God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1315: He is my man...

Widson put everything down and rushed to the sea. In his eyes, the lives of mothers and tribes are more valuable than those of Shiyan!

Shi Yan is a figure, disappeared from this area, and instantly fell into the six-pointed star field, standing on the surface of the "Black God Star" base camp.

The black-horned star is darkly painted in color, and the surface of the star is covered with swamps, abyss, and poisonous suffocating gas. The natural environment is extremely harsh, and ordinary mortals can hardly survive.

However, the energy in this star is extremely abundant, and it is rich in many precious treasures of heaven and earth, such as obsidian, black gold and gold are all kinds of cultivation materials, and there are many plants and flowers, all of which are worthy of the city.

The more poisonous and suffocating, the more poisonous swamps, the mysterious abyss, the more exotic things.

The same is true, the black-horned star is the most popular among the high-ranking warriors in the fire and rain stars. Many large families in this star field will also choose the black-horned star as their base.

Standing on the top of the peak of the Black Star, looking at the beautiful and luxurious palaces around, Shiyan squinted and suddenly sat down on the knees and faced the mysterious dark sea of ​​stars.

At his feet, it is the black-horned star, the swamp, the swamps, and the poisonous worms.

His eyes closed slowly, and the gods examined the inside and wandered inside the cave.

At this time, the abundant energy absorbed in his acupoints is quickly purified by a vortex. It will take a long time to breed a mysterious force that is pure and clear, and can directly absorb and refine the bones of the body.

After breaking through to the beginning of the second heaven, the speed of purifying the power of his acupoints has become faster, and it has been expanded once again. Nowadays, the speed of purifying power is faster.

After a while, he discovered that the acupoints escaped a lot of pure and mysterious powers, and those mysterious and different forces spread in his body and bones in a unique way to polish his flesh and blood.

He has a feeling that the mysterious power can make his body evolve!

Evolution to a more perfect form!

At the time, the meditation said that the bloodthirsty was the perfect expression of the bloodless essence of the undead, the Tianluo, the Protoss, and the Emperor. It was the ultimate realization of evolution.

The bloodthirsty body and blood are the direction of the military. In this era, one strong person tempers the flesh, and hopes to reach the height of bloodthirsty one day.

Unfortunately, few people have been able to keep the gods strong.

Only after breaking through a realm can we use the power of heaven and earth to make a new round of quenching of the body with the help of Shen Jing and sudden power changes.

In normal times, even if it absorbs a huge amount of power, it is difficult to pour it into the body and blood.

However, Shi Yan discovered that the mysterious force flowing from his hole often disappeared when he was flowing in the bones and veins...

He is very clear about where the mysterious powers have disappeared.

Those alien forces, hidden in his bones, veins, blood, quietly changed him to make his body perfect, a little bit to reach the most suitable form of the military.

He suddenly had a feeling that perhaps the body shape of bloodthirsty in the past may not be perfect. It is to use this slow-moisturizing and tempering to devour the mystery, and achieve a perfect shape a little.

This makes him look and move, and he cherishes the moment more and more, and the mysterious force that flows out of the hole is flowing in the veins and bones of the whole body.

However, the energy poured from the hole is so abundant that he is far beyond the limits of his bones, veins, and blood, so a lot of energy is accumulated in his body, making him shine brightly, like a pure energy. Anyone in the big ball can perceive the magical fluctuations.

When the energy was hoarded to a certain extent, he had a feeling of impulsiveness that the body was about to burst. At this moment, he perceives the **** devil.

After a sigh of relief, he suddenly snorted, a beam of light like a river, one by one from his body, and each impacted into the distance.

Gorefiend, Cato, and Benny, who returned to the six-pointed starry land, fell into the six-pointed star, and their forehead marks flashed, one by one full of ecstasy.

Those energy rivers all poured into the bloodthirsty blood of those who cultivated the eight evil forces, and turned into the pure energy in their bodies.

A warship came over and parked in the six-pointed starry land, parked next to the black-horned star. Yu Nan of the "Yu Shen Meng" experienced this robbery, and there was a joy of the rest of his life.

Before coming over, she still questioned the words of the Gorefiend, fearing that the Gorefiend would bring them back to the extraterritorial watershed and let the warriors of the Fire and Rain Stars be buried.

If there is no medicine, the singer of the same high-level space is sure that the space node will be restored, and she will not come over easily.

Today, Yu Nan took Yu Shan, Sean and the collars of the "God of God", took the battleship back to the six-pointed star, and found that the surrounding is full of Protoss corpses, and found that the starry sky is back to normal, can not help but smile Cheers and cheers to celebrate this inexplicable victory.

So far, they do not know why the Protoss retreats. I don’t know why the Protoss died because of the terrible death.

But they know that the Protoss Blakell family and the Austin family have rushed to the sea of ​​the **** and hurried back to the ancient gods.

They know the difficulties that plague them, and at this point, they are lifted.

Everything is due to the sudden arrival of Shiyan.

At this moment, Yu Nan has no doubts about the new bloodthirsty lord. He has a new understanding of the capabilities of Shiyan. Every warrior in the fire and rain, when looking at Shiyan, is respectful.

The crowd gathered in the black star giant peak, and the **** demon and other warriors gathered around the stone rock to receive the gift from the stone rock. The blood scorpion became **** and burst into a strong life fluctuation, Benny, Cato also became a giant shock, and his face turned red.

The three of them are the key care objects of Shiyan and bear the most power gift!

Time hastily, Yu Nan and others have not waited impatiently, waiting for the completion of their power transfer, waiting for the end of the "life and death cycle".

The people of Xia Xinyu, Feng Han, and Lin Xin are also on the giant peak, watching the unique power of bloodthirsty and diverting the sorcerer, secretly amazed.

Zi Yao is also among the people, a lavender dress, graceful and sexy, like a lilac, many young people of the gods regard her as a dream lover, even in the fire and rain, there are also People are very dedicated and want to attract the favor of Zi Yao, I hope she can take a look.

In the crowd, Zi Yao silently looked at the stone rock that passed the power, and the bright and shining, bright and colorful.

"Zi Yao Xiao Xiaojie, can you talk to you two times?" A handsome fire and rain star domain warrior, gracefulness, humility: "I am very grateful to Zi Yao Xiaojie's assistance to our star field, If you don't mind, can I take you around the unique scenery of our starry field in the Rainy Stars."

The young man is the only son of a deputy ally of the "God of God". In the fire and rain, the starry field is a shining star, the virtual **** triple heavenly realm, the background is amazing, and the self-identification is worthy of Zi Yao, it has been sent to the courtesy.

At this time, Zi Yaoming 眸 眸 眸 眸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Me?"

The young man’s face was sluggish, and he immediately smiled and laughed. He said, “There is a sudden outburst. If you say goodbye to him, I will never say a word.”

He glanced at Shi Yan, his face full of sincere respect and envy, but not a trace of embarrassment.

Because of the arrival of Shiyan, he saved his star field, so that he will not flow to other places, will not lose the family's aura, and will not lose his loved ones.

Looking at the young people's respectful retreat, Zi Yao grinned, and rushed to throw the line of sight to Shiyan, his face smug.

"Maybe, if you and the person just joined, you will be a little more happy." Suddenly, a shadow close, faintly whispered.

Zi Yao was amazed and immediately smiled: "Why do you say that?"

Xia Xinyi’s emerald green dress, like a quiet orchid, has a sorrowful sorrow on the delicate face. “Because the **** wanders all the time, I won’t stay because of you. With him... you need to accept endless Lonely, can you be mentally prepared?"

She looked deeply at Zi Yao.

Zi Yaoying smiled and said naturally: "Of course there is preparation. When I saw him at the beginning of the year, I knew that he was not in the pool. One day, I wouldn’t think that he could reach the height of today. One year, when we came to the Malang Star Field from the Flames, I had a decision. This decision... is still unchanged today."

After a pause, she laughed again. "Have you ever regretted it?"

Xia Xinyi shook his head, and his eyes were deeply condensed on Shiyan. He whispered: "When I was in our hometown, I promised him one thing. Since I promised, I will not change..."

"I envy you very much." Zi Yao suddenly came to such a sentence.

Xia Xinyi, "What do you envy me?"

"You and him, already... already good, I can see it, and I, I haven't..." Zi Yao's cheeks are red, and the beauty is full of intoxicating waves, but I can't finish it.

Xia Xinyu also Xia Manyan Yan Rong, "呸" and whispered: "The **** has a bad stomach, with your ability, it is not easy to take him down?"

"I hope he can take the initiative." Zi Yao looked down and sighed.

"Then you wait for him to have leisure. He is very busy and busy recently. After that... it will be very busy. If you have to be prepared, you will wait for it." Xia Xin snorted and his voice was sour. I was dissatisfied, and I was dissatisfied with Shiyan’s all-day battle. I never really lost my time.

"You seem to support me very much, why? You shouldn't destroy it, you are a woman, you will be so selfless, what do you think?" Zi Yao's face is wrong, how can he not understand, because she and Xia Xin I have been close to each other, never compromised, and have been fighting for a long time.

Now that Xia Xinyu’s attitude has suddenly changed, she is very puzzled. I don’t know why it is because of the reason that Xia Xin’s attitude has changed.

"I can't keep him alone, maybe, add you one... can stop him." Xia Xinyu sighed quietly.

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