God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1300: One out

The immortal level of the strong confrontation, the power of the blasting shock is terrible, can destroy a star field.

Di Carlo and the Warrior Wang Yi battle, that Xiaoyao and Taikoo Leilong Reddy both at the same time, attention is placed on Di Carlo and Bright King, even with, Shi Yan also temporarily no pressure.

However, Shiyan is still very cautious, almost all the hidden forces are used, stacked in layers around the body to cope with attacks that may come at any time.

He knows that there is too much difference between the realm and the happy world. As long as he has let go of his identity, he suddenly secretly sneak a blow. If he can't catch up, he will be annihilated in an instant.

Therefore, when watching the war, he also saved a heart and secretly guarded against the happy.

One after another, from the body of Di Carlo, it was shocked by the light of the light of the light of the light of tomorrow.

That space, for the show of Di Carlo, can connect a star field between the stars and the sea, so that Di Carlo can arbitrarily shuttle to the end of the world, the shadow will not be captured, will not be pursued, such as a ghost ghost mysterious.

However, now those spaces are smashing, collapsing, bursting, and the elves of light are simultaneously annihilated.

Whenever the space and the elves of the light disappear, Di Carlo and the Bright King are both shocked, and the impact of the last days has brought countless storms to the Thunder, and the storms have spread unconsciously. In the next hundred or even thousands of years, it will become a natural disaster for many life stars in the Thunder.

Those mundane people will never know what they call a natural disaster, because the two waves of the immortal confrontation were transformed hundreds of years ago.

That is their sorrow.

Shi Yan's heart is shocked and he looks at Di Carlo in silence, as if looking at his future.

The space of the fellow initiates, he knows that if one day he can reach the immortal double heaven, he can also dominate the empty and turbulent watershed like Di Carlo. He can wander through the sky and the body wanders between the void and the Xinghai. .

Di Carlo's flesh surface emerged in a different space, the magical fluctuations of the gods, opened a door for him.

A door that leads to the depths of space!


Suddenly. Wang Shen Shen, who is drinking tomorrow, he has a little eyebrow and runs the altar.

A splendid sea of ​​light emerges from the top of his head. The sea of ​​light is infinite, powerful, radiant and dazzling, representing the ultimate in light. The source of the mystery of light is exquisite.

That light sea. For the light of tomorrow, the beginning of the king, the essence of light, the essence of power.

The sea is out. The stone rock and Ouyang Luoshuang, which are slightly lower in realm, are both gorgeous and their vision is blurred immediately. Nothing is lost.


Di Carlo frowned, the palms of the two hands made a wonderful imprint, a fan of the sky door emerged from his palm, overlapping, such as the flying door pulled out the layers of phantom.

On that day, I didn’t know where to go. I didn’t know where to go. I revealed that the universe was wild and volatility.

The sea of ​​light is seated. Suspended on the Tianmen, countless Huaguang sprinted, poured into the door of the day, disappeared in the Tianmen, and shot to the Di Carlo soul to know the sea...

The King of Light suddenly burst into a horror, and he looked deeply at the Tianmen, his face changed quietly.

"Enough?" Di Carlo first showed a savage. Shen Sheng shouted: "Before God did not recover, the Protoss did not pose a threat to me! I have always been alone, really irritated me, I will lead the empty space into the ancient gods, I will look at your Protoss 12 Family. How many can survive?"

Happy, bright and discolored.

The two looked deep into Di Carlo and remained silent for a long time. The King of Light will take back the sea of ​​light and his expression will quickly return to nature.

At this time, the sights of Shiyan and Ouyang Luoshuang were restored, and the surrounding scenes could be seen.

Everything is as usual.

"Dikaro, the confrontation between the Protoss and the bloodthirsty, can you guarantee that you will be ignored?" The bright look stared at Di Carlo.

"I said, my shot is just to wake up Reddy, the kid makes my old friend wake up, I owe him a favor, so protect him once." Di Carlo snorted, and said: "This Thunder star The domain was developed by Reddy in the past and will not allow you to invade the Protoss in the future!"

"The meditation is your younger brother. Before he entered the bloodthirsty door, he worked with you to cultivate space and righteousness. You wouldn't read the teacher's feelings?" Suddenly said.

As soon as this statement came out, Shi Yan’s eyes jerked brightly and could not help but look at Di Carlo.

He suddenly remembered the patriarch of the shadow family, Bello, who was the first **** of the gods, and cultivated the space of the righteousness. This man... was bound by the soul of the sacred soul, and was also taught by the space.

When he was shocked, he suddenly realized that he was slow, and he should have contacted the relationship between Di Carlo and Ming.

"From the time he once again entered the bloodthirsty door and became the head of the gossip, he is no longer my younger brother." Di Carlo's eyes are cold. "The teacher's annihilation is also related to bloodthirsty. I naturally won't go with him."

Happy, bright and deep look at him, look hesitant.

They all know that Di Carlo, the teacher of the Ming Dynasty, was once the most unspeakable person in the Xinghai. This person can be described as the originator of the space. He only accepts two students in his life, it is Di Carlo and Ming, and he was addicted. The blood was born, and the blood was created in the sea of ​​the comet, attracting countless strong people to rectify.

Di Caro's teacher is the most powerful one.

Unfortunately, this person became the most dazzling stepping stone in the world of bloodthirsty, and was killed by bloodthirsty.

It is also because of his death, bloodthirsty has become synonymous with the strongest star in the Xinghai, and for many years, no one has dared to be hostile to bloodthirsty.

After the death of the man, Di Carlo was patience and perseverance, and he was always closed. The sorrow was to seek bloodthirsty revenge. The result...

As a result, the vengeful revenge failed, and the anti-miracle became the head of the gossip. It was passed down by the bloodthirsty and became the most powerful force in the bloodthirsty forces. It co-ordinated the world with bloodthirsty and secretly controlled many stars.

The mystery of bloodthirsty persuasion and meditation is still a mystery, and no one knows the mystery.

Di Carlo does not know.

Perhaps only knowing himself, I know why he will retaliate on the same day, and he will make the gods into the head of the gossip.

"Okay, we will give you this thin face." Tomorrow, Wang Shenqi was half-sounding, and decisively said: "The Thunder star field will not be touched by our Protoss, that kid... I will not touch him this time, I hope that you are true, When we fight bloodthirsty, we can stand by."

He looked at the happy, "What do you say?"

Happy eyes are gloomy. His eyes are on the upper reaches of Shiyan for a few seconds. He suddenly smiles sullenly. "It’s just the beginning of the realm. It’s easy to kill him. I can’t hide it. After I can’t hide it, it’s worth it. ”

"Dikaro, I hope you remember your teacher's body and death!" Guangming snorted, turned around and walked away, one billion billion miles, and disappeared.

"Let's go." Xiaoyao chuckled and left with Ouyang Luoshuang.

The Ouyang Luoshuang cold body stood on the spar of that month, suddenly turned back, and looked at Shiyan deeply. The complex and difficult meaning in the eyes made Shiyan heart move.

Happy, bright and overbearing, the desire to kill Shiyan, the desire to reinvent Di Carlo, however, until they found that Reddy has been resurrected, and also reached the immortal double heaven, these two people know that this is difficult Achieved.

The Warlord King and Dicaro had a battle, and it was measured that Di Carlo’s combat power was not inferior to him, and he immediately developed new ideas.

Di Carlo saw his thoughts, decisively stated, and clearly stated that he would not intervene in bloodthirsty and their protoss disputes. His position was just the light, so he made a decision.

The two of them came to the sky and suffocated. Although they failed to kill Shiyan, they measured the true power of DiCarlo, knew the resurrection of Reddy, and forced Di Carlo to promise not to fight, to light and to be happy. Said that this result is not bad, it is acceptable.

As for the survival of the Thunder and the Rock, in their eyes, it is far less important than Di Carlo's attitude.

"You turned out to be a brother and a brother." After the departure of the happy and bright, Shi Yan looked strange and suddenly whispered.

Di Carlo snorted and looked at him coldly. He said, "You saved Reddy. I also saved you. Now you and I are both clear. You have to see me, you have to tell him, and then don't. Excuse me clean!"

"Bloodblood. When you kill your teacher, you should be with the Protoss to remove the bloodthirsty pulse? I am very surprised, why do you ignore it, don't help bloodthirsty, I can understand, why don't you? Help the Protoss?" Shi Yan Shen Sheng.

"You are very noisy."

In the eyes of Dikaro, a stern light appeared, and the power of the gods secretly spit, forming a cage of space, completely covering the stone rock.

A door suddenly broke open.

Shi Yan was stuffed into the car by Di Carlo, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he had reached the star of grace.

Floating in the endless sea cloud group, Shiyan looked up at the sky and his brow was locked.

There are too many confusions in his mind to breed, Ming Ming clearly wants bloodthirsty revenge, but the ghost makes God become the head of the gossip, Di Carlo does not avenge the blood of the master, but chooses neutral, not with the Protoss Child, what does he want?

This way he can escape from the happy, because Di Carlo, that Di Carlo's shot, is it really because of the need to save Taigu Leilong Reddy, or because of the meditation?

He thought hard, but he couldn’t think of a reason. He only thought that between the Ming and Di Carlo, it should be as simple as the light and the happy, and the two people’s grievances may exceed his imagination. complex.

A blue arc flashed light.

The Holy Beast Qinglong suddenly appeared. He frowned and said, "What about Reddy?"

"Leidi and Di Carlo, together, should still be in the Thunder star field, he has already revived, clamoring to continue fighting with you, to win the position of the demon patriarch." Shi Yan said quietly.

Qinglong smirked, "I will wait for him to come." (To be continued)


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