God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1306: Domain field

Widson rushed to the scene, the momentum was arrogant and fierce, his body emptied, and immediately stepped into the front of the stone rock.

A punch!


A sudden surge of explosions between the stars and rivers swelled, and the gravitational field slammed thousands of times. The surrounding area of ​​Shiyan was nothing like collapse. He couldn’t help but suddenly slammed into the dark abyss.

The ambiguity of Widson's cultivation is extremely peculiar. For a variety of different fields, he punches out, the magnetic field between the heavens and the earth is suddenly abnormal, the various forces are dissipated, and the fists are piled up. If an abyss is formed, people should be pulled into it. .

In the strange field, the energy of the heavens and the earth does not exist, and the gravity climbs up instantly, such as the storm!

That feeling, Shi Yan has a deep understanding, and his face has changed.

Very early on, very early, when he was still on the mainland, he got a martial art. The martial arts was called the "magnetic field." After practicing this martial art, he could gather all kinds of strength in the body and form a wonderful thing. Domain field.

The more power there is, the more terrible the power of the "domain field" is formed. For example, the stormy area, gravity chaos, and crazy rotation can reduce the power and soul of the rusher and smash the body.

The natural form of Vadson's body, the disorder of the "domain field", is the source that familiarizes him.

This is also the meaning of Widson's cultivation. It is a very partial and very unknown. It is very mysterious. It is similar to the chaotic meaning of Nakatto, but it is obviously different.

Cato’s chaotic ambiguity will confuse everything, and will be centered on himself, producing a powerful adsorption force that will gather together the universe’s dust, crushed stones, free energy, and bursting corpses. Move, crush the space, and hit the enemy.

Cato controls the real thing, the material that exists in essence, the stone, and everything that is tangible and physical.

Widson's ambiguity, changing the magnetic field, forms a vacuum-like area. The internal magnetic field is transformed into a huge change, which instantly breeds a huge force, such as a meat grinder, stirring any bound creatures.

He uses the invisible magnetic force as the core, condenses the magnetic field, and shatters all the cages.

The magnetic field that Shiyan used to condense in the "magnetic field" was extremely similar. Even the original meaning of the original meaning can be the same.

This is a mystery that Widson has made the rock feel familiar. There is another!

On Widson. He breeds a wonderful thing, as if this Widson had some connection with him...

This feeling is mysterious and mysterious, it is difficult to describe in words. It felt like he met the Holy Dragon Dragon and saw the Reddy. Only a little noticeable.


The horrible magnetic field shrouded it, and his altar was shocked. The body was cut like a sharp blade, and he was to be broken.

Widson is the first realm of the two gods. Everyone who is inadvertently surrounded by his magnetic field is extremely difficult to break free. He will be instantly smashed. Widson is very confident. He does not know the true identity of Shiyan. However, it can be judged that Shiyan is the same as him.

His magnetic field was terrible, and even the beginning of the world could be shattered together. He showed a cruel sneer and shouted: "No matter who you are, it will be covered by my magnetic field. It must be dead!"

Widson was born of a mixture of barbarians and protoss strong men. He was able to stand firm in the Blakell family and he was in charge of the submarine ship. It was because of his strangeness that he did not know his magical charm. Often there is nothing he can do for him, before he thought of the technique of cracking. He was killed by him.

The reason why the Breckel family leader, Thornton, was dissatisfied with the tribe's dissatisfaction and entrusted him with a heavy responsibility was to value his wonders.

Countless blood battles, repeated victory, let Widson have confidence in his own righteousness.

Over the years, with the warriors of the same level, he was suddenly covered by his magnetic field. Few people were able to break free, but they broke free, and often took off a layer of skin and suffered heavy losses.

His self-confidence establishes the fact that blood is created.

"Is sure to die? Are you sure?" In the magnetic field, the face of the stone rock was distorted, and the appearance was slightly horrible. His eyes gradually revealed redness and the body was dry.

"No matter who you are, you will die in this battle!" Widson was full of confidence.

Not far away, the people of the Blakell family, as seen in the distorted form of Shiyan, also looked relaxed.

Although they are guilty of Widson's bloodlines, they are also aware of the power of Widson. It is terrible to know his unique "magnetic field". Over the years, countless shocking warriors have been met by Widson. The "magnetic field" is covered, and the final result is extremely sad.

They take it for granted that the result of Shi Yan will be like the strong ones who have fallen into the hands of Widson, and will smash the flesh and break the bones.

"Having confidence is very good, but not too conceited. People who are conceited are often unable to accept failure. I hope you can accept it."

Shi Yan licked his mouth, and his eyes were completely scarlet. A fierce temper of a turbulent star field burst out from his body in the form of blood fog visible to the naked eye, forming a **** flesh film and wrapping him in his body. The **** flesh film is filled with despair, temper, fear, madness, resentment, killing, and endless evil.

At this moment, the rock that is wrapped in the **** flesh film, such as the source of evil in the world, is the root of sin!

"Give me a burst! Explosion! Explosion!"

The three "explosive" words such as the thunder of the Thunder, such as the roar of the troll, such as the cry of the purgatory demon, burst into the magnetic field.


The magnetic field condensed by Widson suddenly came with crack fragments, which immediately revealed a gap and then collapsed directly.

The magnetic force of the road, such as the invisible sharp edge, violently spurred, and many of the surrounding warriors could not escape. The gods were suddenly split and violently killed on the spot.

Among them are Protoss, but also Benedict's Majesty, who can't compete in the magnetic shock and be spiked.


Shi Yan stretched his hand and pulled it. If he scratched a layer of net, he broke free from the "domain field" and shook his shoulders. He covered his **** flesh film and instantly turned into a **** fog, carrying despair, temper, resentment. The negative atmosphere of fear and the rush to Widson.


Widson issued a roar that was not like human voice. The flesh of the barbarian and the protoss was extremely strong and wide, and he grew hard and grew one meter high. His hair was thick and his muscles were piled up like a rock. He was filled with the power of a violent explosion. Can squander the endless brute force.

As he growled, there was a smog in his body that was hard to see, and the smoke had a terrible sour taste, such as it could corrode everything!

That is the acidity that can only be produced in the poisonous demon objects, such as poisonous suffocating gas, such as the erosive temperament of Ferran's cultivation, which is extremely terrible, and the series may even exceed the sinister essence of Ferran's present, and the intangibles spread out. Perfectly matched with his magnetic field, all the creatures should be dissolved.

It has just been secretly engulfed by the righteousness to absorb the thick rock of the rock. At this time, the hole is filled with the energy of the explosion, so it can explode the force with the negative force of the hole and crush the field.

But now Widson is once again worried, the invisible corrosion mixed with the magnetic field, but it shocked him, his face became more dignified than ever.

In the next moment, he made a mysterious imprint on both hands, and the imprint was like a layer of ripples, revealing the subtlety of the space, forming a layer of space barriers, to trap the magnetic field of Navidson, not to be mixed into the magnetic field. Invisible corrosion is highly toxic.

He has a feeling that if he spreads the invisible poison and spreads in this abyss, he is afraid that the Protoss and the people on his side will not want to live.

Widson is crazy at this time!

Once a barbarian is furious, once he loses his senses, he will become a terrible beast, and he will be desperate like a demon!

This is the fact that the Protoss Blakell family does not agree with Widson. In their eyes, once the anger is desperate, Widson is a wild animal that cannot be tamed, treating a beast as a tribe, the Brecker family. The tribes must not agree.

Another point……

In many battles in the past, Widson fought for the Brecker family and led their people to the enemy.

In several of the most sinister battles, Widson was mad. Although all the enemies were annihilated, all the people of the Blakell family who had been with him died. In the eyes of the Blakell family, those people were Widson was killed by mistake.

They can't forgive!

Therefore, in their hearts, Widson is just a wild beast, a wild beast that is not easy to control, but can play a big role at a crucial moment.

This is the meaning of the existence of Widson in their eyes.

In fact, those Blakel families who once worked with Widson in the most difficult battles were killed by the invisible corrosion of the gods after being mad at Widson. This fact is unknown, even the dimension Desen himself has always been confused.

Because when he is mad and releases those who are poisonous, he has no reason.

After waking up, everything has happened and it has become a doomed fact.

Nowadays, under the terrible pressure of Shiyan, Weidsen was shattered in the first "domain field". He had already become a devastating madman and provoked the blood of the barbarian.

The source of the sin that caused the death and bloodshed several times, the invisible corrosion and poisonousness reappeared with the expansion of the magnetic field, once again ravaging the world.

Even the layered space barriers built by Shiyan can't prevent the corrosion and poison, and the layers are quickly melted.

Shi Yan was the first to show its sorrow.

His eyes moved, and he looked deeply at the "field field" that was constantly spreading and expanding. His face was unpredictable, and he suddenly held his breath and concentrated all his energy to promote the true meaning of space.

In an instant, in this abyss and dangerous places, there are many wonderful martyrdoms, and the sorrows are dark and deep, and they are all beside them.

He violently drove: "Enter the space bridge! Take a break!"

His eyes are shining, and the light gaze at Widson, constantly changing.

He was so excited that he finally knew what it was like to be familiar with Widson. What was it?



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