God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1316: Warm heart

Very six-pointed star, the black-horned star is at the top of a Qitian giant peak, and a strip of energy shines out like a bright stream, flying to those who cultivate the eight evil spirits.

Gorefiend, Benny, Cato, and those with foreheads have blood-printed reporters. At this time, all the knees are sitting, and those energy crystals are poured into the forehead, and each looks different. .

The Gorefiend is an undead Mozu, and the energy crystal light is injected into his forehead, and it quickly turns into the energy of life. It is a kind of enthusiasm for his life, which makes his blood boil and form a blood film. Entrap him.

Inside the **** flesh film, the blood of the Gorefiend is extremely horrible, like a volcanic eruption.

Compared with him, the rest of the people should look a lot more peaceful. Benny is a member of the Helan people. The energy shines in and out, turning into a gray thread, quietly infiltrating his altar, such as nourishing him with hot springs. Taiwan, let him cultivate the destruction of the righteousness, and the essence of the altar in the altar.

Cato cultivated chaos and ignorance, until the energy penetrated into the body, he was like a huge force field in the disordered world, igniting the surrounding ancient wood uprooted, strange rocks flying, even the wind and the wind whistling, it is like an abnormal He has to rush to him, but he is subtly controlled by him, just swirling around him.

The rest of the many bloodthirsty and righteous people, the form is also not the same, practicing the dark and righteous, the whole body disappeared in the darkness, such as disappearing from the light.

The cultivation of the corpse force, the smog and smog of the smog, the cold and cold breath of the whole body.

Those who practice other righteousness are also wonderful, but each body has an energy-enhancing fluctuation.

Many of them belong to the Xuanhe River, the 腓 腓 特 、 、 、 、 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄As the true leader of bloodthirsty.

... As for Shiyan, they have not been blinded by them before, only when he is the support of Xuanhe, Ming, and Lie.

They even scorned disdain.

However, at this moment, each of them has a flash of happiness in the bottom of their hearts. It is they who are lucky to be sent to the fire and rain, not others!

They are fortunate to be with Stone Rock!

Because of the power gifts from Shiyan, it is enough to enhance the power they have accumulated for decades or even centuries! The power of the influx of imprints is so pure and sinister that they are ecstatic and ecstatic!

What scares them most is that the power that infiltrates the imprint can be perfectly integrated into the true meaning of each of their cultivations.

Just as those forces are tailored for each of them!

Now, they finally realized that even if the current state of Shiyan is not superb, it is not as good as the three rivers of Xuanhe, Zhenlie, and Ming, but after all, Shiyan inherits the meaning of the bloodthirsty master, which devours the meaning of the blood, which is bloodthirsty. The core is fundamental.

One day, when Shiyan breaks through to immortality, he will be able to replace the three people in the Ming Dynasty and truly win the approval of all.

Because of his righteousness, to lead everyone, to devour the mystery, to create the power of the majesty, to make their realm of all things leaps and bounds!

In the depths of their hearts, they gradually recognized Shiyan, and this kind of recognition will gradually deepen with the strong realm of Shiyan...

I don't know how long it took. Shi Yan took the lead to wake up and open his eyes. He immediately saw Xia Xinyu and Zi Yao in front of him. Both pairs of beautiful eyes were deeply condensed on themselves.

With a warmth in his heart, he smiled and got up and said, "What about other people?"

At this time, Lin Xin, Yu Nan, Yu Shan, and Feng Han are all in this group. There are only a few military guards stationed around them, to guard against the surrounding areas, and no one is allowed to wait.

Except for him and those who cultivated the eight evil spirits, the only ones who are familiar with Xia Xinyu and Zi Yao, the two women seem to be guarding him, waiting for him to wake up.

"You have been passing the time for a little longer. Others have to arrange for follow-up things. You can't stay here and wait, and you will deal with things first."

Zi Yao, like a delicate flower, smiled and said with a sparkling eyes.

She obviously deliberately trimmed the hair, and the hair was soft and sleek, and the horns were not messy. A purple dress with a close-fitting body, bare shoulders, plump and attractive double peaks, a touch of snow and white The people are fascinated by the fascination of the people.

She is the most dazzling flower in the flames of the star field, and she is also graceful and unconstrained when she comes to the Marathon. With the improvement of her realm, her glamour is getting more and more intoxicating, such as mellow wine and wine.

Beside her, Xia Xinyi is like a orchid, elegant and plain, and the delicate face of the melon seeds is always indifferent, quiet as water.

The two people are different in temperament, but they are equally touching and beautiful.

At this time, they stood side by side, two pretty faces with a smile, so that the stone rock that just woke up trembled, the soul has a feeling of desperate peace and calm.

He suddenly felt awkward and felt sorry for the Iraqi people in front of him. He had been fighting for the rest of his life. He worked hard for the ultimate breakthrough of the martial arts. There was not much leisure to stop, enjoy life, and not fully vent your emotions...

The two women in front of him are the ones who have the closest relationship with him, but the time he really spends with them is not too much.

"Ready to leave?" Xia Xinyu quietly looked at him, his voice was quiet, and there was a hint of resentment in his voice.

She knows that the situation in the current star field is subtle, and the fierce battles like the fire and rain stars are happening in many areas. As the new bloodthirsty lord, it is difficult for Shiyan to stop.

She knew that when Shi Yan woke up, she might have to go back to the outside world and continue to fight blood.

She is sensible to understand, but emotionally, it will breed dissatisfaction. This is a woman's nature, not that she can reverse the change.

"Is it necessary to leave?" Zi Yao smile is still splendid, just slightly reluctant, the waves in the beauty are gently turbulent, reflecting her inner helpless anxiety.

Looking at the two outstanding women who are famous in any star field, a warm current suddenly flows through his heart. He sinks for a few seconds and suddenly smiles. "Don’t worry, it should be a little rest, you have to go, you have to Wait for the Gorefiend, Benny, and Cato to wake up."

The gray in the two sons and daughters, such as the moment, was cleared by the dazzling light, their cheeks appeared a surprise blush, gently biting the rich red lips, and focused on nodding.

"Respecting the Lord, the lord has told me that if you wake up, please be sure to show your face to the General League. The Alliance mainly carries all the guns of the Fire and Rain, thank you for your help."

A warrior in the fire and rainy field, with respect and humility, looked at him with pleading.

Xia Xinxuan and Zi Yao suddenly showed their disappointment.

Shi Yanwei frowned, looking at the warrior, said faintly: "Not in a hurry."

In his eyes, he was filled with teasing and smiling. He suddenly said, "Take you a look at the different scenery. Well, it may be beneficial to your realm."

As soon as the voice fell, two gaps in the void, such as the suddenly cracked mouth, suddenly appeared at the foot of Xia Xinyu and Zi Yao.

Strong outside the stream, slammed out, the two women scared face white, not waiting for them to exclaim, those outside the streamer as sticky tentacles, they directly into them.

When the crack healed, the screams of the two women came, and at this time, they had gone deep into the turbulent flow, in completely different wonders.

The guardian of the "Yu Shen Meng", the virtual **** and the double heavens, was repaired, and the two women disappeared into the void, revealing a horrible color.

"Sorry, I promised them to accompany them to see the different scenery. I am bothered to explain to your lord, um, pass the cold, Lin Xin, they are not bound by me, any decisions related to them, They are all made by themselves, and I will not interfere," Shi Yan explained.

Feng Han, Lin Xin, Bass, Gut, Yan Yan, and the many heads of the Marathon in the ice, this time with the Legion to go to the fire and rain, help the fire and rain stars to resist the Protoss, it really costs a lot thought.

In the past many years, the fire and rain stars and the Malang star are closed. These two stars have disappeared and there is no trade.

For these two stars, the connected movement of the star field will help the two stars to be strong. Because many fire and rain stars have some cultivation materials, the Malang star field does not produce. Similarly, many of the Malang stars Some strange things, there is no fire and rain star field.

The two clusters of the two stars have re-established friendship between the two star-studded forces. The cold, the lining, the Yan, the hail, all of them are negotiating to trade with the forces of the fire and rain, to carry out Working closely, but a little unclear about his attitude.

He represents bloodthirsty and represents the most powerful mysterious force in the universe. If he wants to intervene in the affairs of the fire and rain, the cold and Lin Xin are opposite to him.

This is what they do not want to see.

He gives this attitude, can dispel the fears of the cold, Lin Xin people, so that they can be closely linked with the fire and rain stars, so that both stars can make a profit.

"Understood, you must send your words." The guard guarded his head, envious and envious.

Shi Yan is a new bloodthirsty lord, and his attitude towards him is very harmonious. There is no shelf. The beauty of Xia Xinyu and Zi Yao makes him and many fire and rain star warriors fascinated. Now they see that they are all Related to Shi Yan, this person immediately sighed.

In his mind, only the existence of such grades as Shiyan can be worthy of Zi Yao and Xia Xin.

He did not have jealousy, only envy and blessing, because of the arrival of Shiyan, they took their star field out of the blood of the Protoss.

This person respectfully retreats, the color of the face is awesome. In the depths of his heart, he regards Shiyan as the master of the future Galaxy. Shiyan and his conversations will become the capital that he will show off in the years to come.

Shi Yan is a light smile, his thoughts change, turned into a bundle of virtual light, disappeared in place, directly into the void.

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