God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1318: Changyou

Zi Yao is like a butterfly, and the body is sputtered with gorgeous brilliance. There are nine colors in the brilliance, namely orange, cyan, purple, blue, white, green, yellow, black and gray. [w.w.cm


The brilliance of nine different colors, one by one from the Zi Yao body, gradually, as if into a strip of ribbon, so that she is more and more attractive. .

The fluctuations in her body have also become condensed and become thicker with the brilliance of those brilliance.

It seems that, as she said, she can absorb energy in the turbulent flow outside the gap of the space, and it is more efficient and faster than the energy absorbed in the normal Xinghai!

It’s incredible.

Daddy, Shi Yan remembered the words of Zi Yao that year, that is about her definition of ambiguity.

It is a special kind of light, which is obviously different from the light and mystery of the Protoss cultivation. It is very different from the breath or the characteristics.

The illusion of Zi Yao, from the perspective of the extraterritorial light, is an extremely rare special light source. The light comes from the magical parts of the field. Most of them have simple consciousness, some can penetrate everything, some can bind. There are also creatures, and some people are all kinds of strange things...

This kind of extraterrestrial light, like a meteor flying in the Xinghai, is a glimpse, and is rarely seen.

Not to mention the restraint, slowly integrate into itself, forming a unique sense of light.

Zi Yao is the kind of person who gets the light outside the domain, integrates himself, and then cultivates into the righteousness.

Definitely worthy of a talented wizard.

However, this kind of ambiguity is rare because it is not conventional and has few practitioners. It is even rarer to be able to advance to the top. According to the cultivation of this righteous person, it is necessary to break through. It is much more difficult than ordinary people. Light, the speed of breakthrough will become faster.

unfortunately. Extraterrestrial gods are very rare, and most people may not be able to see them all their lives. Even if they cultivate such anxious people, they can perceive the extraterrestrial light, and they may want to find many in the vast expanse of the sea, which is undoubtedly a fantasy.

However, now Ziyao removes the mask of the gods and exposes the body to the turbulent flow outside the domain. She is full of coziness. I can practice here.

The speed of cultivation is also very fast, faster than any high-level star of life in her outer starry sky!

Those strange forces that permeate her body. Shi Yan, Xia Xinyu and most people can't absorb it, but she can, even if she doesn't need it. Those forces will actively gather in her veins and bones. After a while, she will be surrounded by colorful Huaguang, such as a colorful fairy.

"It's very strange. I didn't expect my heart to despise the land like a poisonous land, but it is your blessed land." Shi Yan lamented sincerely.

"I didn't think that here, I can still cultivate. It's really amazing. The energy here is very similar to the scent of the light that I absorb. It's like a source. The direction of the direction is more rich and rich, I used to Hey."

Zi Yao smiled and smiled, like a river of light, suddenly drifting to the distance, the speed is extremely fast.

"Don't chase after you to see?" Xia Xin's mouth was smiling, and there was no panic and fear on his face. A pair of beautiful sparkling lights.

"I don't seem to worry about her. Here... she doesn't seem to have too much danger." Shi Yan touched his chin and looked thoughtfully at the direction of Zi Yao's disappearance. "She has a mark on her body." Here, I can lock her up without any hindrance, and I can reach her by the moment."

"Hey. So careful, when did you become so considerate?" Xia Xinyi was sour.

Shiyan was amazed.

The woman’s heart is under the sea. He has a deep understanding of this sentence. When he was in the black-horned star, when he was passing on to the Gorefiend, the hearing was not affected at all. Xia Xinyu and Zi Yao’s He listened to his ears, and he was also a sister of the two women.

He only slightly showed his concern for Zi Yao, but he did not expect Xia Xinyu to immediately knock over the vinegar jar, and his tone immediately became sour.

"This has always been the case." Shi Yan showed a bright smile, a move, across the void, ghostly like her, and her hand touched her jade hand, a pure life breath suddenly emerged, directly into her limbs , flowing in her veins.

He can't pour the pure power of purification into Xia Xin's body, just like the Gorefiend and Cato. He can only use his own energy to warm up the other side.

A wave of life rushed in, Xia Xinzhen shuddered, feeling the warmth of the body, whispered: "You don't need this, the power in my body is enough, and, before you were in the Thunderfield At the time, I was suddenly given a thick energy, that energy... is related to you."

Shi Yan held her slender hand and frowned. "You are not mistaken?"

"I can see the past." Xia Xinyi's beauty is full of splendor. "That time, it happened in the turbulent flow outside this domain. That person, here is the energy condensation to me, I can show you the past. Blur scene, you come into my beginnings."

Shi Yan's face was amazed, and immediately separated into a soul, and escaped into the opening of her opening.

As soon as she entered her beginning, Shi Yan was stunned. Her beginnings were extremely strange. It was composed of countless broken pictures. Like the screen of a movie, the soul was swimming in her beginnings, just like reading her. The memory of her life can go through the memories and life experiences of her life.

This is to completely let go of her own, open the most secret self, let Shi Yan to watch.

Suddenly, one of the broken pictures suddenly zoomed in, suddenly the scenes inside the characters lived...

Shi Yan saw the turbulent flow inside the area. He saw Di Carlo, and saw the gathering and condensation of his power. He saw that the energy body that was merged with Cook and Jeremy by the ice and fire was washed and purified, and directly thrown into the void. The gap, falling into the body of Xia Xin.

Shi Yan was amazed.

Xia Xinyu’s turned out to be true. The energy was indeed related to him. It was because of his persecution that Cook and Jeremy worked hard to make the shock. He had to introduce it into the void, and he was halfway. Di Carlo intercepted and took away, and gave Xia Xinyi a fortune.

In the meantime, Shiyan walked out from the beginning of Xia Xinyu, saying: "The man, called Di Carlo, is the most exquisite person in the space of the Xinghai. As far as I know, his realm reaches the immortal double heaven, extremely Excellence, why did he give the condensed power to you? Somehow..."

"I don't understand." Xia Xinyi shook his head.

Di Carlo is the most thorough understanding of space science in the Xinghai. He will never do anything inexplicable. This person will condense the power of pure power and give it to Xia Xinyu. There must be something profound...

Shi Yan calmed his face and thought for a while. When he couldn't understand it, he temporarily ran aground and said: "Now, can you face the inner obstacles and not have the invisible sense of restraint?"

"Which is so fast, to adapt to this, if you don't want to be afraid of this place, you need more time." She smiled lightly, and she flashed, and said softly: "Would you not be unbound? Before, always stay with me until I can adapt to the horror of this place?"

"should be……"

Shiyan looked into the distance and thought about it. He encouraged: "In the turbulent flow outside the field, hurricanes, icy, explosions, and streamers are deadly. At least the general **** can't easily get out of it. The power of many great horrors, perhaps Even the immortal realm can be hit hard, you can activities, don't always stop, I will look at you, will remind you early before you encounter a fatal danger."

"it is good."

Xia Xinyi smirked and looked like a shadow, and immediately acted in the direction of Zi Yao.

Shi Yan smiles to follow.

The two in one after the other, flying in the endless voids, sometimes overlooking, and sometimes talking two sentences, the soul is quiet and serene.

The mighty streamer explodes, showing the colorful beauty, the cold ice crystals do not know where to come from, sometimes the Sen Han can carry the frozen starry sky, there is also a mysterious flame, raging and violent, if you want to burn the world, Terrible.

In the turbulent watersheds that are in danger and desperate, Xia Xinyu feels extremely safe, and he has never been so happy.

Because Shiyan is always by her side.

Many years ago, the nightmare-like experience, after these days of wandering in the emptiness of the void, after many dangerous collisions, seems to fade gradually.

She gradually realized the fact that she was not the same as before, but she was more dangerous than that, and she could survive.

There is no time concept here, no matter whether Shiyan or her, I don’t know how long it has been in the past. The two are just flying together, sometimes kissing for a moment, sometimes laughing, enjoying the rare peace in life and enjoying the beauty of the couple alone.

Until, until Shiyan looked shocked one day, the silence was instantly broken.

"What's wrong?" Xia Xinyu suddenly frowned.

The two people were surrounded by a big bang that was formed by the collision of streamers. They were sitting on a floating rock and talking about the past.

Suddenly, Shi Yan’s body trembled and there was a horror on his face. “I can’t sense her existence.”

Xia Xinyu naturally knows who he is, and it is also a pretty change. "How can it be? You are not you have a mark on her body. Is it easy to lock her in this place? Will it be that she accidentally left here?" Leaving, returning to the Fire and Rain Stars and the Malang Stars?"

"Impossible, she did not cultivate the space, it is difficult to find the space to enter the mouth." Shi Yan shook his head, his brow was deep, and his face gradually became dignified.

"The imprint you left, what level of existence can be erased?" Xia Xinyi whispered.

"The immortal level can be erased, but it should not be like that, because if it is erased, I should hurt the soul. And I did not feel the pain, the imprint should still be, just can not perceive her position, really Strange." Shi Yan calmed his face and his eyes flickered.


p: On Monday, just after the Singles Day friend, please also vote for a referral, good intentions, I wish you no longer have to go through this festival~~

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