God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1313: Open up the world

Ancient magic continent.

Ming, Xuanhe, and Lie Leite looked at the emptiness of the mirror, and the demeanor was extremely stunned.

The sacred fires of the Spark and the Shiyan caused the collapse of the void, causing the emptiness of the void to smash out of the violent extraterrestrial disasters, invading the fire and rainy stars, and letting the fire and rain stars now be in the most turbulent situation, and will slowly disappear into nothingness. .

This is a disaster of bloodthirsty and the protoss are not willing to see.

"He only has the dual realm of the beginning of the gods, hard against the fire of a star, can force the soul of the sparks to be hit hard, and sure enough is the successor."

Xuanhe touched his chin and looked at his face. "He certainly is uncomfortable. Although he has taken the source, he has stimulated all kinds of potentials, but the gap between the realms is too great. He must be seriously injured than the Spark, just..."

He whispered a little, and laughed: "It’s just that Thornton and Pago were shocked by him. They didn’t grasp the chance of a rare event. They gave him time to recover. Thornton and Pago could never imagine. Once the engulfing of the righteousness is working, how horrible the resilience is."

"They, in the last era, were only small characters, and naturally they didn't know the master's mystery."

"The fire and rain star field is in a state of collapse. If there is no external force to stop it, the fire and rain star field will become another smashing land that merges into the imaginary domain." The eyebrows are not showing up, sinking, suddenly there is a glimpse of the soul, the soul Shuttle in different spaces, looking for something.

Half-sounding, squinting at the eyes, can not help but sigh.

Xuanhe glanced at him and said: "Dikaro refuses to shoot again?"

Nodded in silence.

"I have always been very curious. In those days, you were also the most outstanding new generation leader of the Emperor. The master...and killed your former master. Why are you still?" Xuanhe wondered.

Suddenly, I screamed coldly and said: "You Xuanhe was not the leader of the undead Mozu, and it was not surrendered to the master. The fire and the stars in the field were not willing to go, there is a mysterious and unpredictable Widson, the matter is quite tricky."

"After half an hour, if Shiyan can't give the star to the chaos, I will go there in person." Xuanhe frowned and said: "Don't you just want me to pass?"

"It's true, I have no skills, I can only pass by you." The melancholy paused and suddenly sighed: "The guy named Widson, the origins are very general, but the movement on him is great on him. I can't see anything."

The souls of the meditation are distributed in different stars. When he and Xuanhe and 腓 特 在 在 在 , , , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

"If you want to go, you must focus on the secrets of the Widson. I always feel that...the atmosphere of his more than that is more eccentric than that of Gado..."

The meditation is not clear.

Xuanhe eyes flashed, cold and cold looking at the empty mirror, did not say anything.

The state of the rock in this moment is indeed extremely bad, and even called the end of the crisis.

As soon as Thornton and Pago shot, he would collapse immediately, and he might die and die.

Because at this moment, the layer of his soul ritual is like a layer of contact between the sea of ​​knowledge, the layer of the righteousness, the beginning of the world, and the soul of the soul. If it is suddenly cut off by the sharp edge, he is completely defeated by the soul at this time. The state, even an ordinary sacred warrior, can kill him.

Everything is due to the collision of the "Starry Ice Jade Piece" of Xinghuo, the star fire and the immortal realm, the extreme power of the gods, and the "Stars and Ice Jade Piece" which is derived from the "virtual domain". Refining for hundreds of years.

The small ice jade piece is rich in power to smash several stars of life. He exerts a full-blown collision, oscillates the altar and breaks the altar.

Fortunately, Thornton and Pago were afraid of life, and did not dare to come to strike, otherwise he was afraid that he was dead.

Nowadays, he is madly spinning around his body. After the energy absorbed by it has been purified, it becomes the purest and mysterious force. From the 720 caves, the trickle flows into his mind. Enter the sea.

Starting from the sea level, the break of his altar is glued and repaired, and the speed is extremely fast!

Also for the soul to be hit hard, the Spark can only force the town to suppress, to rush into the void and find the life to treasure.

The heavier stone rock, which can be hurt, can be swallowed up by the subtlety, and the new energy formed by these transformations can quickly stabilize the altar and quickly recover.

"Widson! Wake up! Wake up to me!"

Thornton suddenly screamed loudly, his face became strange and ugly, and his majestic body shivered.

The location where he and Pago are located is the place where the Protoss gathered. Nowadays, many of the Protoss people have been submerged by the void, and they have been defeated by the aftermath of Shiyan and Xinghuo. The Xinghai has been collapsed a little bit, such as glass shattering.

Many of the Protoss warships that did not burst, in the screams of Thornton and Pago, escaped with all their energy, and the energy of Shenjing was stimulated to the extreme.

Such as a meteor far away.

Those warships take time to get away, and those who want to survive need enough time.

The arrival of Widson will be devastating. His "domain field" will accelerate the collapse of the Xinghai, and will let the people who have not escaped melt away.

Thornton screamed, but unfortunately Widson did not turn a deaf ear and rushed at a fast speed.

"Use the blasting of the gods!" Pago’s heart slammed and quickly picked up: "Come on!"

Thornton frowned deeply, his eyes flickering, and the distant rock and the upcoming Widson aimed to aim, a little bit uncertain.

"It is Shiyan who was killed by the annihilation of the gods. It can't change our destiny. It can't change the situation of the tribe. That Widson will destroy the fire and rain, and we and the tribe will die! Deal with him! Only he can't Come over, we have a chance to reverse everything, that Shiyan, in the future will inevitably escape the pursuit of my family!" Pago screamed.

Thornton finally no longer hesitated, and the weapon that re-injected energy from the long-term old club turned into a golden light and flew to Widson.

A small golden leaf fluttered out and suddenly magnified, turning into a golden light curtain. The light curtain was engraved with millions of cumbersome and golden figures, and those like the human body were densely packed. Fine and mysterious, I have come alive at this time.

Millions of mysterious symbols simultaneously burst into strength, and a fierce wave of vast oceans, like the golden ocean, erupted from the golden light curtain.

Such as a thorn that pierces the golden light of the sky, the golden light directly hits Widson, but it ignites the million-shaped array on the golden light curtain, and the million-figure bursts in an instant!


Numerous layers of golden waves swept through the direction of the Widson, and there were tens of thousands of explosions in each layer of golden waves, such as endless.

The mad Vederson, the field field is attached with a scent of corrosion, and after the layer of golden waves suddenly invaded, it will not be able to completely ablate and corrode for a time, and be blasted by the millions of explosive forces in the golden wave. Indiscriminately, the gods were slammed by the giant hammer, and they shook in an electric shock.


Widson's chest swelled, and the body swayed back and was pushed directly to the abyss.

I couldn’t really rush to it, failed to break the steps of Thornton and Pago, and I couldn’t get close to Shiyan.

The protoss' big murderer "destroyed the **** leaf" was fierce, and finally stopped the atrocities of Widson, and slammed it into the darkness of the abyss, and even the figures disappeared.

At this time, the stone rock that was stiff there was submerged by the emptiness of the void, and suddenly disappeared from the eyes of Thornton and Pago.

The stars in the front of Thornton and Pago, such as the torn cloth, gradually enlarge, which is the process of the demise of the star field, where there is a big horror in the emptiness of the void, all kinds of annihilation hurricane blew, let The soul is annihilated, and many of the forces of Sen Han are pouring in, which can freeze the body of the god.

"Go to the sea! Return to the ancestral star from the sea speed!" Thornton, Pago screamed.

Many Protoss warships can no longer take care of the underground killers of the six-pointed star, all twisting direction, madly rushing toward the domain of the fire and rain, and want to return to the ancient gods through the void channel.

At the same time, those who were hiding in the six-pointed starry field of the fire and rain, also saw a dramatic change in the end, desperately screaming, and rushed out from the six-pointed star, fleeing in the direction of the domain.

The void is in turmoil.

Numerous torrents, unknown beams, and raging flames, such as waterfalls, burst and swelled out. In the strange light outside the strips, the rock was stagnant, and the caves were madly absorbing energy.

The Protoss who were swallowed up by the vain turbulence, in this Jedi, where only the high-ranking space of the space can be infested, almost instantly died, their energy drifted out, almost all of them were engulfed by Shiyan, and turned into a restoration of the stone rock festival. The pure power of Taiwan.

After a while, a new force was injected into the altar, and the altar of his fault resumed.

He knows what he is doing, grins and laughs, and then walks out of the void.

He appeared in the most chaotic land of the fire and rain, a little eyebrow, the beginning of the boundary suddenly emerged, bursting into the stars and rivers from the beginning of the boundary, containing the subtle space, such as a pair of hands of God, the world The huge hollow hollow hole that bursts to heal and heal.

His face was focused and slightly squinted, and his many years of enlightenment on the space's mystery was completely interpreted through the restoration of this space.

This is a deep trace of the meaning of space.

His **** is like a shuttle, and there are many shuttles in the surrounding area, such as needlework weaving the void, which is extremely mysterious.

The beginning of the Canro River, such as the shrinking vast expanse of the sea, there are countless strange stars inside, such as the space to close the distance between the stars, when he goes to repair the space, the mysterious power in his cave, still Inject him into the sea and inject him into the altar.

He did his best to repair the hollow hole, and he did not notice that with the infusion of mysterious powers, his beginnings, such as the expansion of the universe, were slowly extending.

A magical sense of the beginning of the world and the clever connection between the world of the body and the body, once again jumped into the heart, let him give birth to an inexplicable touch.

Ps: Weakly ask for the ticket~

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