he did not find the two jade stones of the two Protoss youth necks, and they burst at the same time after they died.

Not long after, a fierce voice came from the peak of his Chen’s holy land.

Chen Rong’s face is white.

Chen Yan also realized what had happened. He looked awkward and said: "I fight with him!"

Chen Rong smiled bitterly. "You only have a virtual god. You are not his opponent at all. It is awful."

"Homeowner?" Chen Yanyi.

“Spell!” Chen Rong took a deep breath and said: “I would rather bear the disaster of the genocide, but I have to do it once. I have to endure it. This time, I will either kill it or I will die with Chen’s family!”

"Then you will go to die with Chen Jia!"

A handsome Protoss middle-aged man descended from the sky, flashing his electric light, and his eyes filled with arrogance and coldness.

In his eyes, the Chen family is like a despicable animal, that is, he is captive, can be killed at any time, nourish and play at any time.

- He has always done this.

He is a noble Bradley family member. He is the elite of the 12 protoss. He can't enjoy everything he has in his hometown. He can only sit in this remote and depleted place. If he can't take these slaves to find some fun, life. What fun is there?

Afan was cold and cold, and he had a strong current. He reached out and pulled out a huge electric dragon. A total of twelve electric dragon tails connected him to the virtual world, and the raging violent attack hit Chen Rong and Chen Yandu. Give it a kill.

Under the horror energy fluctuations of the twelve electric dragons, Chen Rong and Chen Yan were all in a huge earthquake, and their faces were full of horror.

At the same time, the three gods of the virtual god, Chen Rong suddenly realized that the gap between him and Afan is extremely great. In the profound refinement of power, it is not a level at all.

He painfully realized that the four major races have the inherent advantages in the same level of warriors.

Chen Rong has a sense of sadness.



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