God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1299: Immortal matchup!

The Thunder star is as empty as a mirror, smooth and clean, and does not stain a trace of dust.

All of this was caused by the washing of Di Carlo, and it was caused by the closure of space power. However, at this time, the closed and open, the violent magnetic field caused by the tremendous changes in the energy of the heavens and the earth immediately ravaged the Xinghai Eight-Pole!

Because of the energy extraction of the Taikoo Leilong, the outer world of the Thunder star field has undergone tremendous changes, making the Thunder star field extremely unstable at this time.

Fortunately, DiCarlo sees it badly, and removes the barrier very early. Otherwise, the happy and bright light will continue to impact, and the star field will be crushed and burst.

In that way, the soul will be smeared, and hundreds of millions of souls will be destroyed!

Nowadays, the two kings of the Protoss, the Happy and the Bright, can naturally drive straight in. They see two gods like the Milky Way. They run through the heavens and the earth, and come to the moment, and they immediately arrive in front of Di Carlo and Reddy.

Happy face is as soft as cold water, a pair of scorpion moonlight like ice sword, cold and chilly, his brow wrinkles, and immediately there is a cold moon in his back.

The cold moon is like a crystal ice stone, and the bones are cold and sturdy.

That is the path of the happy, the root of his beginning, the numerous nucleus of the moon and the nucleus grinding and condensing, the internal flow of the soul of the soul, the evolution of the moon and hundreds of millions of years of unchanging mystery.

As soon as the cold moon came out, all the moon stars of the Thunder star field were ignited, and the moonlight burst into the cold moonlight.

At that time, the moon star rotates like a roulette wheel, and it gathers toward the side of the body, like a silver disc, revealing a chill.

Looking at Ouyang Luoshuang, his expression slowed down and said softly: "Come to me."

Ouyang Luoshuang eyes are cold, she looks at Shiyan, and looks at Lei Di, Di Carlo, sinking and half-sounding, and does not say a word to go to the happy, after coming to the side of Xiaoyao, screaming: "Master."

Happy and happy, "You have nothing to do, for the teacher because of your business. It has been anxious for too long."

Then, the mouth is vomiting, and the quintessence of the moon, like a broken diamond, suddenly falls to Ouyang Luoshuang, and flows into her beginnings along her eyebrows. "This is the treasure of the moon for the teacher to find for you. Can help you break through the two gods of the beginning, now. You should know the identity of the teacher. Although you are not a member of my family, but the cultivation of your righteousness and the fusion of the cold, are consistent with the teacher. My clothes, Only you can inherit in the future."

Ouyang Luo cream nodded silently, his eyes were waveless. People can't tell the truth.

"Happy, don't forget the purpose of our coming." At this time, the King of Light tomorrow interjected, he was like a dazzling ocean of light. When he looked at Shiyan, Shiyan gave birth to an illusion that the light sea was submerged. There was an unspeakable sense of dizziness, but he couldn’t bear his eyes.

"Nature will not forget."

Happy is very easy after seeing Ouyang Luoshuang. The previous anxiety was instantly cut off, and the constant calmness and wisdom were restored.

"You are really bloodthirsty, and it is a bloodthirsty inheritor, but it also repairs the space and the power of the stars. The power of the stars is born out of our Protoss. I really don't know your existence. In the end, it is bloodthirsty. The pride of the pulse. Or the shame of my Protoss, my mythical magic is merged by you, it is also an odd number."

Looking quietly at Shiyan.

The cold moon suddenly changed, turning into a cold eye, and it was a happy one.

The eyes of the great cold moon. It reveals the cold light of extinction, and the cleanliness and sacredness of the moon. Extremely mysterious and unpredictable.

Under the watchful eyes, Shi Yan shuddered and looked distorted!

Countless ice and cold power, such as Sen cold knife stabbed his flesh and blood, pierced his altar, raging his mind to understand the sea, to cut off his seven passions, destroy his soul memory!

Just a glance!

A glance at the eyes!

Shiyan is amazed. At this moment, he finally learned the magical beauty of immortality. After the soul is displayed, the kind of indifference to the defense of the mind and the disregard of the distance of space are simply pervasive!

Not allowed, he sheds blood on his lips, and the blood is undead blood, such as red diamonds.


Reddy bursts, the thunder of the flesh, like a world exploding in his body, forming a violent and frightening wave, the wave is like an invisible dark tide, mad between the sight and the rock, crazy spread, crazy Shocking the mystery of the happy!

The starry sky between Xiaoyao and Shiyan, if crushed by the invisible behemoth, bursts in inch, crushed in inch!

Hundreds of thousands of space turbulent flow of chaos, mixed with hurricanes, ice, storms, endless emptiness, such as waterfalls pouring out, pouring in the Thunder star field.

This thunder star, such as the meat eroded by sulfuric acid, melts at an alarming rate, and the star field is gradually disappearing, and it is burned out by the streamer, turning it into a part of the spatial turbulent watershed!

There has been a rumor since ancient times that there will be a turbulent flow of space that will flood into the Xinghai and completely inundate the Xinghai.

That day, for the end of the universe, all the stars of life, all the stars, the dead stars, all the races of life will be swept away in an instant.

At this point, watching the power from the emptiness of the void, suddenly flooded in the real Xinghai, watching the Xinghai being submerged, disappeared, Shiyan face slightly changed.

He seems to have seen the end of the day.

Those outside the stream, such as the strong corrosion of the fluid, splashed between him and the happy, let him and the happy collapse between the void, into a void.

The emptiness of the void is spreading, and it is full of thousands of miles. In the far away, the mining area that had been shackled by Reddy was instantaneously empty.

Further away, several ore stars and dead stars disappeared in the meantime and disappeared into the emptiness of the void.

Or, it is turned into a part of the void.

If you let the battle of Happy and Reddy go on, let more energy infiltration in the emptiness of the void, then the Thunder star field will gradually collapse and disappear, and become part of the emptiness of the void.

Shiyan is secretly chilling, and this battle of immortality can destroy a star field!

The vain energy of the void, when he invaded the Thunder star field, also made his heart tremble, he looked at Di Carlo, his face became extremely heavy.

He guessed the identity of Di Carlo as early as...

A cultivating space is righteous, reaching the level of the Dikaro. If it is evil, if it actively intervenes in the construction of the void, introducing the emptiness into the Milky Way and introducing a star field, then it is the nightmare of all living beings!

It is no wonder that Di Carlo is so respected that even the protoss of the Protoss should not take the initiative to provoke him!

Shi Yan Huoran understands.

Space uprights, after reaching a deep level. It will surely become the most fearful existence of every force!

They are free to shuttle space, can easily turn each star domain into nothingness, and turn into a part of the void. Who is such a character not afraid?

Unless, unless someone can kill it?

Who can reach the Di Carlo killer of the immortal double heaven between the stars?

God Lord may be able to recover, but first recover. Bloodthirsty may also work. But he is dead...

Today's Galaxy, the real one who can balance Di Carlo, does not exist for the time being!

Fortunately. Fortunately, this person's heart is not bad, but fortunately this person is a friend and non-enemy, otherwise. The consequences are really unimaginable...

Shi Yan secretly glad.

"You are fighting against the protoss and bloodthirsty. I don't want to intervene. This is why I have to send Shiyan to the Thunder Stars just to make my old friend wake up. That's all."

Di Carlo frowned and said to Xiaoyao and Guangming: "I saved him. He wakes up Reddy. I owe him a favor, so I will protect him."

Then. The layers are layered with space ripples that escape from the inside of the DiCarlo eyelids.

The space ripples, such as the hand of the gods, re-smooth the emptiness of the collapse of Reddy and Shiyan. The emptiness of the emptiness of the Xinghai, which is constantly eroding, is smashed into the void.

"I said that the space is difficult to attack, I will try it today. If you can not escape, face me and fight me, I will give you this thin face."

Bright and grinning, his smile is bright, he stretched out. A light flashes from the fingertips, a golden light!

That gold shines like a crystal. Reflecting more brilliance, Guanghua is intertwined with each other, and the interior shows a bright soul, the soul is golden, such as a new life!

The Elf of Light!

Taking light as the carrier and the soul as the core, with the brilliance of life, this is the deepest manifestation of the light and the righteousness!

The elves of golden light, such as the incarnation of a bright, cheering, screaming, the creatures created for the King of Light, from the beginning of his birth, for the extreme of light!

The elves of golden light represent the fundamentals of the mystery of light, the source of this, and the most moving expression of the righteousness.

The elves of Light flocked to Dicardo one by one, as if they were fanning out of life, they passed through the void enchantment built by Di Carlo and directly penetrated into Di Carlo.

Di Carlo's face is surprisingly dignified. "You have insight into the power of the rules, and the meaning of life has changed. For thousands of years, you have not been abandoned."

He suddenly closed his eyes.

Di Carlo's body was distorted, and I saw a new world. It appeared in Di Carlo's arms, face, and chest. The worlds were nothingness, they were vast and vast, and they were endless voids.

That is Di Carlo's spectacle of space, the creation of space, the creation of space, the concentration of the flesh, after his body is distorted, there are nine hundred and ninety new spaces in his body, each representing Dika. Luo's space is thoroughly understood, and connected to a real world, can connect with the emptiness of the void.

That space can be turned into a void passage, allowing Di Carlo to shuttle between the stars.

Looking at the endless voids that emerged from Di Carlo's body, Shiyan was a huge earthquake, and there was a kind of enlightenment. The space created by Di Carlo seemed to open a door for him. To the higher level of space, the exquisite gods!

The elves of Light, released by the King of Light, infiltrated into Di Carlo, and plunged into the endless voids, moving in different spaces.

The space on Nadi Carlo's flesh, one after another, is fragmented!

Every time a world of space is broken, the golden light elf will disappear, and the eyes of both Di Carlo and Bright King will have a stinging color.

This level of engagement has exceeded the limits of Shiyan's cognition. It is only a gaze, and he has a strong impression.

He knows that through the details of this war, his harvest will be difficult to estimate!


Ps: I have a cold, my nose is mad, I used two rolls of toilet paper a day, and I was suffering. In this state, I finished the three more today, and I am crying and asking for a monthly ticket~~~


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