God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1312: Collapse!

Xinghuo, Thornton, and Pago jointly promoted the righteousness and condensed the power of the gods, and they could not cover the light of the rock.

At this point, the Sparks three people are in a state of shock, and finally realized that although Shiyan is not bloodthirsty, but after being inherited with bloodthirsty, the future will definitely be the biggest hidden danger of the Protoss!

"Perhaps this future threat is even bigger than the Ming, Xuanhe, and Lieite, and must be removed soon!"

At this moment, Spark, Thornton, and Pago made up their minds and tried to destroy the stone to clear the obstacles for the future of the Protoss.

Under the determination, the stone rock that was inundated by the meteorite flow suddenly burst out of the overbearing power to smash the void. The huge meteorite instantly turned into powder and became the dust inside the star.

Shi Yan is out of the body, the body of the red **** armor, flowing with scarlet evil light, the **** clouds on the chest like a strange mouth squirming, to chew the body to swallow, it is the natural array of armor Can absorb all kinds of forces bombarded on the armor.

The powerful force of the Thornton golden pike and the meteorite slammed on the armor, and was swallowed by the strange blood.

More powerful rock stone strength!

"This family will not be removed, my family will eventually be restless."

Xinghuo cold face, spit out the tongue, the tip of the tongue shot a large ice cold chip, the ice cold chip is very small, but the cold is sturdy, the inner star is a little bit, it seems like the star river is shrinking on a piece of ice, forming a wonderfully unpredictable Wonderful array.

The small ice-cold wafer, called "Stars and Ice Jade Pieces", was discovered inside a bursting star when the Spark was free on the outer edge of the "virtual domain."

There are all kinds of ancient rumors circulating in the Qixing River. It is said that the universe has experienced a period of time in the river for hundreds of millions of years. In the last few hundred thousand years, the Protoss, the Undead Mozu, the Tian Yao and the Emperor are the protagonists. But in a more ancient era, there are more mysterious and ancient civilizations in the Xinghai.

Just because they are too strong, only because they are fighting for nothing, their star fields are smashed and annihilated, disappearing into the "virtual domain."

It is rumored that the star field of the universe was endless, and the stars in the sea, such as the water in the sea, are countless, but unfortunately they disappeared with the strong.

Today's star field, even one in ten thousand of that era, is not alive. In those times, there are many creatures and artifacts that disappear with the annihilation in the "virtual domain". Only when it reaches the immortal level can it be in the "virtual sea." The chance happened to encounter the wreckage of some sharp weapons.

Xinghuo’s “Starry Ice Jade Piece” is only obtained from the outer layer of “Nothing Sea”. He is regarded as a treasure. According to his secret guess, this “Starry Ice Jade Piece” should be a long-time era, a strong weapon. The fragments after the burst.

So far, he can't really break through the magic of "Stars and Ice Jade Pieces". In order to refine this material, he spent more than 700 years to get the message.

"Starry ice jade piece" came out, the sky in front of Xinghai quickly frozen, and the blood soul sea released by Shiyan suddenly became a **** ice.

Both Thornton and Pago have changed their faces, and they glanced at the starfire in amazement, and they immediately withdrew.

At the same time, the head of the ancient demon **** released by Shiyan, after the release of the "Starry Ice Jade Piece", suddenly turned into ice, and the energy of a collapse of the stock dissipated, and the negative energy that dissipated together .


Shi Yan’s soul ritual came from the sound of incompetence, and his heart was filled with intense anxiety, and the blood in his body was shaking.

He looked at the little debris, his expression was very dignified, and the breath of the small fragments, if it could cover the entire fire and rain, completely changed the fire and rain stars.


He snorted and forced the use of magic blood to stimulate the change of space. The tip of his tongue was sweet, and a piece of magic blood exploded in his mouth.

The stagnation of the power of the sudden movement, the change of the void, to break through the gap of the void.

"not enough!"

The star fire sullenly faces, suddenly violently drunk, and a consciousness is shot on the "Stars Ice Jade Piece".

A layer of ice and radiant light suddenly swayed out, and the emptiness of the light pattern was held down by a giant hand, and the void cracked!

"This piece of 'Starry Ice Jade Piece, I got it from the imaginary domain, it took more than seven hundred years to refine. This ice jade piece is out, I dare to fight with the real immortal strong, how can you Block? "Sparks at this time cold face and arrogance, a glimpse of the soul actually emerged from the jade piece, such as a baby shadow sitting in the jade piece.

He has taken the "Stars and Ice Jade Pieces" as his life to treasure, and nourished them with the soul of the blood, so as to release the maximum power of the weapon.

The refining of this life is extremely difficult. Generally, there are very few strong people who will refine. Because this life is a treasure, it is linked to the master's life. If the life is smashed, the master is the luckiest case. Most of them are annihilated together with the altar and the body of the soul.

Condensing your own life with the same gods, not the average person dares to gamble, but will go to refining the life of the treasure, that thing must be extremely precious, by the owner as life!

The "Starry Ice Jade Piece" of Xinghuo is his life's treasure, and he is linked to his life, and he is treated as a life. Now that he has released his life to deal with Shiyan, it is the horror of Shiyan, and he is worried that the continued survival of Shiyan will bring disaster to the entire race.


One voice rang in the void, and the space around Shiyan was frozen one by one. It is impossible to escape with the help of space.

Seeing that the life of the star fire is shining with the cold light, slowly swallowing and flowing, Shi Yan is slightly trembled, and there is a strong uneasiness.

From that little jade piece, he sensed the power of terror that would make his altar smash!

"Capture the source!"

At this critical moment, Shi Yan was half-sounding and suddenly snorted.

Daddy, his soul stagnation for a long time, re-madness!

Almost at the same time, far away from the gods of the Malang starland, many lush forests along the mainland, such as the moment of extraction of power, suddenly become lonely and desolate, there are mountains collapsed, there are glacial fusion, everything is due to the energy of the heavens and the earth Great change.

In Shiyan, there is a vast expanse of power in the depths of the soul, and a mindfulness suddenly emerges.

"call out!"

Before the handle disappeared into a head of the ancient demon god's blood sword, such as a **** electric light, violently flashed on his head, such as a blood red flash electrode speed shuttle in a tiny space.

The blood shield on Shiyan’s body, like the fresh ones, the **** cloud squirmed and released a cloud of sticky cotton, which fell into the blood sword.

At the same time, Shiyan's divine power, negative energy, the power of the blood, the power of the stars, all merged into the blood sword.

Surprisingly, the blood sword did not swell, but quickly shrinked. After absorbing the power of horror, it became only the size of a palm, such as a small shuttle, and all the eyelids on the blood sword were opened and bloody. The corner of the eye is bleeding, it is extremely evil!

"go with!"

Shi Yan looked at the jade piece.

The little blood sword disappeared.


A fragile sound came, the void suddenly collapsed, the shards of the emptiness smashed, hundreds of warships disappeared, thousands of Protoss disappeared, and the smashed void broke into the void and flowed into the fire and rain. Submerge the fire and rain stars, and turn them into nothingness.

This is the change of the star field caused by the collision of the blood sword and the jade piece.

After a crisp sound, the jade piece and the blood sword rushed through the void in the void. The seven holes in the stone rock bleed and looked so horrible.

The face of the fire and the body seem to be no different.

But his soul altar, but with the appearance of the "Stars Ice Jade Piece" crack, but also has a crack...

This is the heavy blow of the soul!

Inside the Xinghuo Huanren, such as porcelain was slammed and cracked. He resisted the terrible pain of the altar and said: "What are you waiting for? The fire and rain stars can be avoided, but they can be turned into nothingness, but this son must be hit. Kill! If this child lives for another thousand years, it must be another bloodthirsty rebirth!"

Then, he couldn’t care so much, and he plunged into the void and turbulent flow, following the perception of the soul, and looking for his "Starry Ice Jade Piece."

On the surface, he is still calm, but his heart is burned by fire, because the "Heavenly Ice Jade Piece" has cracked, because now it is stirred up in the emptiness of the watershed. If it can not be recovered as soon as possible, he will not only retreat, but also his own realm. The altar has a potential to collapse.

He fights every second!

Two people, Thornton and Pago, looked at the collapse of the void here, watching the strange storms in the emptiness of the void, and the heart was shocked.

"The fierce battle of the strongest immortal level will lead to the collapse of the star field, making a star field disappear into the void..."

They both remembered the words of their ancestors.

The strike of Spark and Shiyan turned out to be the horror of the aftermath of the immortal level, which caused the two to be eclipsed.

After the explosion of the smoldering fire, suddenly rushed into the emptiness of the emptiness, it made the two of them secretly scared, so they did not dare to kill the stone rock, and took the opportunity to destroy the stone rock.

Because they are afraid.

They absolutely can't imagine that the state of Shiyan at this time is extremely bad. As long as they dare to take a shot, Shiyan will fly away!

Their hesitation, their inaction, gave Shiyan a chance to recover quickly!

"Kakaka! Kakakar!"

Such as the huge glass smash, this area is avalanche, everything around it is crushed, and many Protoss are turned into nothingness.

This happened too fast, too fast, and the mad Widson has not yet been shocked. Because of the full blow of the Spark and Shiyan, it has led to the gradual collapse of the star field. If the collapse spreads, a big fire and rain star Will be completely erased from the Xinghai.

At this time, the stone rock that has reached the double heaven of the beginning and cultivated the space, the only one who can make the space out of chaos, is in the worst state.

The most desperate thing is that at this time, the mad Vederson put on the fire, and the shock of the screaming, with the field of corrosion of the world, one of the most chaotic

......[To be continued]

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