God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1286: Feast of the head

A dead star on the south side of Yunleixing.

The taupe icy stone floor suddenly bursts and bursts, and a majestic figure suddenly wears out. .

Shiyan looked in the direction of Yunleixing and frowned slightly.

After leaving the Star of Heaven, he was bloody, killing the Protoss along the way, the three gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the hundreds of gods, the tragic death of these people, making him in the illusion The power to consume the loss is not only restored, but also faintly enhanced.

Through this euphoric killing, he has gained a deeper understanding of the subtlety of devouring the righteousness.

He finally knows that devouring the righteousness is not just after the death of the warrior, engulfing the death spirit, devouring the power that the righteousness really swallows, all the powerful creatures can directly absorb and absorb, merge into pure power, flesh and blood have strength The power of the formation of the stars, the five elements, and the ice winds of all kinds of martial arts can be swallowed up.

When the other party is alive and kicking, it can be used to devour the righteousness, and there is no need to wait for the other party to die.

After death, the power will be lost, and when the other party is most powerful, it will be swallowed and more power can be transformed.

The black hole is another use of the power of engulfing. In order to swallow the soul, it specializes in engulfing the soul altar, forming the spiritual power of the soul, quenching the altar, and gradually transforming the altar to a certain wonderful direction.

It should be similar to the way in which the royal family specifically tempered the altar, and perhaps even more outstanding.

This trip to the Thunder Star, he let go of self-killing, but it is really to devour the subtlety of the mystery to discover.

However, he has not yet entered the beginning of the gods, he still lacks the power to complete the re-growth of the ancient tree, he needs more power.

The power of the three original gods, the hundreds of virtual gods, the source gods, and the king of God, only restored the power of his loss, and did not make him break through to the extent of the first god.

After killing all the way, he found that the characters of the local forces of the Thunder star field and the Chen family are extremely cooperating with him. Every time they are pointed out to the place where the Protoss people gather, detailing the realm and the number of the other party, so that he can know in his heart. , calmly arranged.

Through this experience, he realized that the Bradley family was extremely unpopular in the Thunder star field. Although those people were surrendered, they were not sincere. When they found out that they had secretly given the Protoss a cold arrow, they were even more excited than him.

It was because of the cooperation of those people that he was able to go so smoothly. Now, he is aiming at the Thunder Tianchi, preparing to use Leitka’s head to help him break through to the beginning of the gods, but he is not sure of today’s thunder. On the Tianchi Lake, whether or not Xiaoyao has come over, so I dare not act rashly, and I am ready to settle down in Yunleixing and ask about the situation.

When he thought about it, he went to the direction of Yunleixing.

In a short time, he appeared in Yunleixing, standing in the center of the city of Leicheng. He closed his eyes and wandered.

No Protoss found.

Yun Leixing also had a Protoss resident, but because of his crazy slaughter, Leitka had already ordered that those people return.

It is because he has not been able to find a Protoss in recent days, only to think of changing his mind, to enter the Protoss in the Thunder star base camp, to the Thunder Tianchi.

In this Leicheng, many people in the Thunder Stars have their lives, and many shops are full of people. He listens and finds that almost everyone is talking about him, calling him "killing God" and "killing stars". "Protoss hangman" and so on, when those people mentioned him, they danced one by one, not hiding the surprise on the face, and gloating over the Protoss.

Shi Yan nodded secretly.

On the way, he already knows the Latka of the Bradley family. In this star field, he has done a lot of sad things that he can't wait to dig his ancestral grave. Lettka can live until now because of the progenitor's reputation, otherwise He may have been killed first.

Because he knows from some populations that people who have come out of the Thunder star field have reached the Three Gods of the First God, those people are not in the Thunder Stars now, because the power of the Protoss is not returned, the Wright of this star field will be The card is cleared.

The people of Leicheng are constantly flowing, and all the street shops are talking about him.

He sinks for a long time, smiles and sits down in a square in Leicheng.

When the mind is moving, a space in the beginning of the world is like a thing that flies out and is neatly arranged on top of his head.

In an instant, there were sharp voices around the square, and the fear of sucking in the air, and many of the warriors around the square were horrified at him and looked excited.

On top of his head, there is a human head, the head of the Protoss!

Many of them are fierce in the Thunder star field, sitting on the side of the town, but also on the evil side, it is extremely hateful.

In particular, the three protoss began to be the head of the gods. The warriors here have seen almost everyone. When they saw the heads of the three people, they were suspended in the sky. Many shops and warriors on the streets shouted loudly, like the New Year.

The turm spread instantly throughout the city.

All the warriors in Leicheng, at this moment, heard the news and put everything they had done. They all gathered toward the square. In the sky, there were dense people, such as locusts.

Centered on the stone rock, the ethnic groups of the various ethnic groups surrounded the stone rock, pointing to Shiyan screaming, exaggerated expression, full of smiles.

Hundreds of Protoss people are suspended in the top of Shiyan. Everyone is like a clear spring, falling into the hearts of all people, suppressing their grievances for many years. After seeing the heads of the people, it seems that there is a venting mouth.

Many people and old women began to cry, watching those people, crying, like many years of hatred was erased, because too happy, and can not help but cry...

The huge turmoil in Leicheng shocked the conversation in the secret room. Thunder stared and listened to a slap in the face. His eyes gradually brightened. He suddenly stood up and said: "The man is coming, he will be so many Protoss. When the head is released, it is an indication of identity. He came to Yunleixing and came to Leicheng. He should be looking for us..."

"Ray old, what do you do?" The rest asked.

"He can see us so much, we can't always be too timid, um, I use the knowledge of God to tell him, let him come over and tell." Thunder stated.

The crowd nodded one after another.

The thunder immediately squinted and released the knowledge of the gods. He flew in the direction of Shiyan with the soul of the first heaven and the earth.

In the encirclement of tens of thousands of Thunder Star Warriors, Shi Yan squinted and hanged his head, he was waiting, waiting for the invitation of the real daring and the protoss, the head of the protoss is his Meeting ceremony.

Sure enough, the flash of light in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the heads of the protoss strong who were suspended in the sky all exploded, turning into bone powder and dissipating, floating in the entire Leicheng.

All the warriors in the Thunderfield have issued a year-round cheers, raising their arms and celebrating.

Leicheng secret room.

Shiyan suddenly appeared, sat down beside Thunder, squinted and said, "Is you calling me?"

The Thunder was shocked and immediately stood up and respectfully said: "Thunder has seen the new bloodthirsty Lord.

The few people were sitting there, and when they saw the Thunder’s gift, they screamed and stood up. They performed the same as the Thunder. Christine said: “I have seen the new bloodthirsty Lord.”

Shi Yan waved his hand and looked at himself casually: "Polite, sit down."

Everyone sat down.

"You are called Thunder? I heard people say you. You used to be the vice-president of the Thunder League. Because the Thunder League is destroyed, and you have no power to compete with the Protoss, you have been buried in the name, so is it?" Asked.

The Thunder nodded and said: "I am now called Thunder. I didn't expect the Lord to hear the name of the old, and I feel very honored."

"Well, it doesn't matter what you call, as long as you haven't forgotten it before." Shi Yan grinned and said, "You call me over, shouldn't you tell me your name change? Let's talk, what do you think?"

"Respecting the Lord to Yunleixing, it should be looking for the old, do not know what the Lord has to order, as long as I can do it, I will do my best, as long as the Lord promises me one thing." Deeply looking at him, "Promise me to drive the Protoss in our future, as long as the Lord promises, the old can die for the Lord!"

"Ray old!"

"Ray old!"

"Ray old!"

The rest of the people were shocked and showed an unbelievable expression, and they shouted.

The Thunder waved and said: "For the future of the Thunder Star, I can give everything! The reason why I am dying is not afraid of death, but to give the Thunder Star a future, today as long as the Lord promised me, Ray The 霄星域 has a future, I can surrender my life at any time!"

As soon as this statement came out, the rest of the leaders who had hesitated before, they all looked awkward, and some things in their hearts were excited, their faces were moved, and their eyes were also determined.

Shi Yan’s eyes were horrified, and he looked deeply at the Thunder and nodded secretly. “I promise you.”

Before he came over, he did not think that the Thunder would have such a great determination, because when he came to see an old ghost who did not dare to confront the Protoss in a positive way, he had to hide his name and hide, and he was already like a mouse. He should not dare to be a real blood station. come out.

He found that he was wrong, and the thunder's fierce reaction made him feel awkward and moved.

"The Lord now has any instructions, even though telling me that my Thunder can help you, I will go all out, even if I die, I will get things done for you!" Thunder pinned the railroad.

"I don't want you to die. I want to be very simple. I want to know who the Protoss there are in the Thunder Tianchi. Recently, there are no new protagonists in the Protoss. I want to know this." Shi Yan explained.

"Oh, this is simple. Recently there have been protoss powerhouses coming. There are two people in the realm of the two gods. We have recently had problems in the domain of the Thunder star. After the arrival of the two people, they suddenly became distorted. After the follow-up, there should be no Protoss coming. I heard that Letka is having a headache, saying that a strong person who surpasses the beginning of God is coming over, but he is blocked outside and cannot be worn out." A strange face said.

Shi Yan’s eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately laughed.

He knew that someone was helping him in secret and helping him to relieve his worries.

......[To be continued


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