God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1311: The world troll!

As the disaster of Widson, the stars are melting, the spirits are nothing, and all the tangible things are melted.

No one knows what happened to Widson's body. After this man went mad, the power of the sudden skyrocketing was so terrifying that even the sparks were as fearful as snakes and quickly left.

However, the speed of Widson’s impact has also increased with the surge in power.

Thornton, Pago and other people in the beginning of the world, because of their own strength and the exquisite state of the realm, it is possible to advance to the next step in danger, and leave in time.

But those who are below the realm of the gods are not so lucky. They are suddenly pegged and they have not gotten out.

Widson's "domain field" spread and shrouded this film. Those people are two families who are elite, all of them are virtual realms, but no one can survive and all are melted away.

Before they were shrouded in the domain, an evil scene disappeared from them.

At that time, the shadow swayed and changed direction again, and rushed toward the thickest place where the two family members gathered.

He wants to bring Widson into the core of Blakell and the Austin family. It is necessary to erase the elite cores of the two families with the power of Vederson's erosion.

Thornton witnessed the screaming, hysterical screaming, and the sound of the waves was thundering, and flocked to Widson.

But somehow, Widson was completely crazy, completely irrational, and turned a deaf ear to his violent screams. In the heart of that Widson, there is only one thought left: killing Shiyan.

He locked in the limestone atmosphere early, and he would search for where Shiyan people were.

When Shiyan once again shifted his target and came to the dense family of the two protoss, Widson naturally followed.

"No!" Suddenly, the Spark discovered an abnormality. He just changed his face and changed his face. "Yeyan! Shiyan is the reason why Weidsen is mad. The guy is affecting Widson in the dark. Desen keeps chasing him!"

Starfire sees through the truth.

Widson, this dare not go crazy to such a degree of loss of reason, should not last so long.

The reason why this is so, as the Sparks say, the secret rock stone is indispensable.

Shiyan’s body and abdomen are all kinds of negative forces. This is the evil force that can make people hysterical. He stimulates the negative force to form a negative torrent, and rushes into the voice of Widson in the spirit of evil spirits. Sen is getting more and more violent.

For example, pouring oil on the fire completely ignited the violentness of Widson, inspiring the barbaric blood of his barbarian, and completely losing himself.

At this moment, Widson, let alone the Thornton violent drink, is the spark of the singularity and wants to wake it up.

Widson, who has been infiltrated by the negative floods, has become a brutal beast, with only the most simple desire to kill, and there will be no more rationality.

"The new bloodthirsty Lord?" Thornton was amazed.

Starfire condensed the focus of the nod, his eyes flashed. "It is he who secretly sneaked in the dark. It is that he uses the evil power to make Widson continue to be violent. Only by holding it can Vederson return to normal."

Then, the star fire figure swayed and suddenly lost.

Thornton and Pago neglected one another, and the stunned anger and violently ran the soul altar and rushed toward Shiyan.

In that direction, it was a stronghold of the two family members, and the large forces that attacked the fire and rain stars were among them.

When Thornton and Pago traveled, they released their souls and let the tribes spread immediately, so that they would not be shrouded again by Widson's domain.

A glimpse of the shadow, flashing between a large warship of the Protoss, a sense of release.

This consciousness is the key to inspecting Widson and letting him follow it.

However, this embarrassing consciousness was released, and he looked at it and realized the invisible crisis.

His face changed slightly, and Shi Yan snorted and had a little eyebrow.

The blood color of the eyebrows is turned into a **** light, and the blood and light merge and condense, and instantly become a **** sea. The initial face of the blood sea is small but it spreads in an instant. If there is no endlessness, many warships here will be submerged. .

The Protoss people in those battleships have made mistakes in their eyes, and those who are low in the realm have lost their hearts.

The evil spirits are filled with blood and sea, quietly infiltrating into the raspberry, a Protoss, and in a very short time, all the Protoss are angry and angry, and the eyes are all endless killing.

The soul of the blood soul sea has to run, it takes a lot of effort, to use the blood of the enemy as a primer, to fuse their own power to promote.

However, nowadays, after breaking through the two gods, after taking in a lot of energy into the hole, he can directly use the soul imprint as an introduction, with divine power as the source of energy, directly urging, and forming the blood soul sea. Not only is it broader, but the evil spirits are even more terrible.

The negative forces that are deposited in the acupoints are all injected into the soul of the sea, letting the **** souls boil, such as the blood of the blood that is swallowed by the souls.

When the **** sea came out, many of the Protoss people collapsed and they killed each other.

His mind changed, the blood shield turned into a close-fitting armor, and the body of the undead body was perfectly blended. He also tightened the blood sword, and stroked it with blood. The **** sword was **** - open, a breath of evil origin. Instantly sent him out as the center.


The blood sword in his hand swayed, the direction of the sword tipped, and the blood exploded, causing a tsunami in the **** sea.

A meteor river turns into a clear and holy stream, which is shot from a distance. The protoss of the Protoss is in the Milky Way, and you can drink it: "You dare!"

The ice cold star suddenly burst out from his beginning, and turned into a six-star-cold icy icy giant python. The giant 蟒 蟒 森 森 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Carrying a horrible deterrent and biting together.

I want to bite Shiyan!

Shi Yan looked up and his face was cold and cruel. He smiled and said: "When you come to the giant comet, you can hit or even kill me, but now, you have no such ability!"

The blood sword in his hand suddenly flew out, and the **** swords suddenly smashed out of the sword body, and a scarlet and sly scorpion emerged above the **** sea, centering on the **** part of the demon. Condensed the bleeding meat, turned into a sinister evil ancient demon out.

Those ancient demon gods are as tall as mountains, or blue-faced fangs, or slash-like wings, or head-shaped corners, and they look different, but they all have the horror of destroying the earth.

From Jurunxing to the emptiness of the void, he passed through the transaction with the "Jingling", and he has an insight into the blood sword and the blood shield. Now he has broken through the two gods, absorbed many forces and one body, and also thoroughly understands the devouring of the righteousness. At this time, he is at the most peak moment!

At this moment, he is not afraid of the spark, unless he is truly immortal, he is confident that no one can kill him!

One by one, the ancient demon gods, such as the evil mountains and rivers, released endless horror and fierce momentum, roaring silently, rushing to the six crystal giants.

The ancient demon **** directly smashed the crystal giant python that was released from the beginning of the star fire. The turmoil was dark and dark, and the ancient demon **** did not show any signs of defeat, and continued to strengthen the power.

"Kill him!" The sparks roared.

A golden lance, suddenly flashed from the sky, the long gun carrying the power of the invincible Jin Rui, such as a golden lightning, stabbed to Shi Yan eyebrows.

Almost at the same time, at the foot of Shiyan, countless Xinghai slabs were piled up violently. The figure of Pago was strangely appearing on the meteorite, reaching for a finger, the huge sapphire stone like the star of life, such as hundreds of peaks stabbing him, He will be crushed.

This is a mysterious magical power of the earth's righteousness. It is called the thorn of the meteorite. It is attacked by the ubiquitous meteorite of the Xinghai. It is the source of the earth's mysterious power and can crush the stars.

The terrible strength of the meteorite spurs, if it hits a star of life, can burst a star of life.

The patriarchs of Blake and the Austins family, fearing that Shi Yan would bring in Hudson again, he would kill the copper in the face and try to destroy the stone rock and send him and bloodthirsty.

"Swallow up!"

Shi Yan smiled, his beginnings suddenly flashed, such as the bright star sea, such as the innocent flood, such as Yu Zhou Yu.

A mysterious dark abyss, almost the same black hole as the bloodthirsty holy land, suddenly emerged in his beginnings, immediately separated from the beginning of the boundary, emerged in the **** sea, the black hole suddenly came to swallow the adsorption of the sky, all the surrounding atmosphere is dysfunctional .

All the strong, suddenly a feeling of collapse of the soul, as if the soul of the Lord and the altar to be out of control, to fall into the black hole.

Starfire, Thornton, and Pargo are no exceptions!

The face of the star fire changed dramatically, revealing a stunned color, screaming: "Not good! He has already learned the essence of devouring the righteousness! Don't deal with him with the beginning of the world, with the power of God, attack with divine power!"

Ten thousand years ago, the Spark was a prominent warrior of the Protoss. He had seen bloodthirsty. He knew that the fierce flames of this world troll were terrible, and he knew that the devouring evil spirits were swallowed. Now he sees that Shiyan will "swallow up". The great shock of the heart is like seeing the fierce flame of the twilight troll once again covering the land and drowning the light of the Xinghai.

Thornton and Pago listened to him and shouted, and the soul shook, and his face was pale and changed again.

The golden lance and the stone's thorns on the spirit of the spurs, the essence of the beginning, by their hard-seated, but will be more than the power of perfusion, smashing rock.

Shiyan snorted, and the male body shook the earthquake. The blood shield formed the heavenly armor, and the **** cloud cluster, like the flower bud, opened on his body to form a blood-like pattern.


The golden lance and the spur of the meteorite slammed into his body. His **** mouth was like a tooth, and a long gun was bitten. The meteorite blasted and drowned him directly, but he could not give it all. hidden.

In the gap between the barriers and the meteorites, the glaring blood is still shining!

Just like Shiyan’s edge today!

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