God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1287: 闯虎穴

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-seventh chapter

The ancient **** star field, one of the seven major domains of the sea, happy eyes look at a virtual passage.

Beside the happy side, the two elders of the Sparks stood up and looked helpless.

The channel that looks good can directly connect to the Thunder star field. The Bradley family of the Protoss has always entered the Thunder star field through this channel, and harvests huge materials from the Thunder star field.

This channel is the window through the Thunder star field.

In the thousands of magical stars, Di Carlo appeared to explain the direction of sending Shiyan, and immediately sent a message to the Presbyterian Church, telling the Presbyterian Stone Rock, the Presbyterian Church immediately arranged to send two people from the beginning of the world. First go to the Thunder star to stabilize the situation, and then wait for the moment.

However, when I was over, I suddenly found that the passage was closed and I could not enter the Thunder Star.

Not only that, after the investigation, he found that all the entrances to the Thunder Star, the transmission array, have all failed.

If the entire Thunder star field is closed by a hand, how can it not be opened, and it can't be entered.

Happy is very clear that there are very few people with such great ability in the world, and it is rare to be able to completely close a star field.


Looking at the dark and deep void passages, the cold cold drink, the eyes filled with anger.

A figure descended from the sky, and a red wine jug was twisted in one hand. I took a sip of the sip of the scent, and the face was covered with crystal wine. "Happy, you were fooled by Di Carlo, the guy informed you of the whereabouts of the kid, clearly Deliberately calculate you." Comers are the King of Light.

Xiaoyao glanced at him and said: "You and I don't fix the space, but if we join hands, there is a chance to tear the Thunder Star Seal."

Tomorrow, Wang Lianlian shook his head and waved his hand: "Not right. Once it fails, it will cause the Thunder star to be swallowed up by the void, and all the creatures will die in an instant."

“When did you become concerned that he was dead?” Xiaoyao blinked.

"You naturally don't care." Wang Guangming snorted. "There are Bradley family members on the Thunder star field, and I was born in the Bradley family. I will not let future generations and grandchildren shoot for me." In the demise, my ethnic group is not as diverse as other races. One sacrifice for one, and one for my disciples, to sacrifice so many of my family, can’t be made.”

"Maybe at this time, the kid slaughtered your Bradley family in the Thunder star field. After the Thunder star field was re-opened, maybe your family members are dead."

"He is only a **** in the realm of heaven. In the Thunder star field, there are now three Bradley family, the first gods and two heavens. Nearly a thousand people who have been through the war, I don’t think he can be so happy. "Tomorrow Wang screamed and laughed, "Happy, you still think about it for you."

"You are too young to look at him. This is the inheritor of the man. You will regret it because of your judgment."

Tomorrow, Wang shook his head and laughed. "He just mastered the devotion of the righteousness, but he did not master that kind of power, afraid of him doing it? If he really has that kind of power, let alone break the Thunder star barrier, it is to destroy several stars. It’s worth killing him, but now... it’s not worth the big deal.”

"I said you will regret it, you will wait." Happy face cold, shook his head, no longer say anything.

The King of Light tomorrow does not care, said: "Do not talk about him, we may not have seen it for a long time, and now reunited with the ancestral land, we must be drunk."

Then, he hurriedly pulled away, and did not look at the elders, such as the stagnation, the sweltering fire, and the sky, and the figure disappeared.


There is a strange place in the Thunder Star Field, which is the intersection of several stars. -<>-net.

This place is called the Thunder Tianchi, the energy of the heavens and the earth is extremely rich, and there is the meaning of the cold and cold of the cold. There are thunder and lightning in the middle of it. For the cultivation of some special people, this Thunder Tianchi is simply a holy place.

The power of lightning protection in Leitka, his palace is located on the rock of the pool that day, the palace is built in the majestic and majestic, carved with many mysterious totems of the Protoss, piled up with countless crystals of jade, far from the palace With a colorful neon glow, it’s beautiful.

In the middle of the palace is the mysterious "Tianchi". At this time, Letka and two Protoss people are soaked in the Tianchi, and they look comfortable.

Hundreds of ethnic or pure, enchanting, or beautiful, or **** women, dressed in transparent gauze, the beauty is looming, the neck is covered with a slave ring, with a charming smile on the face, surrounded by three pools The Protoss strong are extremely pleased, they carry the fruit plate, hold the wine, and carefully serve.

On the palace post next to the Tianchi, a famous Protoss warrior is solemn and guarded.

"Sui slave, not clean enough, just to shame me!" In the pool, Letka looked at a ghost-style woman, looked violent and suddenly roared.

The ghostly woman's white body is covered with fine purple patterns, which are extremely seductive and have a mysterious charm.

At that time, Letka was looking at her purple pattern, and then forced him to come. Now that she is in a bad mood, she feels that the pattern is unsightly, so she has nothing to look for.

"Master, the slave has been carefully cleaned three times before coming. The purple pattern is the one born by the slave, and the owner is angry." The ghost woman was afraid of her eyes, and immediately crouched down, pitiful pleading.

"I still dare to refute? I really don't know how to live!" Leitka screamed violently, and immediately a spurt of lightning erupted from his mouth, wrapped the woman, and the woman's enchanting body turned into a fly ash, even The soul is annihilated by electricity.

The beautiful slaves in the surrounding area are all cold and cold, and they are full of fear and anxiety. They are more and more cautious, and they are afraid that they will not be pleasing to the eye and will be killed.

Recently, there have been dozens of people who have died in the hands of Letka. Almost every day, several people are suddenly destroyed, leaving them one by one.

The other two Protoss, from the beginning to the end, watched Letka anger and murder, just smirking and not paying attention.

In their eyes, except for the people of the same ethnic group, the rest of the race, etc., they are treated as despicable people, just as people do not care about the worms, this is a kind of arrogant indifference, deeply rooted in their existence. In values.

"Brother, is there any bad news?" Cook ate a string of crystal fruits and asked at random.

"The bloodthirsty new lord, but only a smashed one, is not allowed to take the three chiefs, what are you worried about?" Jeremiah said.

"I just received the news. He went to Yunleixing. In Leicheng, I arranged my heads down one by one. This is a provocation against me, and I can't stand it!" Leitka angered.

Cook shook his head and shook his head. He said: "This generation of bloodthirsty new lords is really young and young, but doing this kind of thing is simply useless. Those who are in the Thunder Stars should really fight against our Protoss. ?"

His eyes suddenly became cold, and he sneered: "In the past few years, haven't they been killed yet?"

"The family has just laid a new star field, and the star resources are exhausted, but there are many military people available. If the warriors of the Thunder star field really dare to resist, you can have another big cleaning. After cleaning, I think they will be honest." Jeremy Road.

"I just want to find the kid and kill him!" Ritka groaned.

"It's not so easy to find someone in a star field. We are not the old monsters in the family. We can cover the whole star field with the soul." Cook shook his head. "It is strange to say that after we arrived, The passage here is closed, and the King of Heaven should have come over, and it has not appeared yet, perhaps because of the strangeness of the passage..."

The three men talked about drinking and enjoying themselves in the Tianchi. Only Leitka was full of heart and annoyed.

Suddenly, in the mysterious starry sky above the head of the three men, a narrow and long line suddenly appeared, and the line flickered and flashed, and there was a strong spatial fluctuation.

Lettka, Cook and Jeremy looked up at the line, and their faces were dignified. The three figures moved and suddenly floated out of the pool. Three beautiful nails were placed on the body, perfect for the body. They are all arrogant and powerful.

"Who is here?!" Letka screamed.

The bright line twisted and changed, and gradually split like a crack, and then several figures walked out of it, appearing on the top of Letka, Cook, and Jeremy.

Letka laughed. "Thunder, Jifeng, Harmon, are you tired of living, dare to swear at my territory without my permission?"

Thunder, Jifeng, and Harmon were the few people Shiyan saw in the secret room of Leicheng. At this time, Thunder smiled and nodded. His eyes revealed resoluteness. "Yes, we are indeed I am tired of living. Today, I am ready to die."

He looked back at Shiyan and said: "Respect the Lord, is there anything wrong with the news I gave you?"

Shi Yan nodded slightly.

He did not expect that the Thunder, Jifeng, and Harmon would have to insist on it. Only the Thunders reached the first day of the gods, and they could be defeated. Jifeng and Harmon had only one god, one day. Fighting with the Protoss has a limited effect.

But they still came over, with some kind of obsession he could not understand. Before they came here, they even arranged the aftermath and made the worst plan.

"Respecting the Lord?" Leitka snorted and suddenly laughed. "You are the kid? Haha, that's great. I have been looking for you for a long time. I didn't expect you to take the initiative to come to the door!"

Both Cook and Jeremy also looked cold, and they took their eyes off the Thunder, Jifeng, and Harmon, all of them to Shiyan.

"From today, the Thunder Star will change hands. I will use the death of the three of you to revitalize the star." Shi Yan looked at them and said indifferently.



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