God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1310: Life and death wheel bridge

Shiyan has seven hundred and twenty holes, each of which is like a brand new world. The world is vast, only the sky, no land, the sky is full of large and small vortexes, and the vortex is swirling!

At this time, in the world of his body, numerous vortices rotate at an extremely high speed, releasing amazing energy fluctuations.

That acupoint is a metaphysical place for the devouring of the spring of the righteousness.

The acupoints absorb all kinds of scattered energy from the outside, and are purified by numerous vortexes in the caverns to form a pure and mysterious force. The different forces can directly integrate into the ancient trees of his divine power, temper the gods, and strengthen the bones and veins.

This is a process of going in and out.

Enter the force of the turbulent turmoil, purify and purify by vortexing, and the resulting force can directly absorb and polish the body and flesh.

However, there will be spoils in the purification, and there will be negative emotions and misunderstandings of despair, fear, grievances, and violentness.

Those forces are too noisy, can not absorb the fusion, they will remain in his caves. When those forces are engaged in warfare, they can be motivated by the violent escaping, and become a violent torrent of power, impacting the other's mind and knowing the sea. Let the soul fall.

This engulfing, no power will be wasted, the power to purify, and self-enhancement.

The power that cannot be purified is released at a critical moment, and the strength is soaring in an instant, and the negative force is slammed into the enemy's soul.


It is recognized that the most mysterious and magical devouring of the righteousness is called the extreme of evil in the universe, harming others and self-interest, and fulfilling themselves at the expense of annihilation of life is the first evil.

Nowadays, the power that emerged after the death of the tens of thousands of warriors of the Protoss poured into his caves. The vortex swirled in his hole, and the horrible pain of the hole caused him to burst into a burst of desire. The panic that is going to die.

His heart was horrified, while avoiding Widson's pursuit, while gaining insight into the flesh and blood.

Inside the cave. After the purification, the negative powers are deposited and piled up in the vast world. If the world is overwhelmed, the speed of vortex purification will gradually slow down, and it will gradually stop.

Like a large and sophisticated instrument, it runs at a super-capacity and cannot support the collapse.

This discovery made him extremely frightened and decisively stopped the follow-up power. The spirit is condensed. The inner consciousness of the soul consciousness, the instant consciousness is turned into seven hundred and twenty scorpions, and they fall to the world of the vast expanse of the sky. At the same time, he quietly ran the altar and secretly gave birth to the beginning.

He has a feeling of faintness, the beginning of the world. It will be the key to reversing the body of God!

He remembered the first battle with Haig. In that battle, he broke the negative force of the hole, and the beginning of the boundary emerged, so that the black hole poured into the beginning, making the black hole have the mysterious character of engulfing the black planet. At that time, the negative force needed to be huge, and almost accumulated his time.

Today, the reason why his acupoints are running is stagnant. It is because there are too many negative forces accumulated, and those negative forces can play a huge role at a critical moment, but once they exceed the limits of the hole, they will make the purification of the caves slow.

At this time, the influx of the power of the 10,000-strong warrior of the Protoss greatly exceeded the limit of his purification and engulfing.

There are only two ways to change the disadvantage. Either empty some of the negative forces, or increase the limits of the acupoints and expand the boundaries of the world inside the caves!

Feeling the metamorphosis in the body, the intuition that a crisis is about to come gradually increases. He was half-sounding and decided to act. Suddenly, the altar was run, and the darkness was swallowed up, and the black hole of the soul altar was swallowed directly into the beginning.

In the meantime, the negative forces in the caves quickly rushed, and they all merged into the beginning of the Canro River.

Suddenly, a kind of wonderful Ming Wu into the heart, his face highlights a glimpse of the glory of the top!

In the seven hundred and twenty points, at this moment, as with his beginnings, as part of his beginning!

Extremely mysterious and magical feeling!

He groaned for a while, such as the soul of the gods shrouded the heavens and the earth, and ruled in his own beginnings. He had stars in the beginning, and there was a space territory, such as a miniature universe. At this time, until the beginning of the boundary and the body, the connection was merged. There is a feeling...

Feeling your own universe, there are more than 720 stars!

The world inside that cave is like a star field. It is just that there are no sun, moon and stars in the star field. There are no living plants and flowers, only one vortex, such as the star field after annihilation...

This wonderful feeling jumped into the heart. He magically discovered that the vast world in the caverns extended at a very fast speed. For example, a balloon was quickly inflated and immediately swelled up. The world pattern and territory, as in the instant, expanded Times!

The seven hundred and twenty-two gods who fell into the acupoints, at the same time, gave birth to such a wonderful feeling. He immediately realized that his world of acupoints was really expanded!

Enhanced capacity limits!

The next moment, he found that the vortex in the caverns that had been sluggish before, became more numerous and numerous, and purified the absorbed power at a faster rate.

Almost at the same time, the pure power purified from the heart of the vortex has once again escaped from the caverns. It is a mysterious and clear power that can be directly integrated into the ancient tree of divine power and integrated into the blood.

Only at this time, his ancient power tree has been filled with extreme strength, and the bones and veins are wrapped in pure power. He almost reached the limit of absorption.

When the mind was moving, a strange expression appeared on his face, and then he saw a strip of bright streams flowing from his body.

If the stars are shining, the light and the light will fall to the empty martyrdom that he condensed before, and disappear along the empty road.

Six-sided star.

On a warship, each eyebrow has a **** cloud mark, and the martial arts who have been bloodthirsty and passed down to the righteousness. At this time, all the violent earthquakes, and the incredible look of the surrounding emptiness.

They have returned to the six-pointed starry land from the Void.

Nowadays, a strip of bright, clear and pure stars shines brightly, and it penetrates through the tunnel. If the stream is scattered into a glimpse, it is injected into the forehead imprint of the cultivation of bloodthirsty.

Benny, Gorefiend, and Cato are among the biggest beneficiaries, one by one.

They didn't get such a benefit for the first time. They realized almost immediately that this power came from the gift of the new bloodthirsty lord, and immediately let go of their heart and seduce their hearts.

Many of the warriors who had been acquainted with Shiyan’s unfamiliar martial arts, and all of them who woke up after a glimpse, were all ecstatic.

The stars like the streams are shining, and when they are injected into their forehead marks, a pure force will directly flow into their ancient trees, so that their ancient powers have grown stronger. What does this mean? .

Therefore, they are all swaying and accepting gifts from Shiyan.

Those who did not practice the eight great meanings and did not know the bloodthirsty mystery, and the mistakes and sorrows, also felt a bit inexplicable.

They don't understand why these people dare to let go of their foreheads, but accept the inexplicable light of the stream like a stream.

Not afraid to be penetrated into the mind, not afraid to crush the altar, directly annihilated?

They can't guess the mystery.

However, the three people in the ancient magical mainland, such as the Ming Dynasty, the Xuanhe River, and the Lie Leite, were shocked by the huge earthquake. They looked at the empty mirror that was condensed by the meditation.

The three chiefs were all silent, and the unclear luster flashed in the middle of the scorpion. They looked at Shiyan deeply and looked at the stars shining from his caves...

They know what those light means.

"I really didn't expect that he could understand the enlightenment of the esoteric and so on. He could build a 'life and death turn bridge', take the power of death, breed the source of life, and use his own for the benefit of the bridge. We all looked down on him. Later, Maybe you can't just look at him as a sly." 腓 砸 砸 砸 砸 , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Xuanhe and Mingxiao ignored one eye and both of them were shocked. The two men did not say much, but nodded slightly.

They know a little bit that they can truly change the pattern of future battles by simply understanding the stone rock that devours the true meaning of the true meaning of the bridge.

They are all characters from that era. They still remember that when they remembered that they had been hit hard, they were easily restored by the masters with the "bridge of life and death", and even the power realm became more and more refined.

Today's Shiyan, let them think of the past...

"There is no wrong person to choose from." For a long time, I sighed with a sigh.

Xuanhe and Yan Lie Te are also secretly moving.

"Widson! Widson! Wake up to me!"

At the same time, the patriarch of the Blakell family, Thornton, screamed and screamed, thundering, and fell to the vicinity of Widson, such as the thunder burst.

It was only that Widson was still in a mad situation, carrying a magnetic field that corroded everything and rushing toward them.

Those who were first covered by the magnetic field, have smiled one by one, and there is no drop of blood.

Today's Blakell family and the Austin family are all fearful of Widson's heart. Even the elders who have reached the immortality of the Sparks are chilling and screaming: "Retreat! Speed ​​back! Never close This person! His body is constantly erupting with a lot of corrosion and poison, even the star of life can dissolve the poison, fear, is afraid that even I am hard to beat, are avoiding, try every means to make it awake , can not be matched, never impossible to fight!"

The Sparks screamed, and successively issued orders, sipping the tribes to avoid.

Just as the Protoss was ready to break down, a majestic young figure was highlighted in the center of the crowd, as a mixture of evil was mixed among the people.

Widson's violent momentum, staring at this piece, as the beast smells delicious, desperate to rush.

All Protoss people were shocked, screaming hysterically, and fleeing.

Even the star fires are in the ranks of escapers. The Hudson, who is motivated by the potential, is simply a disaster, and the existence of the fire and rain stars seems to be no one can resist him.

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