God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1305: Hard!

Widson was burly and sturdy, standing in the head of the submarine ship, with a bright yellow armor.

He is not a pure Protoss, but a strong man of the Blakell family and a child born of a barbarian woman. The strong man was squandered in a very remote and desolate field. In that star, the barbarian would only suffer. The body does not understand the use of higher power.

The strong man, who was seriously injured in exile, was saved by a barbarian woman.

The ghost made the difference, the strong and the barbarian woman had a love, then the strength of the strong man recovered, the star field was laid down, and he returned to the Blakell family.

After he left for many years, the barbarian woman gave birth to Widson, and Widson had the blood of the Protoss. He quickly emerged in the star field, his power was amazing, and his realm was also improving rapidly.

When the barbarian woman saw his qualifications, he asked him to go to the ancient gods to find his father. Widson followed the mother's instructions to go to the ancient gods and find the Blakell family. Unfortunately, his father was in another star. The field battle was heavy, and it has been restored in a place of blasphemy. It never wakes up.

Because Widson is not a purely Protoss, he is not recognized by the Brecker family and refuses to belong to the genealogy.

But the strength of the Hudson is indeed not weak. The Brecker family does not want to waste a well-qualified warrior. He will become a war slave outside the Brecker family and fight for the Protoss. Those slaves are white. It is used for sacrifice.

In the **** battles, Hudsonson survived hard, and the power continued to climb. Through the millennium, he directly entered the realm of the two gods.

This person, urging the blood of the Protoss and the blood of the barbarian to stimulate the savage, is extremely terrible.

The current leader of the Breckel family, Thornton, finally faced up to this impure person, although he did not classify his name into the genealogy. But he gave him the power of the family's submarine ship. Let him play for the Blakell family. Over the years, Widson has made great achievements. Let Thornton pay more and more attention.

Here, the heavy responsibility of smashing the fire and rain stars was thrown on Widson's shoulder.

"Adult. In another nine days, this abyss can be flattened. It can be turned into our fortress. If the other party really breaks into it, it will be accidentally killed!" A Protoss, Respectfully came to the side of Widson, respectful silence.

Although his tone is respectful, there is a hint of ignorance in his eyes.

Because he is a pure Protoss, flowing pure blood of the Protoss, this is a kind of pride in the bones. Although Widson is above his realm, although he is the leader of the submarine ship, there are many Protoss people here. Like him, he was contemptuous of Widson.

A master of mixed race with barbarians. It is not pure, it is dirty. If Weidson has a little realm and the value of fighting, they believe that this person was abandoned by Thornton.

Widson was a majestic man with a grayish-eyed eye, a trace of the blood of the barbarian. He looked at the accuser in a cold eye, and his heart snorted. He kept his eyes on the outside. "It’s the most important thing at this time. Before this place is laid out, if someone is hard, it will be our own!"

He is not stupid, and from the eyes of those protoss, he can shed a deep contempt.

The kind of gaze is like a cold arrow, which makes him extremely uncomfortable, but he can't attack. He knows that the entire star field he was born with is the affiliated star of Blakell. If he dares to have a rebellious heart, not only will he be killed, His ancestors, his mother, the barbarians who believe in him as king, will die for him.

His life, everything about him, was tied to the Brecker family, and he was unable to break free and he could not break free.

"Adult! There are changes! There are enemy attacks!"

Suddenly, a sharp whistling sound came from a distance. For a moment, all the Protoss people on the submarine ship were shaking.

At this time, they are using the unique method of the Protoss to change those energy storms and guide the horrible torrent of magnetic fields. At the most critical moment, they are shocked at this time. Suddenly stopping their hands may be countered by the forces of nature. If they do not stop, they will be stopped. When people violently bombard themselves, they will suffer.

When the other person came, they found the most terrible time of the Protoss, and they all changed color.

Widson heard the whistling sound, the blood in the body became violent, the barbaric temperament of the barbarian is eager to move, it is a desire for battle, it seems that only fighting, endless fighting, can stop their inner turmoil!

"Ready to fight!" Widson snarled, his voice as a beast of the beast, and it rang through the abyss.

He has a kind of confusion in his heart: How can the other side know that they are in this place, how can they detect the existence of the submarine ship?

With his roar, many Protoss people rode in chariots and crossed the sinister Jedi to lead forward.

In front of them, for the sneaky, the **** team composed of the demon and the demon power led by the sneaky scorpion, came with the impact of the "biting bite" battle, such as a big bite that swallowed everything, suffocated into a It’s fierce.

This army was built by Lianna. In the same year, Lily’s **** army in the flames of the starry field dominated the party. The Mart’s star demon and the demon powers had amazing fighting power, far exceeding the team that she formed in the past. This new The **** army is like a bloodthirsty monster nightmare, extremely brutal and killing.

They shocked, and the momentum merged into one. The fierce energy on their heads condensed into a giant cockroach.

"act recklessly!"

A Protoss warrior with a cold face is just a sacred realm of the gods. He screamed: "The formation is a smash!"

In an instant, a chariot is scattered, such as a sharp blade. The protoss of the Protoss are acquainted with each other. They are good at attacking the wind, the ice icicles, the flames, and the defenders. The sky, the earth barrier and other enchantment bans, one side of the main attack, one of the main guards, the team against the sneaky, not defeated.

The impact of the two, many Shenbing spin, brilliance, brilliance, ambiguous confrontation, field extrusion, thunder and lightning, lightning like a dragon.

The Protoss rushed out, but the power of the formation of the battle, such as the devil's two wings, came out, not the weak **** led the new **** army.

Once they have played against each other, the advantages of the Protoss, the armor, the medicinal herbs, and the righteousness will slowly show up, and will turn the battle a little bit with the passage of time.

However, this time led the new **** army, for the sneaky, the future successor of the celestial ancestor of the Tian Yaozu, the geek of the Tian Yao, the undead, the blood of the Emperor, the sneaky as if it is invincible. A spear, simply ignoring the bombardment of many Protoss, the righteousness, and the power of the Protoss, and directed the captain of the Protoss headed.

Many of the ice swords, shield blades, three-sided bloodstains, ice skates, flames, and strange light that reach the five grades and six products of God are bombarded on his body, but only splashed.

Can't leave a little scar on him.

The sneaky demon is not broken, the chill is like the ice, and the speed is as fast as the smashing of electricity. In the most arrogant way, it goes straight to the eyes of the protoss.


Ghost roaring, Li Xiaoyin wave contains the horror of the eardrum, such as the ancient beasts screaming at the fate, the sound is like thunder.

The protoss of the Protoss, the beautiful armor of the body, with a sneaky scorpion, turned out to be like a jade rupture, and it was broken directly.

The next moment, the ghost is like an arrow, and it goes straight through him!

After the sneaky scorpion passed, the man's body and body were completely different, and the body split from the middle, in the scarlet blood, died on the spot.

"Disperse the shock, listen to my **** to understand the signal, some places can not be strong." Shi Yan suddenly appeared next to the ghost, he blinked, multi-tasking, the gods turned into a message, respectively, to the Gorefiend, Feng Cold, Lin Xin, Yan Yan, hail, everyone, tell them the direction of the impact.

He was not good at commanding the overall situation, but now he can look at the situation in detail and can accurately find the direction to avoid the abyss of the abyss, so he simply ordered.

Under his knowledge of the gods, Gorefiend, Fenghan, and Linxin are all under the command of each other. They easily avoid the fierce places arranged by the Protoss, cross the traps, and directly reach the places where the Protoss did not want them to meet.

Those areas, often as "confused with the lead", are not arranged, are full of danger, and are being treated with care by the Protoss, making them distracted.

Their arrival directly led to the disguise of those Protoss people and had to be distracted.


Benni is drinking, and he is the leader of the fire and rain stars, and together with the ghosts, against the pro-God's positive army.

At this time, Shiyan thought changed into a magical scene, and turned into a shadow of the road, swimming in the fierce battles everywhere. Every time he went, a war zone would enhance the change.

Those tragic Protoss, those who have been destroyed by the Protoss, and the power that has not yet dissipated, will immediately take advantage of it.

The tragic death of the Protoss, the demise of their own people, the power is not wasted, and he is quietly condensed. The power of that stock will be re-perfused to have a **** imprint and will change the battle a little.

He did not participate in the war, as the fish got the water to absorb the power, so that the body is filled with enthusiasm, and the body is full of power fluctuations.

"You are the head!"

Suddenly, Widson’s erupting voice came, and he accurately locked it through the proliferation of Shiyan’s knowledge and broke it.

Widson, the **** of the first heavens, made a burst of shackles, as if the beasts rushed into the flock, a fierce atmosphere of what was ruthless!

The pedigree of his barbarian, once he fought, will become extremely addicted and cruel, as if he was turned into a beast.

Shi Yan looked back at Widson, suddenly, and he looked and stunned.

In Widson's body, he suddenly noticed a wonderful wave, and the spirit of Widson's body showed him a sense of familiarity.



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